Juan O’Savin: The Election, the Endgame, and Dark to Light (Decoded by Kat)

Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat I offer Part 1 of my transcription of Juan O’Savin and VGuerrilla. This video chat was recorded on Novemb...

Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat

I offer Part 1 of my transcription of Juan O’Savin and VGuerrilla.

This video chat was recorded on November 4th, the day after the election, and 2 days before I reported Charlie Ward’s breaking news: That POTUS had won in a landslide and that the Election was a sting operation. As well, Charlie told us that arrests and indictments were going to start happening for all to see. Very exciting.

I’m sure Juan O’Savin knew all that but of course he couldn’t say it. When he recorded this video the election brawl was in full swing between the de*ep state stealers and the Patriot victors.

It is clear that the Alliance are putting on a dazzling show for the American people and the world to expose the ca_bal de_mons. This is Masterpiece Theatre at its finest.

Man can they ever. I’m MARVELING at the show. It’s a knockout.

Lightworkers, [Q]-An_ons, Patriots, Digital Warriors, all God created souls who are being and holding Divine Light and who have been awake for years are finally have “our” moment. We are literally IN the Birthing of the 5D+ New Republic that we have been praying and working for. We are literally IN Operation Freedom Earth full throttle.

And BTW, no worries — the Light has already won.

But those still asleep are going to have to awaken to what has been and to the fact that their entire lives have been a lie—Religion, Education, Government, Law, Medicine, Science, Technology, Media, Entertainment, Commerce—ALL OF IT a total lie. An ungodly matrix. A dia*bolic hologram.

Sleep-walkers need to awaken to the fact that blessed Gaia, her Kingdoms and Humanity have been enslaved and slaughtered, diseased and impoverished, our DNA sliced and diced, our minds controlled, our creativity and dreams stolen and forced to serve unimaginative and non-dreaming de_mons, our emotions fed upon, our children eaten and their bl*ood drunk—for millennia by 13 Phoenician-de_mon_blood_line families and their billions of minions.

“They do the de*vil’s work” is not just a descriptive phrase—it’s the fact of the de_ep state—not only because they worship sa*tan, but they aspire to be one with lu*cifer. Good God Almighty.

But here’s the curative fact: The days of de_mons riding roughshod over Earth, her Kingdoms and Humanity are FINISHED.

Thanks to the mighty Alliance and the genius Q-plan, we’re in mop up mode. We’re not done, but we’re in the endgame. Alliance Militaries are corralling remaining minions and throwing them in the slammer and/or arranging by means of a noose, a lethal injection or a bullet, their expeditious one on one with God.

In my last Juan O’Savin transcription, he said:

39:54 Juan O’Savin: When people find out
what’s being done in their name…
what’s been happening here in our country…
around them
right under their noses…
They’re going to be so livid…
that these people are going to have to be picked up
to keep ‘em from getting strung up…
Gitmo won’t be because they just have to go there and do their term…
Gitmo will be the only place they’ll be safe…
they won’t be safe here in the mainland [of the USA]… OK?
Because of the [t]re*ason…
And, those people who want to protest after the election? Sedition…

As I was transcribing this video, those words came back to me.

I have written more heart wrenching transcriptions in terms of outlining the horrendous fate of billions of our children. The diabolic adr_en-ochrome trade. The unspeakable hor*rors visited upon those innocent souls by the de_ep state de*vils. I wish I didn’t know as much about that as I now do.

This transcription is mainly about Political crimes yet even so, I found myself incensed at what the de_mons had done to destroy our once shining United States. Thank God for the Alliance.

As a reminder, Charlie Freak believes Juan O’Savin is JFK, Jr. In a video with Rice Crypto recorded on 10-14-20, Charlie said: “Juan O Savin… 1-0-7… in Gematria the zero doesn’t count so it’s 1-7, which is 1/7, which is the letter Q, 17th letter of the alphabet… so Juan O Savin, imo without a doubt, is JFK Jr.”

