Donald J. Trump as Andrew Jackson || David Lifschultz

Operation Disclosure | By David Lifschultz, Contributing Writer December 30, 2020 DONALD J. TRUMP AS ANDREW JACKSON Compliments of the Lifs...

Operation Disclosure | By David Lifschultz, Contributing Writer

December 30, 2020


Compliments of the Lifschultz Organization founded in 1899

I was negotiating a real estate deal with Donald Trump and we had the closing at the Trump Tower. While we talked in his office the lawyers were working on the final details as you have at closings, and he talked about several beauties he was dating of great fame and loveliness as an 18 year old tennis professional on the tour. He then asked me who I thought was the most beautiful of them all. I said Ivana Turmp whom he had not mentioned. He said I knew you would say that.

I then asked him if he wanted me to tell him how to be the greatest man in the world. He said yes. I then told him the story about Genghis Kahn who was a great conqueror who had riches, and beautiful wives, and lands, and conquered territories, but went to the wise men of China with a troubling question. I have all that I ever wanted but one thing. And the wise men asked what was that. And he said I want to live forever. How can I? And they replied that we cannot tell you that but we can tell you how you can live the longest time. And he said to them how. And they replied he should not give his strength to women.

Donald jumped up and waved his hand in the air saying how true, how true. Nick Riblis then walked in and he said David thinks that the greatest men in the world did not give their strength to women, and Riblis raised his hand to his chin and said this is most interesting. I then knew that Donald Trump would be POTUS as he was the most qualified as just demonstrated. Number one of the [d]eep state did not think so and said Ronald Perelman was much smarter. I did not agree. And look how decayed Ronald looks. Revlon is sinking and Donald made a giant impression on the world as President as Andrew Jackson. He has more work to do.

Alexander the Great as told by Plutarch felt closest to death during the conjugal act and when he was asleep. This is very [d]eep and profound as in the Garden of Eden Adam and Eve after they ate the forbidden fruit were condemned by God to die whose first emotion in that state was that they perceived themselves in a state of concupiscence and clothed themselves there being a direct connection to the conjugal act and death. The more frequently it is used the shorter is the life span as can be seen in the Bible that polygamy shortened their lives with King Solomon who had 700 wives and 300 concubines lived little more than 50 years. Sleep is also connected to death as it is an abbreviated form of death whereas death is a longer form of sleep as told in the Bible in the following passages regarding the passage of the soul to Heaven if good, or to Hell if bad, and the awaking or resurrection from death: Ecclesiastes 7:12, Isaiah 14:9, and Daniel 12:2. The holy fear sleep as they are afraid of a polluting dream (as in Deuteronomy 12:10) so that they keep their thoughts pure during the day lest they shorten their life or destroy their youth. This is why they do not look at uncovered women by day, or think about it, as Jacob who did not look at his wife even on his marriage night at 84 in her birthday suit as it might reflect in his dream during sleep. He did not therefore know that it was not his bride to be Rachel but Leah. Alexander in his pure youth was designated then by God in Macedonia in his dream to conquer Persia as related by Josephus (Daniel 1:8-27). This is why the state must ban pornography and immodest attire in public or movies as it can ruin the beauty of a nation as discussed in the postscript.

To return to Trump as a modern Andrew Jackson, he was attacked for declaiming against rigged currencies, against immigration targeting the wages of the poor to ruin them, and wanting detente with Russia at the start of his presidency. Jackson was hated by the [d]eep state, and it was they (the financiers or usurers) who created the rebellion against England along with the French for their geopolitical reasons, and it is they (Rothschilds) who hate Trump. Jackson shut down the then equivalent of the Federal Reserve somewhat paralleling Trump's attack on that corrupt institution explaining as follows:
“Gentlemen! I too have been a close observer of the doings of the Bank of the United States. I have had men watching you for a long time, and am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country. When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank. You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I let you go on, you will ruin fifty thousand families, and that would be my sin! You are a den of vipers and thieves. I have determined to rout you out, and by the Eternal, (bringing his fist down on the table) I will rout you out!”
― Andrew Jackson
Then and now in the US the financiers rig the markets with their cash settlement derivatives manipulating trillions in profits, and when something goes wrong as in 1987, 2008, and today, they are bailed out, so Larry Fink saved them as the stock market soars and the poor in the US are being evicted from their homes just as Andrew Jackson explains in the above quotes above. That is why the [d]eep state controlled media treats Trump with such hatred as he is trying to stop this and the media are the servants of the [d]eep state.

