Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat "We have to win our own country back And then... the world" ~ Juan O’Savin I offer Part 2 of my...

Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat
"We have to win our own country back
And then...
the world"
~ Juan O’Savin
I offer Part 2 of my transcription of Juan O’Savin and VGuerrilla.
This video chat was recorded on November 4th, the day after the November 3rd election and 2 days before Charlie Ward reported that:
-POTUS had won in a landslide with 80%+ of the vote.
-The Quantum Voting System was used alongside the old system.
-The “smart” paper that was used for the legitimate ballots all came from one supplier but was printed in different states. The paper itself has a Quantum Water Mark, which is a digital signature that has a serial number that can be tracked from a satellite. The Quantum computer operates at a Trillion Frames Per Second. The Quantum Computer counted the legitimate ballots and tossed out the false ballots and 100% of the false ballots were for [J]o*e [B]i*den. POTUS made a point to Tweet “Legal Votes.”

-The election was a sting operation to round up the [T]rea*sonous and [S]ed*itious Politicians, Mainstream Media, Social Media CEO’s and all their minions.
-Charlie Ward said he thought [B]id*en was ex*ecu*ted last year. I don’t know, but POTUS said the following in September ’20:
9-12-20 @POTUS' Reno Rally, President Trump said, "Sleepy [J]oe [B]iden surrendered... Joe is shot. Let's face it. He is shot."
9-19-20 @POTUS' Fayetteville, North Carolina rally, President Trump said, "[J]oe is dead."
So whatever is walking around as [B]i*den is either a clone, a body double or a CGI (Computer Generated Image.)
This video was also recorded 3 days before [J]oe [B]i*den was declared the winner by the Mainstream Media. I still laugh out loud every time I think of it.
In various videos, Juan O’Savin keeps saying “We don’t do pre-crime in this country. They have to show their hand. They have to do their BS. They must reveal themselves.”
So they must commit the crime and THEN be caught. Steal the election and THEN arrested.

