Operation Disclosure | By Sierra (NZ), Contributing Writer November 14, 2020 There has been a US raid on European software company Scytl in...

Operation Disclosure | By Sierra (NZ), Contributing Writer
November 14, 2020
There has been a US raid on European software company Scytl in Germany. Scytl was servicing the Dominion voting systems - sending the US election votes to Barcelona and Frankfurt. Their servers have been seized.
This Anon found a Cue drop about Barcelona - headquarters of Scytl, the company involved in vote switching.The US Military has raided and seized servers in Germany, tied to the Dominion Election System.
— 🧢BeingMac™ (@BeingRealMac) November 13, 2020
Scytl, a Spanish software company was improperly hosting the election data through Spain with servers in Germany. Now raided and seized by US Army Force in Frankfurt. pic.twitter.com/uF6Hv9UGKF
Sidney Powell, on President Trump's legal team, vows to 'expose every one of them...'WHAO! Just heard Scytl has headquarters in Barcelona since September 7, 2017.
— Major Kraken (@MajorPatriot) November 14, 2020
So I did a search for "Barcelona" in Q Drops and...lookie lookie lookie: pic.twitter.com/bnsQ6gdH5e
As this Anon tweeted about the Sidney Powell interview, this is about FAR more than the election.“I’m going to release the Kraken!” @SidneyPowell1 on @LouDobbs a few minutes ago.
— Ivan’s Projection: 🇺🇸Trump 305, Biden 🇨🇳 233 (@Raiklin) November 13, 2020
Translation, “All hell is about to break loose”
My vernacular rendition:”The best lawyer in the history of America is about to lay waste to all involved in the fraud against the legal 🇺🇸 voter” pic.twitter.com/w2SbfHtsiI
Stormy Patriot Joe makes a great connection between Sidney Powell and the new Cue drop - Durham. Sidney's hometown is Durham. BOOM.All I can say is that if what @SidneyPowell1 says is true, all hell is going to break loose. The fate of the Democratic Party and the media is on the line. Losing the election will be the least of their worries! #Election2020results
— Dinesh D'Souza (@DineshDSouza) November 14, 2020
Attorney General Bill Barr SLAMS mail-in voting due to the high possibility of fraud.Q dropped “Durham”
— stormypatriotjoe⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@stormypatriot21) November 14, 2020
Last night and of course the immediate thought was John Durham
But I had said
Q is hardly ever that direct and we’ll have to look deeper
Today @SidneyPowell1 says she’s going to Release The Kraken
Sidney’s hometown = Durham@PrayingActress @17_knowingly https://t.co/58r53LIS61 pic.twitter.com/7NOhUBdAuy
President Trump gives a press conference about Operation Warp Speed - the COVI_D vaccine.Fooked, I tell you. https://t.co/wUd9uqSamH
— We The Inevitable (@WeTheInevitable) November 14, 2020
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 13, 2020Elon Musk tweeted about COVI_D tests being 'extremely bogus'. He had four tests on the same day - two positive and two negative. Maybe this is confirmation that Musk is a White Hat?
A great thread from an Anon explaining Cue's 'Ten Days of Darkness'...Something extremely bogus is going on. Was tested for covid four times today. Two tests came back negative, two came back positive. Same machine, same test, same nurse. Rapid antigen test from BD.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) November 13, 2020
Cue always said 'Watch CA' (California). This tweet linked to a Cue drop draws attention to California next week.As many of you know, yesterday is believed to be the 10th day of darkness, something Q has been telling us about for years now. We didn’t know when the 10 days of darkness would be, but we knew they were coming. Turns out that the “10 days of darkness” was in regards to the...
— 8% Revolt 🇺🇸 (@8Revolt) November 13, 2020
— Vincent Kennedy (@VincentCrypt46) November 10, 2020You won't see this Israeli story about the Trump administration in the MSM.
The Simpsons famously predicted future events in their episodes - including rigged voting machines.We named a new village in the Golan heights after President Trump and now there is a wine named after Secretary Pompeo! Israel loves the Trump administration! pic.twitter.com/Vb8AGzdQWs
— Amir Tsarfati (@BeholdIsrael) November 13, 2020
Finally, a reminder from Cue of the important role we Light Warriors play before and during The Storm.This says it all folks. pic.twitter.com/tIZq9mpJcx
— Philip T. Tirino (@philiptirino) November 12, 2020
Hold the Line, World Patriots. Remember - WE are the news now.On Nov 24th, 2017 we were given an assignment in #225.
— 🇺🇸 3Days3Nights 🇺🇸 (@3days3nights) November 13, 2020
“You are the calm before and during the storm”.
Not just when the plan goes the way you expected.
Stick together no matter what and be the voice of reason. pic.twitter.com/4tPt8WWodo
Where We Go One We Go All.
Love and Light
Sierra (NZ)
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