Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat I don’t know who Juan O’Savin is. Charlie Freak thinks he’s JFK, Jr. because 1-0-7- = 1-7 in Gematria = 1...

Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat
I don’t know who Juan O’Savin is. Charlie Freak thinks he’s JFK, Jr. because 1-0-7- = 1-7 in Gematria = 17th letter of the alphabet = Q.
But I don’t know and it doesn’t matter to me because whoever he is, he is fascinating, brilliant and up to the minute with what’s going on with POTUS, in the mighty Alliance, and their genius Plan to Liberate Earth and Humanity from de*ep state de_mons who are woefully sat*anica*lly inspired.
According the Juan, what is about to be unleashed by the Alliance is a tsunami of legal retribution for a ca_bal that has been brutal, bloodthirsty and barbarous in the extreme for far too long to Angelic Humanity and God’s blessed Earth that they r*ped, pillaged and nearly destroyed.
These are some of Juan’s essential points in this transcript:
-209 thousand indictments are waiting to be served. The clock is ticking.
-President Trump’s 2018 Executive Order on “Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election” is a key component.
-The Social Media companies [youtube, FB, Twitter, etc.] and their fabulously wealthy CEOs who have been involved in capping off the discussion amongst the citizens in an honest conversation… and colluding with Foreign entities to cook our vote… read the EO from 9-14-18 and think about how it might apply.
-Some people are going to jail FOREVER.
-We are engaged in a conflict that’s Global. We sent 2 Aircraft Carrier Battlegroups, 100 ships each, offshore of China a couple months ago. We saw this coming.
-What’s about to happen in the ENERGY realm in President Trump’s second term is going to be beautiful, amazing and astounding. [Think Tesla, NESARA, Free Energy…]
-This is so big. This is so big. This is so big. A tsunami is about to happen.
-A lot of the revelations won’t really be put into the public purview for long weeks or even a month or two… as this builds out…
-We’re literally having a Second American Revolution.
-These people walked right into the set-up… we were on top of it… we did get ‘em… many of ‘em will never ever walk free again… this is [T]rea*son, this is [S]ed*ition…
-Things are going to be great for America…
We’re going to do things that people only dreamed about…
Things that we were stopped from doing for a couple of generations…
We’re going to pull those chocks off…
Go do what we were supposed to do in the first place…
It’s going to be amazing…
And we’re going to change the world
because we’re going to change our world first…
And it starts with this election…
getting control of our country back…
kicking these b*stards out of here…
that don’t think of us from a local viewpoint as Americans…
And then we’ll go help the rest of the world in their own countries…
With their situation…
not as their keeper…
not doing what these people are trying to do to us…
but as their brother…
I’m going to be my brother’s brother…
Exquisitely put.

