Benjamin Fulford Report: "Zionist Surrender Proposal" -- November 2, 2020

Weekly Geo-political News and Analysis Washington DC Given Reprieve Following Zionist Surrender Proposal November 2, 2020 By Benjamin Fulfor...

Weekly Geo-political News and Analysis

Washington DC Given Reprieve Following Zionist Surrender Proposal

November 2, 2020
By Benjamin Fulford

First of all, we would like to note the 2020 Halloween full blue moon really did look like a pumpkin. A photograph can be seen at the link below.

I saw it with my own eyes, and think it was very auspicious.

Now, the attack on Washington DC has been postponed following a surrender proposal by the Priority of Sion, i.e. the headquarters of world Z|ionism. These are, by their own admission, the people who carried out the mass mur|der and ter|ror attack on Fukushima on March 11, 2011.

Here is the letter we received from them:

Mr. Fulford,

I am contacting you after a major discussion with Vincenzo Mazzara. We had this major discussion earlier this week. So, I have CC’d Vincenzo in this email as instructed. As of course, you know Vincenzo’s ties in the esoteric world. I am no longer in the OSMTJ fold proper, but still collaborate through the Templar Corps, which was formed primarily of Templars of that movement and allows other Templar Orders and Secret Societies membership.

I am now the Ambassador of the United States for La Pieta del Pelicano, which is a Templar lineage recognized by the Vatican, in the Orthodox, and by Jerusalem as well as Chivalric Orders. We are also in alliance with Ordo Sancti Sepulchri of the White Knights of Seborga OSSCBS (

Contrary to popular belief Portugal was not the first Templar State it was the Principality of Seborga. Seborga is also home to the “Grand Secret” of the Templars. Additionally, FYI Prieure de Sion has also had a major split with Grand Patriarch Gino Sandri expelled with Charges brought by Grand Master Marco Rigamonti and the formation of a new Prieure de Sion Rectife that was created through a parallel organization formed by Gino Sandri during his time as Grand Patriarch. ( ( See the October 20th entry).

Now that we have this out of the way as I indicated Vincenzo and I had a major discussion. Vincenzo is not going to like this name drop, but I was initiated into the OIU in Italy with Leo Zagami. It was however because of Zagami that I’ve maintained this close collaborative working relationship I’ve had with Vincenzo these last several years. It was Zagami that put me into contact with Vincenzo. Leo’s and Vincenzo of course relationship centers around Fukushima.

So, now as we know the 3rd is the U.S. election and you make your drops on Mondays, which would be the 2nd. We have intelligence reports that China has positioned its forces in preparation for the possible invasion of Taiwan with any potential election irregularities and contest of the final vote. We want that Vincenzo and I specifically state that on behalf of the Western Secret Societies we appeal to the Asian Secret Societies to prevent potential war with China and we want this declaration open with again an appeal toward a Jubilee.

Further, we wish to nominate David Robert Steele as our emissary on behalf of the Western Secret Societies to the Asian Secret Societies, and that they would, in turn, have a nomination. We believe Mr. Steele is truly one of the good guys. We know you can make that contact and facilitate contact with him, and we hope he accepts this great proposal. In hope that we deter any Chinese aggression, and that we finally come to the agreement of with all the bonds and gold between all of us and have Jubilee once and for all between the agreement of the Secret Societies. This would also be good timing because of the recent secret conclave held by the CCP (

Additionally, Vincenzo has brought up the Ark of the Covenant with me before in the past and you have reported on the alternate location of the Ark there in the Philippines. We would like you to finish with the hopes of preventing war and the jubilee. At that point, Vincenzo would have myself and Mr. Steele go and retrieve the Ark if Mr. Steele agrees to this portion as well. Otherwise, I will lead the expedition.

With everything in this we hope you can work all the materials in with what you have from the pitch the background again with Vincenzo and I am more than certain you can put the Prieure information woven in somehow. So again Vincenzo is onboard and there some backchannel chatter we have going on about all this, and we hope that Mr. Steele will come on board and we can finally change the world beginning Monday. We await positive responses.


Andrew Heim

Ambassador for the United States

Pieta del Pelicano

Grand Priory of Malta

An NSA source reacted to all this by pointing out “The Masons are the worker bees for the Italian Banking Families that run the world.”

This was the response from the Asian secret societies:

“The Asian forces believe it is too early to select a representative. After March in the new year, we may be open to negotiations but, first, we need to see what happens in the West after the re-election of Donald Trump.”

According to NSA sources, it is likely U.S. President Donald Trump will be re-elected in a contested result decided by the Supreme Court, but he will not last past February if he continues on his present course. Despite many people desperately clinging to the idea that Trump will “Make America Great Again, Again,” there can be no doubt the U.S. is currently a failed state under the control of criminal gangs, NSA sources add.

We have seen the videos of Democratic candidate Joe B|iden’s son Hunter having se|x with the under-age daughter of former President B|arack O|bama etc.

Corporate propaganda media articles claim the videos of Hunter B|iden are computer graphics. However, we recalled Leo Zagami telling us that “acting President” O|bama was the house slave of the P2 freemasons. It is likely the videos are real. Plenty of evidence has also been presented showing Biden received bribes from such places as China, Russia and Ukraine.

