Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat Months ago, when Charlie Ward asked his contacts “inside the walls of power” who would win the 2020 elect...

Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat
Months ago, when Charlie Ward asked his contacts “inside the walls of power” who would win the 2020 election? They replied, “Charlie, this is going to be an election like no one’s ever seen before.”
WOWEE! The Alliance sure are delivering on that promise.
Charlie recorded a 2 minute video on 11-4-20 to calm everyone’s nerves. It’s a brief vid like he used to make back in March with his iPhone on his morning walks by the sea.
Then when he would say “All is well. Don’t be afraid. Co*vi*d-1/9 is just the flu. The lockdown, the riots, the 5G, the vac*cines are all a smokescreen to bring in the Global Currency Reset.”
Today he delivered a short message regarding the chaos that is the 2020 U.S. election.
Charlie said, "All is well. This is all happening to expose the de*ep state de_mons. POTUS is in total control.”
I so appreciate Charlie Ward’s calmness in a storm and agree with him 1000%
The GENIUS Q-plan, Q, POTUS and the mighty Alliance have got this. They are running this entire show.
Charlie Ward Video: ALL IS CALM.......!! SIT BACK and WATCH THE SHOW DONALD TRUMP is in COMPLETE CONTROL * Share now * 11-4-20
Charlie Ward: WOW! What an amazing day! It’s an amazing day.
0:19 It’s very interesting now to see… it’s making the clarity so much clearer… cause there’s 2 paradigms going on here:
0:30 There’s the New World O*rder 3rd Dimensional paradigm…
And there are those who have started to see the wood for the trees… the 5D+ paradigm… and they’re very very peaceful…
0:47 And I’m incredibly peaceful because what Donald Trump is doing right now is exposing the corruption and the ev*il…
0:54 Because nobody in America would believe it… cause if he told them how corrupt and ev*il they were and how they tried to rig the vote… nobody would believe him…
1:04 So he’s allowing them to expose themselves…
1:06 Don’t worry. Be peaceful. You may not get the answer today you may not get it tomorrow.
1:14 One thing’s for sure: HE’S GOING TO BE IN POWER FOR THE NEXT 4 YEARS. That’s a definite. That’s a given.
1:18 Anybody that knows what’s going on, knows this. And if you’re connected to the Spiritual level… to understand what’s going on… you get it as well…
1:30 But if you don’t and you’re in the 3rd Dimension… you’ll be sh*i*t*ting yourself… you’ll be absolutely petrified that he could lose this!?!?… Are you sure?!?!...
1:40 I’m sure. 100% sure. He’s gonna win this. No question about that.
1:48 This isn’t between Donald Trump and [B]i*den for crying out loud…
It’s between good and ev*il…
1:52 If you’re very very nervous you need to look inside yourself… and find your Spiritual side… and get detached from the 3rd Dimension… and join those of us who have crossed over into the 5th Dimension and above…
2:07 And then you’ll find peace and happiness… and then you’ll be very very calm…
2:13 Have a wonderful day… I am…

End Kat transcription
OMG the histrionics and blustering, the Keystone Cops-i-ness of the Com*munist Ch*ine*se owned Mainstream Media, the desperate Communist Chinese [B]i*den and Democrat camp, the ter*rified Com*munist owned So*cial Media CEO’s.
They’re all spinning like tops. They’re running around like their hair’s on fire, like the scaredy-cats they are because they KNOW without a shred of a doubt — it’s GAME OVER for them.
They KNOW they’re not just losing a United States election. They KNOW they’re going to lose their LIVES. Hence their des*peration to halt their inevitable fate.
[T]reas*on = Death
[T]re*ason + [S]ed*tion = Death.
[T]rea*son + [P]ed*oph*ilia = Death
[S]ed*ition = 20 years in a Military Prison if you're a U.S. citizen
[S]ed*ition = 20 years in a FEMA barge off Gitmo if you're a Foreigner
The de*ep state com*munist de_mons have been Checkmated by the mighty 12D+ Alliance Chess Masters.
Gene Decode 9-16-20: [The Alliance] have gone into every play and counter play that the cab_al could possibly do… they have literally taken… every possible thing… there’s no play… it’s Zugzwang… what we call in Chess Zugzwang… where no matter what move the enemy does, he’s done… he’s going to be checkmated it’s only a matter of time…
Q and the Alliance have told us seven ways to Sunday that people who are still in sleep-walk mode, who are still mesmerized by the propaganda of the de*ep state Fakestream Media, HAVE TO BE SHOWN. They cannot be told.
So what do we who are AWAKE, know?

We KNEW this election was going to be contentious.
We KNEW the Chin*ese Com*munist Democratic Party would try and steal it because they knew they couldn't win it.
We KNEW because Juan O'Savin told us, that there are tra*itors in BOTH the Democratic and Republican Parties and that when this is over, after the arrests of the [t]reasonous and [s]editious ca_bal, those 2-Parties will be decimated.
The mighty Alliance have this. Do not fret. Do not worry. It’s all part of the plan.

