Operation Disclosure | By RXKendrick, Contributing Writer November 5, 2020 VOTE-COUNTING DEBACLE: Who to blame but CONGRESS!! Ever since I ...

Operation Disclosure | By RXKendrick, Contributing Writer
November 5, 2020
Ever since I was in the first grade and got to hear an announcement from the speaker above the giant chalk board behind the teacher’s desk saying the unthinkable, “President Kennedy has been shot!”
I remember looking around the room at the other first-graders in our class with the same confused looks on their faces. And our teacher got very flustered and seemed disturbed. We resumed class wondering what the heck? The president? Was shot? With a gun? President Kennedy was shot?
A few minutes later another announcement came from the speaker above the chalkboard. And our principal said solemnly, “President Kennedy is dead.” Our teacher started sobbing in front of us then walked out of the classroom as us kids looked around with a half-blank fearful eyes-wide looks on our faces.
Our president? Shot? President Kennedy is dead.”
We were too young to grasp the reality that the vote of the free US citizens had been compromised by bullets not mail-in ballots. Too innocent to have any idea a new day was about to dawn where the perpetrators of the Kennedy assassination would form a lasting cooperative partnership with the major news media of 1964.
And here we are 56-years later witnessing glaring evidence that this terribly evil anti-freedom coalition is up to more manipulating the current election process. And who is distorting announcements to the public to confuse, if not redirect them, but the MSM mainstream media!
How did our mainstream media become so fricking compromised anyway?
Well, if we go back to the Kennedy’s assassination, we find the answer to that question in the mix of crazy things that were happening at that time and right afterwards. Because when Kennedy was shot in the head from behind by a lone gunman, as the “official government position” said it. The general public wasn’t buying it. As News.Gallup.com reports:
“A week after President Kennedy’s assassination, only 29% think Harvey Oswald acted alone.”
In other words, 71% of the people did not believe the official government line that a lone nut did it by himself. Something just wasn’t right. And the public overwhelmingly knew it intuitively. One man did not kill Kennedy acting alone.
In fact, as we now know, a group of key instigators of the assassination got together for a pre-assassination party the night before hired guns they paid would kill Kennedy as he smiled and waved at everyone who came out to see him get half his head blown off.
As the 21st Century Wire has published:
“Was there a party the night before JFK’s murder in Dallas?

The meeting in Dallas the night before the assassination included:
H.L. Hunt
J. Edgar Hoover
Richard Nixon
Lyndon B. Johnson
At the home of Clint Murchison, the Texas oil tycoon.
Plus, intelligence asset George W. Bush. As has been proven by pictures identified as being the younger Bush leaning against a wall outside the Texas School Book Depository where the shooter supposedly shot the fatal shot from at Dealy Square in Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963.
“Murchison owned J. Edgar Hoover, Lyndon B. Johnson, and State of Texas law enforcement and stood to lose a fortune if Kennedy changed the oil depletion allowance and faced the very real possibility of jail time should then-Vice President Johnson be indicted, which gave the appearance of being a certainty.”
1. The CIA was facing a thorough gutting at the hands of Kennedy as were their close colleagues in organized crime and the oil industry
2. The Pentagon and the scumbags who supply them were facing the loss of billions upon billions of dollars in profits and payoffs if Kennedy turned off the Vietnam gravy train.
3. Hoover and Johnson knew each other very well, hated Kennedy and had very strong self-preservation reasons to want him dead. Both had been involved in political murders separately – and were to collaborate on future ones.
“Recall that Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King were both assassinated during the Johnson-Hoover regime… These people – the CIA, organized crime, the Pentagon, Hoover and Johnson – were all murderers and they did what murderers do.
“With Hoover in charge of the FBI and Johnson in control of the Federal government and Texas law enforcement, there was no investigation of the crime and any evidence that contradicted the manufactured “lone nut” theory was altered, and in some cases outright destroyed. Ongoing media suppression was carried out by the CIA and the cooperative and craven US news media.”
And let’s not forget one other key participant who was also involved in the assassination:
“Attorney Allen Dulles, the CIA head who supervised numerous coups and assassinations in other countries and had a grudge against Kennedy for firing him, understood this simple principle better than anyone.”
Now let’s reconsolidate all of this into something that relates directly to today and our current election process. We had the following consortium directly involved behind the scenes of Kennedy’s assassination.
Big Business / Oil – Clint Murchison & H. L. Hunt
Big Brother / GOV – Lyndon B. Johnson & Richard Nixon
Big Brother / Intelligence – FBI’s J. Edgar Hoover & CIA’s Allen Dulles / G. Bush
And so, this little group of treasonous murderers had a problem to deal with after they knocked off Kennedy. The majority of the public was of the opinion the excuse of a lone gunman nutcase did it all by himself was NOT true. Most people did not believe the official version and were wanting to know “who else” was really involved.
As this unfolded the group of masterminds behind the assassinations called a meeting with the major media sources and offered them a deal they couldn’t refuse. If the news sources would agree to participate in hoodwinking the public by reporting only what was favorable to make them believe the lone gunman lie – then they would be given the right to count the presidential election votes.
Hoodwink: To deceive or trick someone.
Congress would cede its responsibility to count the vote in return for becoming complicit in the cover up of the assassination. So that, as of August 1964 the Big Brother Business/Oil, Big Brother GOV and Big Brother Intelligence were able to bring Big Sister Media / TV & Radio into the conspiracy.
No one knew what forces behind the scenes would do next to permanently cover up their stolen election assassination to make stealing elections easier and less messy in the future. So innocent people like the secret service agents running along behind Kennedy’s limousine would not have to get splattered in the face with bits of a president’s skull and brains for an election to be stolen.
Facing increasing public scrutiny of their official version – that Kennedy was killed by a bullet shot from behind. The Master Assassins who planned and orchestrated the event sold out the American people even more by entering into an agreement with the nation’s major media corporations to help them suppress the truth.

