Operation Disclosure | By Thomas Anderson, Contributing Writer October 14, 2020 ( Responding to: The Pandemic Myth || David Lifschultz ) D...
Operation Disclosure | By Thomas Anderson, Contributing Writer
October 14, 2020
(Responding to: The Pandemic Myth || David Lifschultz)
Dear David,
Again I must tell you: WOW!
Great articles with a lot of very interesting and important details.
There is only one passage, where I would like to add and comment something.
You wrote:
“So now Germany exports 50% of their GDP. Well, they are going to be surprised when they lose access to all their export markets. (…) What kindness has Germany showed Italy for siding with them in World War Two? Absolutely none. What kindness did Germany show Russia when Russia let them have East Germany back? Absolutely none but sanctions.”
Germany exports a LOT. and now let me tell you, how the payment within the European Union works.
Let us say, a German company sells something to Italy. The Italian customer pays, the German company gets the money.
SO WHAT you may ask, sounds good!
Here are the details:
The Italian company has a bank account in Italy at an Italian bank. when they send money to Germany, the tell their bank to do so and that’s it.
The Italian bank then tells the Italian Central bank to send the money to the German company.
Still sounds good.
The Italian Central Bank then tells the German Central Bank to tell the German bank of the German seller to send him money on his account.
The German Central Bank tells the local German bank to send the seller money on his account.
So what?
Now here is the important thing.
The Central banks have a system of so called “Target” transfer accounts.
That means, if the Italian central bank tells the German central bank to send the German bank and their supplier some money,
The Italian central bank does NOT send money and the German central bank does not RECEIVE money.
They open up a transfer saldo on this internal account system.
Nothing more.
So, money never moves out of Italy, France or Spain or whatever country in the EU. it stays there.
And, just because you mentioned the kindness to Italy, month by month this saldo grows by many BILLIONS which on the one side stand positive on the Italian side and negative on the german side.
There is a plus on the German TARGET accounts, yes. but the money is not there, it is “to be paid later”.
Of course, when an Italian company sells something to a German company, the system works the same viceversa.
Well, but you know it already: the Italians do not export SO much to Germany as the otherway.
So, just to give you some numbers.
We are already in the trillions in total and month by month there are billions to float to Italy for a DECADE already.
The same with other countries.
So, at the end, the German taxpayer will have to pay for this TARGET saldo if nobody else does.
Meaning, the German companies earn well NOW and pay taxes NOW but will have to use those taxes and much more to pay for their own success.
Ok. now its up to you to explain me about what kindness you meant.
Now the second point you mentioned.
It is commonly known that “West Germany and East Germany are now reunited” and that the Russians were so kind to offer this reunification.
But this is completely wrong.
First of all, Germany was devided into 3 major zones
WEST, Middle and EAST
The West was put painly under US, British and French command, the Middle under Russian command and the east under polish governance.
Please look at the maps if you don’t believe that.
The Russian government offered the German government to COMPLETELY give back ALL occupied territories, Middle and East Germany without ANY condition.
The German government under Helmut Kohl DENIED that (which most of the Germans don’t know.)
The Germany of today is neither a free country, nor a sovereign country, nor a country AT ALL.
It is a group of gangsters, who ALL know what they are doing without a legal framework and without even an area where any law applies.
So there are many examples that underscore what Konrad Adenauer, the first German Chancellor after the war, briefly and concisely summed up when he talked about his work as Chancellor: “We are not mandatories of the German people, we act on on behalf of the order of the Allies.” This has apparently remained so until today.
The dependency, commissioning and payment of Chancellors by the United States has recently become apparent in the case of former Chancellor Willy Brandt who has been shown to have received CIA funds.i Willy Brandt, born as Herbert Frahmii was the son of Jewish parents. He fled to Norway after being accused of having caused the death of a member of the Hitler Youth-organisation. He was educated in Moscow and became an author of an anti-German rabble-rousing propaganda book. After the war, he returned to Germany as a selected candidate of the Allies and became Federal Chancellor of the ‘sovereign’ Germany. Incidentally, well-known to Europeans, Dr. Schäuble, who, in 2011 was acting German Minister of Finance, in his speech at the European Banking Congress on November 18, 2011, explicitly emphasized: “And we in Germany have been since May 8, 1945 at no time fully sovereign. Incidentally, this was known in the preamble of 1949 - the goal of serving as an equal member of a united Europe, the peace of the world.”
Hereby the German Minister of Finance confirms one of the key statements of so-called ‘conspiracy theorists’ in recent years: Germany is not sovereign! On top of all this, according to Schäuble, any kind of “state sovereignty has been reduced to absurdity”. In Russia, this topic is openly discussed!iii In 2020 the Russian (!!) embassy carried out some arrests in Thuringia, Germany, amongst those arrested a German judge. Would you regard this a sign for German state sovereignty?iv
It is generally accepted and taught that the so-called German reunification came about on March 10th1990. On that day, following the decision of the People's Chamber, the German Democratic Republic, on the basis of Article 23 (2) of the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany, had acceded to the scope of this Basic Law, as provided for in that article, and therefore had become part of the Federal Republic of Germany. Article 23 of the Basic Law was worded as follows:
“Article 23. [1] This Basic Law applies initially to the territories of Baden, Bavaria, Bremen, Greater Berlin, Hamburg, Hesse, Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate, Schleswig-Holstein, Württemberg-Baden and Württemberg-Hohenzollern,[2] In other parts of Germany it is to be put into force after their accession.”