When this goes to the Supreme Court, who has the majority there? President Trump and the Patriots. It was no accident that ACBarrett was confirmed BEFORE the Election.
The Com*munist Chin*ese Democrats and Chinese Com*monist Mainstream Media have to be "outed" as the [s]ed*itious [t]rai*tors they are.
It’s the perfect way to prove their treachery — to show, without question, that that they tried to STEAL the U.S. Election.
And not only the political players, but the MSM and Social Media—all owned by the Chin*ese Com*munist Party. Twitter is censoring President Trump for God’s sakes.

What do we who are AWAKE also know that sleep-walkers do not?
We know that patiently waiting in the wings to be revealed to the world is a 5D+ Quantum Computer.
We know that the Quantum Financial System is up and running and that the Quantum VOTING System is twinkling on the sidelines also waiting to be introduced to the world.
The Alliance have GOT THIS.
Perhaps there will be a do-over-election using the QVS? I don't know but it's fun to think so.
26:51 Gene Decode 9-18-20.: It’s not just putting us back on the Currency that’s based on the Quantum Financial System and gold, silver, and platinum… it’s also putting us on the Quantum Voting System, the QVS, where they can’t hack our votes…
27:09 And the Quantum computer… is being monitored by very high beings @5th Density and they can’t hack that… that A.I. won’t get out of control because it is being monitored by a group of 12 individuals in 5th Density so they can’t hack that…
27:25 Charlie Ward: Yeah… (Nodding his head in agreement…)
27:27 Gene Decode: That controls the entire Quantum System worldwide… the QFS and the QVS… and so those countries that agree to go into that… all of this will be going away for them as well as for those in the U.S….
"Charlie Ward and Gene Decode: Alliance Victorious, Wondrous World Incoming" by Kat - 9.18.20
What else do we know?
We know that [J]oe [B]id*en is de*ad. That thing walking around is a clone (and it’s definitely a few batteries short.)
9-12-20 @POTUS' Reno Rally, President Trump said, "Sleepy Joe [B]id*en surrendered... [J]oe is shot. Let's face it. He is shot."
9-19-20 @POTUS' Fayetteville, North Carolina rally, President Trump said, "[J]oe is dead."
Charlie Freak told us that the Alliance made the decision to ex*ecute ONLY if the safety of children could not be guaranteed, which is why [J]oe pe*do [B]id*en had to be taken out.
And BTW, there is a very long list of ca_bal cr*iminals who have already departed this blessed Earth. Both [t]re*ason and [p]ed*ophilia carry an automatic death sentence.
We are living in a "show." Our current world is comprised of clones, CGI images, actors and body doubles.
It's well worth revisiting some of what Juan O'Savin said because he outlined what is happening right now and WHY:
23:51 Juan O’Savin 10-27-20: This magic act that we see going on around us…
27:38 The President…
and the people around President Trump…
have been doing a type of theatre…
a show…
32:23 Because Mainland China… Xi… that whole deep state over there [the CCP] has been attacking our country… attacking President Trump… funneling money into all of our Universities…
33:57 They’re trying to twist where this huge horsepower machine that we call America is going… and they’re twisting us around and it’s starting at the Universities….
34:10 So what’s happened is you have an Ex-Pat group… even though Taiwan’s supposed to be brought back into China… what’s really happening?...
There’s a contingent of Taiwanese who have said no, and he*ll no, and “f” you… we’re not going to be part of Mainland China and your whole ev*il regime…
35:26 What was going on in Mainland China? THEY WERE THE ONES SPYING ON [H]UNTER… they were the ones getting the videos to blackmail… to blackmail… they had it all…
How did it end up in Taiwan?
35:40 Because you have Taiwanese people and you have Chinese Nationals who have gone into a form of exile in Taiwan… and they’re providing it to you…
They’re showing you what’s going on in China…
They’re showing you what they [the CCP] were trying to do and blackmail the Democrat Order that’s taken control of our country…
36:05 And so what are they doing from Taiwan? Like a Battleship on the other side of the planet they’re lobbing rounds across the sea, out into outer space, and back in and they’re landing DEAD FU*CK*ING CENTER OF THE DEMOCRATIC OPERATIONS…
36:27 The Senators they’re paying off…
the House members they’re paying off…
the University affiliations that they’re controlling
and paying off into all those departments…
after round
after round…
36:45 You are watching the beginning salvo of SHOCK and AWE…
36:47 And BTW every time a round hits the ground… a spotter’s going, “oh, yeah actually, 400 meters West and 100 meters North please… and let her go!”... (big laughter)…
37:10 We’re going to walk these rounds right in on every target…
37:12 Do you realize… that it’s not really just about [J]oe [B]i*den and his campaign to run for President… it’s allllll the camp around him…
These rounds aren’t just hitting the [B]iden campaign…
37:38 VGuerrilla: All of it!
39:49 Juan O’Savin cont.: The revelations even after the Election… aren’t slowing down…
39:54 When people find out
what’s being done in their name…
what’s been happening here in our country…
around them right under their noses…
40:04 They’re going to be so livid…
that these people are going to have to be picked up
to keep ‘em from getting strung up…
40:15 Gitmo won’t be because they just have to go there and do their term… Gitmo will be the only place they’ll be safe… they won’t be safe here in the mainland [of the USA]… OK?
40:28 Juan O’Savin cont.: Because of the [t]re*ason…
And, those people who want to protest after the election? [S]edition…
40:35 Excuse me… if you’re trying to overturn the Government, overturn the results of the loss of an Election, and you’re involved in S*edi*tion?... you don’t go away at a nice plush Federal prison… you go to a Military prison…

