Operation Disclosure | By Joosse Wolter, Guest Writer November 19, 2020 When the Children of the House of Israel residing in a British Nati...

Operation Disclosure | By Joosse Wolter, Guest Writer
November 19, 2020
When the Children of the House of Israel residing in a British Nation emigrate to Australia, they take with them the Fundamental Constitutional Laws of that British Nation, namely, the Laws of God and the Natural Law. British Nations identify themselves when the national Flag and or Armourial Bearings, recognise as Sacred the Third Heaven (the Heaven of Three Realms) and or the Royal House of Zara- Judah (the Rampant Lion). The Third Heaven is represented by the Mystic Lights of the Redness of the Dawn (Red), the Sea of Brahm (Blue) and the Starry Heaven (White). Nations that display the Red, White, and Blue in their National Flags or Arms are British Nations: Iceland, the United Kingdom, France, the Netherlands, the Russian Federation (all former Soviet States are British Nations), Canada (the old flag), the United States of America, New Zealand, and Australia. Nations that display the Rampant Lion in their Arms are British Nations: Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Belgium, and Luxembourg.
The British Nations comprising the Commonwealth of Israel are those Nations where, in times past, the ethnic majority comprised persons of Israelite/ Celtic/ Norse/ Teutonic origin who were Britons, the Covenant People. This ethnic origin is revealed in the Arms of British Nations and their Provinces. For example, the ARMS OF THE NETHERLANDS: The Golden Lion represents the Power of Vril, the invincible Wisdom and Powers of God (represented by the Gold), utilized by the Royal House of Zara-Judah (the Lions) to preserve the Israelite Covenants (including the Ark of the Covenant, the Covenant of the Day, the Covenant of the Night), the Laws of God and the Natural Law. The Golden Lion in the Blue Field is holding in his right fore-paw a silver Rod of Iron, representing the Wisdom and Powers of the Goddess Shakti (seen as a beautiful Blue-Green Orb of Light: Mother Earth and the phenomenal Universe: the Body of God), being guided via the Minds and Hearts of the Children of Israel, by God by the Covenant of the Day : the Word of God and the Word of the Goddess : the Birds and the Bees. The Golden Lion in the Blue Field is holding in his left fore-paw Seven Arrows, representing the Seven Spirits of God in the Seven Mansions of Heaven, permeating and merging into the Body of God (the King and the Land are One), deifying and transforming the same. The Blue Field represents the Universal Unconditioned Love of the Angel Venus in the Causal Realm (the ‘Fifth Element’, the Aesthetic Love of the Goddess, as distinct from the Mystical Love of God). The Ten Flecks of Gold on the Blue Shield represent the Thirty-Two Great Masters alluded to in the Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean carrying the Vril into the Ten Regions of Heaven and the Earth (the Five Spiritual Regions of Heaven : Sach Khand, Bhanwar Gupha, Daswan Dwar, Trikuti, and Sahans dal Kanwal, and the Five Elemental Realms of Earth ; the Causal-Ether, Mental-Air, Astral-Fire, Etheric-Water, and Earth Planes). The Golden Crown represents God as the King of Israel governing the Nations of the Commonwealth of Israel, utilizing Vril. The Eight Bridges of the Crown represent God governing the phenomenal Universe, through the Minds and Hearts of the Children of Israel in the Four Quarters of Heaven and Earth, of the Right-Hand Path and of the Left-Hand Path. The White Pearls represent the Wisdom of God conveyed via the Saints, the Prophets and the Angels, to the Children of the House of Israel.
The Provincial Arms of ZUID-HOLLAND display a Red Rampant Lion on a Gold Field, representing the King of Israel, of the Royal House of Zara-Judah (the Red Rampant Lion) governing the Commonwealth of Israel with the Wisdom and Powers of God (Vril : the Gold Field). The Arms of LEEUWARDEN, the capital city of the Providence of FRIESLAND, display a Golden Rampant Lion on a Blue Field. The Lion represents the Children of the House of Israel being guided by the Wisdom of God (Gold) and being tempered by the Mercy of God (Blue) in their dealings.
The Provincial Arms of GRONINGEN : The Gold Field represents the Wisdom of God. The Two-Headed Black Eagle Flying represents the Soul of the Son of Man, of the Right-hand Path and of the Left-hand Path, dwelling in a State of Pure Non-Dualistic Consciousness (Samadhi, represented by the Blackness), flying to the Gates of Heaven and thence into the Mansions of Heaven. The Shield over the Heart of the Son of Man displays Emerald and Silver Bars. The Silver represents the Soul of the Son of Man being guided by the Emerald Bar, which represents the Wisdom (Gold) and Mercy (Blue) of God.