On a personal note: Karen W. that adorable Kit-Cat Email was such fun. Made my day. And your beautiful words about the transcripts. Bless your heart. Yes, they are a labor of love.
Bonnie M., thank you so much for your inspiring thumbs up. It means the world to me. I’m so happy your group is growing and that they also enjoy the transcripts.
Thank you so much, Mike Haydon, for your tribute to the “Beautiful Feminine Energies.” I agree, Judy Byington and Sierra (NZ) are Goddesses. I’m chuffed to be counted alongside them.
Finally, thanks so much Anonymously, J for your kind words. I agree, Sidney Powell is spectacular, as is the mighty Alliance. We owe them everything. God bless them. Every one. Godspeed.
With blessings of Peace, Health, Happiness and Abundance for all — We are Goddess, Sovereign, Free,
xo, Kat
Juan O’Savin: The Trap is Set Now Watch What Happens 11-13-20
With Juan O’Savan and VGuerrilla, Rogue News
Partially Transcribed by Kat
0:50 Juan O’Savin: We need to have a little conversation about “what’s going on…” People are all concerned about… are we doing something with this election?... to counter it?... is it going to happen fast enough?... did we get caught by surprise?... are we going to lose?...
1:15 Yesterday President Trump announced… you know we had an Executive Order that we couldn’t spend money with Chinese companies… stopping Commerce with the Chinese Military doing business with Americans, etc…. then today the Chinese recognized [B]i*den as the President-Elect…
2:08 Chinese businessmen are concerned with what this relationship is going to look like in the future?... they're going to have to pick a lane…
2:17 They’ve got a de*ep state that’s connected with our de*ep state… as do countries all around the world… and they’ve got to pick a lane… are they going to be with the President?
Or are they going to be with that crew that tried to take over America surreptitiously via a cooked vote…
2:33 A cooked vote… for those people that don’t think that this is anything more than just casual conversation that we’re having about Social Media… I will go back to something I said to you V, concerning the Executive Order in 2018 regarding elections…
Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election 9-12-18
I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, find that the ability of persons located, in whole or in substantial part, outside the United States to interfere in or undermine public confidence in United States elections, including through the unauthorized accessing of election and campaign infrastructure or the covert distribution of propaganda and disinformation, constitutes an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States….
Accordingly, I hereby order:
Section 1. (a) Not later than 45 days after the conclusion of a United States election, the Director of National Intelligence, in consultation with the heads of any other appropriate executive departments and agencies (agencies), shall conduct an assessment of any information indicating that a foreign government, or any person acting as an agent of or on behalf of a foreign government, has acted with the intent or purpose of interfering in that election…
All agencies of the United States Government are hereby directed to take all appropriate measures within their authority to carry out the provisions of this order….
3:20 Juan O’Savin cont.: That includes ANY election… including down to a Tribe… for a Tribal Council… if anybody interferes with that from Foreign Influences, Foreign Governments, Foreign Businesses, Foreign persons… we’re supposed to be monitoring, tracking and responding to that…
4:00 The intent is to stop Foreign Interference in our Election process… what they accused Trump of being involved with the whole entire Russia thing… was about Foreign influence… but it wasn’t really from Russia if at all… it was coming out of China… it was coordinated through various sources, also Mexico… China through Mexico… into our U.S. vote system/process…
4:30 Those Social Media operations… think about who they might be… [YouTube, Twitter, FB, etc.]… who have been involved in capping off the discussion amongst the citizens in an honest conversation… stopping the conversations concerning the vote… interfering in the public discussion… GO READ THE EXECUTIVE ORDER FROM SEPTEMBER 14, 2018… and think about how it might apply to those BIG COMPANIES…
Kat Note: On 11-13-20 Z*ucker*berg told his FB employees that “[J]oe [B]i*den is going to be our next President.”
China, via Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Wenbin, congratulated [B]i*den.
Most of those in the de*ep state who congratulated [t]reasonous, [s]edit*ious, ve*nal, [m]ur*derer, pe*do*phile and child*traff*icker [B]iden, like Net*an*yahu, An*gela H*it*ler Merkel, Jus*tin Ca*stro Tru*deau, Bo*ris Joh*nson and Po*pe Fran*cis, have already been arrested and capitulated to President Trump.
Those who may not yet have been arrested, like Mi*tt Ro*mney, who also congratulated [B]i*den, are praying they won’t be arrested. But Juan O’Savin said Mi*tt is going down for his involvement with [J]oe and [H]unter in various nefarious dealings.
We are watching a show. A piece of theatre. The work has been done. The truth is about to go Global and the de*ep state Judgement Day has arrived.
5:20 Juan O’Savin cont.: You want to have an understanding… what kind of impact is it going to have on those same companies… and those individuals be they UNBELIEVABLY wealthy and huge… who have colluded with Foreign persons, Foreign corporations, including the Chinese Military… operating under the veil cover of corporations into America… to cook the vote?
6:04 To do it electronically with the machines… in helping to work through the mechanics of how those machines work… and can be manipulated… can be designed… before being deployed here in the U.S….
6:21 Those Dominion machines that were present in 29 different states… 29 being another 9-11 [ca_bal] code number for the insider crowd…
6:36 Think about that V… this Executive Order is unbelievably HUGE… and is a key component that nobody sees coming…