I don’t know WHO Juan O’Savin is but he is for sure part of the Alliance. If he is JFK, Jr. that’s amazing. But he is fascinating whomever he is and up-to-the-minute informed about everything to do with the Alliance, the ca_bal, and the Plan to take back our planet.

O’Savin brings us information we need in order to face what the de*ep state de_mons have been doing so we can passionately reject it and them and declare, in the name of the Heavenly Father and Holy Mother, NEVER NEVER NEVER again!! And so it is.

O’Savin emphasized the importance of this year’s Winter Solstice and going from Dark to Light. That beautiful image, coupled with Charlie Ward’s latest news, is so uplifting.

Because Mr. O’Savin is such a great raconteur of our current living History, I really want to get down everything he said. I only got as far as I got and will finish the transcription tomorrow.

With blessings of Peace, Health, Happiness, Abundance and Truth — We are Goddess, Sovereign, Free,

xo, Kat

Juan O’Savin: The Endgame 11-4-20


Partial Transcription by Kat

[They begin chatting about cars. What kind of car should I get? Sun-roof or not? Truck or RV? I’ve gotta change states a couple of times… Hmmmmm… I do a lot of driving. I like the new Jag I just got… but I really need an SUV because of the size of stuff I have to move around… I’m a Hot Rodder… hilarious]

15:15 Juan O’Savin: …Now all of that, V, to say, “What’s going to happen with the [f]*u*ck*ing election!?!” (Laughter)

15:25 VGuerrilla: Yeah… you know we’re talking cars… I’m having my coffee… a lot of people think, why are you talking cars? I’ll tell you why we’re talking cars.

15:40 Because Juan and myself are not worried… we’re not scared… we’re not trepidatious… we’re not concerned… we KNOW what’s going on… we know what’s happening… Juan, why don’t you break it down for us?

15:57 Juan O’Savin: Well… it’s like I was just mentioning on the car stuff… when the vocalization, the angst, the upset amongst the masses reached a critical mass, even FORD had to pay attention… the people they were going to stuff that stupid Probe down their throats as being the “new Mustang” by just putting a badge on it and calling it a Mustang… it had nothing to do with what the original Mustang was… point is, the consumers said No! And he*ll No!

17:15 So you have this situation going on in the country right now… you’ve seen the rallies… some of your people have attended the rallies… you’ve seen the stuff on the internet, OK?...

17:50 When you go to a [B]i*den rally… and you don’t go to ‘em in person you go to ‘em online… those round circles… that’s like herpes… stupid little chair for each person or whatever…

17:54 These people are diseased in how they think… these people think they can stuff their schemes down your throat like they have every election for decades now… and you’re supposed to just take it…

18:05 And you’re not going to be able to do anything about it… you can’t beat City Hall… you can’t beat Tammany Hall… [A NYC political organization that endured for nearly 2 centuries. It was famously crooked]…

18:12 And there’s a certain moment… where people realize that this is not the same as before… this isn’t the same game as before… but people are going to have to realize it isn’t “us” it’s “them”…

18:30 They’ve pulled this sh*it over and over and gotten away with it EVERY TIME… EVERY TIME THEY GET AWAY WITH THIS SH*I*T…

18:43 Know what they weren’t counting on?

18:47 When President Trump, in 2018, issued an Executive Order directing the Director of National Intelligence to monitor the election… and any signs of Foreign Interference in our Election process… it wasn’t just the 2018 election… it was ALLLLLLLLLL FEDERAL ELECTIONS period!!!...

19:27 VGuerrilla: WOW! BOOM! There it is. There’s the thing that everybody is missing… Juan go ahead and repeat that for us, man…

Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election 9-12-20

I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, find that the ability of persons located, in whole or in substantial part, outside the United States to interfere in or undermine public confidence in United States elections, including through the unauthorized accessing of election and campaign infrastructure or the covert distribution of propaganda and disinformation, constitutes an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States….

