Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat In the first video, Charlie Ward, looking like the cat that ate the cream, lets us know that BIG THINGS c...

Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat
In the first video, Charlie Ward, looking like the cat that ate the cream, lets us know that BIG THINGS could happen on Friday the 13th! eek!
In the second video, Charlie gives an Election and RV update:
-The election is not between Trump and [B]i*den, it's between God and sa*tan. This is The Great Awakening.
-The [B]i*den de*ep state Co/mm*unists KNOW THEY’VE LOST. They’re desperate. They’re falling apart at the seams. They’re attacking everything and trying to scare everyone.

-The Military are overseeing the counting of the votes.
-The de*ep state are going to be exposed for exactly what they’ve done. That’s coming.
-According to Quantum Voting Figures, Trump won by 80%+ as well as both Houses.
-When the Mainstream Media called the election, according to the Constitution, if it hasn’t come from the correct place, it’s classed as [T]re*ason.

-According to the Constitution, President Trump can’t do anything until 10 days after the election—which is the 13th
-The RV has started.
-An explanation of what the Revaluation of Currencies is and how great it will be especially for the countries that were r*ped and pillaged by the de*ep state like Africa, the Far East and South America.
-It was very important to get everybody that was corrupt out of the way, like drug lords, traffickers, and the de*ep state at every single level, BEFORE the RV.
-C-ovid will go away once they’ve resolved the Financial reset. It's all to do with the GCR (which Charlie has been saying since March ’20.)
-Once the election and reset are over and done with, and once they’ve established the truth, and Trump is in power for the next 4 years, Charlie believes Trump will call NESARA and GESARA.
-It’s possible the shutdown of the internet is imminent.
I’m so excited. When I heard Charlie say the RV had begun I burst into tears. Tears of relief. Lord. What a journey this has been.
Relief that this long phase is over and feelings of boundless joy and celebration for Humanity, Gaia and her Kingdoms.
What a gorgeous, wondrous, miraculous 5D+ world we are manifesting/entering and richly deserve. Living and breathing in the higher light from whence we came and monster-free. Thank Goddess.
God bless President Trump (who is so brilliant it’s dazzling,) Q (who’s been too quiet lately,) the Q-Team (and their super-computers,) the brave loyal Military (angels all,) and all the gifted personnel in the mighty Alliance. God bless every one of you. Godspeed.
With blessings of Peace, Health, Happiness and Abundance — We are Goddess, Sovereign, Free,
xo, Kat
Charlie Ward, 11-12-20
Charlie Ward: Hi guys… tomorrow is Friday the 13th… an important day this year.
A lot of people look at it as a negative thing…
But I look at it as a very positive thing…
We’re living in fascinating times…
And Friday the 13th… BIG THINGS could happen!

