James Gilliland ECETI News: Is Anyone Paying Attention?

James Gilliland ECETI News: Is Anyone Paying Attention?

THE LATEST FROM ECETI ECETI.ORG Is Anyone Paying Attention? This is becoming an insult to anyone with common sense and critical thinking. We...



Is Anyone Paying Attention?

This is becoming an insult to anyone with common sense and critical thinking.

We have a few unanswered questions. When Biden comes out of his bunker to blame Trump for hiding in his bunker how many people come to his rally? Last big Biden rally had 12 people. Less at others, they were probably paid staff or security. When Trump holds a rally, thousands appear, it looks like a sea of people. So how is it someone who no one cares to listen to is leading in the polls according to the lame stream media? Didn’t they do the same thing last election? The next question is why did Biden’s people agree to check for ear pieces then disagree right before the debate? Enhanced photos show clearly his ear was filled in with makeup hiding an earpiece. Inside sources say his eyes also had special contacts that act as screens which is why he walked on stage like a robot. Chris Wallace has always been anti Trump and he alone came up with the questions, then blocked Trump from getting answers to his questions. The latest photos hitting the internet, allegedly show Mr. Wallace at Epstein Island. This would explain everything. Then there are the paintings of past presidents on the walls some wearing dresses.

The debate was, in truth a set up with the cards stacked extremely in Biden’s favor yet Biden still could not pull it off. Anyone who watched the debate, as chaotic as it was, could see clearly Biden could not or would not answer many of the questions, especially about his son. Hunter Biden is under investigation, the millions given to Hunter for his father’s influence is well documented along with Joe Biden’s stopping investigations into the corruption of the companies his son worked for. Biden repeatedly said this was all rumor, gossip was refuted while already admitted too by his son and still under investigation by the Senate. Any legitimate fact checker would have torn Biden apart especially when it came to his accusations and statistics given to him by his handlers, which he still got wrong. The constant interruptions by Trump I must say were brilliant, it distracted Biden from his handlers. You will not hear about this total fail with everything stacked in Biden’s favor in the lame stream media. The debate was not between Trump and Biden. It was between Trump, a cyborg that can’t be in the sun past 10AM, a room full of statisticians, political experts, probably psychologists telling Biden what to say. It’s not just Trump against the democrats its Trump against the swamp, the deep state, corrupt and compromised politicians, pedophiles in Hollywood and the music industry, including drug and [s]ex trafficers. Why wasn’t the pedophile, drug and [s]ex trafficing dealt with in the Clinton and Obama eras? Why are the democrats so against the border wall? Is it cutting into their profits or supply chain? Research it. Do not be so naïve.