From Sidney Powell’s interview with Lou Dobbs, 11-13-20
Sidney Powell: I can hardly wait to put forth all the evidence we have collected on Dominion.
Starting with the fact it was created to produce altered voting results in Venezuela for Hugo Chavez, and then shipped Internationally to manipulate votes for purchase in other countries, including this one.
It was funded by money from Venezuela and Cuba and China has a role in it also.
We have staggering statistical evidence, we have staggering testimony from witnesses, including one who was personally in briefings when all of this was discussed and planned beginning with Hugo Chavez and how it was designed there and then saw it happening in this country.
As soon as the States shut down on Election night and stopped counting, those were the States where the most egregious problems occurred.
We also need to look at and we’re beginning to collect evidence on the Financial interests of some of the Governors and Secretaries of State who actually bought into the Dominion Systems to line their own pockets by getting a voting machine in that would either make sure their election was successful or they got money for their family from it.
Well, for fraud this serious, I think even if the States are stupid enough to go ahead and certify the votes where we know the machines were operating and producing altered election results then they will be set aside by the fraud also.
We are talking about hundreds of thousands of votes.
President Trump won this election in a landslide. It’s going to be irrefutable.
Patriots are coming forward faster than we can collect their information with the testimony they’re willing to give under oath about how their votes were stolen and how the machines operated.
They were updated the night of the Election, sometimes after the Election, we’ve got statistical evidence that shows hundreds of thousands of votes being just put in and replicated.
There needs to be a massive criminal investigation and it’s going to affect millions of voters and elections.
And it's been organized and conducted with the help of Silicon Valley people, the Big Tech companies, the Social Media companies and even the Media companies.
And I'm going to release the Kraken!
It is indeed a very foul mess, it is farther and wider and deeper than we ever thought but we are going to go after it and I'M GOING TO EXPOSE EVERYONE OF THEM!!!
— 🇺🇸PoliticalArtsFarm🇺🇸 (@hppyjesusfreak) November 13, 2020
6:49 Juan O’Savin cont.: Those 209 thousand sealed indictments (another 29)… that are out there… floating… waiting to be served… 209k… the largest that we ever had… as a running average for the last 50-70 years… is 1500…
7:12 There’s 209 thousand sitting waiting…
the clock is ticking…
for them to be served…

7:15 Juan O’Savin cont.: You cannot underestimate the MAGNITUDE of what is about to happen… and HAS to happen to get our Electoral process back…
7:39 Now, the fight is on… I know of people in an adjacent state who were picked up and flown to D.C. the other day specifically to deal with a certain component of Election Fraud in that state… they’re in meetings in D.C. and actually have been yesterday and today… working through specific details of a little mobster operation in the political system… and the coordination of that group with Foreign entities…
8:15 So this is continuing to percolate… the details are out there and known, it’s not like it’s hidden from Investigative agencies…
8:30 Let me go to the Military side… you’ve got, literally… Military personnel, Generals, General Staff… and Admirals who are setting themselves up in opposition to the President… there’s an internal fight with the National Security Council people…
9:00 Where they’re saying, they see, they know the President is about to act… Federal Agencies are about to act… and they understand that the Military is going to be a necessary component in what’s about to happen…
9:14 So with that in mind… they’re a little bit nervous because they’re about to get their wings clipped…
9:24 We’re bringing all our troops home… when we brought oil production back home to America… and became a net exporter of oil under this Administration… when other people said that it couldn’t be done…
9:35 President Trump came into office and lifted a bunch of restrictions and rules… said it’s a matter of National Security… we need to be producing oil here at home… and stopped some of the silly BS that was restricting oil production here in the United States… and allowing it to happen offshore and other places…
9:56 Now we’re a net exporter… which means that we have Geo-strategic influence into other countries… we can project and assist with energy and we’re not beholden to Saudi Arabia or other Foreign sources for our energy production…
10:17 And our dollar… which is tied to oil is not subject to Foreign manipulation whether they want to turn on the spigot or off the spigot on oil supply… it’s a National strategic emergency that we were at other people’s whim and will whether of not we would have energy and that price would be…
10:41 It all starts with ENERGY and there’s stuff that I’ll talk about in the months to come… you have no concept of what’s about to happen in the energy realm… no concept… it’s going to be beautiful, it’s going to be amazing, it’s going to be astounding… and shocking…
11:00 It’s not some new secret energy production… it’s just pulling the reins back on these people that have been stopping us in this re-Industrialization of America… a part in shipping all our technology and jobs offshore…
11:21 Some beautiful things are going to happen during the second term of President Trump…