Trump has tackled the greatest issues of our day and the [d]eep state hated him as they felt tariffs against allies as South Korea, Japan and the NATO countries of the EU would disrupt our alliances. It was stupid to destroy the greatest industrial power of the world by giving our allies our source of power and that is the real reason behind the desire to overthrow Donald Trump. You cannot rule the world for long with intrinsically worthless paper money as England learned. Trump is is right.

And now the election has been stolen in league with a foreign PYSOP operation consisting of the coronavirus based on a pandemic myth created by the false PCR tests and the stolen election. The foreign PSYOP OPERATION is linked to both. This is clearly treason and the corrupt Supreme Court is in league with them.

We have demonstrated the Supreme Court corruption in earlier papers and it is the most evil institution in America. It has destroyed the US school system under the Mafia frontman and former Governor of California Earl Warren. Warren raised his wine glass at Toots Shor's restaurant to Albert Anastasia who raised his glass at the same time from another table in a toast of remembrance of their working together in California which collaboration continued at the Supreme Court when necessary. The Supreme Court murdered American 60 million souls in abortion and contributed to the murder of another 1.5 billion around the world not counting the after morning pill for abortion.

Now let's turn to how the Trotskyite oligarchs on Wall Street are raping the United States with their cash settlement manipulation linked to half the trades on the New York Stock Exchange in what they call as a euphemism systemic trading. These are the monsters who created the Amazons, Facebooks, Googles and Twitter, and the media combines, that have effected state censorship of the United States covering up all the corruption and the foreign PYSOP OPERATION. They are traitors and guilty of treason.

King James Version Song of Sons 8:12

My vineyard, which is mine, is before me: thou, O Solomon, must have a thousand, and those that keep the fruit thereof two hundred.

Here it says that Solomon taxed the Israelites 80% leaving them with 20% while Joseph set up Egypt based on a 20% tax which made Egypt the richest nation in the world at the time of Julius Caesar. Why did Solomon tax so highly when at peace? It was because he violated all the special laws of Kings in the Bible. He multiplied to himself gold, horses and wives. See Deuteronomy 17:15-20. It was the moral decay in multiplying wives that led to his greed as described in the Song of Songs.

I was in Russia and I wanted to find out about the moral character of their Trotskyite oligarchs. The way you do this is date the most beautiful girls in Moscow. As birds of a feather flock together, they will know what is going on in the homes of the super rich. I took out a 25 year old beauty who had a masters degree in finance. The richest of the oligarchs dated her, and when she visited one at his home she caught him with a 10 year old girl in flagrante delecto. She ran horrified out of his house. She said her friends had similar experiences with other Trotskyite oligarchs. We see this with our own ruthless Trotskyite oligarchs on Wall Street who visited the Epstein island.

I explained to her the holy concept of marriage of Saint Augustine which required that the conjugal act be restricted to procreation once a month, and if menstruation did not follow the act, then you knew your wife was pregnant and you would not have any more conjugal acts until after pregnancy and nursing. Of course, no act could be during an menstruation, pregnancy, nursing, and after menopause as it would violate the commandment that each act must have a fruitful end (Genesis 1:28). This ties into the concept of the Bible that you should not give your strength to women in Proverbs 31:3. It was the view of the Seminary trained Stalin which incorporated it in his school curriculum for the Russian children. Since as Napoleon said moral is to the material as three is to one, Stalin left Russia the greatest power in the world in 1953 when they were the first to detonate a hydrogen bomb.

