Source: Golden Age of Gaia | By Steve Beckow November 1, 2020 Some Interpersonal Skills May Need Polishing Image Caption: Tickets were give...

Source: Golden Age of Gaia | By Steve Beckow
November 1, 2020
Some Interpersonal Skills May Need Polishing
Image Caption: Tickets were given to VIPs to access deep bunkers and survive WWIII
I will be away Nov. 2 through 4. Suzi is sitting in for me.
It seems to have been the wild west for the cabal a few years back.
The late George Green reported on it in his very detailed interview with Project Camelot. (1) He described Illuminati parties with bowls of cocaine, inappropriate se[x]ual approaches, discussions of “tickets” to access deep bunkers during a planned WWIII, etc.
As Q says, they let their guard down over the years because they never thought she (or they) would lose. More generally, they never thought the deep state would lose its hold on power.
As the election contest between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump approached, the cabal’s behavior seems to have gotten wilder and wilder. I say this by working backward from evidence that’s being presented now. I wonder if this will not be found to be in part the result of adren[o]chrome use.
Allegations being made arising from Anthony Wiener’s and Hunter Biden’s laptops paint a picture of a criminal network that seemed to feel invincible. Anything that became public was ignored or squelched. Witnesses were eliminated. Officials were bought.
And the crimes they were doing challenge our notion of what it means to be human. I see Frazzle[drip] is now public. It was watching scenes from it at Xenia Resort on Sept. 18, 2018 that plunged me into such despair that only a powerful spiritual experience could bring me out of it. (2) This was not human behavior; this was demonic.
In many cases, the cabal seems not to have covered its footsteps very well or imploded in a futile attempt to cover them up afterwards.
Meanwhile the toll on “civilians,” if you will, is enormous. The brushfires in Australia and the United States have caused untold suffering. (3)
Deep-state wars create more and more refugees.
Urban riots and looting have shaken everyone and bankrupted many.
The cabal’s activities, when not created to divide and conquer, seem designed to isolate us from each other. The lockdowns, border closings, social distancing and other impediments engineered by the deep state are things whose impact everyone will have to handle later.
Interpersonal skills like intimacy and cooperation may need polishing by some or to be learned by others for the first time. (4) We could all end up reparenting ourselves to end our social isolation. (5)
I feel so helpless, thinking that there’s little I can do until the Reval. After that, I’ll seek my rehabilitation in service. To fund universal income, medicare, educational-accessibility, and other plans will be my healing from this long wait.
Until then my service can only be to watch and report.
(1) The George Green tapes are now history. They give an interesting window into the cabal’s confidence in its ability to dominate the world and reduce the population as of mid-2008.
“Project Camelot Interviews George Green – Part 1 of 2,” April 17, 2008, at and “Project Camelot Interviews George Green – Part 2 of 2,” April 17, 2008, at
(2) “Original Innocence,” Sept. 21, 2018, at and “The Heart is ‘the Seat of the Soul’,” December 17, 2018, at
I’ve never been able to write a word about that experience it was so horrible. I can appreciate why NYPD officers would run to the bathroom.
Whether it’s a true document or a deep fake, I don’t know. An uncorrupted court of law will have to establish that. But it’s the deep state that makes deep fakes about its enemies; it isn’t usually its enemies who make deep fakes about the cabal. The white hats use legal ways and means.
While I don’t advise anyone to watch Frazzledrip, there will be some whose mission it is to do so (even study it) and I hope we respect them for risking secondary traumatization (PTSD) in their work, in our service.
(3) Soren the Pleiadian says that DEW (directed energy weapons) were involved:
“We’re always on the lookout for DEWs. We’re trying to level the playing field as much as possible. By rendering their weaponry inert, this becomes more of an information war than anything else and we’d like it to remain as such. We’re trying to eliminate all severe consequences for earthlings.” (“Soren of the Pleiadian Delta Forces via Sharon Stewart: Preparation for Election,” October 21, 2020, at
(4) Add the pandemic lockdown to an addiction to video games and I’ll bet you have a good recipe for social isolation and all that falls out of that.
(5) Social isolation, which I think, predates the cellphone, but may turn out to be synchronous with the development of the computer.
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