11:25 Juan O’Savan cont.: And there WILL be a second term of President Trump… take it to the bank… no question… not even concerned…
11:30 The real concern is all those people in very high positions in Government… who have colluded, cooperated, knowingly or unknowingly with Foreign entities, businesses, powers, persons… to cook the vote in America…
11:55 One of the cases that’s going to be filed Monday… goes to a different perspective or approach than happening in the States… most everything in the States right now on the Vote Fraud goes to some aspect of the computer counting method… the fraud inside the machines…
13:38 We have all sorts of manipulations that occurred to the digital numbers…
13:43 However, the one that’s unique and that’ll be filed on Monday [November 16th]… is going to the Signatures…
13:51 For example, we saw a whole bunch of it up in Michigan… where women who had married, gone out of state… find out that in their maiden name they had been re-activated as voters… and suddenly they’re here on voter roles as having received a ballot and voted… and yet they live in a different state for a decade or more yet they’re registered to vote in Michigan…
14:41 Any signature that’s on those ballots is invalid because it wasn’t them.. and there are a number of women who have come forward to say that they have been registered to vote and they never registered to vote in Michigan… that’s happened in States all over the place…

15:05 The signatures that happened all over the place have to be verified… generally the rules are the 2 election people have to verify…
[Discusses cases of voter fraud in Nevada]
19:19 Now I’m going to give away a little of the game… but I don't care… “f” you… OK?... we don’t want a recount… you can’t unscramble the egg… Clark County Nevada is going to have to have a re-Vote… we have other races for congress people… the Senator’s race is very close… down to 100’s of votes… you add another Senator on the Republican side? That’s a big deal? You add Congressman? All of a sudden you’re starting to move Congress over to the Republican side…
20:36 As this plays out and the revelations come about just how cooked this has been for us?... I wouldn’t be a bit surprised… that even though you have Democrats outnumber the Republicans in the House… if that turned out to be the case… the reality is a bunch of those Democrats may walk across the aisle out of embarrassment over what’s been going on in their Party in their name…
21:00 I wouldn’t be a bit surprised to see some of ‘em change their mind… cuz they’re not all corrupt corrupt corrupt… they have a certain mindset… there are limits… and we’re seeing that in a couple of the witnesses talking about the fraud inside the Ballot counting areas… they have said look you know, I just can’t be part of this…
21:41 Some of them are afraid they’re going to be subject to Prosecution… that’s why we have these folks coming in from the Dominion side saying, OK… here’s what happened… here’s what I saw… why?
21:50 Cause they don’t want to get caught up in the crimes and some people are going to jail FOREVER…
21:55 They want to get on the right side of the law before it bites ‘em… and that’s smart…
22:07 In fact, if I was one of the people that was on the bubble… and I’m just talking to you folks that may have been a part of this?... Get on the right side early… this is SO BIG you don’t want to get caught up in it… you want to be on the right side coming out of it… whatever the circumstances were that you got in there? Think again…
22:20 THIS IS SO BIG… you’ll get run over, steamrolled over… THIS IS SO BIG with National Security at stake… the security of our Election process… if you’re on the wrong side you’d better be screaming bloody mur*der… No no no! Not me! Here’s what happened! Here’s what I saw! I didn’t understand… you’d better make your case, you’d better get on the right side…
22:42 Cause this thing’s gonna run you over… if you don’t get on the right side? You’re going to get caught up in the tsunami of what’s about to happen…
22:50 Foreign Interference DID occur in this election… and it didn’t come out of Russia… it came out of China… it came out of Mexico… coordinated with [S]edit*ious [T]rai*tors here in our country… working through Unions… hello… with people in our Country, in our States, in our Counties… to cook the Election... and people are going to jail over this…
23:24 This will not be allowed to go away quietly… this isn’t the last 15 or 20 or 30 elections… it just isn’t the same…
And the people in your audience V… need to take a deep breath.. and stop complaining that things aren’t happening fast enough… listen to me…
23:55 This is very complex… a lot is at stake… there is Nation State Level stuff going on.. that’s why the President issued the order yesterday… about cooperation with the Chinese Military by U.S. Corporations and Entities…
24:07 Do you understand that in the middle of all of this… the President pointed at the Military in China… we are engaged in a conflict that’s Global…
24:22 We sent 2 Aircraft Carrier Battlegroups… 100 ships each… offshore of China a couple months ago…