Accordingly, I hereby order:

Section 1. (a) Not later than 45 days after the conclusion of a United States election, the Director of National Intelligence, in consultation with the heads of any other appropriate executive departments and agencies (agencies), shall conduct an assessment of any information indicating that a foreign government, or any person acting as an agent of or on behalf of a foreign government, has acted with the intent or purpose of interfering in that election…


19:37 Juan O’Savin: We’re having an epic day… Have fun…

19:45 Every single investigative
and Intelligence asset
in the United States
is directed right now on one thing only… primarily…
and that’s ELECTION FRAUD…
Foreign Interference in our Election…

20:00 BTW, if you’re looking for Foreign interference, along the way, if you find any signs of any other criminal activity, you just redirect that information to the proper agency…

20:12 Now… we’ve had a little problem with the Dir. of the FBI [Wray]… KICK HIM IN THE F***CK*ING ASS AND GET HIM THE HE*LL OUT OF HERE AND GET SOMEONE IN THERE WHO WILL DO THE JOB CORRECTLY!!!!!... OK? That’s going to happen…

20:30 We’ve had a little problem with stuff over at the Justice Department [U.S. Attorney General William Barr]… and everybody knows that we’ve got a problem at the Justice Dept…. you can only get so many people qualified and get ‘em into position… pass them through congress and get ‘em in position…

20:56 You can nominate somebody for Att. Gen. but can you get him past congress when congress is cooked?... So we took Barr… he has the qualifications… and congress would vote him in there… but at some point, it’s becoming more and more obvious by the hour…

21:15 You want to talk about electioneering… you want to talk about trying to cook an election…

21:21 OK if you’ve got the evidence that’s come out… and MORE TO COME… on crimes by the [B]i*den crime family… by the [C]lin*ton crime family… and the [B]ush crime family… THEN YOU NEED TO PROCEED WITH PROSECUTIONS…

Kat Note: Once more, I bow to the brilliant research of Colleen and Charlie Freak. Over these lockdown months their reports have proven to be 100% accurate.

1:15:10 Charlie Freak: [J]oe [B]iden is NOT a politician… he has no interest in serving you or his constituents or anything…

1:15:15 Colleen: Ever wonder why he’s always smelling children?

1:15:10 Charlie: I’m going to tell you why… the [B]iden Crime Family is known for many things… they’re very despicable, very uncouth crime family… but they’re known for one thing more than anything else… and that is the procurement of children…

That’s why [J]oe [Bi]den has his son involved with this gas/propane company in the Ukraine like he’s some big businessman… but those are all fronts for what they’re really doing…

He’s over there procuring children in war-torn areas…

1:16:02 Charlie: They’re helping [G]eorge So_ros — which is to create constant havoc so you constantly have children being separated from parents… then [H]unter [B]iden’s job… [Colleen: What a name, right? [H]unter/predator]… that’s what he is… he’s a hunter-of-children… to be extracted then for adren_ochrome…

1:16:26 Charlie: [The [B]id*en crime family] were taking hundreds of thousands of children every single year out of Eastern Europe…

"Charlie and Colleen Freak, Part 3: The Takedown of the Cabal’s Evil Plan (Part 1)" by Kat - 8.6.20

21:49 Juan O’Savin cont.: If you’ve got sealed indictments on things at some point you have to convert those to arrests and have them arraigned and charges brought and let a jury of their peers hear the case… at some point that has to happen…

22:10 But when you’re having Justice delayed… in this case it’s not just Justice denied completely… but what’s happening is… if you don’t get the proper information out in a timely manner then people can’t vote as informed voters… that’s a sin against the country… sins of commission and sins of omission… you have denied the voters information they need in order to make an intelligent appropriate vote…

22:36 Juan O’Savin cont.: Fortunately that information has been getting out in spite of not getting proper prosecutions… in spite of the Media attempts to block us as citizens from getting it… we have bypassed most of those with the various ways of communicating out amongst the listeners [Q-drops, Q-An_ons, youtube, BitChute, Twitter, FB, websites like IDC, podcasts, etc.]…