Charlie Ward’s Election Update 11-12-20
0:27 Charlie Ward: Things are coming to a head right now with what’s going on in America… to expose what’s ev*il…
0:32 This morning I published a lovely video by the actor John Voight… where he laid it out very very clearly what most of us already know… that this is a war between Good and ev*il…
0:53 Donald Trump at the moment is totally in control of how it’s playing out… what he’s doing… what he’s doing is deposing (word?) one by one people who are around him in the government…
1:57 It’s really just a question of taking away people’s fear cause people are scared at the moment cause they’re not aware of what’s going on…
2:11 In the position that we’re in… we’re privy to certain information that everything’s going extremely well behind-the-scenes… there’s a lot of things going on…
2:23 ev*il is fighting… but they know… they’re in position now where THEY KNOW THEY’VE LOST…so it’s just playing out now to see how it’s handled at this moment in time…
2:36 I don’t know how it’s going to play out but I know that there’s a lot of work going on behind-the-scenes at the moment to make sure that it comes out in the correct manner…
2:49 Because they’re trying to portray it as Trump stealing the election… which is exactly what they did when they pointed at Russia when they were the ones who were actually involved in collusion with Russia they were saying it was Trump, it wasn’t, it was them…
3:04 They’re doing the same now with the election… where they’ve tried to steal it… and they’re saying, oh Trump’s trying to steal it… so they’re following the same format that they have in the past…
3:16 But they are falling apart at the seams at the moment…
4:42 (Votes disappearing is massive)… it is because 4 years ago… they thought they’d switched enough votes to win… that’s why [H]ill*ary [Cl]inton didn’t have a [concession] speech ready…
5:00 They hadn’t banked on the fact that the American people voted for Donald Trump by 75%... [in 2016]…
5:05 And on this particular election [2020]… it’s now OVER 80%... of America have voted for Donald Trump… so the numbers they’ve switched are ridiculously high… just to give themselves a chance…
5:16 If you can imagine you’ve only got 20%... you’re going to need to switch A LOT of votes to win it…
6:52 Every single person that’s aware of what’s going on and that’s awake to the TRUTH… is going to play a very important part in this whole process… sharing pieces… so the puzzle is complete so people can see… with clarity… what’s actually gone on…
7:15 Every single person that’s woken up… who’s become aware of this… has valuable pieces that once put together with everybody else’s pieces make a picture clear for those that are not awake…
9:30 It’s absolutely amazing what’s going on at the moment…
9:55 Question: The RV has started! [from Ling]… what to you know?! What do you know?!
10:00 Charlie Ward: That would fit in perfectly with what I received this morning…
10:24 I noticed this morning they thought the RV would start today and tomorrow…

10:28 Tomorrow being Friday the 13th… which a lot of people tend to regard as a bad luck day… but it’s not… it’s a Good Luck Day…
10:38 And it was stolen by the sa*ta*nic people in the 14th century… to try and make it their own… and those people who know think the # 13 is unlucky…
10:48 But there are 13 New Moons in a year… a woman has 13 cycles in a year… they’ve stolen 13 to try and make it sat*an*ic when it’s actually not…
11:06 The history of 13 is NOT ev*il… it’s GOOD… [goodly/Godly]…
12:28 The biggest problem is… most people are aware of this… it’s always been known that 1% of the world controls 99%... and when you’ve got the 1% that’s ev*il… that’s a very dangerous thing…
12:47 And this is what Donald Trump is wrestling against… of has wrestled against…
12:51 You have to understand that he’d broken the back of it 2 years ago… but in May of this year [2020]… he’d passed the critical point… which was the taking out of the 13 Phoenician [de_mon Blo[odline] families…
13:02 There’s still a war going on… but you have to understand that the hard work has been done… and we’re now seeing the pantomime play out at the end… and the endgame…
13:16 You can rest assured that Donald Trump has this totally under control…
14:00 There’s a very interesting point that a lot of people had forgotten about… in the American Constitution… it states very clearly that he can’t actually do anything until 10 days after the election…
14:18 So what he has done is step back… and allowed them to make mistake after mistake after mistake… but it won’t start until tomorrow which will be the 13th…
14:30 The election was on November 3rd… so 10 days thereafter he can start going public about stuff…
14:40 As it is at the moment… he can’t do anything until 10 days after the election… he’s doing everything by the book…
15:25 Question: What do you think’s going to happen when they announce that Donald Trump is the real winner… What do you think the Left is going to do?
15:33 Charlie Ward: Well they’re already imploding… and what they’ll do they’ll throw it out there that he’s stolen it… to give themselves some sort of credibility…
15:51 What he’s doing right now is he’s collating the accurate numbers of the votes… in ALL of the States… and he’s got the Military there overseeing it…
16:06 So [the de*ep state] know they’re going to get found out… there’s a certain arrogance with them… that thinks that they’ll still manage to win it… because that’s the arrogance that we’re dealing with…
16:20 I can assure you Donald Trump has every single “I” dotted and “t” crossed… he’s in total control…
17:00 And the [de*ep state] are going to be exposed for exactly what they’ve done… that’s coming…
17:06 But what Trump doesn’t want… he doesn’t want violence on the street… the extreme Left, ANTIFA and BLM they’re the only ones that want the violence…
17:22 On the Trump side they don’t want violence they want them to do the right thing… accept the fact that they’ve cheated… he will deal with the consequences…
17:40 It’s not about revenge… it’s about getting the TRUTH out… and making sure things are done correctly… Trump will not drop to their standards…
18:55 We’ve said it a few times and I’ll say it again.. this is not between Trump and [B]i*den… this is between God and sa*tan… this is The Great Awakening… and this is exposing what’s ev*il… and he just happens to be using Donald Trump to do it…
19:10 The bigger picture is this is The Great Awakening… Revelation…
20:06 The latest update… when Mainstream Media called the election… according to the Constitution, if it hasn’t come from the correct place… it’s classed as [T]rea*son… which is something that’s been pointed out to me today…
20:24 And because of the information has not come from the correct place… it’s come from the Mainstream Media they have been guilty of committing [T]rea*son… which may well be THE END of the Mainstream Media… as it is today…

