The Balfour Declaration || David Lifschultz

Operation Disclosure | By David Lifschultz, Contributing Writer October 19, 2020 THE BALFOUR DECLARATION Compliments of the Lifschultz Orga...

Operation Disclosure | By David Lifschultz, Contributing Writer

October 19, 2020


Compliments of the Lifschultz Organization founded in 1899

Take a moment to read the book Boche and Bolshevik (1923) - Webster & Kerlen. Here Ludendorff defends his move of Lenin to Russia to knock out Russia enabling him to move 122 German Divisions from the Russian eastern front to the German western front facing the Entente forces of the French and English.

This threat was the catalyst for the Balfour Declaration. The story is told below.

Read Book Here

I shall respond here to comments by Thomas Anderson to my piece "The Pandemic Myth".

But first I want to continue the historical analysis of Baron Eduard de Rothschild's supervision of World War One. First, let us look back for a moment at the Battle of Waterloo. Napoleon Bonaparte was thrown out of power and sent to Elba essentially by the Rothschilds who had organized the European powers against him as he had become unfriendly. When he returned for a hundred days, he marched to Waterloo to confront the Duke of Wellington. Here he met his doom. Little did he know that Marshall Grouchy was on the Rothschild payroll. Napoleon sent Grouchy to block the Prussians while he would meet alone the forces of the Duke of Wellington. The French Army under Grouchy heard the cannon fire at Waterloo, and General Compte de Gerard went to the tent of Grouchy to tell him we must march to Waterloo. Grouchy said no, he had his orders to find the Prussians. Comte de Gerard told him the the rules of war were that you followed the cannon. Grouchy refused and Napoleon was overwhelmed by the Prussians.

Let's digress for a moment to explain that. In 1812 communications were poor. There were only two ways of doing distant reconnaissance and that was using your cavalry to determine where the opposing main forces were, or by following the cannon which would indicate where the battle was taking place. Armies traveled usually not in one lump sum but in different divisions somewhat separate from each other. The key was to effect concentration of all forces for the battle to project total force at the point of concentration of greatest vulnerability. Napoleon was particularly adept at this. It was a rule of war to follow the cannon for the purposes of concentration or otherwise the chances of winning the battle were greatly diminished. Panzer General Guderian in World War Two taught his Panzer Commanders to not attack until all the tanks were in formation to magnify the punching power of the Panzer Armies for the breakthrough. He was totally against throwing the tanks piecemeal into the battle as they arrived. The principle of concentration was the same and using the tanks to strike at the jugular of the opposing army which the Germans achieved by sending their Panzer Armies through the Ardennes to come at the British and French from behind their forces. The Germans did not have more tanks that the British and French but knew how to use them better.

A shouting match took place in the tent of Grouchy where Grouchy said he would follow Napoleon's instruction and not follow the rules of War. Napoleon wrote from Saint Helena that this decision was treason or stupidity but it was treason. The British say that they won the Battle of Waterloo under Wellington and the Prussians say their cavalry under Field Marshall Gebhardt von Blucher won the battle of Waterloo. But both are wrong. It was Rothschild who won the battle of Waterloo.

The massive bet on this rigged war that Nathan Rothschild made a giant fortune on was based on the Landgrave of Hess giving the Rothschilds his Gilts to prevent Napoleon from seizing them. Nathan turned them into pounds and invested them in the crashing London stock market based on rumours that he had created that the British had lost to Napoleon on the Continent. These were the profits that gave Rothschild the power over the entire west.

It is a point of tragic irony that the Landgrave of Hess who made the Rothschild family did not see into the future that his descendant the Princess of Hess who became Czarina Alexandra would be killed by Baron Eduard de Rothschild when he had the royal family of the Tsar slain. It was Baron Eduard who arranged for Parvus to spirit Lenin to Moscow from Zurich covered in "The Pandemic Myth" below. The ill gotten gains from evil are never permanent and the faithless are always entrapped in the end by their own crafty device as Baron Eduard de Rothschild fled Paris in 1940 as the German Army marched through the streets of Paris singing songs of hatred against usury (Proverbs 11:6).

Upon the death of his father on 31 October 1785, he became William IX, Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel. He was said to have inherited one of the largest fortunes in Europe at the time.

William looked for help in managing his estate. He hired Mayer Amschel Rothschild as "Hoffaktor" in 1769, to supervise the operation of his properties and tax-gathering. The wealth of William's estate provided a good living for Rothschild and the men had a strong relationship; he founded the Rothschild family dynasty, which became important in financing and banking in Europe. Although they had been acquainted since 1775, William IX did not formally designate Rothschild as his overseer until 1801.

The early fortunes of the Rothschild family were made through a conjunction of financial intelligence and the wealth of Prince William. During the Napoleonic Wars, William used the Frankfurt Rothschilds to hide his fortune from Napoleon. This money then saw its way through to Nathan Mayer, (N.M.) in London that was used in the aforementioned stock market rig.