24:35 Juan O’Savan cont.: WE SAW THIS COMING… to keep them in check and make sure they understand that we’re not takin’ this lying down…
24:44 And we don’t do pre-crime in this country… these people had to be allowed to do their BS so we could actually have evidence of the crime… not that the idea there might be a crime… that we could then go prosecute…
25:12 So relax. We got this… it’s going to get interesting… it’s going to get more and more interesting… it won’t be over by Thanksgiving… it won’t be over in early December…
25:28 What’s about to happen has never happened in any of your audience’s lifetime… and it’s not going to be over in a few days… there’s no pain relief, and there should be, in a few days…
25:41 THIS IS SO BIG… this Election = MAGA… the Make America Great Again Crowd to the Third Power, not squared, not to the second power, cubed, over the Corn… and the Corn is all those people that have been working diligently, relentlessly… with their little secret handshake groups… with their mutual self-promotion…
26:26 Promoting each other into positions of authority so that they could turn around and control us… and do it almost invisibly… where you don’t even realize things happen but behind the scenes they’ve got a little network going… they’re communicating, they’re coordinating their actions…
26:46 Well that’s one company and this is another company… yeah, but behind the scenes they’re calling each other coordinating their actions, and you don’t even realize it… their networks, their marriages, their relationships… working all this behind the scenes to control YOU…

27:03 And we’re going to go root them out… pluck them out… get them out of the system…
27:07 So America can get back to doing what it does naturally, normally… and be about business… be about building… be about growth… and working together…
27:20 We’re not doing it to Lord over other countries… over our neighbors… we’re doing it to get control of our own house first… and then go help the world… not to be their rulers but to be their brother… I’m not going to be my brother’s keeper I’m going to be my brother’s brother…
27:51 VGuerrilla: The thing that struck me the other day, Juan… the Foreign Leaders from all over Europe… and Net*an*yahu… congratulating the LARPER-in-chief [B]i*den… cuz all he’s doing is a massive LARP… a Life Action Role Play… I realize these are all Crown agents… all of ‘em… MI5… anyway I turn… following the money, following the coin… I can’t turn a corner without hitting them… City of London Corporation’s fingerprints on everything, East India Company 2.0… these are all Crown agents…

28:30 Juan O’Savin: Even in the courts… the King’s Bench… I’ll get to that in the not too distant future… we won’t talk about that right now… but there’s an angle now with the Attorneys at the Bar… it has to be in the equation… we’re going to have to address some of these things… and again they’re trying to rein and rule over us behind the scenes… surreptitiously… nobody sees it…
29:20 We need to get control of our country back… we’re really literally having a Second American Revolution… even the connections into China… frickin back there every time…

Jon McNaughton’s 2018 painting of President Trump: “Crossing the Swamp. Never give up. Never lower your light. Never stop till the swamp is dry.”
29:33 Juan O’Savin cont.: Even the spying on the President… where was it all orchestrated out of? It was orchestrated out of Britain… that Dossier came from the City of London… it’s the same crowd over and over and over again…
29:54 They have a plan to come after us and control us… and do it behind the scenes… nobody knows what the heck’s going on… c’mon man… wake up…
30:06 We have to get control of our country back from these agents, these Foreign Influencers… that are trying to manage us from afar… that was the original complaint in the American Revolution… the throne, the crown, King George, was running our country remotely… through our various leaders and all the taxes and everything else… we weren’t our own people…
30:35 That’s why our people came here from Europe… most everybody you see coming here from the rest of the world are trying to escape the type of control BS that’s been going on in their countries… and get to some level of FREEDOM… well, we’ve been better than most, but we’ve got a lot of work to do… to get back on track… and now’s the time… and you got a President who gets it…
The Declaration of Independence in Congress, July 4, 1776
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. --Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States….
31:02 Juan O’Savin cont.: I was just dealing with something else with top Energy and Science people that were brought in for meetings over the last week on something else… They say, well what about Insurance?... the ONLY insurance company on this planet that is handling this matter is Lloyds of London… then they’re managing it that the only place you can do this stuff is the British Commonwealth countries… you can’t do it in the U.S. cause nobody will insure it here… so they can only do it… in Canada… or other locations that are tied to their thing…
31:50 Why? Because they’re managing that technology gets deployed these other places and NOT America… you have, again, a managed de-industrialization of America… jobs, technology, high-paying jobs, and its moved offshore in the most sneaky little ways… we’r e regulated to Outer Space here… and you go someplace else and there’s no same regulations… it has to do with the fact that this is a sneaky way to get us to only be able to do it in only other places…
33:35 It’s a way of manipulating us… it’s Gulliver… we’re being tied down by a thousand little straps… we have to decide to wake up and get free…
34:40 We’re gonna do it… we’re gonna get free… we’re going to go on and do wonderful, great, amazing things… we’ve got 4 more years with this President… and we’ll get a lot of stuff on point… and then we’ll get a lot of other great folks after that…
35:01 America’s perspective is going to change as these revelations come out… I think people are going to be very pi*ssed… I think a significant portion of the Republican party is going to lose power because of how they have functioned… how they have cooperated and interacted with entities that were not working in the best interest of the American people… but were working in the best interest of these Globalists…
35:21 Likewise, the Democratic party is going to suffer but much much more… and I don’t think the Democratic party as we know it is going to exist after the 2022 election… I could be wrong… I’m just giving you my opinion…

