Operation Disclosure | By RXKendrick, Contributing Writer November 30, 2020 What Are The Odds? Remember Hillary [C]linton wearing a walking...
Operation Disclosure | By RXKendrick, Contributing Writer
November 30, 2020
What Are The Odds?
Remember Hillary [C]linton wearing a walking boot for months, and daughter Chelsea wearing a boot too? And John McCain wearing a surgical boot too?
Remember when John McCain switched from wearing his medical boot from his fractured right foot to his perfectly healthy left foot? McCain said was meant “To give the other foot a break.” No pun intended.

REDDIT posted an article in late 2017 questioning the legitimacy of all the boots back then:
“Both Hillary and John McCain are now wearing boots for supposed foot injuries. More like tracking devices, am I right?”
https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7bewyy/both_hillary_clinton_and_john_mccain_are_now/ )
Now [B]iden will be wearing a boot too, “for several months” according to his latest campaign announcment.
How interesting this “foot-injury boot trend” is continuing among people alleged to have committed many treasonous felony crimes. Like the reports that Hillary [C]linton and Joe [B]iden were complicit in the deaths of “NAVY SEAL Team Six. Who were all killed in Benghazi, Afghanistan on August 6, 2011. When the Chinook Transport Helicopter they were riding in was shot down by a missile supposedly smuggled to them by Hillary and [B]iden and [O]bama.
( See video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DT-RiSVl2Oc )
The $64-million-dollar question being: “Has Joe [B]iden been arrested and set free on bond with an ankle monitor to keep him from leaving the country?”
Sleepy Creepy [J]oe has been indicted on Class A Felony charges of “High Treason” against the Ukrainian people. Might he be wearing the boot now to conceal that he’s been arrested and charged with High Treason against the people of the United States of America too?
It’s gonna’ get really weird if more of Joe’s socialist cronies start injuring their feet too and having to wear the boots too. I mean…
What are the odds?
Maybe the Democratic National Committee should hire a fulltime podiatrist to be on standby for the next broken toe or fractured foot bone. Might be a good idea just in case this trend starts to spread and Kamala and other leading Democrats all injure their feet too.
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