Others younger and more beautiful than she would ask me up to their apartment which I declined. They would ask are you afraid? And I said my mother taught me not to give my strength to women (Proverbs 31:3). They could not stop laughing and told their friends in Moscow and I was the talk of the town. So the Biblical word spread in Moscow. There is more to this issue than that as living this way increases the length of life, and as in the case of Sarah the wife of Abraham, she preserved her beauty as the most beautiful woman in the world even after she was much older being sought after by Pharaoh, king of Egypt, at 65 and by King Abimelech when she was 90 as she was so beautiful. This is discussed in detail at the end of this essay in a postscript.

Moses is the highest example of holiness in history. He married at 77 and had only two experiences with his wife that bore two sons, and at 80 became a holy prophet with God all the time so he practiced holy abstinence as he could not be unclean in God's presence. Moses did not die a natural death at 120 as he was in perfect health and had no wrinkles on his face and twenty twenty vision as described in Deuteronomy 34:7. He died by the mouth of God (Deuteronomy 34:5) and some interpret this the kiss of God as his brother Aaron. The Levites were the holiest of the tribes of Israel as they only had the conjugal act once a month until their wives became pregnant and then practiced holy abstinence for the 9 month period of pregnancy and two years of nursing. That is why the age separation between Moses and Aaron and Miriam was three years each and the Levites were the tribe that had the least in numbers.

Saint Augustine taught that the conjugal act can only be used with procreative intent (once a month) and otherwise it is a sin. That means it cannot be used in pregnancy or nursing or during menstruation or after menopause. This is agreed to in the Nachmanides commentary on Leviticus 18:6 and the Koran at 2 Surah 223. When Luther read Rashi's comment on Genesis 49:3 in the Nicholas de Lyra Latin commentary on the Bible, he called it insane and false where it said that Jacob at 84 when he first married had never had a conjugal experience in wake or sleep where it says in the verse it was the first of his strength. In other words, he practiced perfect holy continence in wake or sleep for 84 years.

Here we find the source of the Protestant heresy of Luther in his "Bondage of the Will" where he essentially blames original sin in the Garden of Eden for his failure as a priest to sleep in purity. In essence he says it is impossible to be good which was answered by the Council of Trent where it is said that God does not require us to do the impossible. Here is the source of John Calvin's predestination which can be found in today's econometrics. I was sitting near George Soros at the Huggy Bear Party in the Hamptons where I related to him that his many books on economics can be reduced to two words. He asked what these words were and I said free will. In other words, he disagreed with econometric predestination in accordance with Rothschild principles. He said that was an oversimplification. I then asked him why he mentioned the name in his books of Baron Eduard de Rothschild's former right hand man, and the number one of the [d]eep state of the United States through to about 1985, and he and his wife turned white. In World War Two he was the key man in the OSS in France. He had mentioned in his book that this gentleman had gotten him US citizenship. I was sitting then next to a former beautiful professional tennis player who played Lindsay Davenport in the US Open at Forest Hills and was a frequent guest at the Soros mansion in the Hamptons where they played doubles. He turned white and so did his wife. That tennis player that accompanied me to the Huggy Bear was no longer invited by this agent of the Rothschilds to his Hampton Estate and a high officer of Vitol was despatched to see me at our Larchmont Harbor home to determine who I really was. Her beauty was later extolled by Donald Trump at the Michael Milken pro-am tennis tournament at Mar El Lago that I trained her hitting my 120 mile an hour serve and 90 mile an hour forehand but her partner let her down so she failed to win.


