Operation Disclosure | By Sierra (NZ), Contributing Writer November 21, 2020 In less than two minutes, lawyer Lin Wood calls out the [D]eep...

Operation Disclosure | By Sierra (NZ), Contributing Writer
November 21, 2020
In less than two minutes, lawyer Lin Wood calls out the [D]eep [S]tate. He mentions G[]hislaine [M]axwell, [E]pstein, H. [B]iden's laptop and [W]einer's laptop. Explosive stuff.
— We The Inevitable (@WeTheInevitable) November 21, 2020'There will be people going to jail who are involved in ALL of, or some of those investigations....There is potentially a Great Awakening. The truth has to come out...People will be shocked at the level of pedo|philia...They will be shocked by a revelation in terms of people who actually engage in sat|anic worship.' (Lin Wood)
Add this man to your list of prayers, along with General Flynn, Sidney Powell, Rudy Giuliani, Jenna Ellis - and President Trump and the Alliance. Incredibly brave Light Warriors, one and all.
Note the word EVIDENCE in this tweet about Sidney Powell and the election investigation.
Rep Doug Collins slams Big Tech social media in this interview excerpt from Fox News.Legal team has evidence of
— Nate Cain (Parler: NateCain) ⭐⭐⭐🇺🇸 (@cain_nate) November 21, 2020
7 million votes stolen from @realDonaldTrump
10 million illegal votes cast for Biden
Several million votes cast by dead people.
Photos of the checks proving people were paid.
Many witnesses needing Federal Witness Protection.https://t.co/5jn6VaoDAA
Stormy Patriot Joe presents a compelling connection between the 'exit' of No Name - and [B]iden...Twitter is flagging anything and everything that remotely questions our voting system.
— Rep. Doug Collins (@RepDougCollins) November 20, 2020
But this censorship is no surprise — Big Tech never wanted @realDonaldTrump to be President in the first place. pic.twitter.com/XOKx06JggP
Two weeks from when Sidney Powell said 'the election fraud case will be presented' is around 6th December. Bush Senior's funeral was 6th December 2018 - when the [D]eep [S]tate sat|anists received their mysterious envelopes.Twitter is flagging anything and everything that remotely questions our voting system.
— Rep. Doug Collins (@RepDougCollins) November 20, 2020
But this censorship is no surprise — Big Tech never wanted @realDonaldTrump to be President in the first place. pic.twitter.com/XOKx06JggP

Anons are linking Sidney Powell's animal print cardigan during the legal presser to a comment by POTUS.D5 (Dec 5th) two year delta is upon us pic.twitter.com/2fVAtKqR6Q
— We The Inevitable (@WeTheInevitable) November 21, 2020
A business owner stands up for his rights against a sheriff on the mask war path. This is AWESOME.I’ll take, what is a cheetah, for $1700, Alex. https://t.co/DDU2xsskta pic.twitter.com/yqT42bD6UB
— We The Inevitable (@WeTheInevitable) November 21, 2020
A reminder that the battle is now very intense. There is strong potential for internet blackout as the [D]eep [S]tate desperately tries to erase evidence of their heinous crimes.BUFFALO NY: Business Owners Stand Up, Fight back and Kick out Sheriff & Health Dept !
— AMErikaNGIRL♥️ (@AMErikaNGIRLLL) November 21, 2020
➖If every biz owner would do this lockdowns would be over. #FIGHTBACK #LockdownChaos @TeamTrump @realDonaldTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr @catturd2 @RealJamesWoods pic.twitter.com/giMmcnv5x4
Finally, a great meme about Lin Wood and his 'Great Awakening' speech.The fight of our life is coming Patriots! The 2nd wave of their plan is approaching as Lin Wood said. The battle is beginning to shift in Trumps favor. The net could shut down in an attempt for them to purge evidence. If the lights go out, know that Patriots are in control! 🇺🇸
— Qtah (@Qtah17) November 21, 2020
Sidney Powell tweeted to 'eat popcorn, relax and enjoy the show.' Hmmm. Shades of our friend Cue.He sure did! https://t.co/SPxApyHiq6
— 🇺🇸SAVAGEBOSS🇺🇸 (@savagegarden350) November 21, 2020
Great advice, Sidney. We are onto it!
Where We Go One We Go All.
Love and Light
Sierra (NZ)
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