The Arms of the District of HOLLENHOVE : the Golden Horn represents the Trumpet of God that heralds the coming of the Word of God. The Emerald Field represents the amalgam of the Wisdom (Gold) and Mercy (Blue) of God. The Red Castle represents the Names of God : the Ark of the Covenant (known to the Druids as Enigma). The White Field represents the Clouds of Heaven of the Covenant of the Day. The Israelites may enter Samadhi in the Clouds of Heaven by performing the Ark of the Covenant, by a Mystic Practice known to the Hindus as Jappa and the Sikhs as Simran; or by a Spiritual Practice known to the Hindus as Sambhavi Mudra and the Zen Buddhists as Za-Zen. The White Cross represents the Mystic ‘Sacrifice’ of the Passover/’Crucifixion’, that creates a Contemplative State of Mind : Self-Abandonment to Divine Providence. The Red Field is the Blood of the Lamb, the Spirit of God, touching the Heart of the Contemplative, in the Covenant of the Day, at the East Gate of Heaven as the Word of God (heard via the Archangel Gabriel as the Tinkling Cymbal, the Song of the Dove, that reveals the Will and the Word of God), and touching the Heart of the Contemplative at the West Gate of Heaven as the Law of the Holy Mother (heard via the Angelic Goddess Britannia as the Buzzing of the Bees, that guides the Wisdom of Natural Reason to formulate the Laws of God as a Universal Code of Social Ethics called the Natural Law or the Law of Nations). The Natural Law as it was codified by King Mulmutius about 450 BC and preserved in the Welsh Triads, includes the following Principles:
“1. There are three tests of civil liberty: (a) equality of rights . . . (c) equality of taxationOne British acre of land represents one hundred modern acres of agriculture land. The provision guarantees to all Britons the right to own their own means of production and earn their own livelihood. The reference to the Name of God is a reference to the Ark of the Covenant: the Sacred Rite of Exorcism. All Evil and Falsehood, and the Mark of the Beast, flee before the Names of God. The Rod is a reference to the Kundalini, the Serpent Power, who ascends and parts the Red Sea (Satan standing at the West Gate of Heaven and Lucifer/Shekinah standing at the East Gate of Heaven. The Mark of the Beast is Satan and Lucifer standing together at the Central Gate of Heaven : the Third Eye) : Exodus 14:14 – 29. The joined right hand represents communion with the Spirit of God at the East Gate of Heaven : 1 Chronicles 25:3; Job 40:14. The Molmutine Law/ Natural Law is preserved in Perpetuity by Article IX of the Magna Carta of 1297.
2. There are three causes that ruin a State: . . . (b) corruption of justice . . .
3. There are three things which cannot be considered solid longer than their foundations are solid: . . . (c) law.
4. There are three things indispensable to the true union of nations: (a) sameness of laws . . .
6. There are three things that require the unanimous vote of the nation to effect: (a) disposition of the Sovereign, (b) introduction of novelties in religion, (c) suspension of law.
7. There are three civil birthrights for every Briton: . . . (b) the right, wherever he is, to protection for his land and from the Sovereign . . .
8. There are three property birthrights for every Briton: (a) five (British) acres of land for a home, (b) the right to keep and bear arms, (c) the right of suffrage in the making of laws.
9. There are three guarantees of Society: (a) security for life and limb, (b) security of property, (c) security of the rights of nature.
10. There are three things the safety of which depends on that of the others: (a) the sovereignty . . . (c) just administration of the laws.
11. There are three things which every Briton may legally be compelled to attend: (a) the worship of God, (b) military service, (c) the Courts of Law.
14. There are three whose power is kingly in law: (a) the Sovereign paramount of Britain over all Briton and its Isles, (b) the Princes Palatine in their princedoms . . .
15. There are three sacred things by which the conscience binds itself to truth: (a) the Name of God, (b) the rod of him who offers up prayers to God, (c) the joined right hand.