The Basic Law was formulated and submitted by some American lawyers, not negotiated or ratified by the Bundestag, Chancellor, or other elements of the Federal Republic, but only discussed on the island of Herrenchiemseev and then later (as ordered) accepted (but not by all: for example, Bavaria, a ‘state’ without a treaty or founding certificate, an arbitrary construct of the occupying US, expressly rejected the constitution on May 19, 1949).vi
The original preamble also speaks very clearly of the temporary nature of this Basic Law:
“Conscious of his responsibility before God and the people, inspired by the will to preserve his national unity and to serve as the equal member of a united Europe for the peace of the world, the German people in the lands of Baden, Bavaria, Bremen, Hamburg, Hesse, Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate, Schleswig-Holstein, Württemberg-Baden and Württemberg-Hohenzol-ler to give the state life for a transitional period, a new order, by virtue of its constitutional power This Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany decided. It also acted for those Germans whose cooperation was denied. The entire German people are called upon to complete the unity and freedom of Germany in free self-determination.”vii
However, the phrase “by virtue of its constitutional power” already led the German people by a nose ring through their reality because it is (until today) in the article 146 GG (“Grund-Gesetz” = Basic Law):
“This Basic Law loses its validity on the day on which a constitution enters into force, which was decided by people in free decision.”
The legal process of ‘reunification’ was different in detail, however. On September 12th, 1990, the Foreign Ministers of the Allies and the two German territories met in Moscow at the Hotel ‘Oktober’. There, the so-called 2 + 4 contracts were signed. On the 17th of September, the Allied Foreign Ministers met again in Paris, and as a result, US Secretary of State James Baker and the USSR Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze exercised their full legal powers as Allied High Commisioners. In a letter to the Federal Government of West-Germany, Baker deleted Article 23 of the Basic Law without replacement, and Shevardnadze in a letter to the Government of the German Democratic Republic revoked its constitution. In the list of amendments of the Basic Law there is a corresponding deletion note for September 29, 1990.viii On the basis of the 2+4 contracts, and “with effect from October 3rd 1990”ix then the accession of the German Democratic Republic (GDR) to the scope of the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany was carried out.
Let's take another look at this approach in detail: On September 12th, 1990, it was decided that the German Democratic Republic should join the scope of the Basic Law. On September 17th, the Constitution of the German Democratic Republic was repealed with immediate effect, and the Article 23 of the Basic Law was deleted without replacement, which was then officially noted on the 29th of September. On Oct 3rd the GDR, a state whose constitution was repealed, acceded to the scope of this Basic Law on the basis of Article 23, which was canceled without substitution and no longer existed since the 29th of September.
In view of this situation, the question must be asked, who or what has been joined here, and on what basis, and to whom or what? A state that no longer has a constitution (where this state is, what its name is, who it is, etc.) is by no means a state. A scope of a law that is not regulated (where in which borders is this law valid?) is not a scope. An article in which the scope of application was fixed before the removal of this article without replacement is a deleted article which was deleted without replacement and thus is no longer valid. A constitution without scope is nothing but thin air space and is at most only valid in a virtual space of those who want to join this virtual space due to whatever reason and feel binded to this law. Nothing is regulated by a deleted legal text. Which is precisely the purpose of the deletion - that with the deletion of the text, something formerly regulated, shall no longer be regulated. When a state that no longer exists joins something else that no longer exists, on the basis of a paragraph or article that has previously been deleted, the question arises again of what the purpose of this process was.
The confusion could hardly be greater! What did the Allies want to achieve, what did the German government want to achieve? Strictly in accordance with the law, we must state that the Basic Law - a provisional law for the transitional period of occupation - no longer applies in the former borders as described in the deleted article. So, it is de facto invalid in the field that we perceive as state territory. Furthermore, we must state that the Basic Law is clearly not a constitution (see Article 146 of the Basic Law).
Perhaps we will now have to go on a journey of discovery, in the usual legal manner, to see what is hidden under the now invalid regulations as the last valid rule. At this point, going back in time within this area of interest called ‘Germany’, we find the Weimar constitutions, although one can argue about which of the constitutions is legally valid. In any case, regarding the boundaries of the national territory, the area in which Germans live, we find an unequivocal answer as to what the borders were previously, namely the external borders of the German Reich after the state of December 31st 1937x:
“Art 116 (1) German in the purposes of this Basic Law shall be, subject to other statutory provisions, who has the German citizenship or as a refugee or displaced of German ethnicity or as his spouse or descendant has been accepted in the territory of the German Empire within the borders as of 31 December 1937.”
By the way, when looking at these lines, one may ask oneself for whom ‘German’ laws now apply; for all ‘Germans’ or for all ‘Federal Republicans’? For whom are the German pensions valid? For whom the tax liability, for whom the compensation? There are many questions that such a single article can bring up. The question of the sovereignty of Germany, or better, of a German state, may, and must be asked. Too many legal ambiguities, sloppiness and lies are in circulation.
In addition, there are all sorts of conspiracy theories and fanatics from both political camps, which make the picture more than out of focus. Anyway, a sovereignty of the Federal Republic of Germany was, as Schäuble so aptly said, neither given before the union nor afterwards. On the contrary, the Allies continue to act directly or indirectly in Germany, as if their special rights and privileges from WWII simply remain in force - which they should not be since 1990, at least according to the official reading.xi
But since we have already seen that the so-called reunification in 1990 has the legal character of a number pulled from the air, it may at least be speculated whether the Allies might have negotiated a secret treaty that says exactly the opposite.
So, sovereignty of Germany was neither sought nor did it exist, nor is it foreseeable. A change in this state seems very desirable in my view, so that legal uncertainties and responsibilities are clearly regulated. But this is clearly not the goal of those who exercise power here. It is precisely the legal uncertainty in all these issues that makes progress and disengagement from their sphere of influence difficult and impossible.
And now Germany, owed to the Schengen Agreement, is in the company of all other European countries such as France, Italy, Spain, Greece, etc., of which all have surrendered their sovereignty to the EU.
Strictest confidentiality
Process: Secret State Treaty of May 21, 1949
here: loss of copy number 4
Dear Minister
copy no. 4 of the secret state treaty between the allied powers and the provisional government of west Germany dated May 21, 1949 is finally lost.
The secret state treaty reveals i.a.
