Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat I chose this gif of President John F. Kennedy because I think about how pleased his Spirit must be with w...

Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat
I chose this gif of President John F. Kennedy because I think about how pleased his Spirit must be with what is happening right now in America.
He lost his life fighting for the Freedom of the American people from the de*ep state, and now President Trump and a group that JFK created in 1962, the Q-Team, along with the mighty Alliance, are delivering that Freedom to Americans and the world. Thank you, President Kennedy. WWG1WGA.
I enclose a partial transcription from a video recorded on 11-7-20 with Roseanne Barr and Juan O’Savin.
It will provide hope and inspiration if anyone’s Spirits are lagging regarding the Election.
Truthfully, I’ve never felt more excited. I’m expecting to see legal fireworks after years of trudging and praying and hoping the Alliance orchestra would begin to play for all of us to hear.
That time has come. The de*ep state got stung by the Quantum Voting System and legitimate ballots that have a watermark that were certified by Justice Amy C. Barrett.
What? They thought no one would question 138k ballots all for [B]i*den showing up at 4 a.m.?

In brief, this is the energy of the transcription:
Juan O’Savin: You know we’re fighting for the planet,
we’re fighting for our whole country…
there’s a lot that has to play out…
We’ve got ‘em…
and they’re going to pay the price…
They’re going to suffer the consequences of their actions…
We’re gonna go kick their a*s*s…
We’re taking our country back…
For those who may not know, it’s thought by quite a few that Juan O’Savin might be JFK, Jr. because 1-0-7 in Gematria is 1-7 which is 17 which is the 17th letter of the alphabet, which is Q, and many think that Q is JFK, Jr.
I don’t know who Q is [but I think it’s several people including JFK] or who Mr. O’Savin is, but he is very well informed, definitely part of the Alliance and I trust him.
Buckle up for this week. Be calm. Have faith. All is well. Trust the Plan.
God bless President Trump, his family, advisors and the mighty Alliance. Godspeed.
On a personal note, Mary Louise, thank you so much for the beautiful Email. I so appreciate your taking the time to write it. Thrilled you read the transcripts and give them a thumbs up.
With blessings of Peace, Health, Happiness and Abundance — We are Goddess, Sovereign, Free,
xo, Kat

Roseanne Barr With Juan O’Savin 11-7-20
Partially transcribed by Kat
5:00 Juan O’Savin: You’re seeing this ruse being played on the American people… like the election’s over… in fact over the whole world… I’ve fielded calls from friends in disparate parts of the planet… and various industry and political people…
5:18 I just left a small gathering here where I’m at… where we were having a bite to eat and there’s people at another table… and they were absolutely totally distraught… the President’s lost… tears… you know…
5:48 Roseanne: That’s not how it works… they’re buying BS… they don’t even know our Constitution… we have laws… they have tricked people into thinking we have no laws…
6:06 Juan O’Savin: Well, so one of the conversations that happened… I was with another host moments ago… and they were saying, “They’re going to have to go in there and remove POTUS from office” [LOL]… and I go, “What planet are you on?!?”
6:52 He’s President until January 20th at Noon no matter what… give me a break… what kind of morons don’t get this?... (laughing)…

7:38 There’s NO fairhandedness… a lot of that vote being counted when monitors are out of the room shouldn’t be counted at all… putting paper over the windows so it can’t be observed by American citizens…
7:47 You can go to Banana Republics and they have a fairer vote than what’s going on in some of these places… we’re going to challenge all of that… and then there’s other information we have about mysteries happening behind the scenes in the computers…
8:04 This is far far far from over… and even inside the Republican stronghold… people that shouldn’t be struggling with this information… they’re acting as though they don’t understand what’s going on with the law that challenges, etc.…
8:23 Excuse me…
8:30 You know the President today, he went and took a break… and went golfing…
8:38 Roseanne: What can you tell us about the Kennedy assassination? Because this is all tied in, isn’t it?
8:43 Juan O’Savin: It is… you know, we’re looking at the reversal of the coup… this moment is all about reversals…
8:50 Reversals of the coup against America that reached its height when President Kennedy was assassinated… and sealed the deal for these people taking control… the reins of power over us… this captured operation that is America…