Juan told us in an 11-7-20 video that 209 thousand indictments are waiting to be unsealed. That each indictment can have 1 – 99 names.
And in a reversal, which is what ca_bal de_mons like to do—take what is Godly and reverse it to ungodly—29 is their “code” for 9-11. Juan assured us that these 209k indictments were going to be THEIR 9-11.
In Part 1 of my transcription, Juan O’Savin made a point that was reiterated by Gene Decode and Colleen and Charlie Freak. When I hear the same point 3 times from 3 different reliable sources, I know it’s the truth.
The point they each made was how close Humanity came to annihilation by the deep state mon*sters. If [H]il*lary had won and not President Trump, it was game over for Earth, her Kingdoms and Humanity. Literally.
58:47 Juan O’Savin: It’s like Casino Royale for the whole country…
“This is a HUGE card game…
a HUGE gamble…
the President,
the Q-Team,
the Military Intel people…
they have gambled EVERYTHING
that the American people can still yet be woken up,
that it’s not too late,
that they’ll rise out of this slumber
this Blue Pill induced slumber
that had just about got us…”
That’s the essential line: “That had just about got us.”
On 9-16-20, in a video chat with Charlie Ward, Gene Decode said: “Let ‘em see how close the ca_bal came… which was literally wiping out 11 out of every 12 people on Earth and enslaving everybody else… and everything they know would have been gone…”
In their 7-9-20 video, “Right Here, Right Now: The Takedown of the Ca_bal’s E*vil Plan,” this is what Colleen and Charlie Freak said:
27:58 Colleen: We will have no idea until after the fact… but we were at the 11th hour. This was the year [2020] we [Humanity] were to be taken down… we were going to be suppressed fully… if [H]illary [C]linton had gotten in… they had other plans…
28:38 Charlie Freak: I think we were down 11:59:59… I think we were down to our last second, our last breath… Had the Q-team not unleashed, unrolled everything that they did on the back of the coro_navirus we would’ve been down for the count…
This was the ca_bal’s plan as outlined by Charlie Freak:
Stage 1 – chem trails with smart dust and nano-particles
Stage 2 – vaccine with microchip, lowering immune system, causing sterility
Stage 3 – 5G with 440 hertz of causing our thoughts to create chaos and pain
Stage 4 – FEMA camp and body bag disposal [for those who did not comply…]
2:00:46 Colleen: So this was the trifecta: They needed the chem trails inside of you, they needed the vaccine inside of you and they needed the electrification of these waves from the 5G cell towers to fry you…
2:01:56 Charlie: Yup. Just unbelievable.
"Charlie and Colleen Freak, Part 3: The Takedown of the Cabal’s Evil Plan (Part 2)" by Kat - 8.6.20
I think about this a lot—how close we came. Gaia, her Kingdoms and Humanity owe our lives, our Freedom, our Sovereignty, EVERYTHING, to Q, President Trump, The Q-Team, the loyal Military and their GENIUS Galactic 12D Chess Game-Plan.
We also owe our lives to President Kennedy. He attempted to free this country from the de*ep state and was killed for it. However, his creation of a small group of loyal advisors in 1962 that were called “Q” set the Plan in motion for our Freedom 57 years after his passing.
I love imagining that his son, JFK, Jr., in various guises as Q or Juan O’Savin or someone else, completed President Kennedy’s mission. It brings tears to my eyes.
“John” is “Juan” in Spanish. Juan O’Savin 1-0-7 = 1-7 in Gematria = 17 = Q. Just sayin’.
In this Part 2 transcription, Juan makes it crystal clear that the de*ep state, the [B]i*den Comm*unist crowd, had plans to ki*ll 7.5 Billion people and retain 500 million as slaves. They’re still hoping they CAN ki*ll us. They still WANT to ki*ll us. Ev*il personified.
On 11-8-20 Juan said: “We’re fighting for the planet.
We’re fighting for our whole country…
These people were playing to take over the whole world.”
Thank God for the mighty Alliance. God bless every one of you. Godspeed.
With blessings of Peace, Health, Happiness and Abundance for all — We are Goddess, Sovereign, Free,
xo, Kat
Juan O’Savin: The Endgame 11-4-20
Partial Transcription by Kat [Part 2]
1:02:18 Juan O’Savin: That’s what I keep telling you… [the American people] see the mechanisms that are being utilized in order to pull off these illusions… they’re Hollywood illusions… and we’re going to go after Hollywood and all of these illusionists… it’s part of this mental brain washing that’s going on against us as a country…

1:02:46 Juan O’Savin: That’s why even President Trump… what does he do?… he goes out and does all these presentations… he won’t trust his message to be given by others… he does it directly because the Media wants to reconstitute, regurgitate, vomit up their version of what Trump is saying… and we don’t want that…
1:03:16 We’re going to evict these guys… they’re not going to vomit all over us… they’re de_mon monsters… they’re controlled by de_mons…
1:03:25 I’m actually saying literally, these people that are trying to control the direction of the country are dem*onically inspired and controlled…
1:03:40 One of the things that they’re doing… things that they’re involved in are unconscionable… ungodly… they’re enslaving the American people…
Kat WARNING *** Very hard to read *** but this is what Juan is talking about when he says “de_mon monsters… unconscionable… ungodly” ***
Charlie Freak, 5-17-20: The child rescue operations have moved in earnest in Nevada… what was amazing is that everyone was thinking Las Vegas would be the ho*rror show of hor*ror shows… there was a hor*ror show but it was Reno… underneath Reno they could not believe the tunnels underneath the ground... the D.U.M.B.s… [Deep Underground Military Bases]
2:33:19 Colleen: The Military are going into these tunnels and rescuing THOUSANDS… and we’re talking THOUSANDS of chi|ldren… [1 million children were rescued in AU]
2:35:24 Charlie: This last one in Reno… The ca_bal knows this is coming down so the bulk of the chi|ldren found in the tunnels under Reno were dead… not only dead folks, they were man|gled…
2:35:40 They’ve had to go through… they’re trying to do DNA testing to get the pieces back in order… which piece belongs to which other torso… it’s hor_rific…
2:36:00 ALL OF THIS IS GOING TO COME OUT… ALL OF IT… because it all has to come out… ALL of this will be told eventually…
2:36:08 So what’s going to happen? There was a new Tweet by Q and he’s just saying, “The time to end the horror show is now”… and he equated it to dominoes… you’re just going to start seeing dominoes…
2:36:30 Colleen: Q said it’s time to stand up. It’s enough. WE’VE HAD ENOUGH!!!
2:36:36 Charlie: What you’re going to see is one big person is going to go… and then a whole bunch of people are going to go… cuz they’re all tied to each other… remember, all the stuff on [H]illary… [H]illary is small potatoes… because they got Anth*ony [W]einer’s laptop…
What did they find on Anth*ony [W]einer’s laptop? He had his get-out-of-jail-free card, his hard drive… all the Emails of [H]illary and [H]uma…
2:37:20 On that laptop they found the video of [H]uma [A]be*din and [Hi]llary R. [Cl]inton shre|dding a ba|by to de|ath…
2:37:32 The video is so bad that the New York State officers that were the first to look at this were literally in the hallway throwing up they could not believe what they were seeing…