22:57 Most of your people here have heard this stuff that we’re talking about… they’re not uninformed, they’re just not getting it through normal channels… and that’s important… at least they know… at least they’ve got it…

23:30 See when Ford tried to force the Probe down buyer’s throats… the consumers rose up and said “No! That doesn’t fit America”…

26:56 This vote situation with the cr*ap they’re trying to stuff down people’s throat… doesn’t fit the American public right now…

27:00 You can look at the videos… the American public showed up, is showing up, will show up for President Trump… they’re not showing up for a fraud… they’re not showing up for the Al Capone, the latest version…

27:21 They’ve given us one BS artist after another… the [C]lin*tons… the [B]u*shes… and then this whole [O]ba*ma thing… who was wearing the pants in that family?...

28:30 VGuerrilla: You know, I just remembered that 2018 Executive Order when you mentioned it… putting the forefront on Military and Intelligence operations… that is huge… and these guys just stepped in it today… they literally stepped in it at 4 a.m. when 138k ballots… magically all 100%... a mathematic impossibility… went directly to [B]i*den…

28:55 Juan O’Savin: People have no concept really of how extensive the surveillance and Intelligence operations are… that we have as a country…

29:09 The 16 Intelligence policing agencies that are part of the National system… the 17th being the Director of National Intelligence who advises all 16 agencies… the surveillance capabilities are just mind-bending… National Reconnaissance office with satellites and everything else…

29:33 They’re watching so many angles… cross-checking and cross-checking… it takes a while to sift everything through…

The term within the Q community that said “WE HAVE IT ALL”… they’re not kidding…

29:55 Juan O’Savin cont.: You have to remember in this whole operation… we’ve actually been ahead of the bad guys all the way along…

30:07 Why not stop them?

30:14 Because you have to let… we aren’t doing pre-crime here as a country… we’re anticipating… but at some level these people are playing through… they’re getting a chance to do all their BS…

30:40 Some of it has been nipped in the bud… for example: The 80 MILLION Chinese Counterfeit Ballots that they got at the Ports…

30:50 Let’s talk about that for a second… [In a whispery voice] “Gosh, we don’t know where they came from?!? We don’t know WHO authorized this?! We don’t know where they were going and who was going to use them!?! And how they might use these ballots in an unauthorized manner?!!”…

Well, actually B*ul*lsh*it…!!

31:17 We know who authorized them…
who’s working with who
who was paying for them…
where they were going to go…
we know how they were intended to be sifted in…

31:29 And they hit our shores… it wasn’t any longer a question of did the printed one’s ever exist?! Yeah actually, we got ‘em…

31:40 You can just go down the list… all the different ways that they have or wanted to conspire to do this [steal the election]… including the phone communications…

31:49 You know, we had these FISA warrants… that allowed us to go out… they were using those against President Trump…

[Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act was introduced by Senator Ted Kennedy on 5-18-77 and signed into law by President Carter on 10-25-78]

31:54 Juan O’Savin cont.: Then they didn’t find anything even in the FISA warrants… it was all fraudulent… it was all cooked… we’re going to find out that the stuff that was done towards the President was BS… but now you go the other way…

32:16 And think about all these FISA warrants that are out against the OTHER team… the OTHER players [de*ep state]… and what they’re doing…

32:22 And hey, BTW they got real ballots that showed up that were false, fake, lying and intended to steal the election… and BTW they came from OUTSIDE THE COUNTRY… Foreign Interference…

32:35 Then you’ve got So*ros money going into all these organizations… you’ve got money out of Qatar… you’ve got money out of Saudi Arabia… and other places…

32:48 A lot of it got nipped in the bud a long time ago… but there still was momentum from prior stuff…

32:52 And BTW… you know all that money that O’ba*ma… the $152 BILLION dollars that went to Iran… where did it go after it went to Iran?... to Ukraine…

33:10 Remember that Ukraine aircraft that went down of Tehran last year?...