8:43 Juan O’Savin: Let me just tell you a little sneaker, Roseanne… and this is just for your audience and you…
9:27 Juan O’Savin cont.: It’s a little factoid… you’re gonna love this… Do you remember a year ago… remember that we talked about that this was Biblical?
11:22 I’m telling your listeners we’re in this Esther moment… and what’s the story of Esther in the Bible? It’s about reversals… it’s the 17th book of the Bible… 17 is kind of a fun number your listeners will understand that… (!!! Hello Mr. Q, Mr. JFK :)
12:10 Juan O’Savin cont.: But this reversal moment… at the moment that this evil Haman was going to have the Jews wiped out… gonna have Mordecai wiped out…
12:25 It was all about the last possible moment… what Haman had intended for Mordecai… what Haman’s descendants had intended for the Jews in Persia… they were all going to be wiped out… it was over, end of story… they had it all mapped out… all the Jews are going to be wiped out…
13:01 At that instant… at that last moment… out of the jaws of defeat… victory out of the jaws of defeat…
14:57 This is so cool… I did a broadcast last year with Jennifer Mac… we talked about it’s going to be Biblical… Your audience needs to pay attention to this… here we are a year later talking about these very things that we talked about a year ago… I’ve been telling you all along this is Biblical… it’s the story of Esther… this is a Purim moment… boomerang…

15:47 Let me give you this one little thing… when we talked about that all that long time ago… one of the things I mentioned was that when Haman… what was the tribe that Haman came from … was a descendant of Agag, the king of the Amalekites…
16:14 And the Amalekites, what was their role in History in this Jews vs. Amalekites… when the children of Israel left Egypt… they had all the wealth of Egypt thrown on their shoulder because people in Egypt just wanted them to leave… because they’d gone through these 10 plagues…
16:33 God had told Pharaoh to let his people go and he wouldn’t do it… so there was plague after plague after plague… and Moses keeps coming back, “Are you gonna let my people go now?”…
16:46 Sheep no more…
slaves no more…
this theme that is part of this moment in History we’re living right now…
16:51 Finally the people leave… and they’ve got all this wealth, this gold, this treasure… and the Amalekites saw them leaving as a caravan… headed out across the desert towards the Promised land… and all this treasure… so they came snuck on ‘em and attacked ‘em on their weakest area on their flank… where the women and children were…
17:30 God was pretty pi*ss*ed at that, obviously… they came back and they won their battles but there’s this History between the Amalekites and the People of God…
17:42 In fact the last battle before the Messiah returns is spoken of by the priests… the Rabbis… as being something that’s going to be ultimately between the Amalekites and the Children of Israel…
10:02 So in this exact moment… you have a Grand Battle Royale…
18:19 Something your listeners may not be aware… remember Marina Abramovic? The guy that’s masquerading as being a woman… you know what happened on Halloween night?
18:25 Marina Abramovic, he-she-it… did a black mass in Spain against President Trump and against all of his advisors, against all of his followers… they did a black mass against us…
18:55 And they supported and were giving energy and strength to [B]iden and all of his advisors and the people around him…
19:04 This is a good vs ev*il battle…
this is a Biblical good vs ev*il engagement that we are in…
over this election for America…
19:15 Whether we’re gonna go on and be FREE
or go into slavery… returning unto slavery as a people…
19:22 And that’s why we have to understand this…
19:48 We’re going to keep God in Heaven vs a God from he*ll…
19:55 And let me just add this, Roseanne… whether you’re Protestant, Christian, Catholic, Jewish… and I would even contend Muslims that are of good will…
20:15 Roseanne: Or have no Religion… I think it’s everybody…
20:21 Juan O’Savin: Yes… there’s a certain group against FREEDOM… FREEDOM of mind, soul, conscience… Now think about this…
21:09 What’s going to happen if [B]i*den doesn’t make it?!?!? His eyes are bugging out… his brain explodes… there’s people already talking about President Harris…
21:40 These people are into reversals… mirroring… you want a reversal?... you want a reversal??! OK… you want reversals? I’ll give you reversals…

