Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat Enclose a partial transcription of a Juan O’Savin and VGuerrilla video chat recorded 11-20-20. It is my p...

Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat
Enclose a partial transcription of a Juan O’Savin and VGuerrilla video chat recorded 11-20-20.
It is my personal opinion that Juan O’Savin is an essential part of the Alliance. I also believe he is one of the Q-Team that wrote the Q-drops because Juan O'Savin = 1-0-7 = 1 - 7 in Gematria = 17 = 17th letter of Alphabet = Q.
Juan said, in one of his videos, that the Q-Op was to "wake people up." I'd say Mission Accomplished.
He also Tweeted that the Q-Op was done:

Beyond my intuition, I don’t know who Juan O'Savin is. But he, like POTUS, is completely brilliant and a trillion % in it to win it. You can hear it in his voice. He's all in.
Juan said the fight for America is not going to be over anytime soon—but we will win.
He reiterated the following point three times: “At the end of the day it’s going to end up being a Military Operation to recapture control of the country.”
Juan also said this Election turmoil would carry through to Inauguration day January 20, ‘21. But on that day President Trump would be placing his hand on the Bible and sworn in as our next POTUS. 1000%.
Juan felt the American people have never, in his lifetime, been as awake as we are now. Countless Americans are stepping up and giving evidence of Voter Fraud because as Juan says in this transcript, and as Sidney Powell has already said, Patriots are fed up and disgusted.
Juan O’Savin: We’re going to get our country back…
Whatever it takes
We’re going to get our country back…
We’re gonna kick their a*ss…
There is good information about who’s been colluding with who in the de*ep state / ca_bal in order to steal our vote, manage Americans and control America.
This is the Second American Revolution and Patriots will win... are winning… have won.
Lately, in order to rise above the Political fray, I’ve been in a Christmas mood. Since I was a child it's the Season that makes me happiest. A Season of Miracles and beautiful lights.
For me now daylight is gone too soon. Happily in my little beach town people have been stringing up gorgeous twinkling lights for weeks and their sparkle in the black night always lifts my Spirits.
There is so much good happening in the world. So many magnificent people across the globe are waking up and standing up for Freedom from all kinds of slavery: The scamdemic, ki*lling vac*cines, the masks, the lockdowns, Election fraud, etc.
As well, POTUS snuck us into NESARA on November 2nd. Zugzwang!
Moment by moment the Light factor on Gaia is rising dramatically. Like Charlie Ward always says, we’re moving into a far far better world. We are manifesting our 5D+ Eternal Golden Age.
On 11-4-17 Juan O’Savin said:
Coming up on our Winter Solstice
[Monday 12-21-20]
And Dark to Light
And all this stuff is going to come to light…
It’s just going to get lighter
and lighter
and lighter…
With blessings unceasing — We are Goddess, Sovereign, Free,
xo, Kat
Juan O'Savin: The Hammer Falls, Here Comes The Pain!!! 11-20-20
Rogue News, Juan O’Savin & VGuerrilla
Partially Transcribed by Kat
21:24 Juan O’Savin: Something’s wrong here across the country…
and they’re working very hard to steal the vote
from the American people…
21:35 VGuerrilla: Recently it was revealed about the Operations that occurred in Madrid, Barcelona and Frankfurt… you’re intimately aware of a lot of that… the President has… basically put under command the National Defense Strategy Action Plan 57 which was originally created by JFK… that has been put under the new Sec. of Defense which is Christopher Miller who is a certified bada*ss… [POTUS just appointed him… incumbent since 11-9-20]…
22:08 If you read his bona fides he’s an expert in Counter-Intelligence… Covert Operations… you name it this guy’s done it… right now Special Operations Forces are under direct control of the President and the Secretary of Defense and put under direct control of the DoD (Dept. of Defense)…
22:25 That’s a game changer… Now we have this order, the NDSA 57 along with what has occurred in Germany and in Spain… with the seizing of the Hard Drives… this is a full on precision Military Operation, Juan…

