THE LATEST FROM ECETI ECETI.ORG Latest Newsletter Last night was one of the roughest nights I have experienced. There was an astral war for ...

Latest Newsletter
Last night was one of the roughest nights I have experienced. There was an astral war for America occurring using everything from black magic to rituals to bind the soul of America to some very dark forces. We can live in denial, worship, Lady GaGa, Abramovich and those in Hollywood and the music industry who have sold their souls for fame and wealthtraveling withand supportingthe Biden’s or we can go within as every master, saint and sage to make our own personal God/Creator/Great Spirit connection. The truth has always been within, that small voice from the heart that tells you something just is not right.That voice is going to get louder despite the fake news and lame stream corporate owned, MK Ultra media. The truth has been revealed as to the democratic agenda and the corruption replete within the party. The socialist, communist, anarchist agendas all tying into Marxism have been made very clear. It seems we have historical amnesia when it comes to how these regimes turned out. When ever you centralize the power and wealth into the hands of a few, “Billionaire Narcissist” to govern every aspect of your life freedom pays the price. If you do the research you will find most are eugenicists, megalomaniacs and have maniacle plans to either totally enslave you or eliminate you all together. This is what is at stake in your present election. If you knew of their real plans disguised as saving the environment you would realize your not in them, nor was it ever their intention to save the planet. Their desire is to enslave the planet, control every aspect of your life and nature. It is your true nature to be free, free thinking, awake, eventually making your own personal connection with God/Creator/Great Spirit. Universal Law is the law of Spirit. Universal Peace. Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All. Universal Law is colorblind, it transcends all cultural and religious boundaries. Those aligned with Universal Law have an extreme distain for those who trespass on these basic rights. Just as the dark hearts are calling on their unseen negative entities unknown to the socially engineered “woke” we can call on the legions of light to bring the light and truth to any situation. You don’t have to judge, know who is who and what they have done all you have to do is go within, make your own personal connection with Source and ask that this all be revealed and healed. These next few mornings and evenings it is imperative to pray and meditate on just that. Ask the higher dimensionals, the legions of light no matter what religion or belief and ask that anything that does not align with Universal Law the highest and best good of Humanity and the Earth be revealed and healed. We can reset America and the World together. Our future depends on it.
James Gilliland
Eceti Stargate YouTube the Official Channel
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