"Video: Who is Q? The Genius Q-Plan Explained (Part 2)" by Kat - 8.22.20
1:03:53 Juan O’Savin cont.: The whole Spirit of Man is to live free and to have self- determination, that’s our gift from God, but these people want us to be their slaves…
1:04:05 Pay a bazillion dollars in taxes… learn the things they want us to learn… indoctrinate us their way… determine how they’re going to use us to build their world state…
1:04:18 You know… we only need accountants this week… we only need floor sweepers this week… we’re gonna put the factories in China… and we’re going to let you be service people until we’re done with ya and we’re gonna starve you out…
1:04:31 That’s part of the point… they were ripping apart America… de-industrializing… they had that plan for the whole world if you get right down to it… other than a few little choice places…
1:04:40 This thing that’s been planned against America and against the world is SO BIG… that even in your audience… they’re not grasping the magnitude…
1:04:54 Do you realize with this mask thing… the President tweeted the other day… what the private resolutions were going on inside of Canada…
1:05:04 A couple weeks ago in Canada… they had all the senior political leadership in private meetings… (whispery voice)… they’re saying ‘this Dark Winter Second Wave is coming’… so we need to confine ALLLLLLLL Canadians…
1:05:31 They wanted all Canadians to be forced to stay indoors, stay at home… give mandatory checks to everybody to keep them alive… but if you got chipped and if you got your shots and the chip showed you were current on your shots then you could go around anywhere you wanted to go — no mask! …
1:05:55 But if you didn’t get your shots and get chipped you couldn’t leave the home… so ONLY house members who had agreed to get chipped, get a shot, and then keep their shot current could have freedom to go anywhere…
1:06:12 In other words… an internal Passport in their own country… now that’s Canada…

1:06:23 If the [B]i*den crew won or if we’d gotten [H]Ill*ary last time round… how far along do you think we’d be right now in this whole thing…
1:06:25 Remember, the plandemic wasn’t to have started this year… had [H]il*lary won the plandemic would have started a year earlier…
1:06:38 And when they did that little bust over there on Wilshire Blvd. with the helicopters… and got all the stuff out of the Guatemalan museum there… [Guatemalan House of Culture, 138 Wilshire Blvd., LA CA]…
1:06:49 VGuerrilla: Yeah, that’s the Whirlybirds and the Black Hawks that descended in downtown L.A. for those who remember…
1:06:55 Juan O’Savin: Right… on Wilshire Blvd…
Kat Note: LA Choppers on Biohazard Mission 2-13-2019
“Dramatic cellphone footage was captured of a large Black Hawk helicopter landing in the middle of Downtown LA on Wilshire Boulevard, near the corner of Lucas. Uploaded by RedPill78, the video shows ten people dressed in hazmat suits exiting the building and running towards the Black Hawk, carrying two heavy objects.
RedPill78 reports that the non-descript building located at 1138 Wilshire Blvd. was leased to Eduardo Sanchez from the Guatemalan House of Culture but it appeared vacant…”
*Guatemalan House of Culture-RAIDED by 'Special Forces' in LA(!) US Special Technology