23:00 Juan O’Savin: Well yeah… at the end of the day what really is intended to happen here… is to go through the normal judicial process… as best as possible… asking for correct relief in the courts… and then show just like you can’t get the Justice Department to act on stuff with Barr and Durham… that we have these cases with lots of evidence and NOTHING HAPPENS…
23:37 The [C]lin*tons etc…. there’s something wrong with the Justice system… it’s broken… and give people a chance to see just how broken it is…
23:54 In the course of doing that if we can show people what’s going on… let ‘em see that it’s broken completely... it makes it easier to justify going to a Military side when the time comes… and it’s going to come to that…
24:09 But first the American public has to decide we can’t get to Justice through the Justice System… we have to show ‘em that… when the machines are as baked and cooked as they are…
24:13 There is no excuse for fractional voting… there is NONE… that system is fragile where they looked at these machines in Texas and said it’s easily cracked… it’s easily penetrated by hackers…
25:33 One of the computer guys we were talking to the other day said he watched a 12-year old girl hack the Dominion Voting Machine and change the vote… a 12-year old girl with basic skills she had gotten off the internet…
25:50 We have a copy of the machine manual for the Dominion Voting Machine… I spent most of the evening last night reading through the entire Dominion Voting machine manual… Chapter 11 talks about the vote count being manipulated favoring one candidate over another…
26:26 Several chapters that talk about how you can have a vote changed according the weighted voting…
26:28 So that machine should not be used in America… if it is it shouldn’t have that kind of programming capability… all the machines have that kind of programming capability… it’s wrong…
26:31 Any state that used it… excuse me there are several states looked at it and they found very serious risks in using that machine… so why would other states say, we don’t care, not a problem…. something’s wrong there…

27:00 Juan O’Savin cont.: So… we’re fighting through… a lot of work to do this weekend…
[Juan is fighting Voter Fraud in Nevada… the DNC sent in big guns because they DON’T want anyone looking into the Voting Machines… big court fight there… if the DNC lose that fight, they lose the country…]
28:10 VGuerrilla: Next few days, what should we look for? What’s going on? Sidney Powell’s made some incredible disclosures with what they’re working on, the affidavits they have… this thing is huge, man, absolutely huge…
28:30 Juan O’Savin: Well again, we have lots and lots of witnesses that talk about just how the cheating was going on in the machines… offshore… let me just put it this way…
28:46 The real story is this… you’re going to find out that British Intelligence people working with U.S. Intelligence people… MI6 people and a lot of these places… So*ros is a creation of MI6… and Malek Brown… that whole crowd over there… working with our Intelligence people… cuz it’s a family… it’s a club… all over the world… they’re Globalists… and they’re going to manage us… and they’re doing it through the elections… they’re cooking the vote…

29:31 The manipulation of these machines… it wasn’t happening here locally in the U.S…. it was happening because they’re connected to the internet in various different ways and these votes are being manipulated remotely through servers… Canada, Frankfurt, Germany… Spain… and then coming back to places like Maricopa county, AZ…
29:59 We have little clubs of people… some of ‘em in a couple of big types of Churches and Political Groups… that are manipulating the votes… for their worldwide control of the rest of the planet… and getting certain candidates in office…
30:20 But you have to fight the fight one little thing at a time… most people can’t see that big or hear that big and don’t think it’s true… this is a process to go through the various steps… show connections of the various people to each other… and work through all these details…

30:38 Juan O’Savin cont.: And yes, at the end of the day… it’s going to end up being a Military Operation… to recapture control of the country from people who are polluting… little secret handshake clubs… frat boys… people in various religious orders… not just one… that are working together… colluding together for their own benefits… as groups… over the rest of the people…
31:10 And we’re going to have to push it back… it’s not going to be easy… it’s not going to be instant… people who think you’re just going to get this solved quickly and it’s just going to be flash, bang over and done…
31:43 You want to get this thing resolved? It might take a little longer but it’s going to be that much more satisfying… if we work through all the steps instead of this flash bang…
31:59 This thing is so f*cked-up on the Vote across the country… you’ve got people telling you, “nothing to see here… everything’s just fine… the vote went perfectly… these machines counted everything just right…”
32:11 Well I’m here to tell you that they didn’t… prove me wrong… let me have access to machines here in Nevada… we have the serial numbers of the machines here in Nevada… I’ve got the manual for the machines here in Nevada… I DARE YOU to let me get into one of those machines… and take a look and see if we find fractionalized voting in there…
32:36 If you won’t then I’d say there’s a problem… and it’s not just here… it’s in all 29 States where they used the f*cking machines to count our vote… [29 is ca_bal code for 9-11]
32:50 If you’re not pissed off as an American.. I don’t care if you’re Democrat or Republican… if you’re not pissed off then you don’t understand the problem…