- The sovereignty of the allied powers over German newspaper and radio media until 2099
- the so-called “chancellor's file”, that is, that document that each chancellor of Germany has to sign at the request of the allies before taking the oath of office
- as well as the attachment of the gold reserves of the Federal Republic of Germany
If copy number 4 of the secret international treaty should go into the wrong hands, I strongly recommend denying the authenticity!
You asked about kindness offered to Russia.
Of course you are right: the German GOVERNMENT, the SO CALLED German government, which we now know is false and illegal, worked together with some people form the US government and put sanctions on Russia.
But do not think there was no payment…
For explaining the next topic, please let me start to tell you first some other things, then lead to this payment and the gangsters involved on both german and Russian side, so that you understand, what you need to understand about the so called Reunification of Germany.
In fact all this is related and IS still real terror.
Terror done by governments officials to their own and other peoples.
The german author Ekkehard Sieker wrote a book titled “Das RAF-Phantom” This is a German book about the German terror organisation RAF. Follow me briefly in a summary along with some small additions: The first generation of the so-called RAF (Red Army Faction) led and murdered the Employer’s Association’s president Hanns Martin Schleyer. There was a letter of confession in book format left at the scene with hundreds of pages of very sophisticated words and argumentation coming from someone with a high educational level. The next generation of the RAF murdered Alfred Herrhausen, CEO of Deutsche Bank, in Bad Homburg, using a bomb. A letter claiming responsibility was found. It was a DIN A4 page with the letters “RAF” on it. This was the “confessional letter” that the investigators proudly presented.
The car carrying Alfred Herrhausen was escorted by vehicles to the front and rear to the one he was riding in. Suddenly, the car in front accelerated to high speed and passed around the next corner, while the car behind pushed the brakes at the same time, just before the car where Herrhausen was in was hit by a bomb near the rear door of the car just past the B-pillar – the only spot the armored Mercedes was vulnerable.
The highly trained security forces who drove to Herrhausen’s safe house with him every day, took several minutes to recover from the shock - and then first took care of the severely injured driver in the front of the car while Herrhausen slowly died in the back seat. The explosion had caused a part of the interior door panelling to pierce his femoral artery, causing him to slowly bleed to death. A few days earlier, Herrhausen, in collaboration with his assistant Hilmar Kopper (known in Germany as “50-million-are-Peanuts”-Kopperxii), had completed the then largest corporate acquisition in the history of the world economy. He arranged Deutsche Banks purchase of Chase Manhattan Bank. Herrhausen wanted to gain a foothold in the American market. That was a strategically good decision because the American banks (like the Germans) had suffered from the threatened defaults on loans to Third World countries. The German tax law allows it, to underpin default loan contracts with 50% accruals, which led the situation, that Herrhausens Deutsche Bank had a lot of accruals and cash in their accounts. In contrast to the German banks however, the American banks, which suffered from different tax laws, had hardly any capital and headed further into the abyss, so that Herrhausen prepared Deutsche Bank for a longer shopping tour on the US market and enjoyed great political success for advocating debt relief for Third World countries. By the way: Chase Manhattan bank had been owned by the Rothschild family.
It can be surmised that Herrhausen’s death should not have been unexpected. Just a few weeks earlier, in a speech he gave in the USA, he disclosed his plan to buy all of East Prussia in order to partially restore the German Empire. His plan evidently was not well received. It is rumoured that he said to his wife: "I’m sure they are going to kill me now!" Herrhausen also revealed that he had been a student at a NAPOLA which is an elite National Socialist school. This too apparently gained him some negative points in certain circles.
The successor to the chairmanship of Deutsche Bank following Herrhausen’s death was his former assistant Hilmar Kopper. After the incident with his predecessor, Kopper was careful to tend to the functioning of a German-only network of banks between Dresden and Leipzig instead of trying to gain access to the US markets.
The next generation of the RAF next murdered Detlef Karsten Rohwedder. He was shot in his house through the only non-armored window with a perfectly placed shot. The first shredded his lung and aorta, while the rest of the rounds flew around the room wildly, according to civil engineering standards and from a common person’s perspective.
Rohwedder had a big job. He served as a liquidator and reorganizer with the company Hösch AG. He had not fired a single person, nor had he used taxpayer’s money and the company became profitable again. Afterwards, he was chosen to lead the DEUTSCHE TREUHAND, which was the governmental trust overseeing all companies in the German Democratic Republic and was charged with organizing the reconstruction of the economy in the new federal states. He wanted a true middle class with no additional tax burden and no environmental damage. He sold little of the assets and those he did sell went into good hands, and he took his time and was careful in doing so. Then he was murdered. His successor was Birgit Breuel, née Münchmeyer who was the daughter of Alwin Münchmeyer, who later became the leading shareholder of the bank known as Schröder, Münchmeyer, Hengst & Co. (SMH). Mrs. Breuel sold quickly and cheaply, and the taxpayer guaranteed everything. And the taxpayer paid and gave and vouched and forfeited.
For example, the Berlin Stadtbank was sold for forty-nine million to the Berlin Bank. At first glance, the price does not sound that bad. The fatal thing is that the Berlin Stadtbank had credit claims of 11.5 billion, which were met almost without exception. Seen from the great selling price, this quickly became a bitter tear for the German taxpayer. The then Finance Minister, Theo Waigel, saw this however, to be no reason to complain. According to him, everything was checked carefully and not sold undervalued. By the way, Waigel had also issued a notice for all senior employees of the Treuhand: they were not allowed to be prosecuted under a new law for negligence. The lesser employees, however, caught hell if it was only about 1,000 Deutchmarks. But this changed here for the upper tier employees, and once it was over a few billion Deutchmarks, the owner, Waigel, held his hand of protection over it – making the excuse: “In the rush of business mistakes have been made - we had to sell quickly.” Mrs Breuel also liked to sell a lot to big American banks (remarkably, only Chase Manhattan was uninterested and bought nothing) and let the taxpayer incur the restructuring costs. She eventually left a very deep financial hole. To be more precise, it was considerably more than 300 billion Deutchmarks, probably more than 500 billion (for more details, please read the mentioned book). Mrs. Breuel then later subsequently ruined the world exhibition Expo2000 in Hanover, which also became a financial disaster for shareholders and the taxpayer.
