Operation Disclosure | By Joosse Wolter, Guest Writer November 24, 2020 ( Responding to: Scott McKay: 2020 Election US Military Sting Oper...
Operation Disclosure | By Joosse Wolter, Guest Writer
November 24, 2020
(Responding to: Scott McKay: 2020 Election US Military Sting Operation Leading to Trump's 2nd Term Landslide)
Thank You Scott McKay
I like to thank Scott McKay for his most inspiring plea to the People of the World. Yes indeed the time has come that we stand up united against tyranny and enslavement.
Let us all put on the Armour of God and unite in reclaiming our God's given freedom. THE TIME IS HERE AND NOW!
I have been involved in this war, in Australia, for more than 20 years. Sadly most people are too scared to stand up for truth and for their common law rights because of fear of harassment by de facto governments. The rare exception to this is my fellow patriot Brian Shaw whose efforts and attempts to awaken the Australian people have been highly commendable.
We, the People, can no longer afford to wait and must act now. We are at the End Games. It is peace and freedom NOW or enslavement FOREVER. There are no further options or choices.
Thanks again Scott McKay
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