1:06:55 Juan O’Savin cont.: If they had gotten away with what they were doing… in order to release it there’s an underground bus thing that goes to a bunch of Hotels up the street… that’s where they would have done it…
1:07:05 It was 2 parts… it was a Biological and a Radiological… so they had a little dirty bomb… it wouldn’t have been a nu*clear explosion… just a bomb with nuclear material… and that would have essentially covered up the trail of where it started from… and your plandemic vir*us would have started from there exactly a year earlier… the whole 3-11 thing that they like to do over and over again… their little sign… the 33 club…
1:07:35 So how far advanced would we be right now in the whole mask thing… you would have had the whole country shut down… and systematically… just like running cattle on the feedline… you’d of had people starting to have all sorts of problems and die out…
1:07:57 They tell us what they want to do… they want a world population of 500 million people… that the 7 billion+ were an infestation on the planet… these Globalists… what do they want to do? They want to thin the herd… just their bloodlines… just people that think like them…

1:08:16 Juan O’Savin cont.: And you’re thinking on a world scale… this is the other thing… and your audience needs to be really on this and understand it from an Economic standpoint…
1:08:23 China, several times in the last couple thousand years, has had bad rulers, if you will, who decided that they didn’t like certain groups… or other groups in their family lines… or people they trusted… and they brought their population down one time almost 90%...
1:08:49 Look at the 50 million that Stalin killed… look at the 50 million that Mao killed in this last century… that’s 100 million with just those 2 countries… where they had people they didn’t like… the farmers in flyover countries in Ukraine… farmers in China that just wanted to have a life… but they didn’t think “Comm*unist” enough… so they wiped ‘em out…

1:09:15 Juan O’Savin cont.: Well excuse me… this [B]i*den crowd?… aren’t they really Comm*unists?... What do they do?... They ki*ll people off that don’t think like them…
1:09:22 THAT’S what was coming for America…
they were going to ki*ll you off…
they still WANT to…
they’re still HOPING to…
1:09:27 That’s what they’re talking about it in Canada… lock everyone in their house and only the people who will agree to be monitored… to get this internal vac*cine and chip Passport… “Well certainly anybody who thinks like us will go ahead and agree to that, anybody who doesn’t, enemy, starve ‘em out…”
1:09:49 How did they ki*ll ‘em in Russia? They starved ‘em out… How did they ki*ll ‘em in China? They starved ‘em out… They were going to starve us out here in the Country [USA]
1:09:53 You don’t think it’s THAT serious
then you’re not paying attention…
1:10:08 So you say, “Well I don’t think ev*il exists”… OK… so you haven’t been watching what’s going on at the Vatican?
1:11:05 VGuerrila: [Reporting on the vote information coming in]… When these idiots hit the trip wire… they not only activated a sleeping giant… this is a stupid move on their part, Juan, a real stupid move…
1:11:11 Juan O’Savin: But you gotta understand, V, this is life and death to them… this is Casino Royale… this is the all in hand…
1:11:27 This is the Purim Purge Day… it’s a day that’s set… you have a day to do it… and now we’re in the extended day… if you go read the 17th Book of the Bible… interesting number… [thank you Q]… The Book of Esther…

1:11:41 Juan O’Savin cont.: The whole Purim event is 2 parts. One in the Spring and one in the Fall… and so we’re in the second part of the Purim Purge operation…
1:11:57 Because it didn’t all get taken care of the first day… the King came to Esther and said, “Have I done everything that you asked of me?”… and she had consulted with Mordecai and he told her there were still factions out there fighting and they hadn’t got it all done in the day that was given… so the King extended for another day the ability to just have it out…
1:12:22 Remember President Trump has said, look, sometimes you just gotta let ‘em fight it out… so we’re fighting it out right now…
1:12:33 I’ve used this story before but it’s an important story… so gimme just a moment to tell this story cause this fits this moment so precisely…
1:12:40 A lot of people want that this should just be over… we should have done all sorts of things before we started this… before they ever got a chance to do any of this stuff [steal the election]…
1:12:52 I had a friend, Pastor Justin Cornwall when I was small… and he used to tell a story and other Pastors have told it since… but it came from Justin cause it was his experience, his life…
1:13:15 Justin Cornwall lived on a farm… a turkey farm… one day he’s out and he saw this butterfly and it’s stuck in the cocoon… it had reached a certain point and what happened was… it’s wings had little filaments that were stuck to the cocoon… and you could see there was a little thread that was holding the wings to the cocoon and the butterfly is flapping its wings but it couldn’t get loose…
1:13:47 And so being a good kid and all that… he goes back to the house and gets his scissors out of his coloring box and runs back out to the barn and he’s going to help this little butterfly and he’s going to let it go free and have a life…