The Arms of the British Nations contain secrets relating to the forthcoming Military Phase of the Battle of Armageddon:
The Arms of the Belgian Province of FLANDRE ORIENTALE display a Black Rampant Lion on a Field of Gold, which represents the Vril-ya as the Viceroy of God utilizing the Power of Vril in the Shadow Realms of Planet Earth (the Shadow Realms are portrayed in the Harry Potter movies as Hogsmead and Hogwarts), fighting the Military Phase of the Battle of Armageddon (also known as the Battle of Ragnarok). The Vril-ya are Pre-Fall Reptilians who left the Wheel of Birth and Death in the Earth Plane and moved into the Shadow Realms. They were in communication with the Star Fathers of the Universe and were taught the nature of the Vril Power and how to acquire and utilize the same. The Warrior Powers conferred by Vril are all but invincible, being the Earth/ Shadow Realm equivalent of the Warrior Powers of the Red Branch Warriors. Only the Warrior Powers of the Star-Keys (Superman) are greater. Since Medeavel Times, certain Righteous Secret Societies in the Netherlands and Belgium have been in communication with the Vril-ya and have learned the nature of the Vril Power and how to harness that Power. The Nazis sought to found their Thousand Year Reich upon the Power of Vril, and sought an Alliance with the leader of the Vril-ya, the Ancient King of Pre-Fall Eden. The Nazis were denied their Alliance. The Vril-ya are of the Righteous, and the Viceroy of God.
The Arms of the Belgium Province of HAINAUT represent the Perpetual Alliance between the Vril-ya and the Nation of Israel.
The Arms of the Belgium Province of FLANDRE OCCIDENTALE contain secrets relating to the Red Force that cannot be revealed. (Likewise, secrets relating to the Mauve Force and the role of certain Secret Power Archtypes cannot be revealed).
The Arms of the Belgian Province of BRABANT and the neighbouring Dutch Province of NOORD-BRABANT display a Golden Rampant Lion on a Black Field representing the Star-Keys (Superman) operating through their Shadow Selves in the Shadow Realms, working with their Allies, the Vril-ya. All Star-Keys are / will be Warrior-Saints and the Viceroy of God, being protected from Krytonite (the Mark of the Beast) by the Ark of the Covenant.
The Arms of the Dutch Province of ZEELAND display Blue and White Waves below a Red Rampant Lion on a Gold Field, representing the King of Israel leading the Knights of the Holy Grail as Dragon Riders. The Waves represent the Water Element, the Etheric Plane. The Ancient Pre-Fall Reptilians who remained in the Wheel of Birth and Death, ascended to the Etheric Plane in Ancient Lemuria as Winged Serpents (Lamias) transformed as Dragons, dwelling in the Primordial Mind and endowed with Super-Normal Magical and Warrior Powers. Those Dragons are now Power Archtypes dwelling in the Dragon Rider’s Unconscious and Shadow Selves. In men, the Female Warrior Powers reside in the Unconscious Self (for example, Eragon’s dragon ‘Saphira’ in the movie ‘Eragon’), and the Male Warrior Powers reside in the Shadow Self (for example, King Arthur’s dragon ‘Sir Lancelot of the Lake’ in the movie ‘Excalibur’). The White Waves represent the Dragons, as the Viceroy of God, being guided by the Spirit of God, and the Blue Waves represent the Dragons being tempered in their dealings by the Mercy of God, via the Angel Venus. All of the Knights of the Holy Grail are / will be Warrior-Saints and Star-Keys.
The Arms of LUXEMBOURG represent the integration of Dragon and Rider : the Knights of the Holy Grail as Warrior-Saints, Star-Keys and Dragon Riders. The DUCAL ARMS OF LUXEMBOURG represent the Members of an Ancient Order of Knighthood, as the Viceroy of God, harnessing the Power of Vril in conjunction with the Great Masters, to control and utilize the Titanic Powers of the Universe in the Earth Realm, to fight the Military Phase of the Battle of Armageddon. A Message from Jesu Emmanuel channeled via Paramhansa Yogananda:
“Think you to silence men of peace? As well may you hope to throttle the voice of God, whose very stones sing His glory and His Omnipotence. Would you demand that men not celebrate in honour of the peace in heaven? That they should gather together in multitudes only when they wish to shout for war on earth? Then make your preparations, O Pharisees, to overtopple the foundations of the world; for it is not gentle men alone, but stones or earth, and water and fire and air that will rise up against you, to bear witness of His ordered harmony.”There are many thousands of Vril-ya now operational in the Shadow Realms of Planet Earth.
Yogananda: ‘Autobiography of a Yogi’ : page 241.
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