Reader Post | By Mina Dear Madam/Sir, We are Chinese living in Australia, seeking rule of laws, freedom of speech for people in China. Why...

Reader Post | By Mina
Dear Madam/Sir,
We are Chinese living in Australia, seeking rule of laws, freedom of speech for people in China.
Why do we send those info?
The info below appears some se|x news from your first impression but what we want to reveal is the truth of CCP's intervention to US politics by working with or even controlling Joe B|iden/O|bama group via se|x tape/money. This could also possibly happen in Australia which is why recently the Australian government provided some guidance on how to deal with CCP.
What is the New Federal State of China (NFSC)?
Mr. Steve Bannon is the first person supporting the New Federal State of China. I guess you know his influence in US politics.
The Advanced NZ Party from New Zealand is the first party in the world supporting the New Federal State of China. Their Party leader Billy Te Kahika even joined our protesting activity in front of the China embassy on 1st Oct 2020 (
11/3/2020 NFSC TV interviewed the former NYPD Commissioner Bernard Kerik
US Election Fraud:
Must read from Miles Guo’s option
Miles Guo: The capital takes priority over capitalism. The U.S. election is essentially driven by capital with media being controlled by the Wall Street and money
Miles Guo: CCP Infiltrates US Election
Miles Guo: Darkness Has Arrived, and Hong Kong’s Tragedy Will Replay in the US!
The Western system is completely broken by capital, by communism and a dozen of people from CCP’s leaders
Congressmen in PA Issued an Open Letter Questioning the Handling of the General Election
The Fake is Ruling the America : the Biggest Election Fraud in U.S History
All the Crooked Tactics in the Election Are Reminiscent of the CCP’s Playbook
More Videos:
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Mina (From New Federate State of China)
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