The said financial loss of a few hundred billion Deutchmarks was properly booked in the Ministry of Finance. The Minister of Finance at the time was Theo Waigel - also known as the one who found the biggest tax loss of all time just three months after the elections (coincidence, of course - and of course by no means in any way intended politically). Well, as you know, a finance minister does not work alone. The person is reliant on the work of secretaries of state and the staff of the entire administrative apparatus. Someone in this hierarchy would have already known about a few hundred missing billion Deutchmarks and most likely would have passed that on to Waigel. This largest, above-mentioned financial gap concerned the year 1990; this and all that came afterwards, the trust and its wasted tax revenue was handled by the then Secretary of State in the Ministry of Finance, who then submitted his work to Theo Waigel. This then Secretary of State in the Ministry of Finance was Horst Köhler (in this office from 1990 to 1993) – who was the future German Federal President Horst Köhler!
Volker Pispers, my favorite German cabaret artist, responded to a spontaneous interjection from his audience for naming this with a: “Correct! Oh, shit!”
In an interview in the German magazine SPIEGEL in 1992, Finance Minister Köhler said: “If a country grows high deficits through its own behavior, then neither the community nor a member state (the EU) is obliged to help this country ... It will not be the case that the South will cash in on the so-called rich countries. Then Europe would fall apart.” (Aaaha ...!) Fact is - it developed exactly like this!
It is no wonder that later he was promoted to head the European Bank for Reconstruction and from there as the head of the International Monetary Fund. And from July 2004 to June 2010, he was the President of the Federal Republic of Germany. Köhler, as president, enacted the laws for the “bailout of Greece” and the “rescue of the euro” with his signature. A few days later he resigned (at the earliest opportunity?) and instead of at least ‘seriously’ considering what had really moved the man to this step, the Republic preferred to discuss exclusively and extensively which of his successors would have the best chances.
If you knew all this, you might be surprised by something else. During his career, Köhler was also the chief negotiator, after the so-called “reunification” of the two administrative provisional arrangements called German Democratic Republic and Federal Republic of Germany (in each case about one third of the territory of the Deutsches Reich, the rest went mostly under Polish and Russian government), who drove to Moscow in order to talk and negotiate with the local leadership about the disengagement of Russian troops from former so called “Eastern” Germany. Not surprised? Wait, the story is not over yet...
A law firm located in southern Germany was commissioned to draft these contracts. After long, hard work, Chancellor Kohl was presented with the draft of the contract, which he gratefully accepted and from there took everything "into his own hands" and politely but definitely dismissed the gentlemen. A few weeks later, he was again with the Chancellor and received the reviewed contract with completely different numbers in it, which was surprising and shocking to him. The contract negotiated by the firm and the Moscow negotiating partners was to pay 4.5 billion marks to the Russians. A few months later, the law firm and its many lawyers had become a lone son and son. What happened? So far, this is generally known. But from here on, I prefer to add “according to hearsay”: Apparently, the contract had been substantially amended. The attorney in question reported this only once during an event put on by a German humanitarian organization. According to one of the participants at this conference, the lawyer stated that the Swiss National Bank had reported the arrival of some 84,5 billion in secret accounts. Eighty billion disappeared from these accounts into unknown directions and the remaining 4,5 billion was paid to the Russian government. Unfortunately, the law firm, whose name is known to me, did not want to give me any information (which I can understand, considering the experience they went through). Incidentally, according to my sources, the payments were made using the German pension fund which had been enormously well funded until 1990 and whose sudden weakening became visible at the latest in 1991/1992, when - apparently to camouflage the previous withdrawal of the German people’s property, the so-called “Uninsured Benefits” were pointed to as the alleged reason for the radical meltdown (on the order of about 80 billion) of pension fund assets.
And is it a coincidence that Russia actually got only 4.5 billion? As far as Helmut Kohl is concerned, it should not go unmentioned that, after leaving office, he allegedly worked as a consultant at Credit Suisse - with a monthly salary of five digits. And Mikhail Gorbachev is said to own, in addition to a horse farm in Finland and a villa on Lake Starnberg, a castle in St. Petersburg since the early 1990s - coincidence?
I would like to add the following: Let’s assume that the two had embezzled this money from the official sources, leaving two options for the use of funds: private or secret. With the magnitude of this sum, I do not wish to decide which of the two options is more frightening.
the political background of sanctions from todays Germany against Russia OFTEN , if not MOSTLY is based on american influence, because what the US fears the most is a united german-russian brotherhood, which has in fact many supporters and not at last also genetically would make sense.
The US as WorldPower No 1 would loose this power in the same second, when Germans and Russians would finally find together and work together in friendship and peace.
See what the US government has started against the new gas pipeline in the Baltic sea between Russia and Germany.
One threat after the other, each following more dangerous than the one before. Serious threats to government directly and to companies involved.
So, talking about any kindness of todays after-war-germany MUST include that FACT, that the german government after WWII NEVER was sovereign in ANY decision and after 1990 turned into a gang of fraudsters, who, with the backing of the US government, went on doing what they are still doing today without any legal framework.
I repeat:
The so called Germany has no constitution.
Within the so called Grundgesetz, the Basic Law, there is NO area defined, no countries borders defined, so there is NO country at all.
The territory and country in which they are acting is in fact the GERMAN EMPIRE within the borders of Dec.31.1937.
That is LAW, legal and official also in the U.N.!
You may now discuss, which constitution might apply and which one not, but with out a ruling government of this German Empire, you could instead also discuss which meal you want to have tomorrow.
