Replacing Mark Esper, Acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller activates special operations forces to report directly to him Thursday, November...
Replacing Mark Esper, Acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller activates special operations forces to report directly to him
Thursday, November 19, 2020
by: Mike Adams
(Natural News) For those who are reluctant to recognize the actions taking place to defend America against both foreign and domestic enemies, a massive change was just put in place at the Department of Defense that proves some additional clues about what’s going down.
Special Operations forces have now been restructured to report directly to Defense Secretary Chris Miller, who replaced swamp creature Mark Esper, recently fired by Trump. The term “special operations forces” usually includes special forces from the Army (Rangers, Delta, etc.) and Navy (SEALs), and likely encompasses many tens of thousands of highly-trained, elite troops. (The exact count is not public information.)
Chris Miller, who previously served as the director of the National Counterterrorism Center, described the changes as “tectonic” and as being pursued to “combat transnational threats.”
But he also said something even more interesting:
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