Operation Disclosure | By David Lifschultz, Contributing Writer November 18, 2020 CIVIL WAR IN THE US? Compliments of the Lifschultz Organ...

Operation Disclosure | By David Lifschultz, Contributing Writer
November 18, 2020
Compliments of the Lifschultz Organization
We are not interested in what the generals in the US Army have to say but the colonels. It is important to note that the power of the nation is in its military. When I spoke to each member of the Joint Chiefs Of Staff on the issue of whether they would accept the sodomization of the US military as pushed by the Chairman of the Armed Services Committee Carl Milton Levin and the Orthodox Jew Joseph Isidor Lieberman, they said that they were filled with hatred for Levin and Lieberman as well as the Congress for pushing this but would obey. I said they should resign. This was not surprising as they were more interested in the payoff of board memberships on US military contractors, who in turn were controlled by Wall Street whose Trotskyite oligarchs are the source of all the evil in the country. These oligarchs set up the six media combines that control all the news and pervert it. These oligarchs will ensure that the officers' stock options will rise by the companies buying in their stock financed by the same Wall Street oligarchs. As to the Pharisaical hypocrite Joe Lieberman, I regret to inform the reader that my father and I had supported him with the encouragement of Senator Jesse Helms as he was supposed to be an Orthodox Jew, or posed as one, who told us he supported the Bible. How were we to know that he would betray the Bible? Senator Helms told us that Republican Senator Lowell Weicker as a thorn in his side, and wanted him out. The key issue that Lieberman betrayed us on was abortion supporting the liquidation of 60 million souls murdered in the womb in the US and 1.5 billion souls murdered around the world under US sponsorship. Once we saw this, it did not surprise us that Lieberman supported sodomy in the army.
Let us not forget how degenerated Germany was even under the Kaiser. The great Prussian Army too had allowed sodomists in the army but they were in segregated units as the blacks were in the US Army until the North Koreans and Chinese picked the areas of the front manned by the black units which broke and ran almost at once in the Korean War. The US Army did not allow sodomists in the army, and if they were caught in the navy they were thrown overboard or shot in the army by the officers though there were no regulations as they were not supposed to be there. Truman was forced to integrate the blacks so the front lines held. The reason the Prussians segregated the sodomists was so that they did not try to molest straight men at night while they slept in the barracks. This same Prussian Army in World War Two shot by firing squad any sodomists caught in the act which is the Biblical punishment established by God. In other words, what is happening in the US can be easily reversed just as it was in Germany.
What happened to Trump is not too dissimilar to what happened to Senator Jesse Helms in the famous Senate race of 1984. The entire [d]eep [s]tate went against him and this was the most expensive race in the country other than the Reagan-Mondale race. My father and I raised about $150,000.00 for Senator Helms which was considered then a great deal of money then since the dollar has been largely inflated away. I attended a fund raiser for Senator Helms in New York City where a fellow from Bear Stearns told me that a group led by Larry TIsch had contributed a lot of money to Senator Helms, and that a descendant of Julius Rosenwald, who founded Sears Roebuck, had cried there at the Helms reception that they gave him. My father was a friend of William Rosenwald, the son of Julius, and we will discuss his daughter next. A short time later I was at a reception for Senator Moynihan where this descendant of Julius Rosenwald came up to me to chat. I then took the opportunity to ask her about her support for Senator Helms. I was going to praise her. She looked at me in shock. Who told you that she asked. I said this fellow from Bear Stearns. How dare he! How dare he! I hate Senator Helms. I said this fellow related that you were moved to tears by Senator Helms. She said I did cry but I cry all the time. It meant nothing. Larry Tisch and I wanted it to appear that the UJA was not against Helms even though we were, and we loaded up the Hunt campaign with huge contributions. We gave Helms only low six figures to avoid the UJA from being attacked. This is exactly how President Trump was and is being treated.
Here we see here what the support of Sheldon Adelson for Trump really is. It is a front. Just about every Senator that supports Israel is against Trump though he has done more for Israel than any previous president. Even Lindsay Graham is a front who is really not his friend when we saw him threaten Trump for saying he was withdrawing troops from Syria by saying he would reconsider his stand on impeachment. No troops were withdrawn and there are a 1,000 still there. In other words, Israel ordered Lindsay Graham to threaten to impeach Trump if he pulled the troops out of Syria. And true to form just about all Israel supporters in the Senate and House are screaming for Trump's defeat. This is one of the greatest betrayals in all of history.