David, thanks a lot for your detailed article. I enjoy reading them.
And for all who want to know more about the history of this Planet, the Secret Space programs and more…
World Conspiracy in English language (ebook / paperback)
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October 14, 2020
(Responding to: The Pandemic Myth || David Lifschultz)
Dear David,
Again I must tell you: WOW!
Great articles with a lot of very interesting and important details.
There is only one passage, where I would like to add and comment something.
You wrote:
“So now Germany exports 50% of their GDP. Well, they are going to be surprised when they lose access to all their export markets. (…) What kindness has Germany showed Italy for siding with them in World War Two? Absolutely none. What kindness did Germany show Russia when Russia let them have East Germany back? Absolutely none but sanctions.”
Germany exports a LOT. and now let me tell you, how the payment within the European Union works.
Let us say, a German company sells something to Italy. The Italian customer pays, the German company gets the money.
SO WHAT you may ask, sounds good!
Here are the details:
The Italian company has a bank account in Italy at an Italian bank. when they send money to Germany, the tell their bank to do so and that’s it.
The Italian bank then tells the Italian Central bank to send the money to the German company.
Still sounds good.
The Italian Central Bank then tells the German Central Bank to tell the German bank of the German seller to send him money on his account.
The German Central Bank tells the local German bank to send the seller money on his account.
So what?
Now here is the important thing.
The Central banks have a system of so called “Target” transfer accounts.
That means, if the Italian central bank tells the German central bank to send the German bank and their supplier some money,
The Italian central bank does NOT send money and the German central bank does not RECEIVE money.
They open up a transfer saldo on this internal account system.
Nothing more.
So, money never moves out of Italy, France or Spain or whatever country in the EU. it stays there.
And, just because you mentioned the kindness to Italy, month by month this saldo grows by many BILLIONS which on the one side stand positive on the Italian side and negative on the german side.
There is a plus on the German TARGET accounts, yes. but the money is not there, it is “to be paid later”.
Of course, when an Italian company sells something to a German company, the system works the same viceversa.
Well, but you know it already: the Italians do not export SO much to Germany as the otherway.
So, just to give you some numbers.
We are already in the trillions in total and month by month there are billions to float to Italy for a DECADE already.
The same with other countries.
So, at the end, the German taxpayer will have to pay for this TARGET saldo if nobody else does.
Meaning, the German companies earn well NOW and pay taxes NOW but will have to use those taxes and much more to pay for their own success.
Ok. now its up to you to explain me about what kindness you meant.
Now the second point you mentioned.
It is commonly known that “West Germany and East Germany are now reunited” and that the Russians were so kind to offer this reunification.
But this is completely wrong.
First of all, Germany was devided into 3 major zones
WEST, Middle and EAST
The West was put painly under US, British and French command, the Middle under Russian command and the east under polish governance.
Please look at the maps if you don’t believe that.
The Russian government offered the German government to COMPLETELY give back ALL occupied territories, Middle and East Germany without ANY condition.
The German government under Helmut Kohl DENIED that (which most of the Germans don’t know.)
The Germany of today is neither a free country, nor a sovereign country, nor a country AT ALL.
It is a group of gangsters, who ALL know what they are doing without a legal framework and without even an area where any law applies.
So there are many examples that underscore what Konrad Adenauer, the first German Chancellor after the war, briefly and concisely summed up when he talked about his work as Chancellor: “We are not mandatories of the German people, we act on on behalf of the order of the Allies.” This has apparently remained so until today.
The dependency, commissioning and payment of Chancellors by the United States has recently become apparent in the case of former Chancellor Willy Brandt who has been shown to have received CIA funds.i Willy Brandt, born as Herbert Frahmii was the son of Jewish parents. He fled to Norway after being accused of having caused the death of a member of the Hitler Youth-organisation. He was educated in Moscow and became an author of an anti-German rabble-rousing propaganda book. After the war, he returned to Germany as a selected candidate of the Allies and became Federal Chancellor of the ‘sovereign’ Germany. Incidentally, well-known to Europeans, Dr. Schäuble, who, in 2011 was acting German Minister of Finance, in his speech at the European Banking Congress on November 18, 2011, explicitly emphasized: “And we in Germany have been since May 8, 1945 at no time fully sovereign. Incidentally, this was known in the preamble of 1949 - the goal of serving as an equal member of a united Europe, the peace of the world.”
Hereby the German Minister of Finance confirms one of the key statements of so-called ‘conspiracy theorists’ in recent years: Germany is not sovereign! On top of all this, according to Schäuble, any kind of “state sovereignty has been reduced to absurdity”. In Russia, this topic is openly discussed!iii In 2020 the Russian (!!) embassy carried out some arrests in Thuringia, Germany, amongst those arrested a German judge. Would you regard this a sign for German state sovereignty?iv
It is generally accepted and taught that the so-called German reunification came about on March 10th1990. On that day, following the decision of the People's Chamber, the German Democratic Republic, on the basis of Article 23 (2) of the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany, had acceded to the scope of this Basic Law, as provided for in that article, and therefore had become part of the Federal Republic of Germany. Article 23 of the Basic Law was worded as follows:
“Article 23. [1] This Basic Law applies initially to the territories of Baden, Bavaria, Bremen, Greater Berlin, Hamburg, Hesse, Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate, Schleswig-Holstein, Württemberg-Baden and Württemberg-Hohenzollern,[2] In other parts of Germany it is to be put into force after their accession.”