[Comment: It is unbelievable that they thought they’d get away with this]…
22:16 Charlie Ward: But they are so arrogant… they’ve got no shame… they look down on most people in this world cause they think they’re superior… they’re in charge and they can do whatever they want… BUT THOSE DAYS ARE OVER…
Question: A few people asking about the RV… could you fill people in on what you think’s going on with the RV right now?
23:00 Charlie Ward: The RV is the Revaluation of Currency… it’s quite easy when we look at the Revaluation of the Pound to the Euro to the Dollar… cause they’re all very similar…
23:17 So when they go 1 to 1… where it makes a BIG difference is in Africa… and the Far East… and South America… these countries have been r*aped and pillaged… by the ca_bal and the de*ep state…
23:30 Africa is a classic case… it’s been absolutely ruined by them… when you look at Africa as a Continent… it has more Natural Resources than ANYWHERE in the world… and it’s financially on its knees because it’s been r*ped and pillaged…
23:43 And then you look at South America… much the same… Venezuela and places like that… they’ve been destroyed by the ca_bals and the de*ep state…
23:51 This is why it was so important to get everybody that was corrupt out of the way… all of these drug lords, etc… all of the ca_bals… at every single level…
24:02 Taken out BEFORE they re-financed and did a Revaluation of Currency around the world…
24:25 So countries that are broke… just as an example… if your country is 5,000 pesos to 1… and suddenly 1 peso becomes 1 dollar 1 Euro… then suddenly they get extreme wealth…
24:30 There’s no better example of that than Iraq… when they do a revaluation with Iraq… that’ll mean everybody in Iraq is incredibly wealthy… so they can rebuild all of the damage that has been done by these completely false [de*ep state Bu*sh/Ch*eney ca*bal] wars…
24:51 That have tried to force regime change… but not just that… that have destroyed thousands of families… thousands of lives… thousands of children…

25:00 So they’ll have the funds… they won’t have to go outside to borrow funds to rebuild their country… they’ll be in a position to do it themselves… that’s just one example and there are many many examples around the world…
25:14 The Revaluation is a Reset… it’s all been thought out very carefully… and of course there’s an awful lot of people out there that have bought 10 Trillion dollar Zimbabwe notes… Iraqi Dinar… Vietnamese Dong… these are all countries that have been r*ped and pillaged…
25:40 And what the Revaluation rate of those will be… I do not know… but it’ll be very interesting to see what the Revaluation is…