Image: Chelsea [C]lin*ton upside down cross…
21:51 So Kamala… reversal one for me now… riddle me this…
22:00 Look at K-a-m-a-l-a in the mirror and what do you see?… put her name in the mirror and what to you see? Read it out for me…
22:11 A-l-a-m-a-k!!! Is this not Biblical? She’s an Amalekite… it’s Biblical!!!
22:29 Do you realize what you’re looking at?...
23:42 Just think about this though… Kamala Harris wasn’t even considered as the VP let alone something happening she gets to be the President… she wasn’t even on that portion of the radar…
24:03 When we talked about this being a Biblical Esther reversal moment…
24:26 Here we are in a prophetically inspired instant… when the very thing we were talking about a year ago has come true… it’s Biblical… even the NAMES of the players fit the theme that we were talking about a year ago!!! Do you realize that?
24:50 Is that a God comm? It’s a God comm.
20:55 Roseanne: OMG it blows my mind. This is a huge one. OMG OMG OMG.
25:23 Juan O’Savin: President Trump has done so many beautiful things… including Jerusalem, the capitol, we’re gonna work from that…
25:39 Roseanne: And he’s got Peace going… how can they be against Peace?... He’s got 4 Nobel Prize nominations… and I’m like how come you h*te him so bad?
25:56 Juan O’Savin: Think about this Roseanne… it’s all in the terminology and the way people view things… they want us to worship their God… their God is he*ll… we’re looking at the God of Heaven…
31:37 Juan O’Savin: … The reality is people aren’t buying into this cr*p… we’re going to push back… when the real numbers come through and we know what’s really going on? We’re going to stomp ‘em like bugs…
31:39 And the reality is they’re not going to get away with stealing our election…

31:48 And other facts are going to come into play…
32:42 Well the fraud on the votes is not as clear-cut as they’d like us to believe it is… we’ve got a lot of aces up our sleeves to show where the votes have been manipulated…
At the end of the day we had this investigation starting all the way back in 2018… the President did the Executive Order in 2018… directing that all 17 Investigative agencies’ assets be applied to looking for ANY SIGNS, ANY ACTIVITY of Foreign Interference in our Election process…
34:01 Well the President issued the EO for ALL FUTURE FEDERAL ELECTIONS… then 45 days after the Election.. the Director of National Intelligence had to report to the President, what they found… then the President after that ordered that the information be used in pursuing lawful prosecution of anybody involved in Election interference… that was Foreign Interference…
34:37 And remember… for example if you are from another country and not a U.S. Citizen and voted in our election… or you promoted people to vote that aren’t lawful to vote, but you’re a Foreigner… that’s “Foreign interference”… but if you’re not an American and you’re trying interfering to interfere into an American election…
35:09 Course in doing that we can issue FISA’s… we can look 3 people out into your contacts…
35:22 Here are the keys… for 50 or 60 years, in the Federal Judicial System…there’s a running average of about 1500 sealed indictments at any time in the 94 Judicial Districts across the USA… usually Drug Trafficking, Money Laundering… mob type activities… you keep them sealed after a grand jury hears them… so that you might have MORE people to go after… you keep an open investigation to ferret out all the rest of the players involved…
36:01 You get a sealed indictment… the Prosecutor will hold it… it’s locked in the safe… it’s not public record until the person’s arrested… and then charged… arraigned in open court…
35:23 Those sealed indictment sit waiting to be served…
36:27 From that moment on… from the Winter Solstice is when the information of the Director of Intelligence was presented to President Trump [in 2018]… Dark to Light…

36:44 From that moment forward… the investigation flipped into the indictment process of those people involved…
37:37 From that date December 21st, 2018 till right now… Grand Juries have been meeting in secret continuously… U.S. citizens sitting on juries… in all 94 Judicial Districts… 14 to 23 people…
39:03 From December 21st continuously… the number of sealed indictments have been building up like water behind a dam… waiting to be opened up…
39:11 Do you know how many sealed indictments are out there right now?
209 thousand sealed indictments…
39:28 Do you know what 2 and 9 is code for in the ca_bal?... 9-11… their little secret code word between each other that they laugh about? They use 29 all the time as code for 9-11…
39:46 In a reversals Esther Biblical 17th Book of the Bible moment… 209 thousand sealed indictments are about to be THEIR 9-11… (laughter)… It’s Biblical, Roseanne…
40:12 Praise the Lord we’re gonna go get ‘em… they think they’ve won… they’re parading around with their 6 cars… telling everybody how beautiful it is, [B]id*en’s gonna win, etc…
40:20 These Amalekites think that they’ve got us?!...
40:26 What happened to Haman? He built this machine in order to kill Mordecai… in fact, the way they were doing it in those days they’d hoist em on their own petard… they literally stuck it up their a*ss… sitting there on a pole… bleeding out…
40:56 That was the way they intended for Mordecai to be killed… in fact it was Haman [that the King ordered killed on the device Haman had built to kill Mordecai… a reversal]… when this reversal moment happened with Esther and he was hoisted on his own petard…
41:06 Remember the Purim season… isn’t just when Haman was killed… the battle was a half a year later… but half a year later… right now… Haman’s 10 sons came to kill the Jews to have the rest of the battle…
41:30 All those who think in a Hamanite / Amalekite way… the Kamalas… reversals and mirrors and everything else… are coming for us?
41:41 And you know what’s going to happen Roseanne?
All the tricks… all the thievery… to steal the vote from the American people… to steal our Country… to force us into their slavery… destroy us, to de-industrialize America… to starve us out with their little scamdemic… they wanted us to starve out… they want us done… they wanted to turn us into their Soylent Green…
42:23 God in Heaven… Praise the Lord…
has given us President Donald Trump…
he’s not giving up…
he’s not giving in…