The links below are from the R|ockefeller sponsored site Veteran’s Today. One WDS member feels H|illary R|ockefeller C|linton would not have been so confident of victory unless there exists an insurance blackmail file on Trump. The story is that Trump paid millions to cover up the rape of children, both boys, and girls, aged between 11 and 13.

To Trump supporters, this may sound simply like obfuscation of Pizza|gate, especially when combined with vomiting police who viewed H|illary and H|uma A|bedin starring in videos found on Anthony Weiner’s laptop.

Given that more mainstream accusations against Trump on Ukraine and Russia seem to be consistently based on the crimes of his accusers as a method to deflect the spotlight from the guilty, we will let our readers form their own conclusions after reading these articles.

The Trump campaign website was hacked by as yet unidentified actors who are surely fighting for their survival as the hunters become the hunted

The following was posted on it:

“Strictly classified information is exposed proving that the Trump government is involved in the origin of the corona|virus. We have evidence that completely discredits Mr Trump as a president, proving his criminal involvement and cooperation with foreign actors manipulating the 2020 elections, the U.S. citizens have no choice.”

We also note with concern that Trump appears to be going along with the mass vaccination agenda against the C19 fake pandemic. We hope this is only an intermediate political move to deflect intended D|eep S|tate media criticism of his handling of the pandemic and allow for his successful reelection. Given that he was unaware of AG Barr’s past D|eep S|tate roles with Bush Sr. until Rush Limbaugh recently informed him live on his radio show, it is conceivable Trump may be planning an end move against the current eugenics’ population reduction agenda.

The article below reinforces what we had been previously told by multiple, reliable sources that the C19 vaccination certification program is intended to inject microchips into people so they may be fully monitored.

The situation is just as bad in Canada where Prime Minister Justin Castro is also calling for mass vaccination while suspending that nation’s democracy.

Here is what MI6 had to say about this:

“The thinking behind the vaccine is the use of nanotechnology to interface the biological and technological. The concern centers on the use of a hybrid approach to geno|cide. The physical body of a citizen of a sovereign nation-state is the same as the body of the nation-state and therefore this would represent both an invasion and an undeclared act of war.”

Furthermore, we were contacted last week by a self-described Sa|t|anist whistleblower, who has high-level connections with the CIA. The source said the plan to reduce the “stupid sheeple,” population is to have them self-identify by wearing mas|ks despite scientific evidence that doing so causes more harm than good. “By wearing masks, these people are self-identifying as sheeple or domesticated animals and as such, we have the right to slaughter them,” the source said. “Now that we have identified them, the next step is to put mercury-based nano-poisons on the masks and we will succeed in our plan to improve the human genome by removing people with sheep-like tendencies,” the source said.

In light of this statement and other evidence presented to us, it is disturbing to note that Israeli firms have control over U.S. hospital security. Remember, it was an Israeli security firm with remote monitoring cameras shaped like small nuclear weapons at the Fukushima nuclear No. 3 reactor running MOX fuel that had a telltale mushroom cloud explosion during the March 11, 2011, mass mur|der incident.

The Gnostic Illuminati, who are opposed to bloodline rule, have agreed to support Trump if he helps their cause, some sources say.

We are aware of this letter from Archbishop Carlo Vigano the former Vatican ambassador to the U.S. He points out the plan to microchip and subdues humanity in the name of a “global reset.”

That is why the White Dragon Society is calling for the military in the U.S. and Canada to declare a state of emergency. They need to explain to the people of North America that democracy has been hijacked by criminal gangs led by smooth-talking fanatics. They then need to set up a truly Democratic United States of North America and carry out genuine reforms.

Also, the WDS has been approached by Russia’s FSB. They inform us the real leader of Russia is Yevgeny Viktorovich Prigozhin, head of the Wagner group and that the Vladimir Putin actor is his employee. Prigozhin and his people are willing to ally with the WDS for the sake of the planet, the FSB source says.


Only a restored North America in alliance with Russia will be able to prevent a Chinese takeover of the planet.

As things stand China, with its meritocratic leadership, now has by far the largest economy on Earth and it keeps growing over time. The latest 5-year plan just announced shows this.

Unless the West reforms its systems of economic management, in alliance with European allies like Russia, China will end up ruling the planet.

The other thing Vigano, and people who still believe Trump is the answer, is to remember he has offered no solutions to the mass extinction event now taking place on this planet. Nor has he offered a plan to end poverty or socially destabilizing income disparity.

The WDS plan calls for nations to remain sovereign and free while agreeing to cooperative leadership for issues that affect the whole planet. This leadership would carry out a massive campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction, and pioneer human and Earth life colonization of the universe. This would be done on the basis of East/West friendship and partnership, not a new cold war.

The Russians also point out a lot of recent weird news related to space, such as the discovery of underwater lakes on Mars and vast reservoirs of water on the moon, etc. They see this as a sign humanity may soon be allowed to start colonizing the universe.

Finally, as a reminder this battle for the Planet Earth is still raging in both visible and not so visible ways, we note an underground base was destroyed in Turkey last week. The seismograph makes it clear the “earthquake,” was not a natural event.


The WDS and its allies will continue fighting until humanity is free. We will use whatever means necessary to do this. Remember folks, we only have one planet and we all have to share it.

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Operation Disclosure: Benjamin Fulford Report: "Zionist Surrender Proposal" -- November 2, 2020
Benjamin Fulford Report: "Zionist Surrender Proposal" -- November 2, 2020
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