The Basic Law was formulated and submitted by some American lawyers, not negotiated or ratified by the Bundestag, Chancellor, or other elements of the Federal Republic, but only discussed on the island of Herrenchiemseev and then later (as ordered) accepted (but not by all: for example, Bavaria, a ‘state’ without a treaty or founding certificate, an arbitrary construct of the occupying US, expressly rejected the constitution on May 19, 1949).vi
The original preamble also speaks very clearly of the temporary nature of this Basic Law:
“Conscious of his responsibility before God and the people, inspired by the will to preserve his national unity and to serve as the equal member of a united Europe for the peace of the world, the German people in the lands of Baden, Bavaria, Bremen, Hamburg, Hesse, Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate, Schleswig-Holstein, Württemberg-Baden and Württemberg-Hohenzol-ler to give the state life for a transitional period, a new order, by virtue of its constitutional power This Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany decided. It also acted for those Germans whose cooperation was denied. The entire German people are called upon to complete the unity and freedom of Germany in free self-determination.”vii
However, the phrase “by virtue of its constitutional power” already led the German people by a nose ring through their reality because it is (until today) in the article 146 GG (“Grund-Gesetz” = Basic Law):
“This Basic Law loses its validity on the day on which a constitution enters into force, which was decided by people in free decision.”
The legal process of ‘reunification’ was different in detail, however. On September 12th, 1990, the Foreign Ministers of the Allies and the two German territories met in Moscow at the Hotel ‘Oktober’. There, the so-called 2 + 4 contracts were signed. On the 17th of September, the Allied Foreign Ministers met again in Paris, and as a result, US Secretary of State James Baker and the USSR Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze exercised their full legal powers as Allied High Commisioners. In a letter to the Federal Government of West-Germany, Baker deleted Article 23 of the Basic Law without replacement, and Shevardnadze in a letter to the Government of the German Democratic Republic revoked its constitution. In the list of amendments of the Basic Law there is a corresponding deletion note for September 29, 1990.viii On the basis of the 2+4 contracts, and “with effect from October 3rd 1990”ix then the accession of the German Democratic Republic (GDR) to the scope of the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany was carried out.
Let's take another look at this approach in detail: On September 12th, 1990, it was decided that the German Democratic Republic should join the scope of the Basic Law. On September 17th, the Constitution of the German Democratic Republic was repealed with immediate effect, and the Article 23 of the Basic Law was deleted without replacement, which was then officially noted on the 29th of September. On Oct 3rd the GDR, a state whose constitution was repealed, acceded to the scope of this Basic Law on the basis of Article 23, which was canceled without substitution and no longer existed since the 29th of September.
In view of this situation, the question must be asked, who or what has been joined here, and on what basis, and to whom or what? A state that no longer has a constitution (where this state is, what its name is, who it is, etc.) is by no means a state. A scope of a law that is not regulated (where in which borders is this law valid?) is not a scope. An article in which the scope of application was fixed before the removal of this article without replacement is a deleted article which was deleted without replacement and thus is no longer valid. A constitution without scope is nothing but thin air space and is at most only valid in a virtual space of those who want to join this virtual space due to whatever reason and feel binded to this law. Nothing is regulated by a deleted legal text. Which is precisely the purpose of the deletion - that with the deletion of the text, something formerly regulated, shall no longer be regulated. When a state that no longer exists joins something else that no longer exists, on the basis of a paragraph or article that has previously been deleted, the question arises again of what the purpose of this process was.
The confusion could hardly be greater! What did the Allies want to achieve, what did the German government want to achieve? Strictly in accordance with the law, we must state that the Basic Law - a provisional law for the transitional period of occupation - no longer applies in the former borders as described in the deleted article. So, it is de facto invalid in the field that we perceive as state territory. Furthermore, we must state that the Basic Law is clearly not a constitution (see Article 146 of the Basic Law).
Perhaps we will now have to go on a journey of discovery, in the usual legal manner, to see what is hidden under the now invalid regulations as the last valid rule. At this point, going back in time within this area of interest called ‘Germany’, we find the Weimar constitutions, although one can argue about which of the constitutions is legally valid. In any case, regarding the boundaries of the national territory, the area in which Germans live, we find an unequivocal answer as to what the borders were previously, namely the external borders of the German Reich after the state of December 31st 1937x:
“Art 116 (1) German in the purposes of this Basic Law shall be, subject to other statutory provisions, who has the German citizenship or as a refugee or displaced of German ethnicity or as his spouse or descendant has been accepted in the territory of the German Empire within the borders as of 31 December 1937.”
By the way, when looking at these lines, one may ask oneself for whom ‘German’ laws now apply; for all ‘Germans’ or for all ‘Federal Republicans’? For whom are the German pensions valid? For whom the tax liability, for whom the compensation? There are many questions that such a single article can bring up. The question of the sovereignty of Germany, or better, of a German state, may, and must be asked. Too many legal ambiguities, sloppiness and lies are in circulation.
In addition, there are all sorts of conspiracy theories and fanatics from both political camps, which make the picture more than out of focus. Anyway, a sovereignty of the Federal Republic of Germany was, as Schäuble so aptly said, neither given before the union nor afterwards. On the contrary, the Allies continue to act directly or indirectly in Germany, as if their special rights and privileges from WWII simply remain in force - which they should not be since 1990, at least according to the official reading.xi
But since we have already seen that the so-called reunification in 1990 has the legal character of a number pulled from the air, it may at least be speculated whether the Allies might have negotiated a secret treaty that says exactly the opposite.
So, sovereignty of Germany was neither sought nor did it exist, nor is it foreseeable. A change in this state seems very desirable in my view, so that legal uncertainties and responsibilities are clearly regulated. But this is clearly not the goal of those who exercise power here. It is precisely the legal uncertainty in all these issues that makes progress and disengagement from their sphere of influence difficult and impossible.
And now Germany, owed to the Schengen Agreement, is in the company of all other European countries such as France, Italy, Spain, Greece, etc., of which all have surrendered their sovereignty to the EU.
Strictest confidentiality
Process: Secret State Treaty of May 21, 1949
here: loss of copy number 4
Dear Minister
copy no. 4 of the secret state treaty between the allied powers and the provisional government of west Germany dated May 21, 1949 is finally lost.
The secret state treaty reveals i.a.