If we consider that only eight people were saved in the flood of Noah of the estimated 18 billion people that then lived as calculated by the longevity of the first ten patriarchs from Adam to Noah by a modern mathematician, then we wonder what the future of the world is now when all the moral laws have been broken by almost everyone. Since God promised not to bring another flood on the earth demonstrating this by the sign of the rainbow, it does not preclude other forms of destruction as took place at Sodom and Gomorrah for their homosexuality when there could not be found ten good people other than Lot, his wife, and two daughters. If we examine this area in what is called the Dead Sea or salt sea, it appears as a giant crater hit by a hundred hundred megaton nuclear bombs. When I was standing there, I remarked this to my friends when three scientists overheard the conversation and said that they could not but hear my words and that they had found radioactivity in the area that they could not explain. They noted that at Hiroshima and Nagasaki after the nuclear bombs were detonated, the places were covered with salt. Lot's wife had become a pillar of salt just by looking at it when forbidden. My classics teacher said that the creation of the nuclear weapons were created in modern times as though the ancient Greeks could not have done it but he said that they probably could have but believed that this would not be a fair way to wage war. We could not have the chariot duel between Achilles and Hector. There could be no heroism. The English have a saying that the Battle of Waterloo was won on the playing fields of Eton. Then there was a English concept of fair play by the rules that went by the wayside when the Eton became sodomitic as in World War Two when Churchill ordered England to bomb Dresden which was not a military target killing 250,000 mostly fleeing women, children and elderly war refugees that were there that were largely undocumented having just arrived from the east. When this was discovered by the British flyers, Churchill denied any part of it, and this led almost to a rebellion against this Harrow sodomist by the air force high command who had followed his orders. This scoundrel then relented and conceded his responsibility. That is why England is no longer a power of any consequence as their private schools became leading centers of sodomy. In any event, the modern world is in danger of a nuclear war that can destroy most of the earth at a time that the morality has declined to the level of Noah's flood. This is a subject of deep concern.

Some centuries back there was a Catholic King and Queen who had five sons. On the birth of the fifth son this good woman nearly died and her physicians told her that she would die if she had a sixth son. She conveyed the terrible news to her husband and felt wretched for the sake of her husband that she could have no more children. She did not want to deny her husband more children so she offered him one of the most beautiful peasant girls in the Kingdom to be his second wife to produce for him additional children. Her husband replied that he was a Christian and would serve God from then on in holy continence as these two devoted married royals thereafter lived. The five sons became the most prominent men in Europe and this was truly a blessed pair with blessed children. This was not by accident but based on the virtue of the parents. Virtue, my friends, is the only true aristocracy.

The above is a true story told by Daniel Defoe in a book entitled "The Use and Abuse of the Marriage Bed." In this book he proclaimed the holy concept of marriage being that the use of the marriage bed should be exclusively for the purpose of procreation in accordance with the teaching of Holy Scripture under the commandment of "be fruitful and multiply."

There are few who know today that the source of the greatness of America was founded on a number of doctors throughout the 19th century from Dr. William Andrus Alcott to Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, the latter who invented the corn flakes. These folks taught holy matrimony as medical science. Kellogg lived from 1852 to 1943 and was behind the movement that medically supported Saint Augustin's rigoristic concept of marriage (marital relations without the possibility of children was a form of sin) as yielding beauty and youthfulness for the longest time and supporting the health of the married participants. His works prove that virtue and pursuing the moral laws are not only ideal but practical. Who would not wish to preserve their beauty indefinitely and die as Moses without a wrinkle on his or her face at the age of 120 (Moses married at 77 according to Nachmanides, the Spanish Bible Commentator, and practiced perfect holy continence until 77 when he married, and when he died it is said that his face was unwrinkled. See Deuteronomy 34:7, where the word for unwrinkled in rooted in the Hebrew word lach for moisture as wrinkled skin comes from its drying out. Moses also had 20-20 vision according to the Bible as his eyes did not dim. Virtue was the true way to stay the ageing process. Moses had only two children in the three years according to Levite practice where children were spaced between pregnancy and nursing for about three years during which holy continence was practiced making it the holiest tribe of Israel and at 80 served God day and night for forty years which meant in his entire life he had only two conjugal acts and no nocturnal emissions (Deuteronomy 23:10) as he kept his thoughts always pure. The holy saints as Jacob who married at 84 having lived in holy continence all his life and having had no nocturnal emissions. We can see that in the fact that Jacob would not look at Leah disrobed on his marriage night so that he did not discover until morning that it was not Rachel. Even Bridget Bardot recognized the converse principle when she said she gave her beauty and youth to men or her 100 paramours creating her hideous ugliness at 75.

Moses was praised in the "Prince" by Machiavelli as the greatest leader in world history who defeated the democratic forces or mob that moved against God by sentencing the entire male population above 20 totalling over 600,000 to death for rebellion against God and maintained his rule excluding Joshua and Caleb who were virtuous. Democracy and Republics are concepts invented by ancient Greek homosexuals.