1:14:04 He gets his scissors and he’s really careful and he cuts the little thread… one wing and then another wing… and he cuts those little threads so carefully and doesn’t hurt the butterfly… then he steps back to watch it take off and it flops on the ground…
1:14:26 He helps it… but the butterfly doesn’t get off the ground… he runs back to the house, gets his coloring box, dumps all the stuff out of it, runs back out with the coloring box, throws some grass and stuff in there that he thinks the butterfly must have… some little flowers…
1:14:48 And he runs back over to the butterfly and he puts it in the box so he can help the butterfly get well enough to do whatever… he’d lift it up in the air and drop it and it wouldn’t fly and nothing would happen…
1:15:01 And the butterfly eventually just died off… didn’t live… he was just so upset… later in life he learned that he was the worst enemy of that poor butterfly… and the reason is because…
1:15:10 When the butterfly is coming out of the cocoon… coming out of its sleep… waking up… those strands are there… and the butterfly has to wiggle against them… it’s like going to the weight room… you exercise against resistance… and your muscles get built up…
1:15:47 What’s happening in your audience? They’re getting exercise… they’re getting in shape… learning how to fight again…
1:15:55 They’ve been put to sleep by a bunch of monsters…
you’re on the feed lot…
they’re getting ready to run you through the feed lot to slaughter…
1:16:09 They only want half a billion people on the planet…
one out of every 14 gets to live
the rest must die…
it’s their Osiris numbers…
[Osiris: Egyptian Lord of the Underworld and Judge of the Dead]

1:16:24 Juan O’Savan cont.: It’s in the book… read my book, you’ll see it.

[Kid By The Side of the Road by Juan O’Savan]
1:16:26 I’m telling you this World plandemic…
this plan… and we almost fell victim to it…
than you can imagine…
1:16:38 And this election moment… is your chance to get your muscles going… get your blood pressure up… get a little bit of circulation going… feed yourself… get your muscles going a bit…
1:16:59 And the monsters that we’re fighting…
have been in place…
they’re very tough… they’re very strong…
it’s a very dangerous fight we still have ahead…
1:17:11 We have to win our own country back…
And then…
The world…
1:17:21 VGuerrilla: Absolutely right… absolutely right… for those of you who are worried about this election I would NOT worry about it… Do you know what [J]oe [Bi*den’s doing right now, Juan?
1:18:35 Juan O’Savin: (Laughing) He’s getting a full case of Depends delivered…
1:20:40 VGuerrilla: They know they lost… what they’re creating drama for drama’s sake… they’ve lost…
1:20:45 Juan O’Savin: Well but they don’t have any other game… this is it… this is it… when this hand is over with nobody has any money left on the table… everybody’s all in… that’s what it comes down to… it may not be OVER completely… but the direction the tide is going it’s gonna reach them wherever they’re hiding after the fact…
1:21:14 I don’t want to say it’s all over, it’s all over after today… you’re not understanding what’s going on…
1:21:18 They understand they lose this bridge… everything’s coming behind it… they lose this beachhead… and we establish our beachhead here at Normandy… it’s just a matter of time… cause we now have a way, a route to feed, supplies, men, everything… and we can protect that spot… and they can’t knock it out... it’s only a matter of time now…

Image: U.S. Troops, Omaha Beach, Normandy France, D-Day, 6-6-44, WWII
1:21:46 And so win or lose at this election day… this day after… the second Esther Purge Purim Day… now… wherever they are… we have the resources… the internal fortitude… the strength to go all the way…
1:22:10 We have the leadership to go all the way… we’re not going to drop our guard… the danger to the President, the danger to the team… is going to continue to be very intense…
1:22:24 But the American people have woken up enough… and are continuing to wake up… that they’re not going to back down now… you can take out any of the key players and now it’s the whole American people who are awake to what’s going on… it’s not just a couple of politicians… it’s not just a couple of folks like you and me… trying to rally the troops…
1:22:48 It’s always been a numbers game… you can have a few guys that get it, talk about it, try to warn you… you had Fagin back in the ‘60’s… Larry Abraham… Gary Allen… spectacular guys talking about these things and a dozen more… you know a thousand more you don’t even know their names…
Kat Note: “Conspiracy” by Larry Abraham, Gary Allen 2-1-71