33:15 Juan O’Savin cont.: Remember this… that was a commercial airline going from Tehran to Ukraine… that was the only country still doing commercial services at that time in and out of Iran…

33:39 When the money was going to Iran, cause the relationship was that strong with Ukraine… somebody else we’ve got a problem with right now… the [Bi*den] crowd, the [O]b*ama crowd etc.…

33:53 Remember [O]bama sent $152 Billion
with a “B”… dollars to Iran…
it went to Ukraine...
THEN where did it go?

34:10 Where did Barr and Durham go together…outside the country… when they were investigating all the fraudulent activities they were looking at… including the stuff with the [B]i*dens…

34:24 The VATICAN Bank… and suddenly people are disappearing out of the Vatican bank…

34:46 We have the Vatican doing all sorts of special deals with of all places, China…

34:44 And then BTW… the money that went into the Vatican Banks… what were Barr and Durham looking at…

34:50 The flow of that money was going out to protect various political operations all over the world… to keep their Globalist crowd in power… [the ca_bal minions]

35:05 That money was also coming back into the United States… in order to cook OUR elections… all that money was being pushed out into the world through this little sh*t-head [O]ba*ma… that’s where it all goes back to…

35:32 The people managing [O]b*ama…
puppeteering [O]ba*ma in the Presidency
with all the various tools of the American Government
going through these various connections…

35:51 Juan O’Savin cont.: I know that we have a lot of Catholics here in the audience… look you have a de*ep state in the Vatican… and it’s a captured operation.. as much as we’re trying to fight to get our country back… at some point the Catholic believers are going to have to push-back at management…

37:57 Can you just imagine what life would be like in this Alternate Universe under [B]id*en???...

38:34 VGuerrilla: Did you see him today? He introduced his granddaughter as “Hey, this is my son Beau [B]iden… you elected him! Oh, wait, it’s my granddaughter, not my de*ad son…” (laughter)…

40:18 Juan O’Savin: Wait… you’re not understanding… they’re wondering if [B]iden was even there?... It looks like it’s CGI… I called one of my buddies in Hollywood and he said, “Nah, they wouldn’t do that!!?” [would they?]…

Look this is all about theatre… this is a show… they’re doing a hat trick on you…

41:12 The other night, we’re at Magic Castle… a lot of people stayed late and showed each other their tricks to see if they could catch them… it’s all about an illusion… but you can’t figure out how they did it cuz they’re such good illusionists they can make something that isn’t real look real… it tricks your mind, your senses…. they’ve got things timed…

42:50 So you wake up and see, oh yes we found another 138k Votes and they’re all for [B]i*den!! (laughter)… any other era they’d get away with that sh*t… but right now with all of the other Magicians that are there understanding how tricks are done… they can see the tricks… and the guys can’t get away with anything…

43:23 All of your audience, V, all of these conversations that we’ve had over the years… you’re becoming very educated… lots of other presenters are doing the same thing… they’re giving you all the information to know how these magic tricks are being done… they’re not getting away with it the same way…

43:49 From an investigative prosecution side… unlike the previous times… we see how they get away with it… with Attorney Generals that just won’t bring charges… just like [Ken] Starr… you know [H]ill_lary’s indicted several times back in the ‘90’s and then Ken Starr says, well I didn’t think I could get a conviction so we didn’t proceed forward…

[Ken Starr: Lawyer, U.S. circuit judge, 39th Solicitor General of the United States. Best known for heading an investigation of members of the [C]lin*ton administration known as the ‘Whitewater’ controversy.]