Kellogg led the fight against pornography and birth control devices with Anthony Comstock enacting severe legislation against these attacks against the family, and Henry Ford, Thomas Edison and other major industrial figures supported Kellogg. There is no coincidence that the chief proponents of revolutionary manufacturing techniques and high family wages such as Ford were motivated by Kellogg, and these men made the United States the greatest industrial power in the world achieving half the world's productive power by 1940. Steve Jobs idolized Ford and he was his model in a material sense but not a moral sense, and died prematurely in his sins (Proverbs 10:27). The beauty in those days (1900) of women in America was phenomenal and due to the cultivation of virtue and throughout the west American girls were regarded as the most beautiful. Ugliness and social misery has risen in the west today which is in parallel to the precipitous decline of moral values with the promotion of homosexual perversity, sodomistic marriage, and 1.5 billion abortion murders not including the murders by the after morning pill.

The preservation of youth through old age is found supported all over Holy Scripture. The life of the man who lived the longest, Methusaleh, married later than anyone else at 187 after practicing holy continence for that period, and lived to 969. Yared married at 162 and lived to 962 whereas Adam had Seth at 130, and earlier for Cain and Abel, and lived a 930 years. Their late marriages more limited their cohabitation though it was most definitely within the holy concepts outlined here. Caleb the son of Jephunneh at 85 years old was as strong a warrior as when he was 40 as related by him in Joshua 14:7, 10, and 11, and we can deduce he lived as Moses in holiness so his youth was preserved. King David's friend Barzillai was unable at 80 hear singing having aged very considerably which must be attributed to the polygamy of the rich in those days (King David had six wives and numerous concubines that shortened his life to 70 years not to speak of his sin with Bathsheba) and this makes our point and is the most telling point from a physiological standpoint against polygamy.

Polygamy was justified in the Old Testament on the basis that many women would not be able to fulfil the commandment to be fruitful and multiply as commanded in Genesis I:28 as often male casualties were high in war if the whole population was not holy, see Deuteronomy 20:13. On the other hand, if the Turkish Sultan has a thousand wives and concubines, and so the other rich, it can deny the poor the availability of women. The effect of excess wives and concubines is deleterious to the King as Solomon who abandoned the true religion and died in his fifties. This is the key to understanding Old Testament times.

Deuteronomy 17:17: King James Bible

Neither shall he multiply wives to himself, that his heart turn not away: neither shall he greatly multiply to himself silver and gold.

Those that practice the new natural family planning or rhythm error in present Catholic teaching treat their marriages as a form of legalized prostitution as if they had as Solomon a thousand wives and concubines thereby awfully degenerating their wives into premature hags, and it was my personal experience in visiting homes for signing petitions from those who voted right to life to see the ageing of these parents of few children who were so obviously misled by this Siren song of natural family planning that leads to physical shipwreck, rack and ruin. There can be no concealing the past of an individual as their deeds appear on their faces. (Natural family planning seeks to use the infertile periods in the menstrual cycle for performing the conjugal act which is a form of prostitution in marriage. It is an abomination.)

We see holiness in Holy Scriptures in the case of Sarah, Abraham's wife. Abimelech, King of Gerar in Genesis 20 took Sarah in her 89th to 90th year as she was then the most beautiful woman in the world. He was plagued by God and he returned her. Now, Sarah lived to 127. Let's say our average age is 80 for women, then if Sarah was 70% through her life at 90, then an 80 year old woman would be the equivalent of 56. Benedict Pererius, the Spanish Jesuit philosopher, says that this beauty was preserved by Sarah, if not created, by avoiding the common usage of mankind of ruining their beauty by immoderate use of venereal pleasures, which for sure makes a woman grow old and ugly. We saw such ageless beauty in Joan of Aragon, Queen of Castille, and Louise Borgia, the Duchess of Valentinois and the Marchioness de Vasca, of whom Pierre de Bourdeille, seigneur (and Abbe) de Brantome wrote as follows:

"She was praised most highly (the Marchioness of Vasca) that he placed her among the lasting beauties. For after repeating the fine things.........that her autumn surpassed all the springs and summers there in the room, he adds, and indeed she was still fairer, and more desirable, than either of her two daughters, though both being fair and young. And though she was, then, near sixty years of age, the Grand Prior was immediately jolted and shaken by her fairness. And after six years from then, he saw her again but little changed, and still so fair, that he was so devastated by her beauty that he was hardly capable any longer of the reasoning process her beauty was so matchless". (Drawn from Pierre Bayle's Historical and Critical Dictionary under Sarah.)