- The sovereignty of the allied powers over German newspaper and radio media until 2099
- the so-called “chancellor's file”, that is, that document that each chancellor of Germany has to sign at the request of the allies before taking the oath of office
- as well as the attachment of the gold reserves of the Federal Republic of Germany
If copy number 4 of the secret international treaty should go into the wrong hands, I strongly recommend denying the authenticity!
You asked about kindness offered to Russia.
Of course you are right: the German GOVERNMENT, the SO CALLED German government, which we now know is false and illegal, worked together with some people form the US government and put sanctions on Russia.
But do not think there was no payment…
For explaining the next topic, please let me start to tell you first some other things, then lead to this payment and the gangsters involved on both german and Russian side, so that you understand, what you need to understand about the so called Reunification of Germany.
In fact all this is related and IS still real terror.
Terror done by governments officials to their own and other peoples.
The german author Ekkehard Sieker wrote a book titled “Das RAF-Phantom” This is a German book about the German terror organisation RAF. Follow me briefly in a summary along with some small additions: The first generation of the so-called RAF (Red Army Faction) led and murdered the Employer’s Association’s president Hanns Martin Schleyer. There was a letter of confession in book format left at the scene with hundreds of pages of very sophisticated words and argumentation coming from someone with a high educational level. The next generation of the RAF murdered Alfred Herrhausen, CEO of Deutsche Bank, in Bad Homburg, using a bomb. A letter claiming responsibility was found. It was a DIN A4 page with the letters “RAF” on it. This was the “confessional letter” that the investigators proudly presented.
The car carrying Alfred Herrhausen was escorted by vehicles to the front and rear to the one he was riding in. Suddenly, the car in front accelerated to high speed and passed around the next corner, while the car behind pushed the brakes at the same time, just before the car where Herrhausen was in was hit by a bomb near the rear door of the car just past the B-pillar – the only spot the armored Mercedes was vulnerable.
The highly trained security forces who drove to Herrhausen’s safe house with him every day, took several minutes to recover from the shock - and then first took care of the severely injured driver in the front of the car while Herrhausen slowly died in the back seat. The explosion had caused a part of the interior door panelling to pierce his femoral artery, causing him to slowly bleed to death. A few days earlier, Herrhausen, in collaboration with his assistant Hilmar Kopper (known in Germany as “50-million-are-Peanuts”-Kopperxii), had completed the then largest corporate acquisition in the history of the world economy. He arranged Deutsche Banks purchase of Chase Manhattan Bank. Herrhausen wanted to gain a foothold in the American market. That was a strategically good decision because the American banks (like the Germans) had suffered from the threatened defaults on loans to Third World countries. The German tax law allows it, to underpin default loan contracts with 50% accruals, which led the situation, that Herrhausens Deutsche Bank had a lot of accruals and cash in their accounts. In contrast to the German banks however, the American banks, which suffered from different tax laws, had hardly any capital and headed further into the abyss, so that Herrhausen prepared Deutsche Bank for a longer shopping tour on the US market and enjoyed great political success for advocating debt relief for Third World countries. By the way: Chase Manhattan bank had been owned by the Rothschild family.
It can be surmised that Herrhausen’s death should not have been unexpected. Just a few weeks earlier, in a speech he gave in the USA, he disclosed his plan to buy all of East Prussia in order to partially restore the German Empire. His plan evidently was not well received. It is rumoured that he said to his wife: "I’m sure they are going to kill me now!" Herrhausen also revealed that he had been a student at a NAPOLA which is an elite National Socialist school. This too apparently gained him some negative points in certain circles.
The successor to the chairmanship of Deutsche Bank following Herrhausen’s death was his former assistant Hilmar Kopper. After the incident with his predecessor, Kopper was careful to tend to the functioning of a German-only network of banks between Dresden and Leipzig instead of trying to gain access to the US markets.
The next generation of the RAF next murdered Detlef Karsten Rohwedder. He was shot in his house through the only non-armored window with a perfectly placed shot. The first shredded his lung and aorta, while the rest of the rounds flew around the room wildly, according to civil engineering standards and from a common person’s perspective.
Rohwedder had a big job. He served as a liquidator and reorganizer with the company Hösch AG. He had not fired a single person, nor had he used taxpayer’s money and the company became profitable again. Afterwards, he was chosen to lead the DEUTSCHE TREUHAND, which was the governmental trust overseeing all companies in the German Democratic Republic and was charged with organizing the reconstruction of the economy in the new federal states. He wanted a true middle class with no additional tax burden and no environmental damage. He sold little of the assets and those he did sell went into good hands, and he took his time and was careful in doing so. Then he was murdered. His successor was Birgit Breuel, née Münchmeyer who was the daughter of Alwin Münchmeyer, who later became the leading shareholder of the bank known as Schröder, Münchmeyer, Hengst & Co. (SMH). Mrs. Breuel sold quickly and cheaply, and the taxpayer guaranteed everything. And the taxpayer paid and gave and vouched and forfeited.
For example, the Berlin Stadtbank was sold for forty-nine million to the Berlin Bank. At first glance, the price does not sound that bad. The fatal thing is that the Berlin Stadtbank had credit claims of 11.5 billion, which were met almost without exception. Seen from the great selling price, this quickly became a bitter tear for the German taxpayer. The then Finance Minister, Theo Waigel, saw this however, to be no reason to complain. According to him, everything was checked carefully and not sold undervalued. By the way, Waigel had also issued a notice for all senior employees of the Treuhand: they were not allowed to be prosecuted under a new law for negligence. The lesser employees, however, caught hell if it was only about 1,000 Deutchmarks. But this changed here for the upper tier employees, and once it was over a few billion Deutchmarks, the owner, Waigel, held his hand of protection over it – making the excuse: “In the rush of business mistakes have been made - we had to sell quickly.” Mrs Breuel also liked to sell a lot to big American banks (remarkably, only Chase Manhattan was uninterested and bought nothing) and let the taxpayer incur the restructuring costs. She eventually left a very deep financial hole. To be more precise, it was considerably more than 300 billion Deutchmarks, probably more than 500 billion (for more details, please read the mentioned book). Mrs. Breuel then later subsequently ruined the world exhibition Expo2000 in Hanover, which also became a financial disaster for shareholders and the taxpayer.
