Operation Disclosure | By Sierra (NZ), Contributing Writer November 27, 2020 Sidney Powell tweeted regarding the election... 'It was al...

Operation Disclosure | By Sierra (NZ), Contributing Writer
November 27, 2020
Sidney Powell tweeted regarding the election...'It was always a tsunami in favor of Trump..'
The appalling rudeness of reporters interviewing President Trump has always disgusted me. He fires a few shots back...Answer: Yes. But actually it was always a tsunami in favor of Trump. The evil media, big tech, and Left conspired to make the American people believe otherwise to cover their massive fraud. @realDonaldTrump @Scavino45 @marklevinshow @GenFlynn @abigailcfrye https://t.co/i7MG00uJ96
— Sidney Powell 🇺🇸⭐⭐⭐ (@SidneyPowell1) November 26, 2020
More dog comms AND the number 5 in this Mike Pompeo tweet. The tension builds towards 5th December.Good for him. Enough is enough. https://t.co/zb8M2oyjq6
— Molly McCann (@molmccann) November 27, 2020
I like this theory about the public being caught off guard by the lack of MSM coverage regarding the election fraud.Dog Comms and “5”
— stormypatriotjoe⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@stormypatriot21) November 27, 2020
D5 could be a day to watch
Hey Joe. How’s ur calendar look on Dec 5th? ☠️
May want to clear it https://t.co/X7iMxFIEew
JB Shurk from the Federalist is an example of good old-fashioned journalism. This article is an excellent summary of [B]iden's 'impossible' election result. As he astutely notes, '[J]oe [B]iden achieved the impossible. It's interesting that many more journalists aren't pointing it out.'Sidney did say she wouldn't say if she couldn't prove it. [They] are going to get MOAB'd. The media won't report it, but an honest judge is going to act. The public will be caught off guard because of lack of coverage. That will end the MSM/Dems/Tech.@EthicalHackerXs @CatNamus
— President Elect Let The Arrests Begin ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ (@ArrestsLet) November 27, 2020
This cool meme illustrates why the MSM is rather muted about [B]iden's election 'result'.
Here is a clever response to friends and family who believe that [B]iden won the election fair and square.Flat Earth theory is more believable than Biden getting 80 million votes. pic.twitter.com/RDmOtinG6J
— hANdsOme seaN (@HandsomeSean1) November 27, 2020
Finally, it's great to see Kat getting involved with Twitter. Welcome to the front line! Cue said from the beginning that Twitter is the battlefield, and that we Light Warriors should stay on the battlefield and not leave. I will definitely stay on the battlefield until the very end.Someone on Kun asked how to respond to family over turkey dinner when they insist Biden has won fair and square.
— 𝐁𝐞𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐞⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@Beer_Parade) November 26, 2020
My advice would be this...
"If you're getting your info from MSM, I can completely understand why you feel what you're feeling and think what you're thinking. pic.twitter.com/EX1ROuoaX1
Where We Go One We Go All.
Love and Light
Sierra (NZ)
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