Source: Mass Awakening | By Shoshi Herscu Moving to New Earth & Intel about the Mass Arrests – video and podcast In this video, I discu...

Source: Mass Awakening | By Shoshi Herscu
Moving to New Earth & Intel about the Mass Arrests – video and podcast
In this video, I discuss about New Earth and intel about the mass arrests (yes, they are happening!!!), 5D consciousness, and how we are going to transition, or already transitioning, to new earth.
Moreover, how does the mass awakening help us shift to 5D consciousness and ultimately, into New Earth, and how is it connected to the ongoing battle between good and evil on earth.
A lot is happening and the light is winning although it seems to be the opposite.
This video is based on my last article entitled The Mass Awakening of Humanity and Moving to New Earth
Watch here:
We are living during historical times of great transformation. We need to awaken as many people as possible. You are important to this mass awakening of humanity. Please remember this and share far and wide on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other social media networks. Thanks.
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My name is Shoshi Herscu, an investigative journalist and activist from Israel. My book, Mass Awakening, tells the story of my personal awakening, as well as that of all humanity, to the massive deception of the world’s Elite controllers and their devastating agendas. It is an exposé on dark agendas and how people are fighting back offering hope for the future.
I could’ve gone into denial, but Mass Awakening is my way of “fighting back” by documenting humanity awakening to these generational abusers.
To the Victory of the Light & Let’s Make Earth Great Again.
Copyright (c) 2019 Shoshi Herscu
* All Rights Reserved *
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