Source: Prepare For Change | By Derek Knauss October 10, 2020 Planned Chaos: Days of Disclosure Are Coming – New Docs & Key Articles Pr...
Source: Prepare For Change | By Derek Knauss
October 10, 2020
Planned Chaos: Days of Disclosure Are Coming – New Docs & Key Articles
Prepare for Change is pleased to announce it’s latest documentary series and article release, Planned Chaos: Days of Disclosure. The week of high-level disclosure will begin on Oct 15th, with the release of deep dive articles beginning with an examination of the Media.
The Planned Chaos disclosure articles and corresponding videos will provide great detail in a top-level approach that will reveal very obscure facts and connect all of the current events to each other – beginning with the role of the media. The topics will continue with a Prepare For Change unique perspective on the C19 pandemic, coordinated race riots, arsonists and eco-terrorists, and how they are all a distraction aimed at re-establishing cabal control through the 2020 U.S. Presidential elections.

Additional articles will then shift gears slightly and go into showing how the swamp is being drained, spotlight who financially benefits, to the role of Q and the spiritual battle often overlooked, and then culminates with a dive into the dark forces that drive the planners’ agenda. This will be a must-watch video series and group of articles for the Prepare for Change audience, but also aims to bridge the gap to reach many of those who are caught up in the confusion of the planned chaos and are simply wondering what is going on this year.
There will be vital information regarding the reason behind the planned chaos that we’re seeing right now being perpetrated by the cabal as the U.S. election season approaches a pivotal crescendo.
The information in this release has been culled by the Prepare for Change team, volunteers, and researchers around the world. It includes information you won’t find in one place anywhere else.

What drives their madness? What are they trying to achieve? How does it all tie together? How does it relate to the battle between good and evil? We will answer these questions and show how there is a covert war that’s being busted out to the surface.
The intention of the series is to build upon the works of the Fall of Cabal series by Janet Ossenbaard and Out of Shadows video by Mike Smith. This series doesn’t cover the same ground but will complement it and focus on questions that don’t have “pat” answers and information that the cabal are desperately trying to censor. It aims to reveal the play of the Dark side and urges the banding together of the Light to create planetary liberation once and for all.
Key articles will be dropped every day beginning October 15th, highlighted with the release of documentary videos in a live stream, viewing event on October 17 and 24, where we will present the videos and have a live chat session to be able to answer some of your questions.
The following topics will be presented:
Media: Tell A Vision & Predictive Programming
C19: Plan, Scam & Resulting Order
Racial Divide = Civil War
No Ordinary Election
Arson & Eco Terrorism
Swamp Draining is Real & Global
Financial War: Power & Corruption
The Spiritual Connection of 17
Darkness Drives the Madness
Please make plans to join us in our mission. We look forward to being with you to review the information.
YouTube channel: Prepare for Change
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