Operation Disclosure | By Sierra (NZ), Contributing Writer November 5, 2020 Wow. On 31st October, President Trump himself tweeted the magic...

Operation Disclosure | By Sierra (NZ), Contributing Writer
November 5, 2020
Wow. On 31st October, President Trump himself tweeted the magic words, 'Watch the water'.
Here is President Trump speaking about the election fraud...Rig for Red.
— 🇺🇸 3Days3Nights 🇺🇸 (@3days3nights) November 5, 2020
Sunlight kills.
Water the water.
Ballotgate exposed. pic.twitter.com/jigOT5NmNY
Now we know HOW the fraud happened with the MSM. [E]dison [R]esearch, the company that sent 'polling data' to ALL the MSM companies is on the payroll of the Big Tech companies - AND the [G]ates [F]oundation. Check the explosive information in this Twitter thread...Very interesting indeed pic.twitter.com/H30PE6TX6u
— Midnight Rider🇺🇸 Chump for Trump! (@m1dn7ghtrider) November 5, 2020
The [E]dison [R]esearch client list reads like a [D]eep [S]tate roll call - Amazon, Apple, Disney, Facebook, Google, Spotify, The Gates Foundation. And the US International Broadcasting Bureau - that's how they dealt with the foreign MSM.
Here is DIRECT proof of the widespread scale of the election fraud. Kudos to Project Veritas.
Former Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell talks about obstruction to ballot checking - Trump campaign representatives are NOT allowed access to public voting records. Unbelievable.What is happening in Michigan is beyond corrupt.
— James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) November 5, 2020
A whistleblower within the @USPS says he was ORDERED by his supervisor to ILLEGALLY BACK-DATE newly found ballots to November 3rd, 2020.
What is this if not blatant voter fraud?#MailFraud pic.twitter.com/n7AcNw7OJq
Rudy Giuliani in Pennsylvania with a Trump campaign person who describes being kept 100 feet away while 125,000 votes were processed - powerless to check them.This man is a bonafide badass! pic.twitter.com/HJMjrCdbTv
— Midnight Rider🇺🇸 Chump for Trump! (@m1dn7ghtrider) November 5, 2020
Is this finally the turning point for the MSM? Check out this story from the corrupt New York Times...'The Fix' in PA https://t.co/urttHcjlk5
— Patriot1776🇺🇸 (@John_F_Kennnedy) November 5, 2020
Here is the official statement calling for ARMED Federal agents to monitor voting centers. First time ever.The Department of Justice sent a memo to prosecutors Wednesday saying it could send armed agents to ballot-counting locations to investigate potential voter fraud, The New York Times reported. https://t.co/43PPLWIiRm
— MiGFlasher (@flasher_mig) November 5, 2020
StormyPatriotJoe tweeted about Storm Eta, due to land on Monday. Could it mean the ETA of THE storm...?GAME OVER FOR DEMS
— DeMario (@DJDeMario1) November 5, 2020
A.G. Barr issued a directive to all U.S. Attorneys to use ARMED Federal agents to enforce court orders and investigate voter fraud at ballot counting centers
Armed agents has never been used beforehttps://t.co/cPcc35w2o1
The stock market is always a key indicator of potential crisis. Smooth sailing. It's happy to wait for the Trump win.People always ask:
— stormypatriotjoe⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@stormypatriot21) November 5, 2020
What’s the ETA of “The Storm”?
Well we have “Storm Eta”
Coming Mon
⚡️🇺🇸 pic.twitter.com/YToTP4gJQM
We know that President Trump and the Alliance have had the DS playbook for a while...
The Aussie Doc makes a good point. Twitter could boot POTUS at any time. Cue the Emergency Broadcast System (excuse the pun!)Stock market appears to be happy that Trump is fighting on, and will prevail! pic.twitter.com/03u5W2OgfK
— Brun0Barking (@Bruno062418) November 5, 2020
I agree with this tweet. We World Patriots ALL have a role to play. Every role is vital to the Divine Plan.It’s quite possible #POTUS will be removed from Twit.
— Dr Russell McGregor (@KillAuDeepState) November 5, 2020
Do not fear.
He has a contingency.
It’s called the EBS (Emergency Broadcast System).
Finally, a sobering reminder of the shocking toll this election fraud has ALREADY taken on humanity worldwide.Be loud, be proud. #FightBack,Patriots. #HoldTheLine https://t.co/QuYNvvpqx7
— Brun0Barking (@Bruno062418) November 5, 2020
We WILL prevail. Hold the line. The Light WINS.We cannot have normal weddings or funerals.
— illDiscourse🧉 (@illdiscourse) November 5, 2020
People have missed cancer treatments.
People have died alone, without their familes.
Our children are falling behind.
Our small businesses are failing.
All so they could steal this election.
Where We Go One We Go All.
Love and Light
Sierra (NZ)
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