39:55 Juan O’Savin cont.: But the Election… watch what happens with this vote-count where they try to throw it off… it’s so scrambled you’re never gonna get there unless you have a recount… what’s the threat there for them? Executive Order relates to Foreign Interference, and persons who assisted and cooperated in Foreign Interference in ANY Election…
42:14 VGuerrilla: How many American politicians and the permanent bureaucrat state… how many of them are actually on the payroll of the CCP [Chinese Communist Party]…
42:30 Juan O’Savin: Well, that’s a good question… that’s part of the whole point… we actually know a whole helluva lot more than has been let out of the bag so far… a lot of those revelations, that information… won’t really be put into the public purview for even long weeks or even a month or two… as this builds out…
42:59 Remember you tend to start with little guys and work your way up to the top… just because you don’t see the BIG GUYS doing down like they’re s’posed to… patience…
43:31 I’m just trying to give your listeners a general… the signature thing… a recount’s not gonna cut it… it’s a re-vote… and for a lot of places in the country that’s the only solutions… there’s other places where it’s so cooked that a recount will not get us to the real number and the only option is available is a re-vote… anyone thinks this is all going to be done in a few weeks… everyone’s going to be arrested in a few weeks…
44:25 That’s not a very realistic perspective on the MAGNITUDE of what’s going to happen and what has happened… and the complexity and the depth that we’re going to have to go to… to ferret out, sort out everything that’s in play here…
44:55 This is about, as I’ve said before, this is about a Biblical Esther 17th Book of the Bible (interesting number) Flip reversal… the Purim Reversal that’s in the Bible where 6 months after Haman dies on his own petard…

45:31 If you don’t understand [the Purim story] you don’t understand what’s going on here… this has actually been orchestrated to be the flip… to be the reversal… to be the boomerang…
45:38 These people walked right into the set-up… and they even knew it was coming at some level… but went ahead anyway because they thought they were so big… so tough that we couldn’t get ‘em… couldn’t stop ‘em… and they’re about to find out that that’s not true…
45:57 We were on top of it… we did get ‘em…
many of ‘em are going away…
they will never ever walk free again…
by the time this is over…
46:06 Suicide weekend might be the only option if they want to avoid Gitmo… others there’ll be Federal stuff going on… this is [T]rea*son this is [S]ed*ition…

46:16 And those people who may have even had minor roles… in not counting the vote right… running the vote machine… running the ballots through a couple of times… BTW you’re on camera… if you’re one of those people that got caught on a hidden camera… you’re in trouble…
47:43 People are not going to be happy when they find out how extensive this was… and that it was done in collusion with… Foreign powers… Globalists… be they in China… England… Canada… Mexico… all these other places… trying to run us from afar… [T]rait*ors…

48:00 No… we got ‘em… we’re fine we’re going to get to Justice… we’re going to root this out once and for all… and then get back to Americans running America… this is the same Revolutionary fight we had 250 years ago…
48:16 We’re going to get this back under control and run our own country… these f*cking as*holes get the he*ll out of our country… and get the h*ll off our backs… so we can do things in a way that’s going to help us here internally…
48:27 This is National vs Globalist issue…
48:30 I am NOT going to be run by Globalists here in my country to their advantage and be their slaves… SLAVES NO F*CKING MORE…
55:20 Things are going to be great for America…
We’re going to do things that people only dreamed about…
Things that we were stopped from doing for a couple of generations…
We’re going to pull those chocks off…
Go do what we were supposed to do in the first place…
It’s going to be amazing…
And we’re going to change the world
because we’re going to change our world… first…
And it starts with this election…
getting control of our country back…
kicking these b*stards out of here…
that don’t think of us from a local viewpoint as Americans…
And then we’ll go help the rest of the world in their own countries…
With their situation…
not as their keeper…
not doing what these people are trying to do to us…
but as their brother…
I’m going to be my brother’s brother…
End Kat partial Transcription

"Gathering" by Gilbert Williams
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