Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat WOWEE!!! Charlie Ward’s been unleashed! Breaking News hot off Charlie’s GESARA CLUB YouTube channel. ____...

Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat
Charlie Ward’s been unleashed!
Breaking News hot off Charlie’s GESARA CLUB YouTube channel.
Charlie Ward: Hi guys.
0:16 Just to let you know I’ve been given consent this morning to tell you something that I’ve had to keep very very quiet because I signed a Non-Disclosure Agreement [NDA]… about this…
0:28 I can confirm 100% that the Blockchain Technology was used for the VOTING on this Election alongside the conventional voting system.
0:42 And Donald Trump won by a complete landslide… I mean the figures are off the scale…
0:47 He has all of the hard evidence… this was a sting operation rather than a vote…
0:53 I can now tell you that the Quantum Financial System [QFS]… The Quantum Voting System [QVS] was actually used for this election…
1:04 We actually know the TRUE result… and we know the ones that the Democrats tried to twist…
1:09 So for those people that doubted it… we now have HARD EVIDENCE…
1:14 Over the next few days there will be a number of arrests and a number of indictments… a lot of things that are happening…
1:20 But I can tell you 100% that the QVS was actually used for this election alongside the old system…
1:30 So Brilliant News… and DONALD TRUMP WON BY A LANDSLIDE!!!
End Kat Transcription
I have been transcribing Charlie Ward videos since June of this year and can tell you without one scintilla of doubt, that he has been 100% provably correct about EVERYTHING he has reported.
When he says he has contacts “inside the walls of power” HE IS NOT KIDDING.
Charlie Ward doesn’t do dates or rates. He arrives at TRUTH the old-fashioned way—by extensive RESEARCH.
He has contacts all over the world. If you have a question he'll get you the answer in 24 hours.
You can TRUST Charlie Ward 100%
And just so you know:
Charlie Ward was the first to report the Quantum Voting System back in August '20:
"This Just in: Charlie Ward Scoop, Blockchain Voting! 8-18-20" by Kat - 8.18.20
And just so you know:
Charlie and Gene Decode talked about The Quantum Voting System back in September ’20:
Gene Cosensei (Decode) Charlie Ward Explosive Revelations - UK DUMBS & Brecon Beacons 9-16-20
26:51 Gene Decode: It’s not just putting us back on the Currency that’s based on the Quantum Financial System and gold, silver, and platinum…
It’s also putting us on the Quantum Voting System, the QVS, where they can’t hack our votes… it doesn’t matter how that vote is done even if it’s a mail in ballot… because the Quantum event is unique…
27:09 And the Quantum computer that records that is being monitored by very high beings @5th Density and they can’t hack that… that A.I. won’t get out of control because it is being monitored by a group of 12 individuals in 5th Density so they can’t hack that…
27:25 Charlie Ward: Yeah… (Nodding his head in agreement…)
27:27 Gene Decode: That controls the entire Quantum System worldwide… the QFS and the QVS… and so those countries that agree to go into that… all of this will be going away for them as well as for those in the U.S….
27:48 Charlie Ward: Yeah… it’s amazing the Quantum Voting System that’s going to be used for the next election in America I understand is also going to be used in South Africa which is amazing for a country like South Africa… for people to realize that their vote really does count…
28:07 Because obviously with Africa, as with the rest of the world, monies changed hands to make sure certain people got into power… those days are over… so the people’s vote will actually count… we might actually get people in power we actually want…
28:19 Gene Decode: Indeed… other than the last election I didn’t vote previously because I know that when you vote all they need is the vote… the computer systems they had had hacked all the voting… can take your vote and move it anywhere you want… there are quite a few Presidents that didn’t even come close to winning the popular vote… and through the Electoral College to… so everything was totally fake… when my vote is put to anybody they want?...
28:19 Charlie Ward: I’m just glad to be alive right now and watching what’s happening…
"Charlie Ward and Gene Decode: Alliance Victorious, Wondrous World Incoming" by Kat - 9.18.20
Thank you Charlie Ward, for being a Blazing Light since last March when you first started making videos on your iPhone on your morning walks by the sea, for ALWAYS bringing us the TRUTH, and for sharing your wonderful unique self and your beautiful family with the world.
Remember – Jesus loves you, even if everyone else thinks you’re a twat :)
Onwards to a Marvelous Miraculous de*ep state free 5D+ World! Hallelujah!
You heard it here first, folks.
The Alliance have so got this. God bless POTUS, Q and every single one of you.
To quote our beloved Q – ENJOY THE SHOW!!

With blessings of Peace, Health, Happiness, Abundance and Truth — We are Goddess, Sovereign, Free,
xo, Kat
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