Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat If one has ever wondered "What is taking so long?" Part of the answer lies in the below Tweets/...

Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat
If one has ever wondered "What is taking so long?"
Part of the answer lies in the below Tweets/graphics.
The de_monic, sa_tanic Ne*w Wo*rld Or*der in its myriad permutations, has controlled/en_sla_ved Gaia, her Kingdoms and Humanity for thousands of years.
The d_eep st_ate / ill_uminati de_mons are not about to say, "OK, you win. We're gone." If only.
Q, POTUS and the Alliance put their plan, that has been decades in the making, in action in 2016.

Looked at from this perspective it is MIRACULOUS that the Alliance has come this far in such a short time.
For those who appreciate "History" or part of what has been, I enclose some Tweets from @LawNuse, FYI.
With blessings,
xo, Kat
P.S. Charlie Ward told us QE II is gone and that is a clone or body double walking around. In fact, we've been told that the upper de_mons are gone [13-de_mon bloodline fam_ilies, etc.] It's a question of rounding up the minions.
42:46 David Nino Rodriguez: The Pope, Queen, Vatican… taking down the illuminati… I know they don’t have power anymore… Trump took down the Vatican, Fed, and the Queen, right? So what are we looking at? Are we seeing holograms? Clones?
38:51 Charlie Ward: We’re definitely not seeing the real thing, that’s 100% sure. We’re seeing clones, we’re seeing body doubles…
"2 Vids: Charlie Ward Brings Glad Tidings of Great Joy!" by Kat - 10.16.20

And then there's this happy photograph. So powerful.

FYI, the latest on [H]unter [B]iden. I'm going to skip the video. I don't want those images in my head. But it is up to each what we will or will not let onto our radar screen.

Godspeed Alliance.
Peace, Health, Happiness, Abundance and Truth for all — We are Goddess, Sovereign, Free.
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