Who best to lead the media into such an agreement of insurrection?
How about CBS, the dominant TV channel with – by far the most-popular television shows of the day, including Gilligan’s Island and Gunsmoke. How about a Chicago-born, trained at Western Military Academy in Alton, Illinois and served as Director of Radio Operations of “Psychological Warfare” in the Office of War Information for the Allies in World War II guy...
How about CBS Chief Executive Officer “William Samuel Paley.”
When the Big Media took over the Congressional responsibility to count the votes in all US presidential elections thereafter from 1964. And the media conspirators formed their newly “Congress-empowered” partnership to take over counting the US vote for every presidential election in every state in the union.
Who best to research it and write a book to inform the general public what had happened with almost no one’s knowledge?
How about the managers of the infamous rock concert that saw lead singer Jim Morrison of “The Doors” pull off his simulated masturbation leap from the stage into the crowd. Only to get arrested post haste. Yea, how about brothers How about “James and Kenneth Collier.” The music manager-guys who had to take the hit for Morrison’s visually provocative indiscretion as a consequence.
Same two guys who went on write the insightful revealing: “Votescam.”

As they reported in the topsy-turvy political adventure story of stories:
“In 1964 it was born News Election Services (NES), a consortium of ABC, CBS, NBC, AP, and UPI. NES was created just after JFK was killed, and they have the exclusive franchise (from Congress) to count the vote in every state. Without a single actual vote being counted, they proclaim the Presidency within minutes of the polls closing.”
And it’s like this still today. From the latest news headlines, it seems at least. With THE HILL knocking the pollsters and President Trump sending a tweet about how the so-called legitimate pollsters “got it completely & historically wrong!”

