Founder of vaccine safety website, ex-pharma insider found dead 'If something were to happen to me,' Brandy Vaughan wrote in late 20...

Founder of vaccine safety website, ex-pharma insider found dead
'If something were to happen to me,' Brandy Vaughan wrote in late 2019, 'it’s foul play and you know exactly who and why.'
Tue Dec 15, 2020 - 8:33 pm EST
Image: Brandy Vaughan.Eva-Lotta Ryd / YouTube
December 15, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) — Brandy Vaughan, a former sales executive for the pharmaceutical company Merck and the founder of, a website dedicated to educating people on the risks associated with vaccines, was apparently found dead by her nine-year-old son on December 8.
According to Children’s Health Defense, Vaughan is reported to have died of “gallbladder complications,” although the source of the report has not been cited, nor has it shared the specific cause of the complications (such as a gallbladder rupture).
Soon after learning of her death, a friend of Vaughn’s, Erin Elizabeth, shared screenshots of a Facebook post Vaughan had written in December of 2019, in which she assured readers that she was not suicidal and did not take any drugs that would cause her to die suddenly.
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