Reader Post | By Sabre My story will remind you. Peeps, Just letting everyone know, The Nursing Home sent me to a doctors visit the day bef...

Reader Post | By Sabre
My story will remind you.
Just letting everyone know, The Nursing Home sent me to a doctors visit the day before the election. Later that day there was a conference call between the state and all nursing homes, stating the virus is "spiking". The nursing home then put 4 others and myself into isolation. Me for 14 days because I won't participate in the nose swab fraud.
I tried explaining the conference call that took place, was an attempt to scare a large number of people from going to the polls to vote the following day, but the flow of conversation wouldn't let me get those details out. (I did warn them last Spring it was all about the election and would disappear right after the vote.)
I've been in isolation since that night flipping between CNN & FOX. I switched rooms again Friday and am now in isolation with 2 TVs so I've been watching both at the same time. Neither station has said a word about the virus AT ALL since the election. No statistics! No Deaths! No Cases! No Fauci/Birx! No mask talk, nothing! Thank you both for vindicating me.
Question: How do you go from Corona|virus numbers spiking off the chart on November 2nd to not even a whisper about it the following 6 days? It was all predicted B.S. from the start, that's how.
I've been warning everyone at the facility, family and friends that it was fake since the first week of mask wearing and that it was only for the benefit of democrats attempting to win the election. Any facts presented have fallen on deaf ears for seven months.
Since CNN and FOX are showing the virus served its purpose and can now be forgotten about. Keep in mind, you're only one breath away from:
A) Catching a virus that has never been isolated (found to exist).
B) Catching a virus that has never been detected by a PCR Test. (The PCR Test creator stated the test can't detect viruses.) (Since the virus hasn't been isolated there is nothing for the nose swab to find.)
C) Having a nonexistent virus pass through mask pores that are 3 times larger than the virus. (CDC stated 85% of positive cases wore the mask)
D) Getting hypoxia from wearing the mask.
E) Lowering your immune system by rebreathing your now toxic exhaled air. This makes you more susceptible to the new seasons sicknesses.
And the list goes on.
So what was all the fuss about last Spring that started 7 months worth of national agony? A rebranded seasonal common cold/flu, with the final 90% death blow being the Gates Vaccine.
That's the end of family choir practice.
Believe Nothing/Anything's Possible
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