26:04 Question: People are asking on the timing on that [the RV]… with the election… do you feel that it needs to be settled first prior to the RV kicking in? Or do you feel that it’s starting to happen?
26:13 Charlie Ward: I think [the RV] is starting to happen [now]… and when the Revaluation starts to happen and when people realize that it’s Trump doing it… then the people that voted Democrat will start to wish they’d voted the other way…
26:35 They’ll realize he’s not as bad as they make him out to be… in fact he’s just the opposite…
27:27 Question: What is happening with Boris Johnson and the rest of the politicians? How many have been arrested in other governments?
27:32 Charlie Ward: I’ve been asked not to name names at this moment in time… with everything that’s going on… just rest assured they’ve got everything under control… he’s got everything under control and he’ll know the right time to expose the right people…
28:37 Question: When will C*vid/19 go away?
28:40 Charlie Ward: It will go away once they’ve resolved this issue… THIS IS ALL TO DO WITH THE FINANCIAL RESET… (That Charlie has been saying since March ’20 !!!)
29:15 Question: Once Trump’s re-election is made official… will he override Governors and State Legislature’s C*vid restrictions and mask mandates?
29:21 Charlie Ward: What will happen is… once this is over and done with… once they’ve established the TRUTH and Donald Trump is in power for the next 4 years… my feeling is he’ll call NESARA and GESARA…
29:40 That will then in every single government in every single state and in every single country around the world… will be obsolete… and we will need to form… in every single country… a GESARA government…
29:55 Just so you know… Spain went for a whole year without a government and it ran better than it’s ever run before or since… everything ran incredibly smoothly…
30:07 All this panic… well ‘we can’t run without a government’… is absolute rubbish… that’s ll scare-mongering…
30:12 The reality is when we transition from the old system to a new government… let’s just take one particular state like Pennsylvania… you’ll get rid of all your Democrats and all your Republicans and everybody else and what you’ll do is you’ll have a selection of 4 or 5 people that the people of Pennsylvania will vote for to represent them… their control will be almost autonomous… Pennsylvania will be run by Pennsylvania people…
30:47 That’s what Donald Trump wants… then they’ll all answer to Donald Trump as the President of the United States…
31:00 At the moment in the USA and worldwide there are far too many people in Politics… the numbers a ridiculous…
31:14 In America, if you take one state, you probably need no more than 10 people to run a whole state… one person at the top and a team of 8 or 9 to run all the different sections… and you empower people…
31:40 They realize, because you’re under Common Law and Constitutional Law… they are accountable to the people…
31:49 At the moment under Maritime Law and Admiralty Law… they’re a law unto themselves and they’re getting away with mu*rder…

32:00 What people don’t realize is that Admiralty Law sits BELOW Common law… with Common Law comes Sovereignty… underneath Sovereignty come Parliament… and out of Parliament comes Admiralty Law and Maritime Law…
32:15 And this is why when a policeman attempts to arrest you or talk to you and says “Do you understand?”… what he is saying is “Do you stand under me?”…
32:27 So you have to consent with them ruling above you…
33:06 Under Admiralty or Maritime law it is Law Under Consent… and if you do not consent… there is nothing that they can do…
33:33 So we’ll go through a transition and the transition will take a considerable time… when I got out of the Religious cult it took me 2.5 years to get my feet on the ground and then another 7.5 years to get my life in order… it will take a considerable amount of time…
33:53 And for those of us who are wide awake to what’s going on… we’ll have to be very very supportive for the next few years of everybody…
34:00 The transition will be absolutely AMAZING… we’re moving into GREATNESS… we’re moving into an Awakening that you’ve never seen before… these are amazing times to be alive… absolutely amazing…
34:49 Question: I have many family friends that are dyed-in-the-wool Democrats… I heard on the news yesterday from one of Trump’s men that Trump will not succeed and it sounded like he said that those that did not vote for Trump will have retribution… is that possible? Is that what I think I heard?
35:07 Charlie Ward: Yeah that’s exactly what you heard… it’s exactly what they’re doing… they’re trying to scare you… they realize they’ve lost the battle so now they’re threatening everything…
I personally have been threatened with my channel to say that I’m a te*rr*orist… for spreading the TRUTH… and I’ve frightened them right off… so I said, you’re saying I’m a te*r*rorist for putting out the TRUTH?!... But they say, you’re not putting out the TRUTH you’re putting out lies… and I say, just tell me one lie that I’ve told? Just one… I don’t need to… just one?!!
35:44 And they can’t come up with anything… this is the way they’re trying to scare you… they’re trying to threaten you at the moment… they know they’ve lost and they’re coming out with all kinds of things… they’re threatening all kinds of things right now…
35:57 We just have to remain strong… remain focused… me personally… I'm just keeping a low profile… keeping out of the way…
Kat Note: This is the latest blog from Lisa Renee, a propos to what Charlie is saying:
"Galactic Warriors and Gridworkers please be aware that you will come to face the Megiddo Archetype, which is the showdown that occurs between the Anti-Christ representatives and the Christ representatives on the earth chessboard." ~ Megiddo Archetypal Battle in the Ascension Glossary.
“Those of us who are Starseeded or System Busters, or awakening individuals who have chosen to stand against the tyranny and corruption of planet earth are heavily targeted by the Negative Alien Agenda groups (NAA). Learn about the types of harassment and sabotage we face from the anti-human controller forces.
“We are sending gratitude and unconditional love to all of our Christos spiritual families that are enduring heavy spiritual warfare. May this group discussion from our beloved community help to lend comfort and understanding to better navigate the current energetic terrain of the spiritual warfare occurring between the Anti-Christos shadow forces versus the Christos God forces, as they return back to the earth…”
36:42 Charlie Ward: (Answering question) With regard to NESARA / GESARA… you have to understand that the ca_bals have absolutely robbed the pension funds blind… when people start to look at their pensions they’ll find that there’s nothing in there… cause it’s all been stolen by these corrupt organizations…
36:59 One thing you can rest assured is
Donald Trump is going to make sure
that every single Human Being
is an awful lot better off after this
than they were before…

