Reader Post | By Peter Ross ( Responding to: The ZetaTalk Newsletter: Early Man, Bible, Book of Revelations, Prong History, Tribunal Progr...
Reader Post | By Peter Ross
(Responding to: The ZetaTalk Newsletter: Early Man, Bible, Book of Revelations, Prong History, Tribunal Progress)
Hello everyone,
This is a reply to what was said about Nibiru in the article.
Yes its true Nibiru entered the inner solar system back in 2000, but it passed by in 2003-2004. The comment by the Zeta Reticuli quoted below backs this point up.
"Moon Rust
Red dust began appearing in the skies and dusting the ground shortly after Nibiru arrived in the inner Solar System in 2003. This was explained by the establishment as pollution from nearby industries or red dust from the Sahara. But now, with the discovery that the Moon’s poles also contain iron oxide dust, it has gotten embarrassing. There is no explanation for rust on the Moon, so it is left as a mystery. Of course, the red dust in the tail of Nibiru is iron oxide dust, the obvious answer, but the cover-up over Nibiru prevails."
Yes the cover up prevails with complicity by the Zeta.
Case and point, if you see the bold word it says 'TAIL'
If were getting tail end stuff then its already passed by, as confirmed by the Revelatorium Revelations and the quote mentioned above.
Consciousness was stable this time around so it went by relatively 'un-noticed', there was no major events or changes.
Also because of the quarantine Christ Micheal set-up 2000 years ago, no more 4th dimensional interlopers can join the fray, like the annunaki, etc, they did before last time it came around.
It wouldn't matter anyway 3rd dimensional humans would not be able to see it, due to Nibiru not having a 3rd dimensional outer projection yet.
So if you can't see the 4th dimensional people you share your spaces with, then you won't see Nibiru
It went by in the 4th dimension..........back in 2003-2004
Nibiru is covered by the Revelatorium Revelations.
website links:
Most likely what people are seeing, is globular mobile ships, they look large because they get close. commonly called, Radionnic Ships of the Heavenly Host
An example would be a Avian Sphere Ship, usually moon sized, there are ships although,not necessarily all Avian, whose sizes are many times greater then the Earth.
Please Remember that Creation is need to know, Lucifer did not know everything, neither do the Zeta's.
Because the unknown factor of the X, which exists only in this local universe, means that there is truly a unpredictable force at play. Alpha and Omega cannot even predict outcomes of the Unknown factor of the X, they can just analyze and prepare/plan for every possible outcome.
Also some information about Creation's on goings is "above pay grades".
Everyone has their own agenda, The Zeta's, the Draco's, etc, etc. They are all different, some in service to Creation, some for service to Self [outer ego crystallization]. Even in Service to Creation, everyone has different agenda's and responsibilities, both required for incarnation/re-incarnations are negative static conditions that must be cleared and also those that are voluntarily taken on as additional responsibilities.
The fear of Nibiru must stop.
The humans could easily handle 'seeing' more of the galactic presence, its felt the most common response would be " Its about time"..:)
Radionnic Ships of the Heavenly Host, Volume 3 (now available), Revelatorium Revelations, explains this subject very well.If there are those that want to know how to identify the various anomalies, ships, and spirits, this would be the place to look.
Many Blessings,
For Light and Love with Will serving Creation
Peter Ross of the Mouck family
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Our mission at Operation Disclosure is to bring you important news events and raw intel from various sources focused on exposing the Deep State/Cabal and their downfall. We are also focused on disclosing our lost ancient origins and extraterrestrial contact.
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Copyright © 2020 Operation Disclosure
(Responding to: The ZetaTalk Newsletter: Early Man, Bible, Book of Revelations, Prong History, Tribunal Progress)
Hello everyone,
This is a reply to what was said about Nibiru in the article.
Yes its true Nibiru entered the inner solar system back in 2000, but it passed by in 2003-2004. The comment by the Zeta Reticuli quoted below backs this point up.
"Moon Rust
Red dust began appearing in the skies and dusting the ground shortly after Nibiru arrived in the inner Solar System in 2003. This was explained by the establishment as pollution from nearby industries or red dust from the Sahara. But now, with the discovery that the Moon’s poles also contain iron oxide dust, it has gotten embarrassing. There is no explanation for rust on the Moon, so it is left as a mystery. Of course, the red dust in the tail of Nibiru is iron oxide dust, the obvious answer, but the cover-up over Nibiru prevails."
Yes the cover up prevails with complicity by the Zeta.
Case and point, if you see the bold word it says 'TAIL'
If were getting tail end stuff then its already passed by, as confirmed by the Revelatorium Revelations and the quote mentioned above.
Consciousness was stable this time around so it went by relatively 'un-noticed', there was no major events or changes.
Also because of the quarantine Christ Micheal set-up 2000 years ago, no more 4th dimensional interlopers can join the fray, like the annunaki, etc, they did before last time it came around.
It wouldn't matter anyway 3rd dimensional humans would not be able to see it, due to Nibiru not having a 3rd dimensional outer projection yet.
So if you can't see the 4th dimensional people you share your spaces with, then you won't see Nibiru
It went by in the 4th dimension..........back in 2003-2004
Nibiru is covered by the Revelatorium Revelations.
website links:
Most likely what people are seeing, is globular mobile ships, they look large because they get close. commonly called, Radionnic Ships of the Heavenly Host
An example would be a Avian Sphere Ship, usually moon sized, there are ships although,not necessarily all Avian, whose sizes are many times greater then the Earth.
Please Remember that Creation is need to know, Lucifer did not know everything, neither do the Zeta's.
Because the unknown factor of the X, which exists only in this local universe, means that there is truly a unpredictable force at play. Alpha and Omega cannot even predict outcomes of the Unknown factor of the X, they can just analyze and prepare/plan for every possible outcome.
Also some information about Creation's on goings is "above pay grades".
Everyone has their own agenda, The Zeta's, the Draco's, etc, etc. They are all different, some in service to Creation, some for service to Self [outer ego crystallization]. Even in Service to Creation, everyone has different agenda's and responsibilities, both required for incarnation/re-incarnations are negative static conditions that must be cleared and also those that are voluntarily taken on as additional responsibilities.
The fear of Nibiru must stop.
The humans could easily handle 'seeing' more of the galactic presence, its felt the most common response would be " Its about time"..:)
Radionnic Ships of the Heavenly Host, Volume 3 (now available), Revelatorium Revelations, explains this subject very well.If there are those that want to know how to identify the various anomalies, ships, and spirits, this would be the place to look.
Many Blessings,
For Light and Love with Will serving Creation
Peter Ross of the Mouck family
Guest Posting
If you wish to write and/or publish an article on Operation Disclosure all you need to do is send your entry to applying these following rules.
The subject of your email entry should be: "Entry Post | (Title of your post) | Operation Disclosure"
- Must be in text format
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- No foul language
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If you wish to receive the daily Operation Disclosure Newsletter, you can subscribe here.
Our mission at Operation Disclosure is to bring you important news events and raw intel from various sources focused on exposing the Deep State/Cabal and their downfall. We are also focused on disclosing our lost ancient origins and extraterrestrial contact.
Disclaimer: All articles, videos, and images posted on Operation Disclosure were submitted by readers and/or handpicked by the site itself for informational and/or entertainment purposes. All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear on this site are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed on this website and we do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted on this website.
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