Reader Post | By S.Yokosuka 30years from Japan's [D]eep State, politics, economy, poverty, declining birthrate, deflationary economy, e...

Reader Post | By S.Yokosuka
30years from Japan's [D]eep State, politics, economy, poverty, declining birthrate, deflationary economy, etc.
(Display prohibited: S.Yokosuka)
0. Understand that I am a former SE, not a historian.
I also respect President Trump, who fights against the DS. If possible, I would like to ask you to clean up Japan.
A. Overview
-Japan is located in the "Far East" when viewed from Europe and the United States, and as a result of being an "island country", it has played a major role in preventing aggression from overseas. Japan is located directly above the old map of the West, and it is natural that it is called "Hiizurukuni(日出国)".
・ However, speaking of Japan today, many naturalized people are in control of Japanese politics.
-In addition, because it is a defeated country, Japanese politics is driven by politicians directed by the CIA and CSIS.
・ The exit from the bubble is Too Small, Too Late, and continues to the present.
B. Problem
(1) GHQ era (I think you can find out by examining US materials)
・ In the early postwar period, there were Koreans (Korean, North Korean) such as recruiters(徴用工) who were Japanese at that time, but they wore Japanese soldiers' military uniforms and repeatedly committed crimes. Includes mass jamming, ra|pe and arson. The crime plan is the Japanese Communist Party, and the perpetrator is Korean.
(2) You will remember that postwar politics scattered money to the Liberal Democratic Party, the Socialist Party, and (Communist Party?) And dominated Japanese politics by the CIA. After all, I think it was American politics, not national politics.
(3) You know that through CSIS, Japanese politicians have destroyed the postal savings, pensions, and life insurance that they used to run the state.
If anything, you can find out by interviewing CSIS and the relevant politician.
(4) Post-bubble measures show how Japanese politicians are economic and financially deaf. Japan has stagnated for 30 years, and other countries (especially Southeast Asia) are developing significantly.
(5) Currently, Japan is raising the consumption tax and promoting globalization.
With this, the economy will go out and the people will become more and more poor.
No matter how much wisdom is squeezed, money will flow overseas and the only way to sell it is to lower the price.
As a result, we are in a situation where we cannot pay tuition fees, school lunch fees, and child abuse.
(6) Immigration problem = declining birthrate problem
Immigrants, including Hokkaido and Okinawa, have become a major issue in Japan.
The theory is that immigrants are brought in because there is not enough manpower, but the reason for the lack of manpower is the declining birthrate, and the declining birthrate is due to poverty and the inability to support families.
(7) Speaking of the Ministry of Finance, the national debt is said to be several million yen per person, which instills a sense of fear in the people.
The tax earned by the people will flow overseas, and if the consumption tax is raised further, it is natural that the willingness to purchase will be lost, and deflation will not stop.
It would be great for a very poor person like me, but national savings would decrease and it would be impossible to design the future of the family.
(8) The Ministry of Finance of Japan has a double book called "Special Account". I won't talk anymore because some lawmakers were assassinated in pursuit of this.
The above are problems that I know, even if I am not a politician, and I think that any person who is familiar with them will have problems.
C. Countermeasures
What I can think of now is to "introduce the gold standard and make the common people capitalists" behind the scenes of President Trump.
I know it's not easy because there are adversaries, but I hope it will be realized as soon as possible.
Even today, many people are gone because of poverty.
I wonder if there is anything I can do, but since it is done in secret, there is nothing I can do as a poor man.
How about, I'm hoping that I can understand what I mean.
I wish the end of the slave era.
I will say it again. The only Japanese politicians are DS.
God Bless you, japan, US, and world.
(Japanese Translation)
(1) GHQ時代(米国の資料を調べれば分かると思います)
(2) 戦後政治はCIAが自民、社会、(共産?)にカネをばら撒き、日本の政治を制御したことはあなたたちの記憶にあるでしょう。結局、国民のための政治でなく、米国のための政治だったと思っています。
(3) CSISを通じ、日本の政治家は国家運営に使っていた郵便貯金、年金、生命保険を破壊してきたことはご存知でしょう。
(4) バブル後の対策は日本の政治家がいかに経済・金融音痴であるかを示しています。30年間日本は足踏みし、他の国(特に東南アジア)は大きく発展しています。
(5) 現在日本では消費税を上げ、グローバル化を進めています。
(6) 移民問題=少子化問題
(7) 財務省といえば、国の借金は国民一人当たり数百万円といい、国民に恐怖感を植え付けています。
(8) 日本の財務省には「特別会計」という2重帳簿があります。これを追求して暗殺された議員がいますので私もこれ以上話しません。
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