42:30 Juan O’Savin cont.: This is that moment of reversals…
42:37 We are closing ranks with our President… we are closing ranks for Justice to happen… and if you can’t get Justice with the Federal Judicial system cuz it’s totally cooked? You will get it with Gitmo…
42:53 We’re gonna get ‘em all…
every last f*cking one of em…
It’s not over, it’s not over by a farsight…
43:00 They can do all the programming they want… all the Media people… all the News stations can say [B]iden*s won… alright… you’re looking like Haman to me…
48:25 Juan O’Savin: Believe me, this is far from over. There’s a lot more to play through… I know you were a little bit upset because your Birth day was November 3…
48:41 Roseanne: No I realize that I got the best present… America gave me the President I wanted… and I’m so appreciative…
48:56 Juan O’Savin: When the true vote is known… 80% of those who voted [legitimately] voted for President Trump…
49:09 Mirroring, reversals, even President Trump is on the same page as you and I are right now… Do you know what President Trump tweeted a few hours ago? He said 71 million had voted for him in the election… 71 million Americans had voted for POTUS…

What’s that reversal number? 17 (laughter)… it is the secret language… it is the secret language and we’re talking right back to them (the de*ep state)… they want reversals? Hey!
Roseanne: Seriously now, how bad is it gonna get? How long is it going to last?
50:07 Juan O’Savin: That’s actually a very important question so let me be serious for a moment and I want your listeners to understand this…
You know we’re fighting for the planet,
we’re fighting for our whole country…
there’s a lot that has to play out…
50:19 In fact I’ve been with key people that are involved in this counting the vote and races like that over the last many days… even there inside the camps they’re sweating bullets… they’re people saying “It’s over, we’re done” and you’ve gotta have the conversation with them… Have faith…
50:47 Understand that we had to do certain things… we don’t do pre-crime… here in America when it’s done right… we don’t do pre-crime… when you watch all the cop shows and the real investigations…
51:20 We have to allow the bad guys
to actually do the crime…
to complete the transaction…
in order to find them guilty later on…
we don’t do it based on the assumption
of what they were going to do…
51:44 We do prosecutions based on real actions…
where they consummated the crime,
completed the transaction…
and we do the sting…
51:51 So we’ve allowed them to go all the way… we’ve allowed them to play it through… monitored it…
51:58 WE’VE GOT ‘EM…
52:10 They intended to capture America and to enslave it and to destroy it so they could have their Global Order…
52:23 They wanted wealth in their Global Order at the expense of Americans…
52:25 They wanted their crime families… [C*lintons, B*idens, O*bamas, B*ushes]… be part of a much BIGGER Criminal Syndicate… their piece of the pie at the GLOBAL action…
52:35 But we’re taking our country back…
52:38 Americans showed up. They ARE awake…
52:39 I want to give credit
to all of those people who voted for President Trump…
who said No! I get it now…
I see it… I understand it…
They DID show up…
52:52 These people who were trying to steal the vote…
steal the election…
55:19 We’re going to put America back to work… and we’re going to do it TOGETHER…
56:00 One of the things that you and I have talked about before… on your show… [TV Show Roseanne]… was how all the family had different perspectives… they may not have agreed on everything or how things should be done, etc…. yet you’re there holding the family together… and you still have love within the family…
56:23 We as Americans… people want to come in and divide us over stuff? Excuse me… we’re the American family… they might have stopped us for a little Season… but they haven’t stopped us permanently…
58:23 You’re going to see pieces of the puzzle coming into play… this could go on for a bit… it’s going to take some time to work this through…

1:03:00 Juan O’Savin: This is where we’re at… it is gonna get more dire… those of your audience who are paying attention… help is on the way… this isn’t over…
1:03:12 We got a great President… wonderful guy… the biggest problem at the White House for the President… his protective angels are 9 feet tall… he’s got a hard time getting all those angels to move around freely cuz there are so many of ‘em…

End Kat Partial Transcription
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