The said financial loss of a few hundred billion Deutchmarks was properly booked in the Ministry of Finance. The Minister of Finance at the time was Theo Waigel - also known as the one who found the biggest tax loss of all time just three months after the elections (coincidence, of course - and of course by no means in any way intended politically). Well, as you know, a finance minister does not work alone. The person is reliant on the work of secretaries of state and the staff of the entire administrative apparatus. Someone in this hierarchy would have already known about a few hundred missing billion Deutchmarks and most likely would have passed that on to Waigel. This largest, above-mentioned financial gap concerned the year 1990; this and all that came afterwards, the trust and its wasted tax revenue was handled by the then Secretary of State in the Ministry of Finance, who then submitted his work to Theo Waigel. This then Secretary of State in the Ministry of Finance was Horst Köhler (in this office from 1990 to 1993) – who was the future German Federal President Horst Köhler!
Volker Pispers, my favorite German cabaret artist, responded to a spontaneous interjection from his audience for naming this with a: “Correct! Oh, shit!”
In an interview in the German magazine SPIEGEL in 1992, Finance Minister Köhler said: “If a country grows high deficits through its own behavior, then neither the community nor a member state (the EU) is obliged to help this country ... It will not be the case that the South will cash in on the so-called rich countries. Then Europe would fall apart.” (Aaaha ...!) Fact is - it developed exactly like this!
It is no wonder that later he was promoted to head the European Bank for Reconstruction and from there as the head of the International Monetary Fund. And from July 2004 to June 2010, he was the President of the Federal Republic of Germany. Köhler, as president, enacted the laws for the “bailout of Greece” and the “rescue of the euro” with his signature. A few days later he resigned (at the earliest opportunity?) and instead of at least ‘seriously’ considering what had really moved the man to this step, the Republic preferred to discuss exclusively and extensively which of his successors would have the best chances.
If you knew all this, you might be surprised by something else. During his career, Köhler was also the chief negotiator, after the so-called “reunification” of the two administrative provisional arrangements called German Democratic Republic and Federal Republic of Germany (in each case about one third of the territory of the Deutsches Reich, the rest went mostly under Polish and Russian government), who drove to Moscow in order to talk and negotiate with the local leadership about the disengagement of Russian troops from former so called “Eastern” Germany. Not surprised? Wait, the story is not over yet...
A law firm located in southern Germany was commissioned to draft these contracts. After long, hard work, Chancellor Kohl was presented with the draft of the contract, which he gratefully accepted and from there took everything "into his own hands" and politely but definitely dismissed the gentlemen. A few weeks later, he was again with the Chancellor and received the reviewed contract with completely different numbers in it, which was surprising and shocking to him. The contract negotiated by the firm and the Moscow negotiating partners was to pay 4.5 billion marks to the Russians. A few months later, the law firm and its many lawyers had become a lone son and son. What happened? So far, this is generally known. But from here on, I prefer to add “according to hearsay”: Apparently, the contract had been substantially amended. The attorney in question reported this only once during an event put on by a German humanitarian organization. According to one of the participants at this conference, the lawyer stated that the Swiss National Bank had reported the arrival of some 84,5 billion in secret accounts. Eighty billion disappeared from these accounts into unknown directions and the remaining 4,5 billion was paid to the Russian government. Unfortunately, the law firm, whose name is known to me, did not want to give me any information (which I can understand, considering the experience they went through). Incidentally, according to my sources, the payments were made using the German pension fund which had been enormously well funded until 1990 and whose sudden weakening became visible at the latest in 1991/1992, when - apparently to camouflage the previous withdrawal of the German people’s property, the so-called “Uninsured Benefits” were pointed to as the alleged reason for the radical meltdown (on the order of about 80 billion) of pension fund assets.
And is it a coincidence that Russia actually got only 4.5 billion? As far as Helmut Kohl is concerned, it should not go unmentioned that, after leaving office, he allegedly worked as a consultant at Credit Suisse - with a monthly salary of five digits. And Mikhail Gorbachev is said to own, in addition to a horse farm in Finland and a villa on Lake Starnberg, a castle in St. Petersburg since the early 1990s - coincidence?
I would like to add the following: Let’s assume that the two had embezzled this money from the official sources, leaving two options for the use of funds: private or secret. With the magnitude of this sum, I do not wish to decide which of the two options is more frightening.
the political background of sanctions from todays Germany against Russia OFTEN , if not MOSTLY is based on american influence, because what the US fears the most is a united german-russian brotherhood, which has in fact many supporters and not at last also genetically would make sense.
The US as WorldPower No 1 would loose this power in the same second, when Germans and Russians would finally find together and work together in friendship and peace.
See what the US government has started against the new gas pipeline in the Baltic sea between Russia and Germany.
One threat after the other, each following more dangerous than the one before. Serious threats to government directly and to companies involved.
So, talking about any kindness of todays after-war-germany MUST include that FACT, that the german government after WWII NEVER was sovereign in ANY decision and after 1990 turned into a gang of fraudsters, who, with the backing of the US government, went on doing what they are still doing today without any legal framework.
I repeat:
The so called Germany has no constitution.
Within the so called Grundgesetz, the Basic Law, there is NO area defined, no countries borders defined, so there is NO country at all.
The territory and country in which they are acting is in fact the GERMAN EMPIRE within the borders of Dec.31.1937.
That is LAW, legal and official also in the U.N.!
You may now discuss, which constitution might apply and which one not, but with out a ruling government of this German Empire, you could instead also discuss which meal you want to have tomorrow.
David, thanks a lot for your detailed article. I enjoy reading them.
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