This gives us a little background to understand the Balfour Declaration. When the Rothschild efforts destroyed Russia in World War One, and Lenin pulled out of the war, the British foreseeing this panicked. How could they address 122 new German divisions hitting them in the European front.

Fall of Eagles - Sealed Train Decision (9m)

The Rothschilds who had just handed the Germans their victory in the east, now approached the British with a new idea that would betray the Germans. The Rothschilds controlled the United States through J. P. Morgan, a gentile front, and Kuhn Loeb under Jacob Schiff. And in fact J. P. Morgan and the Rothschilds met with Woodrow Wilson giving him the orders early in the war to loan money to the Entente so that Britain and France could buy munitions from the US leading to the resignation as Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan as described in "The Devil's Theory of War" by the greatest American historian of the time Charles A. Beard. Since the British now controlled Palestine, the Rothschilds said that if you give Palestine to us for a homeland for the Jews we will order the US into the First World War. So the Balfour Declaration was issued to Lord Walter Rothschild written by Lord Milner who received honorable mention in the "The Pandemic Myth" with a link below.

In his posthumously published 1981 book The Anglo-American Establishment, Georgetown University history professor Carroll Quigley explained his view that Lord Milner was the primary author of the declaration based on the archives which were made available to him.

General Ludendorff exclaimed in his memoirs that this was an act of genius and regretted he had not thought of it first as his ally Turkey had controlled Palestine which he could have given away. We attach for the reader's benefit Ludendorff's defence of using Parvus against Sir Winston Churchill's favorite Mrs. Nesta Webster.

Now let us turn to the additional historical information from Thomas Anderson who would like my response to his very worthwhile points.

The key here of Mr. Anderson's piece is the German interest in establishing a Bismarkian Reinsurance Treaty with Russia and aligning in a reorganization of all of Eurasia in an alliance between Germany, Russia and China under the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative. This is coming. And we quote:

The political background of sanctions from today's Germany against Russia often, if not mostly, is based on American influence, because what the US fears the most is a united German-Russian brotherhood, which has in fact many supporters and not at the least also genetically would make sense. The US as the number one world power would lose this power in the same second when Germans and Russians would finally join together and work together in friendship and peace. See what the US government has started against the new gas pipeline in the Baltic sea between Russia and Germany. One threat after the other, each following more dangerous than the one before. Serious threats to government directly and to companies involved.

Our sources in Germany agree with Mr. Anderson.

Response by high German financier which I identify as X:

Many thanks David.

I have read carefully and with interest this long brief and I agree with almost all of it - especially about the anchoring of Germany in the «illegal framework » of the post-war world, which has still active consequences today.

But « almost » means two little exceptions where I feel my comment is due:
« So, at the end, the German taxpayer will have to pay for this TARGET saldo if nobody else does. »

Well, this is exactly not the case. One has to get away from the illusion that debts to the central bank or to the « Euro-system » (a term they carefully use to mix ambiguity into their doing as « European Central Bank ») have to be mandatorily paid back.

Quantitative easing, Corvid-Emergency Measures etc.: are all fiat money. Meaning: no collateral (gold, real assets, credible IOUs) has been used in the oldest banking technique of creating money. A brilliant account of all this can be found in the very readably book: Richard Werner: New Paradigm in Macroeconomics: Solving the Riddle of Japanese Macroeconomic Performance. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2005 (written well before the flooding gates were opened in 2008)

Mingled this with the leftist « Modern monetary theory » one can formulate this even more explicitly: No one will ever pay this back - no one needs to; it just rests and rots in the balance sheet of the central bank(s).

So, any claim to get a « repay » a TARGET debt is just a weak (naïve and ineffective) move in the political/strategic power game.

I am convinced, that we will see continuous and reckless expansion of the « amount of money », hence a sort of « currency war » - until the IMF, or someone else, will « reset the system » by a sort of world currency (- system; in any case a global monopoly) that will be effectively annihilating all « old money » and all old debt (public/institutional debt that is. Debt of private persons, as per law, have to be paid back, of course). Clean slate, new game. The Orwellian total control multiplied by 50. This is by-the-way why « the system » is so violently (yet helplessly) against all « cyber money » - while they themselves work frenetically to develop one.

« As far as Helmut Kohl is concerned, it should not go unmentioned that, after leaving office, he allegedly worked as a consultant at Credit Suisse - with a monthly salary of five digits. »

I can confirm that in the end-nineties he was member of the »international advisory board » of Credit Suisse. Among us Swiss bankers we « knew » that his compensation was 250 000 CHF per year - for just a handful of meetings per year. In 2000 he « temporarily stepped down » due to his role in the illegal financing of his party CDU.

Apart from that, I fully share the views presented, no matter how strange the facts of history are, no matter how sombre the outlook for Germany is.

Greetings from X.

