Operation Disclosure | By Joosse Wolter, Guest Writer October 27, 2020 WHY POLITICAL PARTIES SHOULD BE BANNED In law the creator always hol...

Operation Disclosure | By Joosse Wolter, Guest Writer
October 27, 2020
In law the creator always holds sovereignty. This means that whoever creates something has ultimate authority over its creation under the rules of common law. Hence if you create something you may claim exclusive ownership even though you did not apply for a registered patent
Under the constitutions of most countries Members of Parliament are to be elected by the people within those nations. It is a rule of common law that one can only [lawfully] be governed by the consent of those to be governed. Hence the People who elected/created these Member of Parliament own sovereignty over their elected Members. These Members are the servants of the People who elected them. Therefore they are and remain at all times answerable to the People within the electorate, and not to any political party.
Political Parties elect their [party] members to stand at elections. Hence when elected those members now represent the Party and not the People within their electorate. Having been created by the political party they now owe their allegiance to the party, and not to the People. In truth and reality the Parliaments have been hi-jacked by political parties, and have now not only become subject to the political and the individual motivation and influences of the political party, but also to unknown sources that sponsor these political parties. The entire purpose of Parliament has been destroyed and the voice of the People has been silenced. Elections today are but a power play for political parties. The winner takes all. Sure some bones will be tossed to the opposition under a gentleman's agreement but only to keep the system in play. However the People are totally shut out and will have no say whatsoever and have to accept whatever they decide.
What happened to democracy?
"politic adj. 1. artful or shrewd; 2. crafty; cunning;"
In most countries there are generally but two major political parties that can win the right to govern. In most countries both major parties are controlled from without by the same source. Is it really surprising that we have been taken for a huge ride for all these years? All people were born as free and sovereign individuals. Do we really need parliaments to determine what we can do, or not? Is it not your God given right to determine what is good for you and your family? What happened to common sense or being responsible for your actions? Do we really need endless statutes, rules, codes, and regulations to tell us what we may do or how we should behave?
"Do to others as you would have them do unto you"
The above code of conduct is the foundation on which true humanity is built.
"humanity n. 1. the human race; 2. the quality of being human; 3. kindness or mercy; the study of literature, philosophy, and the arts."
Please let us all change our attitudes and do away with political parties. Let us embrace this simple code of nature, and return this world into the paradise it was meant to be.
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