37:32 (Answering question) I can assure you that Trump won 80%+ of the Vote and he took both Houses if you go with the Quantum Voting System tally… which has been clearly verified before and after the election… [Justice Amy C Barrett certified the ballots with the digital watermark]…
37:41 The de*ep state and the ca*bal never ever thought that they could do this and they’re still saying they don’t believe it and it’s not possible… but Donald Trump made very very sure that not only was the system verified but it was verified by 12 independent verifiers…
38:00 [The de*ep state] have tried to hack it for years… they’ve got professional hackers that tried to hack it and not one person managed to hack it at any time…
26:51 Gene Decode 9-16-20 It’s not just putting us back on the Currency that’s based on the Quantum Financial System and gold, silver, and platinum… it’s also putting us on the Quantum Voting System, the QVS, where they can’t hack our votes… it doesn’t matter how that vote is done even if it’s a mail in ballot… because the Quantum event is unique…
27:09 And the Quantum computer that records that is being monitored by very high beings @5th Density and they can’t hack that… that A.I. won’t get out of control because it is being monitored by a group of 12 individuals in 5th Density so they can’t hack that…
27:25 Charlie Ward: Yeah… (Nodding his head in agreement…)
27:27 Gene Decode: That controls the entire Quantum System worldwide… the QFS and the QVS… and so those countries that agree to go into that… all of this will be going away for them as well as for those in the U.S….
"Charlie Ward and Gene Decode: Alliance Victorious, Wondrous World Incoming" by Kat - 9.18.20
38:16 Question: I hear that they have people who work for Dominion software… who provided that there were 38 million votes stolen from Trump… what do you know about this?

38:25 Charlie Ward: That’s very true… there is.. oh I forget… hundreds now of sworn affidavits of vote cheating, fraud… there’s mountains and mountains and mountains of evidence… and one thing Trump is doing is making sure that evidence comes out and is not contaminated…
39:00 Question: What are Pelosi and Feinstein’s connection with Dominion software and Scorecard? Are they arrested yet?
39:20 Charlie Ward: With regard to Pelosi her card has been marked some time ago… these things are happening behind the scenes… he’s learnt from History what happened to President John F. Kennedy and what happened on September the 11th… [In both instances some form of NESARA was to be implemented/announced]…
39:57 This is a very very delicate time… that he’s managing to absolute perfection…
40:00 Question: When this is all done, will Trump be allowed to run for POTUS again?
40:36 Charlie Ward: That’ll be very interesting… let’s wait and see… God will make that decision when he’s finished his job…
42:10 (Answering question about people still sleeping) Tell them to look at the video I published today on BitChute with John Voight… only 2 or 3 minutes long but it’ll give you clarity…
44:25 When the time is right… Donald Trump will bring down Mainstream Media and then when the Emergency Broadcast comes… that’s when he will notify them of exactly what’s happened…
44:50 Question: NESARA / GESARA what happens when debts are erased? To the companies holding the debt? It seems it will be devastating to them?
44:53 Charlie Ward: It will be… but we’re talking about corrupt banks…we’re not talking about individuals… if you have a personal loan with somebody between friends, that loan will still need to be repaid… we’re only talking about Bank debt… cause the Bank debt itself is corrupt…
49:55 We’re in a Third World War… now is the time to keep out of sight… that’s what I’m doing… just go out when you need to… it’s being resolved as we speak… we’re in a very critical phase right now…
50:04 Everything will be alright… you don’t need to worry about things and you don’t need to get paranoid…
50:40 My gut feeling is there probably will [be a 10-days of darkness]… the question is define darkness… my feeling is that the internet is likely to go down in a very near future… I know that Donald Trump is waiting for the de*ep state to take it down so he can use that time to transition from the old system to the new system… when it comes to the monetary system…
51:02 But he’s waiting on them… they’re desperate to get it down right now because Social Media is tearing their narrative apart… and they’re getting exposed… of course we’re all getting an awful lot of momentum…