Comments by DKL: I would say this. What my source means is that Greece and Italy and Spain and the other southern countries will never pay their debt to Germany even in the fictitious money of the euro. But what is the compensation for Italy's ruined industries? Nothing. And that the currencies of the west are becoming like a bitcoin which is a complete fraud as the bitcoin as the dollar and euro have no intrinsic value. It is an IOU nothing but more paper or electronic impulses that mean nothing.


Dear X:

What do you think of the comments made in this reply to my article on German unification. The article is full of interesting charges against Germany.

With best wishes.


David Lifschultz <>
To: P. (A very high former official of Germany)
Cc: Q (A very former high official in Germany's foreign service)
Thu, Oct 15 at 8:21 AM

Dear P:

It would appear that German nationalists have taken a great deal of time to respond to my essay on the pandemic that is circulating on the internet which agrees with German sources such as Dr. Reiner Fuellmich. The German nationalists focused more on other issues discussed below.

Crimes Against Humanity Dr. Reiner Fuellmich

My Italian sources maintained that Fiat was damaged by Volkswagen when the euro was created as it favoured Germany in the exchange proportions when they handed in the lira and this phenomena damaged all of southern Europe. This explains the Greek tragedy. The rigged Euro has also gravely damaged the United States by Germany buying dollars to support car and other exports to the United States as outlined in my letters to the then Secretary of the Treasury Robert Rubin.

Robert Rubin Correspondence – David Lifschultz

As you remember, you had maintained that Germany demanded that NATO be expanded to cover Eastern Europe so German industry could follow the Schacht plan under Hitler to incorporate these low wage areas into the German industrial machine though it violated agreements with Russia that NATO would not expand eastward. Now so-called defensive missiles are being place in Poland and Romania which you know are worthless and can be armed with offensive missiles concealed by the same appearance. This is a grave thereat to the peace of Europe. You said German industry would not invest in Poland or Slovakia where wages were about 20% of Germany, or other eastern European countries without these guarantees though the CIA and BND has other ideas using this as a pretext to decrease the distance to Moscow by removing the buffer states which includes the Ukraine and now in their sights Belarus.

My Russian sources maintain that Germany would have paid a fortune for the Russian evacuation of East Germany and their gesture to do it for free was not appreciated by Germany. They were repaid they say by the eastern move by NATO and the BND engineering the Sudetenland ethnic unrest in their ally Yugoslavia in the 1990s. The BND set up the fake massacre in Kosovo using the Albanian agents who botched it all up when they did not spread the blood on the ground and cartridges as instructed. I attended the intelligence meetings in the US where the BND blamed the stupid Albanians for botching it all up by not spreading the blood and cartridges that was observed by the Manchester Guardian reporter who published an article on it. President Clinton or Richard Holbrooke had nothing to say and they were subordinate to us as Obama that we countermanded on the Syrian launchers under my direction. The reason for this countermand was that Syrian intel had given me 15 minutes to guarantee the countermand or they would launch their missiles on Israel, Saudi Arabia and US bases. Yes, it would have been suicide for Syria, but if the missile launchers had been destroyed it would have eliminated Assad's Samson option. At the time Assad was not sure he would survive, and if he lost the Samson option, it was almost certain that over 3 million Alawites would be exterminated including women and children. It was confirmed to me that this would happen by Saudi intelligence sources.

The 78 day bombing of Belgrade went on anyway as planned as the rest of the world media was ordered to bury the story of the fake massacre at Kosovo saying these charges would be investigated. While I was not authorized then to say this to you, I completely opposed the German moves. At the 78 bombing of Belgrade meeting, I vigorously challenged the logic of this bombing as both immoral and counterproductive as it would lead to the massive rearmament of Russia. Number one disagreed, and said though I am almost always right, they did not agree, and they could not let pass this opportunity to further weaken Russia. As far as he was concerned, Russia was dead meat. My prediction came true as the Russian KGB took back control of Russia in the aftermath in 1999. Now, Germany faces in Russia a military force that can overrun it and all of Europe to the channel in two weeks according the highest US military sources. Europe cannot be defended. And yet Germany instigates a conflict with Russia at every turn as we see in the two poisoning affairs that your BND knows Russia had nothing to do with. Does Germany have a death wish?

As you remember, you and I talked almost daily when you were Helmut Kohl's Chief Foreign Policy advisor in that period as you were worried about the US and France being aligned against Germany's actions in Yugoslavia for obviously the Russians were not. Once again Germany felt uneasy about a two front problem.

The BND was also allied with the CIA creating the unrest in the Ukraine set up as a PSYOP operation in 2014 to break the Ukraine away from Russia following the Austrian position in World War One. We see this today in the unrest in Belarus and the eastern former Provinces of Russia.

I would be interested in your comments on the article below by what appears to be a response by dissident elements in the BND.

With best wishes.

No answer as yet to the above letter.

Response to "The Pandemic Myth" by David Lifschultz || Thomas Anderson

The Pandemic Myth || David Lifschultz

David Lifschultz


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Operation Disclosure: The Balfour Declaration || David Lifschultz
The Balfour Declaration || David Lifschultz
Operation Disclosure
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