It is important to note that we have evidence in Holy Scripture of the holy continence of Sarah in that (see Genesis 18:11) "Sarah's laughing within herself is also a proof of her extraordinary continence and chastity. You will find cadaverous old women who are more lascivious than young women. Sarah was not of that kind. As long as there was hope of offspring, she had marital relations with her husband (once a month, as Queen Zenobia of Palmyra, who only would receive her husband to her bed once a month, and when menstruation stopped, then never through pregnancy and nursing thereby creating a three year age separation between Aaron, Moses and Miriam. The Levites, the holiest of tribes which were the tribe of Moses, therefore was the least in number because they waited out these three year cycles, and waited for the blessing of God. But after her age put an end to this hope after menopause, she refrained from such marital relations and looked for offspring from Hagar.....This chastity is by no means an insignificant virtue..... These people are really angels compared to the others, because they desire to make use of marriage only for procreation...... and I simply count them among the angels..... For it is a great gift of the Almighty if I look for and desire only offspring from a woman....Such a man was Abraham, whom I count among the angelic husbands who desire "Godly offspring", as Malachi says in 2:15." (Luther's Bible commentary) If it had not been for the the angel telling Sarah that she was to become pregnant from Abraham she would never have received Abraham in her bed having passed menopause as outlined in Genesis 18:10 and 18:11 as it violated natural and Biblical law against cohabitation for children when there could be no children. Here is a major teaching against rhythm.

Saint Augustine in his "City of God" discusses the fact that Plato studied under the Prophet Jeremiah in Egypt. He goes into a discourse as to whether this dating history is accurate for according to the Pagan Ptolemy Canon it is not, but according to the Biblical dating system found in Seder Olam the Prophet Jeremiah was in Egypt at the same time as Plato. It is a tradition brought down both by St. Augustine and the Hebrews that this was so. The studies of Plato under Jeremiah are brought down in his "Laws" and below he learned what the commandment in the Bible "Be Fruitful and Multiply" means which can be found in Book Eight:

A good objection; but was I not just saying that I had a way to make men use natural love and abstain from unnatural, not intentionally destroying the seeds of human increase, or sowing them in stony places, in which they will take no root; and that I would command them to abstain too from any female field of increase in which that which is sown is not likely to grow? Now if the law to this effect could only be made perpetual, and gain an authority such as already prevents intercourse of parents and children---such a law extending to other sensual desires, and conquering them, would be the source of a thousand blessings. For, in the first place, moderation is the appointment of nature, and deters men from all frenzy and madness of love, and from all adulteries and immoderate use of meat and drinks, and makes them good friends of their own wives. And innumerable other benefits would result if such be a law could only be enforced. I can imagine some lusty youth is standing by, and who, on hearing this enactment, declares in scurrilous terms, that we are making foolish and impossible laws, and fills the world with his outcry.....

That youth was Count Leo Tolstoy who went to college in Moscow about 1846 who was taught that going to houses of ill fame was good for the health but repented later of this foul view and lived according to the teaching of Saint Augustine in his marriage having 13 children. Tolstoy said the doctors of the time taught that this was healthy to satisfy lusts so. This was not a new view then. In Germany around 1500 found the same teaching then that the satisfaction of desires in houses of ill fame were necessary for single men as otherwise they would rape the married women. (Austria must again close its whorehouses where even red light districts are tolerated as Queen Maria Therese mandated their closings ages ago.) There was no logic to this as the more degenerate a person became the worse danger that there would be attacks by the single men of married women. In other words, the more degeneracy does not deter vice but increases the appetite for it, and similarly therefore natural family planning serves no moral purpose as it proposes a form of marital vice to quell concupiscence that really enlarges it once it is separated from procreation. The ancient physicians maintained 99% of the illnesses were generated by the excessive venereal pleasure which natural family planning encourages.