“This book is a primer for anyone who wishes to understand the basic workings of the global network of Insiders that is determined to wield power over all of mankind in the coming New Wor*ld Or*der. The story you are about to read is true. The names have not been changed to protect the guilty…”
1:23:09 Juan O’Savan cont.: Some of the guys I got the chance to meet in the ‘70’s and ‘80’s… Bill Cooper… you have these fantastic guys that were warning you what’s coming but people weren’t ready to hear it yet… en mass… you had pockets of people… that could hear it and that gave ‘em some heat but it wasn’t organized enough… there wasn’t the depth there…
Milton William “Bill” Cooper, was an American conspiracy theorist, radio broadcaster, and author known for his 1991 book Behold a Pale Horse, in which he warned of multiple global conspiracies, some involving extraterrestrial life.
1:23:43 Juan O’Savan cont.: And really the key to this current phase is you have:
1:23:50 The President, he understands, he’s put everything else to the side to make it happen… it’s the culmination of an entire life…

1:24:02 You have the Q-Team… that goes back further than people realize… those people that have been in this fight for a couple of generations now…

1:24:12 And finally have reached this moment where things are organized enough to bring the American people to it… instead of having a Military coup… we’re having a coup of the people… as provided for in the Constitution…
1:24:28 A coup against this group that has captured the operation of America… it’s not American in the way they think and operate… they’re Globalists…
1:24:40 So this is the Globalist team vs. the Nationalist team… and we’re the Nationalists… we want our country back… and when we’re done… we’re not going out to conquer the world… we’re going out to help others in the world to own their own country… and to take their piece of this world back… and take it away from these Globalist monsters…
125:01 The coup they had against us, the culmination that reached this high water mark… with the assassination of President Kennedy… and then consolidating all their power positions in our Government… we’re reversing that…
1:25:23 We have a President that’s actually got the interest of the people in mind…
We have a Military Intelligence operation in the background that is coordinating his activities…
1:25:33 And using super-computers to game out every aspect of our response so that we can precisely know when to play certain cards… we dial in options that give us zones we can be in…
1:25:50 But at the end of the day, some of those cards we play early or later… it gives us layers of opportunities that look like it was always going to be this one in the end… but in fact we had a handful dialed in depending on what the time was…
1:26:05 For example… a number of people have complained… “Why aren’t we getting the rest of the stuff on [B]i*den’s computer?… Why aren’t we getting the rest of the stuff that’s on [W]ei*ner’s computer?”…
1:26:23 Well… Trump card… why? Because now that you see the election suddenly wasn’t going as smooth as some people thought it should… and we didn’t get stuff released early on…
1:26:33 We still have cards to play… this is Casino Royale… we haven’t played every last card that we’ve got… we still have room to ramp it up… the other side… tired old [J]oe… he’s running out of Depends over there… and there might not be enough Depends in the neighborhood to keep him supplied… or all the people around him they’re hoarding it for themselves…
1:26:56 They put it all in for the election… they didn’t save that much for beyond the election… but they still have some… but we’re in the stronger position… and so these hands have to be played through… all the chips are on the table…
1:27:17 If we win America back… it’s only a matter of time as people are going to get those other revelations happen… arrests happen… and suddenly we’re going to have to have Special Elections on the House side… and possibly the Senate too…
1:27:37 Then we consolidate our position here in America… we’ll be of value to the rest of the world…

