Reader Post | By SteveG Is Humanity a Lost Cause? I’ve heard more than once about how many star-nations have written us off as hopeless be...

Reader Post | By SteveG
Is Humanity a Lost Cause?
I’ve heard more than once about how many star-nations have written us off as hopeless because we’re so messed up and entrenched in a negative, self-destructive loop. What they don’t realize is that things ain’t exactly normal down here.
We have been subjugated, mind-controlled, dumbed-down with fluoride (a known toxin) in our drinking water, GMO’s in our food, vaccines that slowly kill and contain RNA “re-writes” as well as nanobots that can be activated by 5G to affect our behavior (think cyborg), chemtrails containing barrium, aluminum, strontium and other toxins. We get death from the skies, death in our water and death in our food, not to mention continual mind-numbing negativity and hopelessness broadcast 24/7 from the main-stream news media.
Is it any wonder that we’re so messed up? Is it really our fault? It’s been said that we originally had 10 strands of our DNA disconnected, shielding us from our higher powers and knowledge of our divinity so we would be easier to control by the powers-that-be over the ages.
Think Annunaki, Illuminati, Club of Rome, Committee of 300, the Jesuits, etc. But in the end... WE WIN and will not die off or fade into oblivion. We have immense help from the higher realms.
Be positive. Set your intention for ascension. Visualize humanity in harmony. Fill your heart with joy. Forgive others. Live in Peace. Your immune system will be strengthened and your vibratory frequency will be elevated. And above all, give thanks and express gratitude for what you DO have!
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