In the spirit of Ecumenism, I will briefly scan the literature of Islam and Judaism for their views on the subject. In the Koran Surah 2, verse 223, it is written that "your wives are as a tilth". The commentary of Abdullah Yusur Ali says that a member of Islam does not sow out of season (rhythm or NFP), for he sows to reap the harvest. Philo of Judaeus tells us that the menstrual period is outlawed for procreation as the blood flowing out is like a flooded field, and therefore constitutes a form of birth control strictly prohibited for that reason as a mortal sin in Leviticus 15:19. In other words, it is impossible for the seed to be sown properly in the field. Philo goes on to say that "he must remember the lesson that generative seeds should not be wasted fruitlessly for the sake of gross and untimely pleasure." See his Special Laws Three, Section Six. This teaching was exemplified in the life of the Queen Zenobia of Palmyra who would only receive her husband once a month for having children, and then watched for menstruation to see if she was pregnant. If she menstruated, then she would receive her husband once again the following month for only a single time, and if she did not menstruate, then she would practice holy continence through pregnancy and nursing. As in agricultural ploughing and sowing, it is proper and fit to use the amount of seed that is most conducive to the field growing properly and not steep the land in excessive seed. That is why once a month as Zenobia practiced is the maximum allowed. The Spanish Rabbi Nachmanides in Lev. 18:5 commentary states that "know that sexual intercourse is held distant and in detestable in the Pentateuch unless it is for the preservation of the species, and therefore where there can be no offspring it is forbidden". Flavius Josephus in his Book 2 written "Against Apion" states "that the marriage act is only to be used for the procreation of children".

Let's return to the Fathers of the Church: Clement of Alexandria in his "On Marriage" in Chapter 11 states in summary that the age difference of three years for Moses, Aaron and Miriam being three years each--Miriam is an estimate--allowed nine months for pregnancy--and no one ever saw in Holy Scripture where a man approached a pregnant woman-- and about a year and a half or two years for nursing of holy continence during nursing. Amram and Jochebed were holy parents. Dr. Kellogg maintained in his work "Plain Facts For Young and Old" that such holy parents foster virtue (he discusses this in medical terms) while those who practice overindulgence create a nervous atmosphere in the home that creates a neurotic family state that makes it difficult if not almost impossible for the children to be good and holy avoiding nocturnal emissions. The sins of the father are truly visited on the children (Exodus 20:5).

The most important aspect of child raising is inculcating in children Christian holiness. This means that during all their waking and sleeping hours their thoughts should be holy and pure so that there are no nocturnal emissions. Our entire society should be founded on this principle of eliminating all influences that lead to sin and degeneracy. We see that holiness in the life of Jacob or Israel where he lived for 84 years before he married in holy continence day and night as can be proved in Holy Scripture in Genesis 49:3 where the first of his power refers to procreative power, which power creates the conception in partnership with God and his wife Leah. The conception of Reuben indicates the first use of his procreative power based on this verse and Jacob had no nocturnal emissions day or night prior to his marriage. Dr. Martin Luther contemned this interpretation of Rabbi Solomon Isaac of Troyes in his Genesis commentary on this passage, as he read cited in the Latin Catholic commentary of Nicholas de Lyra, as impossible, and we see here the source of his failing as a priest. He could not maintain holy continence in sleep. In addition, this was essentially the foundation of his concept of predestination or bondage of the will based on an erroneous interpretation that his nocturnal emissions were the consequences of original sin as a rationalization for his inability to practice holy continence or be good. In other words, this fool thought he could not be good because of original sin. This is the basis of the insanity of John Calvin's predestination. God has not denied us free will nor does God require of us the impossible (See Council of Trent which declared as Anathema the concept that God requires the impossible. God expects of us to maintain pure thoughts so that our sleep is pure.)