32:58 Juan O’Savin cont.: One of the other candidates I was talking with this morning… she ran as an Independent years ago… and was absolutely convinced from people inside Voting Offices that her vote was twisted inside the machine… same kind of machine situation… she was not somebody who went on to win but she had great turnout on the Vote…
33:18 It’s not just Republicans who are losing this way… they’ve got a lot of Republican candidates in using this too because they favor a certain wing of the Republican party… the anti-Trump group…
33:37 We’re being managed as a people… as a Nation… by people [the de*ep state] who are cooking our vote from the inside… and it’s literally being done in a Militarized level…
33:44 That’s using Intelligence Agency assets and personnel… getting into positions of authority…
33:50 The President can’t trust 99% of the people around him… is it because the President’s got a problem? Or is it because the system is so baked… so many people in there… in these high positions and there’s no maneuvering cuz it is a De*ep State… they mutually self-promote…
34:09 Clark County (NEV) is the same as Washington D.C. is… 94% Democrat employees in the Government here in Nevada… same thing out in D.C. like 94% Democrats in the Federal Government… why?... cuz the System is cooked…

34:33 So that’s what the problem is… we have to get to some kind of a fairer system that’s actually not cooked like this… and that’s what we’re doing…
34:46 And when we finally decide as a country that you can’t fix it inside the Justice system… then there won’t be as much angst as the President having to use Military assets to rein this in and get it under control… [Military Tribunals & Gitmo]…
35:01 The American people are going to understand that… and be in agreement with that… because EVERYTHING is being used against us…
35:11 The Media is part of a propaganda campaign being managed by the same 3-letter agencies… all of these players that are telling you nothing to see here… nothing to see here…

35:20 Juan O’Savin cont.: You can’t have an honest conversation on Fa*cebook… why?... cause it’s a DARPA let operation with false players MK-Ultra-ing us as a Society…
DARPA: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
MK-Ultra: CIA mind-control program
35:30 Juan O’Savin cont.: You’re being managed and controlled…
you’re the sheep…
and they’ve got us managed
every way they can f*ck with us they are…
35:42 That’s what we have to get back under control and it’s not going to happen easily… and unfortunately…
35:46 The turmoil is not going to be ended in a day or a week…
This is going to go all the way out to the Inauguration date…
[January 20, 2021]…
and we’re going to continue to have drama…
The only thing I can tell your people is…
Just watch…

36:03 VGuerrilla: So on January 20… whose hand goes on that Bible?
36:12 Juan O’Savin: Well… it’s pretty obvious to me that there was a Militarized Global Operation… being managed out of England… but including players from Military Agencies… around the world… including China…
36:37 Juan O’Savin: You know, the 80 million ballots they picked up at the Ports that were coming in out of China… the false ballots… all of these false voters that were being brought in from other parts of the world and states, like that…
36:51 People voting numerous times….
36:55 Here in Clark County… I talked with gals who’ve worked for 30 years as Election Workers in Clark County… and they had people that showed up 2, 3 and more times to vote at their station… let alone the other ones they were going to… the same people…
37:12 And the gals would say, “But you were here and signed up to vote just yesterday”… their name would be changed by just a letter… with Hispanic women… they’d use 4 or 5 different names and just change the order… and they’d come in and want to re-vote again… they’d get a supervisor over… who’d say, well we’re not the ID Police… just sign them up and let them go… people showed up over and over… 20 a day… that’s just 2 Election Workers… who were so shocked and so disgusted… but they were told… you’ve just got to let them do it… we’re not the Signature Police…
38:20 That’s been going on around the country… if you don’t get an honest vote you’re not going to get an honest Government and my contention is we don’t have an honest Government right now... down through the ranks…
38:38 If you can’t get a fair vote and you’ve got to use cooked voting machines… getting a straight vote is easy… why would you use a voting machine that is cooked like that? Because you don’t want a straight vote… and in these locations they don’t want an honest vote because they can’t win in an honest vote…

