Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat This is a stirring and inspiring video clip from Charlie Ward. It isn't Charlie speaking. I don’t kno...

Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat
This is a stirring and inspiring video clip from Charlie Ward.
It isn't Charlie speaking. I don’t know WHO is speaking but he is telling the truth. I know readers out there will let us know who this man is.
A few things to keep in mind:
POTUS can play 5-games of Chess simultaneously and win them all.
Every time I think the Alliance is not doing anything (I’m embarrassed to admit that sometimes I wish they’d just ‘get on with it’) they do something DAZZLING.
Like what they did with this election. It’s a tour de force. It’s a GENIUS rounding up of all the [S]edi*tious [T]rai*tors in our blessed America as well as de*ep state ca_balists around the world: Venezuela, Mexico, Cuba, China, Germany, Canada, Spain... so far.

In this Election fraud they ensnared the Lamestream Media, their CEOs and minions.

In this Election fraud they ensnared Social Media CEOs and their minions.
In this Election fraud they ensnared all the de*ep st*ate politicians as well as their banks and corporations not only in the United States, but around the world.

This is an image of President Trump @the G7 meeting on 5-29-17, where An*gela Hi*tl*er Mer*kel capitulated to POTUS. Trump’s physical stance and looking past her says it all!

We have never witnessed a Victory as spectacular as what the Alliance have achieved here.
And while everyone was focused on the Election Fraud, President Trump quietly, sneakily and like the Chess Master he is, signed an Executive Order on November 2 that launched NESARA.
Standing O! Standing O! Standing O!
Executive Order on Establishing the President’s Advisory 1776 Commission 11-2-20
It came to me last night that the way the Alliance are [possibly] going about taking down the de*ep state here in America and Globally might be similar to the Watergate paradigm.
Perhaps that's what Juan O’Savin meant when he said, “A lot of the revelations won’t really be put into the public purview for long weeks or even a month or two—as this builds out.”
"Juan O’Savin: Trap is Set, Watch What Happens, It's So Big, America First" by Kat - 11.15.20
With Watergate, the legal breadcrumb trail began with the bumbling burglars and slowly worked its way up to Ni*x*on, ensnaring complicit [t]rai*tors along the way.
Of course, taking down the Global de*ep state is so much bigger than Watergate. But if POTUS and the Alliance have proven anything it’s that they are more than capable of rendering an entire ev*il Global empire to dust.

POTUS, Q, the phenomenal loyal Military, the mighty Alliance and the amazing Sidney Powell (!) are going to release the Kraken!
We are Goddess, Sovereign, Free — thanks to the mighty Alliance. God bless and Godspeed.
xo, Kat

Charlie Ward: This is why Donald Trump is Amazing. He is a Gift From God
Transcribed by Kat

A preacher is speaking, I think:
2:09 Donald Trump wasn’t elected because he was a Saint.
Donald Trump was elected because he believes in the Constitution.
He didn’t have to do this job.
2:24 I want you to know that about 3 years ago and this I’d like everybody to kinda’, hear, even in the back.
2:32 About 3 years ago a bunch of Generals came to me and it was explained to me they were ready to conduct a coup d’Ă©tat.
2:43 They were ready to remove [B]ar*ack [O]ba_ma from office with Military force.

2:51 And then a few weeks later I got another call and said they were reconsidering.
2:58 Know why they were reconsidering? Because they talked to Donald Trump.
3:08 And Trump had agreed that he would run.
And then he agreed that he would run, they would conduct their coup d’Ă©tat as a legitimate process rooting out the [t]raitors within Government.
3:30 And that pact with the Military and Donald Trump has held.
3:35 Q-Anon is Military Intelligence. And close to Trump. And the Intelligence we’re getting really is a lot of the inside script.
3:49 Now – everybody says Donald Trump is going to lose, he’s going to be out of office, he’s going to be Impeached.
3:56 You watch CN_N, MS_NBC and they’re throwing a party today and all the 20 people watching them across the Nation are very enthused.
4:05 Donald Trump will not be removed from office. He will not be removed from office.
4:15 And the counter-attack he’s going to launch, they are… there’s a very simple word that describes what they are — [t]raitors.
4:25 [T]raitors. It’s a Capital Crime.
4:34 And I’m going to predict here today that when the tables turn, Donald Trump will be invoking Military Tribunals.
4:41 And even [H]ill*ary [C]lin*ton and [B]ar*ack [O]ba*ma are going to be facing [T]rea*son charges.

5:00 And Donald Trump will have the courage to do that.
5:03 Remember — he doesn’t need the job.
5:05 Donald Trump has a vision of the future in which he continues to play a role.
5:15 And he’s seen that vision, and he’s had that vision with him for DECADES.
5:22 Every time it looks to me, I’ve said this about Donald Trump, I’ve known him for decades.
5:27 I say, Donald Trump always looks like he’s going to lose JUST BEFORE HE WINS.

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