The colonels are aware of all of this, and are very infuriated at the stolen election by [B]iden. They are also infuriated at the stab in the back delivered to the police that may force them to intervene in US politics as the German Army intervened in Germany in the 1929-1933 period. It must be remembered that in Germany Adolf Hitler was a member of German military intelligence. One of the parties that Hitler spied on was the National Socialist German Worker's Party. He was assigned to join and take over this party by the German military. It was Field Marshall Paul von Hindenburg that put Hitler in as Chancellor. British intelligence supported his rise as an offset to French and Russian power and the so-called brilliant intuitive moves of Hitler as he regained the German population removed from Germany by the Versailles Treaty was not intuition at all but were authorized moves by British intelligence in advance to build Germany up as a balancing power to France and Russia. The British wanted Germany and Russia to destroy themselves again as they had set them up in World War One and had set it up that the German Army could invade Russia by going around Poland. But here Hitler did not want Poland at his back. While France and England declared war on Germany over Poland, when Hitler invaded Poland they refused to help Poland by invading from the west to split the German Army as promised. Then Russia hit Poland in the back with all their forces facing German troops which routed the entire Polish Army. In other words, England did not want Germany to lose in the war against Poland.
If we read the far right publications in the US they cautioned their followers not to intervene to stop the burning of US cities as then those burnt cities will be blamed on them. As Ernst Rohm poured 3,000,000 troops in the streets of Germany to fight the equivalent of ANTIFA-BLM, there are similar millions in the US that are ready to fight and the population of the US is armed. And they will not give up their weapons as they have been threatened by ANTIFU-BLM in their homes. The possibility of Civil War in the US is growing every day.
We dread to see the formalization of the stolen election by the corrupt US Judiciary as eventually it will lead to civil war. We are not saying that all cases are rigged in the US as most judges go out to play golf in the afternoon leaving their court clerks to decide the cases, but if the [d]eep [s]tate is involved the case is fixed. This happens all the time at the Supreme Court. We have said that Trump holds the Trump card in his knowledge of 9-11 and if he loses the expose of 9-11 by both parties who were involved in this false flag operation will be the final blow that the US political system cannot withstand as the stab in the back of the German nation in World War One led to national socialism.
Elections in the USA: letter from General Delawarde
by General Dominique Delawarde
Rather than knowing who will ultimately be declared the winner of the US presidential election, General Delawarde is astonished at the media's desire not to consider fraud, however obvious.

My dear friends,
Many of you have asked me what my opinion was on the events that took place in the United States between November 3 and this day in connection with the presidential election. My double hat as an intelligence expert and a specialist in the United States has given me many questions that I will summarize in two main series:
Was there electoral fraud and is the hypothesis of a coup d'etat aimed at reversing the result of the election credible?
If [B]iden were to be elected on December 8 and inducted on January 20, 2021, what consequences should be expected of his takeover.
I will try to answer these two questions clearly in the following lines.
Conflicts of interest of the author?
It is important for each of you to know, before starting to read my letter, if its author has any conflict of interest that could orient his remarks on the subject dealt with.
My answer is no. I lived well in the USA, in Kansas, under democratic administration ([C]linton) between 1995 and 1998, a time which I have fond memories of. I made many other stays in the USA, before and after this professional episode, to visit my large immediate family which includes 3 of my sisters and 48 of their direct descendants, all US citizens and residing in various governed states. by both Democrats and Republicans. I visited 46 of the 50 states of the Union. The US “ Meritorius Service Medal ” was given to me in the summer of 1998 in a country under democratic leadership. I am not a member of any of the main French political parties (LR, PS, RN, Insoumis, LREM-Modem, EELV).
If my severity is sometimes exercised with vehemence on US, Democratic or Republican “governance”, it never addresses the US people who, like many other peoples, are rather generous and sincere, but naive and manipulated. . I became very reserved, even hostile to NATO, having observed its abuses since 1990, within the framework of my functions [ 1 ]
My intelligence experience has led me to give less and less credibility to the vast majority of news agencies and mainstream media, particularly Western [ 2 ].