1:27:42 From a Global standpoint… unfortunately we’re at war with the Globalists around the world and they’re not going to back down… this isn’t going to be easy… this isn’t a cakewalk from here forward…
1:27:56 But we are going to rebuild the country… we’re going to succeed… in spite of all of these things… and the American markets are going to do great… we’re going to re-Industrialize America… that’s a war for the world…
1:28:10 These are aliens trying to invade us… if they wanted to do it with a vi*rus well we’ve got a vi*rus too… BTW those aliens? They’re susceptible to our vi*rus… our virus is the American people… that’s the salvation of America… the American people…

1:29:38 Juan O’Savan cont.: Well… it’s the same people who wanted to make The Probe the Mustang… we don’t want those Probes… we don’t want those Probes stuck in any orifices in our body, OK?... You can stick ‘em in your own orifices in Gitmo… we’re giving them the boot… sending them to Gitmo with their stupid Probes… we’re going to go have life as a Country…
1:30:00 These people have been screwin’ us for DECADES… The American people are waking up… the magic is over… the BS is over… we won… it’s just a matter of time to see it play through… but we won because the American people are awake… the rest is just details…
1:31:21 One of the first things Trump did that nobody really caught exactly… he took the reins off of Energy production here at home… so we didn’t have to buy our Energy from these foreign places where these Globalists control it and take all the money off it… then charge us a gazillion dollars… it’s a way of siphoning off wealth out of America… with these high Energy prices… and keeping us held down…
1:31:51 We’re Gulliver… we stand up and the whole world shakes… but we’ve been tied down by these Lilliputians… these Globalists are Lilliputians…

1:32:01 That whole [B]i*den crowd… I’m very serious when I say that… are all Lilliputians… they’ve been trying to bind America down… and America’s waking up…
1:32:14 It doesn’t mean that there’s not some bad Republicans in there… we’ve had the Mc*cains… we’ve got some problems with the Ro*mney crowd and like that… there’s no question about that… we’re gonna have to do some cleanup there… some of the [R]om*ney clan are tied into [J]oe and [H]unter… some of that stuff is going to come out…
1:32:39 It’s not really even a Republican / Democrat thing… it’s just that Democrats are more fully in than Republicans… but there was stuff that went on back in ’96… [C]lin*ton got $50 million dollars in Foreign money from the Chinese and the Dole campaign got $10 million… well it wasn’t even.. but they were picking a winner… but then both sides were complicit…
1:33:33 These people were trying to picking the winner for how we’re going to run the world and the American people happened to show up when nobody expected it…
1:34:50 Those rallies [that POTUS does] is not just fluff… he’s laying out how we think, how they think… the American people are waking up… people at the street level need to understand what the challenges are… what the choices are… and they make a choice… you know, the Heavenly path or a he*llish path… the American people want the Heavenly path and it’s somebody’s scam to drive us down this he*llish direction…
1:37:07 We've got to save the world… it’s not just save America… but we’ve got to start somewhere and we need a position to work from… you take Normandy beach… and you’ve got a place to work from and now you start working out into the rest of the world… it’s a big world…
1:37:15 We’re actually a small country… the other monsters we have to deal with are actually bigger than we are… have you looked at the Commonwealth recently?... that whole club?
1:37:26 Where did the attack on Trump come from? It came out of London… the City of London… who’s running these operations? Those money families… the Rothschilds… the Royal Families… the Bloodline families… out into the whole world…
1:37:45 And they’re hidden… you don’t see them… they’re not in the Media… but they’re right there… it’s like aliens invaded from outer space and they’re trying to take over the entire world… and we’re trying to take it back… it’s a tough fight…
1:38:57 I’m very comfortable that the American people are en mass in this turning moment… Gulliver’s up on one elbow getting ready to stand up… and we’ve just pulled off a whole slew of these ropes and chains… that these Lilliputians put on us…
1:41:09 America really isn’t a place on a map… it’s a mindset… it’s a way of thinking… a certain self-determination…
1:42:55 We’re Americans… act like it… let’s go get these as*sho*les… kick ‘em in the a*s*s… get ‘em out of here… they can be American in Gitmo if they’re trying to enslave us… we’re not the country and we’re not the party of slavery…
1:43:10 That includes Tax slavery… mask slavery… all of their BS chip slavery… we’re not going to be your slaves… get the ____ out of our lives… and trot em off to Gitmo…

End Kat partial transcription, Part 2

"No more!" by Josephine Wall
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