44:24 Juan O’Savin cont.: So he became judge and jury… instead of a jury of citizen voters getting a chance to look at the rest of the evidence…

44:22 And BTW… a Grand Jury of citizen voters looked at the evidence that was presented of crimes by [H]ill*ary and said that enough evidence exists… the evidence is strong enough that we believe that she should be arrested… charged… and run through a criminal trial process… by a jury of her peers… so you had a jury of citizens that said we want [H]il*lary to go to trial for this… she can defend herself… but we believe there’s evidence of crimes here…

45:16 VGuerrilla: I just want to confirm right now that Rudy Giuliani and the legal team are already enroute to Philadelphia… they should be there in the next hour or so…

45:32 Juan O’Savin: Well… what I’ve said all along… this is like Purim…Purim/Purge Day… in the original Bible story of the Purim… when the Purim day came… even though the Jews celebrate Purim in the Spring… that was the day that Haman died…

The actual Purge Day wasn’t the day Haman died… it was half a year later when both sides had it out… and then Heyman’s ten sons and all of their allies… came after the Jews…

46:16 And the Jews had all that time to make alliances, make defenses, arm themselves and get ready…

[Purim is a Jewish holiday which commemorates the saving of the Jewish people from Haman, an Achaemenid Persian Empire official who was planning to kill all the Jews, as recounted in the Book of Esther.]

46:22 The American voters have known this was coming for quite a while…

46:26 The Q-Operation
was about alerting them,
explaining to them what’s going on,
educating them,
helping them to make alliances within the communities,
within the groups around them…

[Digital Warriors, YouTube, BitChute, FB, podcasts, Twitter, etc.]

46:41 And now these frauds… we know how the magic happens… we know the magic act… looking at the ballots magically showing up… the vote changes in the computers… the ballots coming in from China…

46:55 We know how the game is played now… and we know how we haven’t gotten to get trials because we have these people that keep acting like they’re smarter than an American Jury…

47:08 An American Grand Jury says I want [H]il*lary charged… get her before a judge, charge her and run her through trials… one guy says, well I don’t think I can get a conviction… well I don’t care about your reputation… a Grand Jury of 14 to 23 people… said no, she should be run through the criminal process…

47:46 VGuerrilla: This just in… Trump just filed a lawsuit in Michigan…

47:48 Juan O’Savin: Well… we’re having that next day… second day… it’ll be obvious by the end of the day that the President’s won… but if it isn’t we’re not just backing down… we know how the tricks are done… we see what’s going on… we’re not going to let our Election… our country… be stolen from us by a bunch of tricksters and magicians Globalists with all of their scamming buddies…

48:20 We’re not letting that $152 Billion dollars in [O]ba*ma money reach back into America and corrupt our elections here in America… and by the Politicians these Globalists want to run America…

48:38 And that’s what I talked about in the book… the magazine that’s out… people need to educate themselves with what’s going on in the world right in front of them with these magic acts and then say No!! and He*ll No!!!

48:57 And this is that moment for us to recapture our country… I’m very comfortable… there’ll be lots of drama… lots of handwringing… I’m not sweating… I’m enjoying the day… I’m so relaxed about it, I’m not worried about the end of the world… I’m worried about [buying] a Lincoln or a Shelby truck (!!)… BTW, maybe a Lincoln Truck and then Shelby-ize it… (laughter)

50:10 VGuerilla: [B]i*den is supposed to make a statement today, what do you think he’s going to say? (laughter)

50:57 Juan O’Savin: What you’re really looking at in this election… do you know what it really was? This election was and the play through is about Globalists vs Nationalists… they’ve made Nationalism a bad dirty word… what… keeping your household secure?!?...

51:35 It takes a village to raise your children… some of those in the village really do want to raise your children because they’re r*pists, pe*do*philes, 50-se*xes or whatever… [Gender confusion is a ca_bal agenda]…

51:43 Look at what’s going on in the Vatican… I’ll just be this blunt… the issue in the Vatican right now… is that the Lavender gang has taken over the operations of the Vatican... you have a gay rights group… a bunch of gay rights pe*do*philes that are running the Vatican and are controlling how things are happening there and controlling the Pope… it’s actually that blatant…

[Lavender Hill Mob was a militant gay rights activist group operating in the United States in the 1980s in response to the treatment of the AIDS pandemic.]

