Source: Centipede Nation Staff November 22, 2020 9:19 pm ANON: Insight Into The Sidney Powell & Trump Campaign Legal Team Statement – He...
Source: Centipede Nation Staff
November 22, 2020 9:19 pm
ANON: Insight Into The Sidney Powell & Trump Campaign Legal Team Statement – Here’s What This All Probably Means…
Authored by 4129240 via Voat:
For all you Nancy boys getting your panties in a twist over the tweet about Sidney… This is my summary:
1. In any civil lawsuit, there must be parties to the lawsuit, and they are called “parties in interest.” This means they have to have an interest in the lawsuit. The Plaintiff(s) must allege that a duty was breached by the Defendant(s). The Defendant(s) have to be served legal notice. This is what constitutes a “case” in court.
2. The Plaintiff(s) must have “standing” (legal right) to sue. Since I do not live in Georgia, I could not file a case in Georgia regarding voter fraud or election fraud because I would not have standing. But someone in Georgia could. That is what Lin Wood did. He lives in Georgia. He is in the process of appealing the lower court’s ruling against him.
3. Trump has legal standing because, even though he does not live in Georgia, he was a candidate on the ballot there, and if there was election fraud that cost him votes, he has standing to sue.
4. Trump’s legal team represents HIM in court, regarding any case having to do with the election for which he was on the ballot.
5. There are also OTHER parties who might bring lawsuits (in Georgia and elsewhere) that were NOT candidates on the ballot, but they DO live in Georgia and have been wronged in some way.
6. These other people are likely who Powell will be representing. She can still coordinate with Trump’s legal team, even if she is not officially part of that team.
7. It would be a good idea, given the circumstances, for Trump’s legal team to make a public statement that Powell is not officially part of their team, and any statements she makes are not part of their cases on behalf of Trump. That way, the opposition (or corrupt judges) can’t bring Powell’s statements into their cases. Powell is likely to be attacking from a different direction than Trump’s team.
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