I do not appreciate the action and / or "the powerful and harmful influence of transnational lobbies" on the course of the world, whether these lobbies are financial, media, community, or of any other nature.
The author having clarified things, let's get to the heart of the matter.
Pre-electoral context of the US presidential election
Since Hillary [C]linton's failure in the 2016 election, the US has deeply divided into two irreconcilable camps, which hate each other and are now engaged in a fight to the death. Contrary to what people think in France or in Europe, these two camps are not the Republican and Democratic camps which are only the tip of the iceberg. These two camps hold two opposing conceptions of the world: the “sovereignists” and the “globalists”. We find the representatives of the "globalists" mostly among the Democrats, but we also find, in lesser proportion, among the Republicans.
From the podium of the UN General Assembly, on September 24, 2019, Donald Trump clearly chose his camp, expressed his vision of the world and declared war on the globalists by declaring: "Like my beloved country, all nations present in this forum have a history, a culture and a heritage which they cherish and which deserve to be defended and celebrated, and which gives us special strength and potential. The free world must embrace its "national" foundations. He should not try to make a clean sweep of them and replace them… ”[ 3 ]
He added seconds later: “If you want freedom, be proud of your country, if you want democracy, hold on to your sovereignty, if you want peace, love your nation. Savvy heads of state always put the best interests of their own country first. The future does not belong to the globalists, the future belongs to the patriots. The future belongs to independent and sovereign nations who protect their citizens, respect their neighbors and accept the differences that make each country special and unique.
Everyone can understand that such a speech could elicit the support of a large part of the US population: more than 73 million "Trump" votes counted in November 2020, or 10 million more than in 2016 when he obtained less. of 63 million votes)… .. For all those who believed that Trump was losing ground, this + 15% is an immense surprise, as in 2016. The camp of the globalists obviously cannot accept such a speech-program ". He will therefore do everything in his power to block the path of the re-election to the outgoing president. Majority in the "US [D]eep [S]tate"), controlling finance and GAFAM (Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft and Tweeter), also controlling almost all mainstream media and Anglo-Saxon and European press agencies, the globalists camp will coordinate the action of his "armed arms" to try to get Donald Trump out of the presidency of the United States.
President Trump, on the other hand, is neither stupid nor alone. He has very strong popular support, a majority in the Senate, the Supreme Court and 27 of the 50 governors of the states of the Union are Republicans. In the House of Representatives, he has just reduced the gap that separated his Republican camp from the 12-seat Democratic camp (for the moment…) He has set up a federal administration which is mostly loyal to him (not totally…). He changed a majority of federal judges. He victoriously resisted two attempts by the [D]eep [S]tate and the Democrats to dismiss him (The Russiagate affair mounted from scratch in 2016 and which flopped ... .. because it was "bogus" and investigators , judges and US public opinion have finally noticed, Moreover, Trump is lucid when he said in his last election speech, of November 2, 2020, in North Carolina: "If there is one thing that I have done during my mandate, it is to put in evidence of media dishonesty. The mainstream US media has always prompted and supported anti-Trump actions. [ 4 ]
It is therefore in this context of extreme tensions and at the end of an electoral campaign during which all the most twisted blows were observed, on both sides, that the ballot of November 3, 2020 takes place.
Were the media and polling institutes honest during the election campaign or did they seek to manipulate opinion?
The mainstream US media, just like the European media for that matter, do not shine by their honesty, their plurality and their impartiality. Controlled by a handful of billionaires, these media defend the causes and interests that are those of their "bosses", active members or simple collaborators of the [D]eep [S]tate. All means are good, including the most blatant lies. We highlight everything that prejudices the opponent (Trump), we hide everything that could prejudice the camp we defend ([B]iden). Journalists can only build a career if they submit and / or self-censor. Today we find ourselves in a situation of electoral “information war” [ 5 ]. The common people have a lot of difficulty in getting informed correctly [6 ].