53:53 (Answering question about when will it be exposed that [B]i*den isn’t [B]i*den and all the other body doubles]…
54:00 This has been put out there… and you want to look at the pictures… of him 2 years ago and now… and if your moral compass is accurate… and your intuition is accurate… you’ll come up with the right decision…
54:29 The amount of times I’ve been sent pictures of Hi*llary then and now, Prince Charles then and now, [B]i*den then and now… they look NOTHING LIKE the people they were 2 years ago… this is where you have to trust your intuition… this is part of the growing process…
54:56 Trust your own judgement… for many years you haven’t… you’ve just gone along with the Mainstream Media… this is the time to step out and make your own decision…
59:15 You’ve got the CCP / the Chinese Com/munist Party which is very different from the Republic of China… the CCP not only backed [B]iden but they funded him…
59:46 Question: The Internet blackout is imminent… youtube was shut down last night for 6 hours. Have any of your contacts confirmed this happening soon?
54:56 Charlie Ward: I’ve had this come on my desk probably 10 times today that we’re very very close to shutting down the internet… this is what the Emergency Broadcast is for…
I’m still waiting to find out what it means… there will be a period of darkness… Mainstream media, Internet? I don’t know… all flights around the world… etc.
1:01:39 I would steer clear of any vacc*ine. The vac*cine they used in the U.K. actually killed everybody they tried it on… this is the one that came in from B]ill G]at[es…
1:01:53 Donald Trump is setting a trap right now for companies that have made a vaccine knowing that they’ve forced it through without the correct procedure, without the correct testing, because they’ve just done it to make money for Big Pharma… he’s going to allow it to get right to the point… when they say it’s all ready to go… he’ll want to see the proof that they’ve don't the correct tests… Pfeizer CEO sold 60% of his stock… if you got a vac*cine for the world you’re not going to sell your shares… so they already know it’s a bust…
1:06:17 Ju[stin Tru]deau has had an ankle bracelet for 5 months… he’s been charged and he’s been dealt with… it’s being managed behind the scenes very very carefully…
1:06:58 The whole idea… Trump is letting them expose themselves… Ju*stin Castro Tru*deau, Angela Hi*tle*r Mer*kel, Net*an*yahu, etc.
1:07 When we move into this new world we will know exactly who NOT to vote for…
1:08:08 We’re in a Third World War and we just have to know that…
Question: What happened to the Royal Family? Why did Harry suddenly go to America?
1:11:16 Charlie Ward: This is where you need to trust your intuition… when you suddenly find out the Queen has now decided to abdicate… Prince Harry ran away… Buck*ingham Palace has been empty since March… there’s something going on… she’s told her siblings that they find their own houses… I’m just sitting back and watching… I’m not getting drawn on conspiracies… I’m just looking at facts… I look back in March that Prince Phil*lip had di[ed… I don't’ even know if she’s still alive… time will tell…
1:12:56 The Military are already involved… they’re overseeing the recounting of the votes…

End Kat Partial Transcription

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