52:17 Juan O’Savin cont.: Either you’re awake to it and concerned or you’re making apologies for it and you’re part of the problem… the reason these monsters get a chance to do what they’re doing is because good people [say]… “Oh I can’t believe that, well, I don't’ think that way”… well it’s happening…

52:42 Look at the audience hall in the downstairs of the Vatican… What is it? It’s a snake… When the Pope’s speaking from the podium, the tongue of the snake, the aisle to right down where the Pope’s at, he’s vocalizing for the snake… the snake is using the Pope as an avatar… that’s sa*tan himself… the church is heavily infiltrated and I would argue, captured by monsters… that are running your Religion…

Image: Reptilian Audience Hall, Vatican [The back of Jesus’ head, his hair, becomes the face of a reptile, looks like a Velociraptor. YUK.]

53:54 VGuerilla: Really quick… [Republican] John James is back in the lead in Michigan [for the Senate]… suddenly they found the missing ballots for an amazing pro-Trump candidate… [As of 11-6-20 John James lost to the Democrat…]

54:14 Juan O’Savin: Like I said I’m not personally actually concerned… because I know even as we get through the day… and even as we go over the next many weeks… after the election… 45 days later exactly… the Director of National Intelligence has to report personally with his report on any foreign Interference in the election… to the President…

54:50 Again, coming up on our Winter Solstice era…
[Winter Solstice, Monday 12-21-20]…

and Dark to Light
and alllllllll this stuff is going to come to light…
and then from the Winter Solstice on
it’s just going to get lighter and lighter and lighter
and we find out alllllll the games they’ve been playing…..
alllllll the little machinations that have been going on…

55:11 Juan O’Savin cont.: This is far from over… and people that think it’s taken too long… it’s going too slow… we’re not doing enough…

55:19 This is so deep…you’re thinking this is a TV movie, it’s a half-hour segment, it’s all over with… there’s a lot of complexities here… literally these monsters have been playing to take over the whole world…

55:40 We haven’t seen it yet… it’s coming… we’ve seen some Checkmate in this 5D Chess in the Financial realm… but we’re dealing with the Political, the Church is coming, the Financial is further out there yet… there’s a lot of positioning going on here…


56:00 Juan O’Savin cont.: Starting with this hinge position here with the Presidency of the United States… which has this control over so many functions that are needed in order to re-capture the program…

56:14 We have a virus in the program… of the operation of the United States… and how it functions… we have to root that virus out and this is the virus program that we’re going in and capturing all these little tentacles of the monsters that have taken control of our country… and then neutralizing them…

56:38 First though we have to see them, it’s like a Cancer cell… the reason it can ravage is because the immune system doesn’t see it… it looks like it’s OK so it feeds it and keeps it around… these monsters like the [B]i*den group and [B]anger Harris (?sp)… and all that crowd… they’re the virus that has infiltrated the operation of our country…

57:06 And so we’re going to… we’re identifying them… letting them show themselves… and now the virus operation’s in place to root ‘em out… so they sent their virus at us… we’re sending our anti-virus back to ‘em and they ARE the virus…

57:59 I’m very hopeful that everybody will have a nice sound sleep after all this… and I’m actually planning on partying… I had a Scotch last night and I’ll have a Scotch tonight…

58:28 I’m saying that because everybody needs to take some deep breaths… understand there’s a lot in play… but in order to get these monsters out of our lives there’s a certain amount of revealing… you know, they’ve got to show their hand…

58:47 Juan O’Savin cont.: It’s like Casino Royale for the whole country…

This is a HUGE card game…
a HUGE gamble…
the President, the Q-Team, the Military Intel people…
they have gambled EVERYTHING
that the American people can still yet be woken up,
that it’s not too late,
that they’ll rise out of this slumber
this Blue Pill induced slumber
that had just about got us…