For 4 years now, these US media, perfectly relayed by the European “brother” media have never ceased, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to blacken the image of President Trump in US public opinion, western and global. In the months leading up to the election, they relied on widely biased polls to make the American people and the world believe, as in 2016, that the election was "folded" and that a great Democratic wave was going to overwhelm. the country. To give just the example of Florida, a strong majority of polls in the 4 days leading up to the poll gave [B]iden a winner of 1-5 points. It was Trump who won by 3.4 points. The differences observed between these last polls and the result of the ballot are such that they did not fall under the margin of error, but of the manipulative, interested, and false lie. ..shameless. These polls and false articles have been applied to almost all the States of the Union. The scores of Trump and the Republican Party on election day revealed the extent of these pre-election media and poll “manipulative lies”.
Is the hypothesis of significant fraud applied to a few key states on election day credible?
My intimate conviction tells me yes because there are, in my eyes, too many concordant clues to allow the Western "media" pack, of which we know who controls it, to convince me of the contrary. The Chinese and Russian presidents were not mistaken while awaiting the proclamation of the official results, which will only take place on December 8, before congratulating the winner, when he is truly known [ 7 ].
Here are the elements that make me doubt the fairness of the ballot.
1. There was this curious, even suspicious, rush of the US media pack, followed by the EU “sister” pack of which we know who controls it, to want to impose a winner when the official results of 5 or 6 States are not yet known. We all know that this US media is "partisan" and the fiercest opponents of Trump. We know their recurring habit of wanting to criticize, contest, modify, not recognize, question all the electoral results that do not suit them on the planet (Syria 2014, Venezuela 2018, Bolivia 2019, Belarus 2020 to name but a few. four). We also know their propensity to want to promote, or even impose, the candidate who suits them even when this is a very small minority in the country (France 2017, Bolivia 2019,Postal voting was also abolished in France in 1975 because it was considered conducive to electoral fraud [ 8 ].
2. There are these very unusual actions of Google, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter outright censoring the President-in-Office of the United States, acting in concert and simultaneously. This obvious collusion of these large service companies, of which we know who controls them, is simply not "natural", nor democratic ...
3. For the first time in the history of the USA, postal voting was used extensively since more than 42% of the voters who expressed themselves did so by correspondence (over 64 million). It is globally recognized that this type of voting promotes electoral fraud.
It is, by the way, strange that members of the LREM majority today seek to re-establish postal voting in France, taking advantage of the “Covid” opportunity [ 9 ].
Would they also intend to reopen more widely the possibilities of fraud in France and to stuff the ballot boxes in their constituency to get re-elected in the next ballot?… ..
To claim today that there was not the slightest electoral fraud in the United States with 64 million postal votes is simply not credible. Without taking up all the frauds denounced by the Republicans, and listed in an article taken up by Profession Gendarme [ 10 ], I will retain, all the same, a single example, recognized by the two parties, Democrat and Republican, and which is therefore neither contestable nor contested.
By her own admission to the New York Times , Abigail Bowen, the clerk of the elections for Shiawassee County in Michigan, mistakenly added an excess zero to Joe [B]iden's vote tally, she said. Instead of entering 15,371 votes for the Democrat, his team added 15 0 371. The 0 key is not on a computer keyboard, next to the 5 key or key 3, plead unintentional error seems very strange…. She adds that she was notified of the error 20 minutes later and then corrected it. (Fortunately, someone noticed this error which everything seems to indicate that it was voluntary ...)
It is very good that this error has been rectified, but it still raises questions: _How many “errors” of 0 of this kind were made, intentionally or not? … _How many “errors” of this kind have been identified, notified and corrected? …
How many of these “errors” were validated in the final count?
Is a candidate, Democrat or Republican, justified or not in asking for a recount when the difference in the result is within the 1% margin in one of the States of the Union? Isn't this done in all democracies worthy of the name? Is it up to the media to proclaim a winner without having validated results?
I observe that, within this margin of 1%, are the results of 5 states qualified as swing states : Arizona, Georgia, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Nevada [ 11 ] In these 5 states, Trump was in head, but [B]iden would have regained the advantage of a few thousand votes in all these states thanks to the timely, miraculous, massive and sudden arrival, at the end of the counting of the ballots, of postal votes which would have been very, very, very favorable.