42:22 In a thousand years… what’s about to happen hasn’t happened before in recent memory…
42:42 This orchestration to prepare everything for this moment… it’s just right there about to take place… IT’S GONNA BE STUNNING… IT’S GONNA BE AMAZING…
42:59 And those people who think that the next 4 years are gonna be anything like the last 4… or 10 or 20… WAKE UP…
43:25 Juan O’Savin cont.: Because they’re in sleep-walk mode… OK?
53:44 I don’t actually think after the mid-term elections… this is my prediction you can come back and see if I was right or not:
I don’t think the Democratic Party as we know it… and a huge portion of the Republican Party… listen to me… a huge portion of the Republican party... survive this next couple of years and the mid-term elections…
54:12 Because they’re going to be so decimated…
by the revelations…
of [T]reason…
and Graft…
and Per*version…
That they will be finding deeper holes… the DUMBs… they won’t be deep enough to protect these people from the revelations that are coming… and what the American people are going to learn… and the world…
109:40 Listen… the reality is… it’s going to be a lot of drama… it’s going to be epic… it’s going to be gut-wrenching…
There’s a lot of ho*r*rors that are going to be presented also… and we have to be measured about that…
1:16:45 The Democratic Party has rabies at this point in time… they’re rabid… the infection came out of China… didn’t come out of Russia…
And they’re hooked on the money, the graft… they’ve become the mob… they’re entrenched in our government… entrenched in every operation of the political process…
And excuse me… some of the Republicans have the same disease… and they’re just as rabid, just as dangerous… maybe more imbedded…
1:17:56 Where their money’s coming from…
what secrets they’ve sold out
and given away
and worked a deal over…
how they’ve been compromised…
There’s gonna be a whole bunch of players that are gonna be taken off the table for legal reasons… Federal prosecutions… Gitmo prosecutions…
And Special Elections… that are going to have to be done to get the country back on track…
1:22:17 Juan O’Savin cont.: Those of you who understand what’s really at stake you need to be praying for the President… praying for his family…
And praying for all his advisors through all of these crisis that are coming… the people that work there in the White House that support the President from day to day…
Very serious dramas are taking place
and they will escalate not lessen
over the next weeks and months…
it is going to be steady at the wheel…
This has all been planned… this has all been mapped… on super computers… the guys that have been backing the President have been playing out scenarios over and over and over… multiple variations a day… since the very beginning of this Presidency and beyond…
1:23:45 Roberts can’t control where we’re going with the court because we have a majority that outrides Roberts… so his vote’s not going to matter…
1:24:40 I don’t think Roberts is there in office 4 years from now… and probably sooner…

1:27:19 It’s going to be epic… don’t be in a fearful mode as these dramas unfold… and they’re going to be epic dramas…
And understand that at the end of the day…
it’s going to be great…
we’re going to take the country back…
we’re going to put the country back on track…
be part of it…
Take a deep breath…
and let’s get the monsters…
"Video: Thrilling Juan O’Savin (JFK?) on The Next 60 Days of Chaos! Awesome!" by Kat - 11.1.20
So — Stealing and cheating were anticipated and the Alliance were ready.

Our job is to hold steady.
Our job is to pray for POTUS, his family, the mighty Alliance and all Lightworkers.
Our job is to pray for Gaia, her Kingdoms, Humanity and all Divine souls.
Our job is to be and hold God's light.
Our job is to remain calm, be helpful, and KNOW that the Divine Hand is on ALL of this restoring what is right.

This is the full quote that General Flynn posted on 11-4-20:

Steady as she goes. All is being Divinely restored. We knew it would be a rocky few months and the storm has begun.
The outcome is assured—the Light has Won. Gaia, her Kingdoms and Humanity are already 5D+ and Goddess, Sovereign, Free.
The Alliance have begun to reveal what's really been going on in our country and are starting to expose and remove the ca_bal criminal*als so that those still sleeping in America and around the world will WAKE UP.

Once the de*ep state have been removed, and that operation may take us to March 2021—as Gene Decode said, "the Ides of March is the fall of the ca_bal"—KNOW that the beautiful 5D+ world we have all been praying for, dreaming, imagining, envisioning, affirming, embodying and working towards is already here. It exists now.
We’re just clearing the remaining darkness and aligning with Higher Light.

God bless President Trump and his family.
Godspeed to the mighty Alliance. Thank you, every single one of you. Angels all.
With blessings unceasing of Peace, Light and Truth — BREATHE.
xo, Kat

P.S. Q loves this theme. He’s posted it quite a few times over the years. Enjoy.

The Last of the Mohicans - Promontory (Main Theme)

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