Operation Disclosure | By Rinus Verhagen, Contributing Writer October 24, 2020 The AF1 = in hexadecimal 10 + 6 + 1 = 17 Q storm has arrived...
Operation Disclosure | By Rinus Verhagen, Contributing Writer
October 24, 2020
The AF1 = in hexadecimal 10 + 6 + 1 = 17 Q storm has arrived
Incredible ‼ Cohesion Joe [B]IDEN + Klaus SCHWAB
Video in German Speech: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6S-3fLVioi0
Under the cover of C19, it is a large S[a]tanic cover up involving all governments.
The extra money paid by the IMF to pay the Fake victims of C19 with bribes to the politicians and hospitals.
This had the president of Belarus refused from the IMF to accept the 930 Million Euro bribe.
The foreman Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum, has ties with J & H [B]iden with whom through an intermediary Philipp Rösler contacted the CCP in order to roll out a communist World Government under the board of CCP the NWO.
The green political parties in Europe is nothing more than a CCP-controlled collection of traitors against the population.

Philipp Rösler (Khánh Hưng (Zuid-Vietnam), 24 februari 19731) is a Duits politicus. Between May 2011 and December 2013 he was party leader of the FDP and also German vicekanselier under Angela Merkel.
From February to October 2009, Rösler was Minister for Economy, Labour and Transport and also Deputy Prime Minister of Lower Saxony in the Wulff II cabinet. In 2009 he switched to national politics and took a seat in the Merkel II cabinet, from 2009 to 2011 as Federal Minister for Health and from 2011 to the end of 2013 as Federal Minister for Economy and Technology. In 2011, he took over both the position of vice-chancellor and that of party leader of the FDP from Guido Westerwelle.
After the heavy loss of the FDP in the Bundestag elections in September 2013, in which the party failed to reach the electoral threshold, Rösler announced his departure as party chairman. He was succeeded by Christian Lindner in December 2013.
Klaus Schwab as a fake good person wants to introduce the Green Deal NWO dictatorship, therefore he also wants to use the Reset to enforce the financial Rothschild dictatorship on the basis of Fiat-Geld money. I had written before that one reset is not the other reset, the deliberate destruction of the economy is thought to be a lever for world fascism.
Further: through the Laptop of H [B]iden it becomes clear how interconnected the crime against humanity is.
#China #US #EpochNews
U.S. Starts Investigation into Organ Harvesting in China | Epoch News

The working capital has been provided by the CCP to H [B]iden of 1.5 Billion Dollar, and connected to the en [C]linton foundation and Evergreen human trafficking, the [Deep]State traitors earn the remaining criminal money to finance their morbid deeds.
Together with the CCP, HNA Group: http://www.hnagroup.com/en-us/

HNA's top owner would appoint the ex-German minister as chief of staff
The largest shareholder of HNA-Group Co. The Chinese conglomerate that acquired the interests in Deutsche Bank AG, among others, will, according to people familiar with the case, appoint former German Vice-Chancellor Philipp Rösler as its Chief Executive Officer.
Rösler , who will resign his current position as head of government relations of the World Economic Foum, is ready to take over the helm in the coming weeks at the New York-based Hainan Cihang Charity Foundation Inc. which speaks in favor of the announcement.
A representative of HNA refused to comment.
From this I deduce that Philipp Rösler has spyed on an industrial spy and right hand of Klaus Swab for the CCP in his function as Minister of Economy and Labour.
From February to October 2009, Rösler was Minister for Economy, Labour and Traffic, supplying all possible technological knowledge and developments from Germany to China.
Thus, China has become the number 1 in the world make economy, with the disadvantage of a worthless Petrodollar.
With the worthless Petrodollars they bought up everything that was possible to hit the Achilles tendon of the western world and move to a communist world government.
[R]othschild, [R]ockefeller, [S]oros, [B]ush, [C]linton, [B]arry [S]oetoro all worked on this, with the CIA, MSM and FBI as executive organizations.
Killary should have finished the job, they never thought that a patriot like Donald J Trump had a against plan.
World Economic Forum and fellow players of Bilderberg, already form the NWO, not be that the members of the EC, EU are elected by the Bilderberg members and never by the people.
In the meantime there is a good chance that a war will be started to make the Chaos even bigger, but it could degenerate into the fall of the CCP, freeing the Chinese population from the oppression of suffocating communism.
Chinese Are Told To Be Prepared As Xi Jinping Called On Troops For War | Epoch News
Evil has a face:

It is a complex Globalist game of betrayal going on right now.
The global Lock down and mobilization of armies led by Donald J Trump is now moving into action.
Yesterday a large group of fighter planes have been sighted coming from England to the Netherlands.
The Reset as planned by the CCP will not take place, to addict the world's population like working animals.
The 4 x Tree, that Trump pronounced, will now take place before November 3.
His pronunciation, by the end of my second term they are all gone.
For more info:

Airlines begin trialing “CommonPass” digital health passport
By Mitra Sorrells | October 9, 2020
United Airlines and Cathay Pacific Airlines are testing a new app that stores and verifies a traveler’s COVID-19 test status.
The “CommonPass” digital health passport is being launched by the World Economic Forum and the Commons Project Foundation, a Swiss-based nonprofit, in collaboration with public and private partners that include representatives from 37 countries.
Both the U.S. Customs and Border Protection and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are observing the trials, which are being conducted with volunteers flying between London, New York, Hong Kong and Singapore on the two airlines.
To use the CommonPass, travelers take a COVID-19 test at a certified lab, upload the results to the app and complete any additional health questionnaires required by the destination country.
CommonPass confirms the traveler’s compliance with the destination’s entry requirements and generates a QR code that code can be scanned by airline staff and border officials. The system complies with privacy regulations such as GDPR.
“Without the ability to trust COVID-19 tests - and eventually vaccine records - across international borders, many countries will feel compelled to retain full travel bans and mandatory quarantines for as long as the pandemic persists,” says Dr. Bradley Perkins, chief medical officer of the Commons Project.
“With trusted individual health data, countries can implement more nuanced health screening requirements for entry.”
United Airlines will test the platform for flights between London Heathrow Airport and Newark Liberty International Airport.
“Testing is a key component of a multi-layered approach to safely reopening travel,” says Steve Morrissey, United Airlines' vice president, regulatory and policy.
“Trials with solutions like CommonPass are critical to demonstrate the potential for testing as an alternative to blanket quarantine measures or travel restrictions, while we continue to focus on the safety and health of our customers and employees.”
Following these trials, organizers say CommonPass will be expanded “in quick succession” to additional airlines and routes across Asia, Africa, the Americas, Europe and the Middle East.
Where the recommended videos show a more complete picture of today's reality and the awakening of the world's population.
Every politician who now has the complete story and continues to support crime politics is part of the problem that will be solved by Donald J Trump.
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