Source: Beach Broadcast | By Santa Surfing November 24, 2020 We the People are well represented! YouTube Trump Cards President Trump Offic...
Source: Beach Broadcast | By Santa Surfing
November 24, 2020
We the People are well represented!
Trump Cards
President Trump Official Site
Before we get started, the White Hats had this picture posted sending us Anons a clear sign that the [C]linton's have been GITMOED. The picture shows both of these Criminals wearing a budget CGI mask:

Now let's move onto the Sidney Powell and Lin Wood news:
Sidney Powell and Lin Wood have dropped more bombs in the past 2 weeks that is getting the Election Fraud Varmits to freak out.

Remember when Lin Wood filed his lawsuit as Lin Wood the plaintiff:

Lin Wood Complaint DropBox
He filed this lawsuit to expose their crimes (GA Election Fraud thugs). Makes me wonder if he got subpoenas for that lawsuit. He had to do this in a form of a lawsuit.
Then yesterday, news broke that Sidney Powell is not with the Trump legal team. Was she ever a part of his legal team?

Then this happened last week. Jenna Ellis and Rudy Guiliani (Trump's legal team) with General Flynn and all smiling:

Now for the Dirty politicians and EFG Varmits that are trying to steal the election, this photo has got to scare all of them! Why? Because General Flynn has a plethora of information about most all of them!


What a blessing to get Amy Coney Barrett confirmed just in time! Or was it the plan all along? Are you seeing the bigger picture? The Battleground states that are highly contentious are assigned to SCOTUS Conservatives (except for AZ).



23 Democrats are now standing for the People!

Some Patriots and Anons are very exhausted in this fight, but think about our President and how he has fought every single hour of each day (including holidays and weekends). He has never stopped fighting. If you are tired, please take a break from it all and know that God has got this! The end of this movie will be glorious. Just hang in there and stay positive. If you surround yourselves with negative people, the negative people will bring you down. It is always easier for a person to pull you into their dark basement than to pull someone out of one.
Bringing power back to you the American people is not an easy task for one Administration to undertake, but they are doing it, with the support of your voices.
What is NESARA all about? Bringing power back to you the American people!

Thank you Angel Anon! Our beautiful Angel Anon will be taking some time to enjoy the holidays. He wishes us a Merry Christmas! We know he's going to be super busy with many other things!!! GREATNESS is on its way and this show will be filled with beautiful surprises. Remember, NESARA is ready to unveil and it is all about a big gorgeous beautiful world. For those in other countries, please be patient, for President Trump has to officially win here in USA and then he can begin to roll out the Greatness and good to other countries.

God Bless you all!!!
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