Operation Disclosure | By Sierra (NZ), Contributing Writer November 29, 2020 Genevieve Brand from John Hopkins University critically analy...

Operation Disclosure | By Sierra (NZ), Contributing Writer
November 29, 2020
Genevieve Brand from John Hopkins University critically analyzed the effect of COVI_D on USA deaths using data from the Centers for Disease Control. She found...there appears to be NO EXCESS DEATHS from COVI_D in 2020, and that data has been presented in a misleading fashion.
Genevieve Brand's research confirms what many experts are saying worldwide: COVI_D is the BIGGEST HOAX in history.
Genevieve's research shows that not only has COVI_D had no effect on the percentage of deaths of older people, it has also not increased the total number of deaths. The total decrease of deaths by other causes almost exactly equals the increase in deaths by COVI_D. She believes that deaths due to heart diseases, respiratory diseases, influenza and pneumonia may instead have been RECATEGORISED as being due to COVI_D.
She says, 'In reality, this year at present seems to be no different in overall mortality rates compared to last year, and LESS of an increase than five of the six preceding years. How is this possible during a "pandemic of Biblical proportions"?'
That is an excellent question, Genevieve.
Here in New Zealand, the NZ Listener - a corrupt magazine similar in style to the corrupt Time magazine - recently published a cartoon about COVI_D. It showed a lampooned image of President Trump (virtually every NZ Listener publication since before the 2016 election has featured a lampooned image of President Trump). He is standing over trenches filled with coffins. One of the coffins has these words...210,000+ US COVI_D deaths.
This kind of [D]eep [S]tate propaganda is why our country went into full lockdown, destroying our economy. We lost 12.2% of our GDP this year because of the COVI_D scam. Tens of thousands of people lost their jobs, their businesses. I lost my own little part time job because my lovely employers lost their business.
Please help Genevieve Brand's article to be read widely. The TRUTH deserves to be told.
Where We Go One We Go All.
Love and Light
Sierra (NZ)
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