THE LATEST FROM ECETI ECETI.ORG More questions that need answers. Who was the Dominion employee caught on video downloading data on a USB , ...

More questions that need answers.
Who was the Dominion employee caught on video downloading data on a USB , plugging it into a laptop, manipulating data, ‘Likely in [B]idens favor as in most other cases” then steals the USB. Who were the other Dominion employees seen accessing the voting machines and what were they doing?
Why are so many democrats and rhinos heavily invested in Dominion and other voting software, did they get kickbacks and promises of reelection?
Why are hostile governments also heavily invested in voting machines, machines used in banana republics and socialist countries with Smartmatic technology designed to rig an election and why are these easily hacked systems with built in access including internet being used in America?
Why are votes being tallied in other countries like Germany and Belgium? Why is there not a chain of command to insure the tallies are not tampered with? Most important why is the raid on the Dominion servers in Germany now in the white hat control hardly getting a mention and what did they find? Hint extreme fraud technologically shifting votes to [B]iden and deleting votes for Trump
Why were there 25 plus USB cards loaded into the machines unsupervised according to highly credible witnesses followed by a massive spike in votes for [B]iden?
How can Trump be ahead with massive lead, the red wave despite extreme witnessed fraud after the polls closed then in the wee hours of the morning [B]iden defies all statistical odds coming out the winner? Why did truckloads of ballots, hundreds of thousands of ballots almost all marked [B]iden according to multiple witnesses mysteriously appear, enter unsecure areas with no oversight followed by illegally being entered into the system? Which leaders are ignoring this and did this also include the house and senate races, governors?
Why are leaders of mostly democratic states so furiously against a real recount where signatures and ballot numbers match the envelopes or inspection of the machines? What are they hiding? Why are they destroying the evidence in some cases against court orders a ploy so often used by democrats? Do they really think the American people are that stupid and will ignore all of this? Do they think the pathological liars in the main stream press and social media can cover all this up? Do they think they can cover up the fact that the lame stream press and social media is an extension of the DNC which now from top down has been severely compromised by hostile governments?
In all their arrogance of course they do.
Conclusion: This is one of the most massive highly orchestrated attempts to steal elections using 100s of thousands if not millions of fake ballots, server manipulations, illegal changes in rules and regulations that has ever been witnessed in the history of earth.
Wake up America you are losing your country.
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