You will understand that postal voting is, for me, the door open to fraud. When this postal vote is massive, the fraud can be significant and more than enough to reverse a result within the 1% margin. It is extremely unlikely that there was no fraud. I will be careful not to say who they took advantage of and I am not sure that we can ever have all the proof. I am simply saying that the mainstream US and European “care bear” media who would like to deny Trump the right to recounts, investigations and audits but who, when it comes to other countries, are very careful about the counts, and easily shout "electoral fraud" do not grow taller. We knew that France and its journalists who laugh at the alleged loser,
Let us now turn to the second subject of my letter.
If the "globalist" [B]iden were to be elected on December 8 and inducted on January 20, 2021, what development can we expect for the planet, Europe and France?
[B]iden is an elderly man, who everyone knows is out of his mind (he will be in his 79th year on January 20). For this reason alone, if he were to be elected, he would be under the influence and would take his decisions only on the advice and "close control" of his close entourage, emanating from the " [D]eep [S]tate". "And made up of hard-line" globalists ". It is moreover this entourage which will have helped him to win, it is this entourage which would govern, in fact, the USA. Because it is of “neoconservative” obedience, this entourage is resolutely pro-Israel and for the maintenance of an absolute hegemony of the USA on the planet. The in-depth study of this entourage (biographies, ancestries, networks and community of belonging) would be very revealing but, alas, hardly surprising. We have the same at home. We should therefore expect an increase in aggressive US interference in the Near and Middle East (Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran), for the benefit of Israel of course, but also at the borders of Russia, in the China Sea and in South America. This new government team, the armed wing of the " [D]eep [S]tate », Will create the pretexts if they do not exist and will instrumentalize the terrorist nebula, as it always has done in the past, to help it justify its interference. Trump succeeded in gradually and considerably reducing the US bombings on the planet (47,000 bombs in 2017, 16,000 in 2018, 12,000 in 2019 and 928 in January + February 2020 (latest data known) [ 12]. He repatriated many of his deployed soldiers to his country, especially in the Near and Middle East. Under its first term, the Western coalition killed far fewer people than under the tenure of its predecessor. If a globalist team seizes the White House, the opposite tendencies could be put in place again in the spring of 2021 ... and the blood will start to flow again ... NATO has still not understood that it should and would have an interest in put an end to its abuses.
The bad news is that a [B]iden administration would also seek to involve NATO, the United Kingdom, France and the European Union in whatever twists and turns its neoconservative strategists can imagine. [ 13 ] The bad news for France is that its economic dependence (debt and CAC40) and the growing servility towards the USA of its elites, trained for it, will not allow it to refuse all US invitations to join its coalitions. circumstance for dubious causes.
The good news is that people on both sides of the Atlantic are starting to open their eyes. Whether we like it or not our media, our policies and our manipulated public opinion, the “sovereignist” Trump obtained 15% more votes than in 2016 (73 million). Its supporters hold the Supreme Court, the Senate, a majority of states and are approaching parity in the House of Representatives. His supporters also hold the American campaigns. Democrats really only hold big cities ...

In blue, the Democratic counties, in red the Republicans.
Source: New York Post
It will therefore not be easy to govern the USA and do anything under these conditions, especially as the US economy is at half mast and the debt abysmal. It will not be easy either to govern a bankrupt Western EU, with populations on the verge of revolt, shrinking GDPs and defense budgets that will be, like it or not, devastated.
In these conditions, it should be wise to mind your own business before you want to play sheriffs on the planet. It should also consist in not wanting to interfere everywhere in the affairs of sovereign States under the fallacious pretext of the fight against terrorism that we have largely contributed to create and maintain through a calamitous foreign policy (Libya, Syria, Iraq , Yemen, Iran, Russia, Belarus, Venezuela, Brazil, Bolivia among others) and by irresponsible official positions "perceived" as insulting by dozens of countries on the planet (caricature).
Sooner or later, a Western coalition governed by aggressive globalists will take a big hit on the muzzle, be surprised, come down from its pedestal, and be less proud. Its populations will multiply white marches, funeral ceremonies, noisy and ostentatious demonstrations against an enemy that has been provoked. They will count and mourn their dead. It is enough to observe the brilliant campaign led by the governments of the member countries of this coalition in "the war against the corona|virus", to sense that we will not win the next one either ...
General Dominique Delawarde
David Lifschultz
Tel: (212) 688-8868
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