59:21 We’re just moments away from seeing if the bad guys bet right or we bet right… cuz the cards are getting revealed on the table… they’re flipping over the cards… oh it looks like this guy won, oh it looks like that guy won…

This is like the scene at Casino Royale, the recent Bond movie…this is it…
and finally that Trump Card gets played…

59:53 Oh BTW, we’ve had the largest investigation in U.S. History ongoing since 2018… up and through to now…

1:00:02 I think the Trump Card is going to TOTALLY Trump everybody else’s very good hands… we got the best hand… we’re taking the whole table… it’s ours…

1:00:15 VGuerilla: Oh look at that! Just happene3d ABC News just retracted it’s Arizona projection for Joe [B]i*den… (laughter)… OMG… that’s huge… Emergency Injunction being filed in Michigan… and the fraud begins to unravel…

1:00:58 Juan O’Savin: Wait a second, V, the Broken News reported that?... (laughter)… Broken News reporting Breaking News…

1:01:15 VGuerilla: 130k ballots out of nowhere for Wisconsin… 130k ballots out of nowhere for Michigan… it’s the same operation… these people are not smart… there was a time when the de*ep state had some talent…

1:01:38 Juan O’Savin: Well part of the issue is this… they’ve been broken down in their ranks… and then the other thing is that the public is watching for every sly move so… where they had larger audiences and more players involved, they could camouflage their actions among a Hall of Mirrors… more people to do little things… the number of true players in this group that have sold out in this group is much much smaller so their actions are readily observed… it’s not a Hall of Mirrors it’s a couple of mirrors… and you’ve got a lot of people watching it and all of a sudden they can’t pull of their BS anymore…

1:02:18 That’s what I keep telling you… they see the mechanisms that are being utilized in order to pull off these illusions… they’re Hollywood illusions… and we’re going to go after Hollywood and all of these illusionists… it’s part of this mental brain washing that’s going on against us as a country…

1:02:46 Juan O’Savin: That’s why even President Trump… what does he do… he goes out and does all these presentations… he won’t trust his message to be given by others… he does it directly because the Media wants to reconstitute, regurgitate, vomit up their version of what Trump is saying… and we don’t want that…

1:03:16 We’re going to evict these guys… they’re not going to vomit all over us… they’re de_mon monsters… they’re controlled by de_mons…

1:03:25 I’m actually saying, literally, these people that are trying to control the direction of the country are dem*onically inspired and controlled…

1:03:40 Juan O’Savin cont.: One of the things that they’re doing… things that they’re involved in are unconscionable… ungodly… enslaving the American people…

The whole Spirit of Man is to live free and to have self-determination, that’s our gift from God, but these people want us to be their slaves…

1:04:05 Pay a bazillion dollars in taxes… learn the things they want us to learn, indoctrinate us their way… determine how they’re going to use us to build their world state…

1:04:18 We only need accountants this week… we only need floor sweepers this week… we’re gonna put the factories in China and we’re going to let you be the service people until we’re done with ya and we’re gonna starve you out…

1:04:31 That’s part of the point… they were ripping apart America, de-industrializing… they had that plan for the whole world… if you get right down to it… other than a few little choice places…

1:04:40 This thing that’s been planned against America and against the world is so big… that even in your audience… they’re not grasping the magnitude…

1:04:54 Do you realize with this mask thing… the President tweeted the other day… what the private resolutions were going on inside of Canada…

End Part 1 Transcription by Kat

P.S. This is one of my favorite songs, "All Is Well" by Michael W. Smith, and I believe it is absolutely true. All is well. I wanted to leave this Part 1 transcription with something beautiful, hopeful, and true.


Michael W. Smith - All Is Well (Lyric Video) ft. Carrie Underwood


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Operation Disclosure: Juan O’Savin: The Election, the Endgame, and Dark to Light (Decoded by Kat)
Juan O’Savin: The Election, the Endgame, and Dark to Light (Decoded by Kat)
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