38:53 Because they can’t win with an honest vote… just like [B]i*den… he couldn’t win in an honest election… there isn’t a prayer… look at those rallies… so they have to do some kind of a scam… of course they had to…
39:12 VGuerrilla: So January 20th… my bet… it’s not a bet, I know for sure it’s 100%... Donald J. Trump puts his hand on the Bible… how about you?
39:20 Juan O’Savin: 1000%... I’m all in…
40:23 There’s a lot of people wondering if we’re going to win this thing… yeah, we are going to win… American people are more woke up right now than ever in my lifetime…
40:45 There’s a certain measured calmness.. one of the people we brought out to Nevada here… early on… that looked at the Computer side of stuff… just an ace of a guy… who then went back East, took what he knew here… and applied it in other locations… put a brief together that went to the President this morning…
41:12 And were there was a certain franticness in everybody’s efforts a week or more ago… the facts… the details… even the seizures offshore… have helped people to understand…
41:31 No… we got ‘em… we found the fraud so many different ways… that it’s tripled down… quadrupled down the resolve on so many people’s parts…
41:55 Even like with dealing with the attorneys today and the candidates… understanding just how extensive the fraud really was… and realizing from talking to the people… just how smoothly and completely they’ve pulled this off… has just raised the ire of people…
42:08 And they won’t back down for nothing… THEY’VE HAD IT TO OUTER SPACE… THEY WILL NOT ACCEPT ‘GET ALONG, GO ALONG’… and this smooth smile… no no no we just cheated better than you… if we cheat better than you do it’s a fair race…
42:32 Well we didn’t cheat… and we’re not going to accept the cheat… here in Vegas they break your fingers or do worse if you cheat at the tables…
42:42 Well they came in here at the tables and they tried to run a rigged game…people here aren’t going to back down…
42:47 They’re not going to have their state taken away by a bunch of outsiders… thinkin’ that they’re comin’ in here… and they’re going to run roughshod over Nevadans…
42:55 I can just tell you right now that’s not happening… and the resolve is getting deeper by the minute…
43:07 People are starting to really grasp
the magnitude of the crimes
that are being conducted against them…
by these Globalists…
43:15 We’re going to get our country back…
Whatever it takes
We’re going to get our country back…
We’re not gonna give it to ‘em
And not without a fight...
43:24 And actually, once we show how they’re doing it… and it becomes apparent… our numbers are so much higher… look at those rallies that the President had… compared to the [B]i*den stuff… and these other candidates…
43:38 The reality is… we got ‘em on the numbers… all we have to do is stand up… it’s like Gulliver… just stand up and say NO!... and he*ll no… and that’s what’s happening… they can lie to our face… and say no no no we weren’t cheatin’ on you…
43:54 Well who’s that in bed with ya?... OK?... It’s a bunch of frickin’ Brits… da*mn Brits… f*cking with us again… and I love the British people… I’m just telling you that there’s some people there in Government… and the Crown… c’mon… give me a f*cking break… and they’re doing it all over the planet…
44:10 VGuerrilla: You can’t throw a stone without hitting the City of London Corporation…
44:14 Juan O’Savin: Yeah… and then you’ve got [S]editious traitors colluding with ‘em… in our organizations… these are [T]raitors… they want to run wars all over the world endlessly… so they can keep makin’ a buck here and there… all the time just a buck a buck a buck…
44:29 And the rest of us are just supposed to put up with it?...
We’re gonna to kick their a*ss…
We’re going to get our country back…
this is BS…

End Kat partial transcription
P.S. Here's the great Joni Mitchell for a mellifluous start to the Holiday Season. May each be blessed and may all dreams come true.

Joni Mitchell, River
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