I wish to emphasize again that the Catholic Austrian State must end all immodest exposures of women as this can lead to men having nocturnal emissions. Alexander the Great said that he feared two things above all else which were sleep and sexual intercourse as he believed these two phenomenon were closest to death. What is interesting about this observation is that in the Garden of Eden the first response of Adam and Eve to their sin in eating from the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil was that they were embarrassed to see each other naked and made forms of clothes. It is here we see the connection as Alexander the Great to sexual intercourse and death as the sin of eating the forbidden fruit brought about death. This is why excessive use of the marital act as defined above shortens life. We even see it in holy marriage where even the dissemination of seed is treated as a form of uncleanness as a corpse even in a holy embrace of marriage for children as not all of the seed produces children but many die. This it required immersion in water and the husband and wife could not be clean to participate in the Holy Temple service until evening or sunset.

It is also important to realize the the soul is created by God before the actual cohabitation of the husband and wife, and we see that evidence in the book of Jeremiah 1:5 where God says he knew Jeremiah before the ensoulment of the soul of Jeremiah in the womb of his mother as a fetus at conception, and this teaches us that if people seek to disrupt the procreative process by desiring to disseminate their seed in vain in a rhythm method or through artificial means, then the soul that God has created for that seed is prevented from coming into being as a human being which constitutes a form of murder of that soul for which God slew Er and Onan (Genesis 38:9 and 10). This goes deeper than this. That soul was in a kind of limbo from the onanistic sins of Er and Onan. The basis of the Levirate marriage was to save these souls. Judah refused to give Tamar his last son Shelah out of fear he would die, and Tamar tricked Judah into having a relationship with her whereby the two souls that had been denied entrance to life by the actions of Er and Onan found themselves in the womb of Tamar as Pharez and Zerah. In this way holy Israel did not lose any souls. Pharez was the ancestor of King David for which reason King David said he was conceived in sin as Tamar was the daughter-in-law of Judah his ancestor (Psalms 51:5). However, if they were no levirate, then that soul in limbo would die which is considered murder.

This is not widely understood but the fact that the soul is murdered in abortion has also as one of its basis this verse in Jeremiah. It also has this basis in the Septuagint as indicated in the quote below revised according to the Septuagint. That is why the Biblical authorities teach us that masturbation is equal to murder for his hands are full of blood (Isaiah 1:15), and NFP (Natural Family Planning, or rhythm or the Knaus-Ogino Method) is the equivalent of that in intent and result if not in form and is thus a mortal sin.

Exodus 21:22-23

King James Version

If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her children depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman's husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine.22 And if any mischief follow (to the children or child in the womb or mother), then thou shalt give life for life,23

As an aside, the United States and the Ukraine essentially voted for the National Socialist movement in the Ukraine.

The United States and the Ukraine voted against the resolution which calls on the United Nations States to undertake a series of measures to counter the rise of national socialism in the Ukraine and elsewhere. The resolution, already adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on December 18, 2019, was approved by the Third Committee with 122 votes in favor, including those of two permanent members of the Security Council, Russia and China. Only two members of the United Nations voted against: the United States (permanent member of the Security Council) and Ukraine. Certainly according to an internal directive, the other 29 NATO members, including Italy, abstained. The same goes for the 27 members of the European Union, 21 of which belong to NATO. Among the 53 abstentions are also Australia, Japan and other NATO partners.

What is interesting here is that the National Socialists in the Ukraine are being supported again today for geopolitical balance of power reasons as they were supported in 1933 in Germany by the US and England who loaned three billion gold dollars, one billion gold dollars from the US and two billion gold dollars from England, or about 600 billion dollars in today's fiat dollars and pounds, and this is discussed in detail in this anonymous article printed recently on a right wing website below. Leaders of the National Socialists in the Ukraine said that only Karaite Jews are welcome there who adhere to only the Old Testament which was the German nation's position from 1933-1945. The article below also mentions the Neturei Karta who opposes Zionism but has existed only from 1938 and were not visible in Germany during the 1930s or the United States at that time. See below.

David Lifschultz
Tel: (212) 688-8868

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Operation Disclosure: Donald J. Trump as Andrew Jackson || David Lifschultz
Donald J. Trump as Andrew Jackson || David Lifschultz
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