Operation Disclosure | By Sierra (NZ), Contributing Writer December 18, 2020 As Corey says in this message, he is not setting out to alarm ...

Operation Disclosure | By Sierra (NZ), Contributing Writer
December 18, 2020
As Corey says in this message, he is not setting out to alarm people. He is sharing inside information about the possibility of martial law being implemented very soon. Please use your discernment when reading this - and ALL - information.
I agree with my favorite tweeter about the HAMMER dropping before Christmas. All signs point towards Christmas Eve - General Flynn's birthday and a new USA public holiday. Everyone would be safely at home to hear the Emergency Broadcast message about martial law being activated.🤦🏼♂️ https://t.co/OfXmXgCHxx
— We The Inevitable (@WeTheInevitable) December 18, 2020
Who can forget this image in a Cue drop...?HAMMER TIME https://t.co/KvVxCIDeDq
— We The Inevitable (@WeTheInevitable) December 18, 2020
— We The Inevitable (@WeTheInevitable) December 18, 2020An interesting connection between a new photo of President Trump in the oval office - and a Cue drop...
Finally, yet another connection to a Cue drop. We are living in VERY interesting times.If Lexington' signifies a countdown marker are we then waiting for 'Concord' to pop up? And if so would that be considered a go signal?
— AwakenedOutlaw⚒️ (@AwakenedOutlaw) December 18, 2020
Thoughts? pic.twitter.com/oV6NZkJztP
We Light Warriors have waited a long time for the HAMMER to drop. When it does, it will be suddenly and deadly (to the [D]eep [S]tate). Be prepared with basic items, without going overboard. And most importantly, stay calm.Today is Dec 17 Cue day. We’re exactly 20 days from EPIPHANY, Jan 6, the date of congress COUNTING the electoral votes.
— #ReleaseTheKRAKEN BrunoBarking (@Bruno062418) December 18, 2020
T-20 Countdown... pic.twitter.com/t492TFh8iT
The Alliance has reached the most critical part of the plan. Keep President Trump and the Alliance team in your thoughts and prayers as they make the final push to liberate humanity.
Where We Go One We Go All.
Love and Light
Sierra (NZ)
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