To stay in the shadows this NES entity merged with Voter Research and Survey (VRS) to become “Voter News Service” (VNS) in 1994, which included CNN and Fox News. Then this VRS morphed again into the “News Election Pool” (NEP), to remain cloaked and hidden and unknown.
NES, VRS, VNS, NEP… Imagine McDonald’s changing their name 4-times. When you want to establish your brand name you don’t keep changing it! But when you want to slide by under the radar you change it is often as you please.
National Election Pool
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article relies too much on references to primary sources. Please improve this by adding secondary or tertiary sources. (December 2011) (Learn how and when to remove this template message)
The National Election Pool (NEP) is a consortium of American news organizations formed in 2003 to provide exit polling information for US elections, replacing the Voter News Service which had failed disastrously in 2002.[1]
The system produced skewed results in the 2004 US presidential election[1][2] and in the 2016 presidential elections.[3]
As of 2017, member companies were ABC News, CBS News, CNN, and NBC News; Fox News and the Associated Press formerly were part of the Pool, but left in 2017 due to plans to conduct their own exit polls and other experimental alternatives to gauge voter sentiment.[3] The Pool contracts with Edison Research to conduct the exit polling and to perform vote tabulations.[4]
Now that makes a lot more sense. How we can have such a compromised Congress and compromised Mainstream Media, and how our FBI and CIA can be so compromised to be working with the wealthiest compromised business and financial NWO-leaning elite. Working to undermine a sitting president after the 2016 election, now trying to steal a second-term election from Trump with massive voter fraud of all kinds.
Of course, Votescam was powerfully suppressed and the Collier brothers would end up with fast-acting cancers that killed them both young. But their warning should be heeded if we want to escape the repeat-cycle presidential election BS every 4-years. We’ve got to remember what they worked so hard to tell us and felt so impassioned about – they gave up their lives for the cause!
From the heroic Votescam expose:
“Perhaps the most important piece of history uncovered during the Votescam probe is a potently candid study of the U.S. electoral system conducted in 1980 by the CIA-linked Air Command and Staff College in cooperation with the University of New Mexico. It establishes the TV corporate networks’ interest in NES.
“The study was commissioned by the CIA and published in the International Journal of Public Administration that was distributed to selected government agencies. We discovered a copy in the Library of Congress. It is safe to say that almost nobody in America is aware of the activities of NES on election night. The on-air scripts of each TV network during the years since the founding of NES have seldom, if ever, mentioned its existence. The silence smacks of collusion among press “competitors” to keep NES away from public scrutiny.
“A portion of the study read: The United States government has no elections office and does not attempt to administer congressional elections. The responsibility for the administration of elections and certification of winners in the United States national election rests with a consortium of private entities, including 111,000 members of the national League of Women Voters.
“The formal structure of election administration in the United States is not capable of providing the major TV networks with timely results of the presidential and congressional elections. In the case of counting actual ballots on national election night, public officials have abdicated responsibility of aggregation of election night vote totals to a private organization, News Election Service of New York (NES).
“NES is a wholly-owned subsidiary joint-venture of national television networks ABC, CBS and NBC and the press wire-services AP and UPI. This private organization performs without a contract, without supervision by public officials. It makes decisions concerning its duties according to its own criteria. The question and accountability of News Election Service has not arisen in the nation’s press because the responsibility NES now has in counting the nation’s votes was assumed gradually over a lengthy period without ever being evaluated as an item on the public agenda.”
Good Lord, have we found the most gruesome slop of the sludge of the SWAMP that’s got to be drained, or what? Lord above, have we got one helluva’ job before us to fix the fix! Since it is “broke” after all and things won’t get any better if we leave things like they are now.
Whatever has to be done to deal with the swamp, if we don’t eliminate this unholy alliance and make Congress take back its responsibility to count our votes. We won’t be a free republic much longer. Look how close we got to the razor’s edge this time in 2020.
This hiding-in-plain-sight corrupt vote-counting and vote tampering entity has gotta go!
We all need to wake up, like I did this morning about 1:00 am. To stumble across a conversation recorded an hour earlier at around midnight. Where this friendly unknown character “Juan O’Savin” was tearing up the script of the bad guys in happy-go-lucky fashion with the host of the podcast laughing along with him.
And as I’m listening, I went to another page and to start researching that name that sounds like an alter-ego moniker for this anonymous voice-in-the-know. And the first thing I find is, he’s written a book titled: “Kid by the Side of the Road.”
Then I bring the cover up and “lo and behold” look who’s hidden in the picture. None other than JFK himself! And the kid standing by the side of the road looking at JFK kind of reminds me of “John-John.” President Kennedy’s only son – always to be remembered for that childlike salute he gave his daddy at his nationally televised funeral service.
A few years older in the cover pic, and wearing a man’s hat? Hmmm…

Then I find a somewhat shocking post by Charlie Freak proposing the impossible! Didn’t JFK Jr. die in a plane that crashed into the Atlantic Ocean off Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts? Yes, and first reports were, the plane couldn’t be found. Then they kept searching and finally said they found the plane. Then more searching and they finally found the bodies.
Were they lying to us?
From IntelDinarChronicles:
45:31 Charlie Freak: …. Juan O Savin… 1-0-7… in Gematria the zero doesn’t count so it’s 1-7, which is 17, which is the letter Q, 17th letter of the alphabet… so Juan O Savin, imo without a doubt, is JFK Jr…
And what did I hear when I woke up this morning and started listening to Juan’s informational jibe?
“When President Trump in 2018 issued an Executive Order directing the Director of National Intelligence to monitor the election for any sign of foreign interference in our election process. It wasn’t just for the 2018 election…
All federal elections PERIOD!
Every single investigative and intelligence asset in the United States is directed right now on one thing only primarily. And that’s election fraud: Foreign interference in our election. And by the way, if you’re looking for “foreign” interference, along the way if you find any signs of “any other” criminal activity you just redirected that information to the proper agency.
Now, we’ve had a little problem with the Director of the FBI…
How ironic can it get?
This all started November 22, 1963 when they killed JFK Junior’s dad and he was just 3-days from his third birthday/November 25, 1960. Wouldn’t it be awesome if it were true that JFK was sending his son back to bring justice and vengeance for us all. For his own family and all of ours too. Wow!
I know this. I hope it is true. And if it’s not we all owe this family a lot of love. And what better way to show that love than to FORCE CONGRESS TO COUNT THE VOTE again, and not leave that CRITICAL RESPONSIBILITY to a far-left leaning pack of punk socialist “Enemy of the State” clowns.
“Indictments coming soon,” says Juan! Happily, gladly enjoying the moment. Not stressing about a thing.
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