Now before you jump to any conclusions we have issues as well that need to be addressed with the present administration. Environmental issues, especially concerning oil we have not needed since Tesla. Too be fair many of Trumps issues were inherited from previous administrations. We cannot blame or depend on one man to solve all these issues. More people of color were locked up during the Clinton and Obama administration and the cages on the borders were in place before Trump. Yes the democrats built and filled the cages. Police brutality and racial injustice do occur yet statistically it is nowhere near the level it has been reported by the democrats and their propaganda arm the lame stream press. Playing the race card is playing people of color and culture for ulterior motives. If politicians were serious and wanted to solve these problems they have had the opportunity for quite some time. Some almost 50 years. Why didn’t they create the prison reform act, Trump and his team signed into law? What would they run on in the next election? Racial injustice and discrimination get votes and they fan the fires of both? They make the same promises every election only to again break them? The politicians screaming the loudest are often the richest living in mansions taking advantage of the very people they claim to serve. Trump already made his money. Look at the net worth of the Clintons, the Obamas before coming into office then after leaving, we are talking billions. Has any of this vast wealth returned to the people? As an observer the majority of the states and cities where the poverty, crime, addiction, and homelessness are worse are democratically run states and cities. Base logic dictates they have failed, broken their promises, and can no longer be trusted. This is common sense. So why is it not applied? Has there been some kind of MK Ultra mind control applied, does the main stream media use these techniques to influence and brainwash the masses? I would say considering the violence and destruction of mostly black neighborhoods this would better fall under the category of population control. Do they really care how many die in the riots and violence or do the riots and violence fit perfectly into their agenda? Do they care what happens when things become so violent the military is called in and more people die? Reason this, the democrats are playing the masses, the violence and deaths are a means to an end. We have mentioned this before, when we see white people marching with signs saying white people suck, I hate white people and down with racism. Is that not racism and self-defeating? How about people of violent and bad character suck why not judge a person by their character and actions? How about women in the LGBT community demanding Sharia Law? Do women have any rights under Sharia Law other than to obey the men. People in the LGBT community will be put to death under Sharia Law. Someone drank the left cool-aid. That cool-aid is served up nightly on CNN and most major news outlets. If you haven’t heard according to the left there are no riots only peaceful people, moms and children demonstrating until the police come and beat them into submission and Antifa is just an idea. Meanwhile in the background cities are burning, there is looting, rioting and murder. To add to the insanity, they want to defund the police. Sounds like a recipe for disaster but is that not what they want. Take down America? It is the dream of their handlers the global elite because America stands in their way for global domination. Total power and control.

Trump is to my present knowledge the first politician to not take a salary and leave his first four years in office with less than he came in with. Why? He put an end to countries taking extreme advantage of America set into motion by corrupt politicians. He built a strong economy and is doing it again after the Covid 1984 plan/scamdemic that went into hype r drive due to misinformation and the lame stream media. Now the CDC and the WHO are saying the lockdowns had a more adverse effect than Covid with the democrats doing everything wrong concerning the outbreak and wanting to continue on the same path. The only ones who want the lockdowns etc. to continue are democrats and those heavily invested in the vaccines. Gates and Fauci were roommates in college and along with Soros, the name feared to mention, own the major pharmaceutical companies making the vaccines. They had the patent for the testing kits in 2007 and Gates said on Ted Talk a virus will be the next big threat and his vaccines will end the overpopulation problem. There were 12 cases of polio in India when he was done inoculating the people 48,000 and counting came down with the deadly debilitating disease. He is not even a doctor he is an astute business man yet everyone turns to him for medical advice? Has anyone asked what as businessmen do they have to gain?

Trump did everything right including closing the boarders to China in the beginning which most democrats were extremely against. The lame stream press keep blaming Trump not China for the deaths ignoring the fact that if the democrats had their way there would have been an extreme increase in sickness and death. Now they say they are the party of caution. Trump has proven with his own life on the line there are safe alternatives to restore health in hours, days without costly hospital visits or vaccines. High five on that one.

Trump has done more to promote peace than any other president. He is bringing more troops home ending hundred year old conflicts. The only collusion with Russia the latest evidence reveals was with the democrats, their bought and paid for Russian fake dossier by the DNC,”Hillary”, the extremely bias and corrupt Muller Investigation and their coup to take down a duly elected president. The Democrats have colluded with other countries creating policies harmful to the people of which they now accuse the president. To be fair some rhino republicans were also in on it. The democrats and their lame stream press continue to perpetuate these lies. I think it is time to bring out the real fact checkers. Not the extremely bias fact checkers bought and paid for by the liars, the deep state and lame stream press. This includes the social media platforms censoring anyone that calls them to task for their bias and deceptive reporting.

In the democratic world of double speak now conservative Americans are Nazis when in truth their socialist agenda is mostly funded by Soros, a self-admitted Nazi, a Jew who turned in his own people. This is not the democratic party of John F Kennedy a man I admired. It is now operating in a similar matter to Hitler and other tyrannical regimes sponsored in the past by the same global elite. A party that will do anything for power and control. For those who have not noticed the take down America is a plan a long time in running. It is now being carried out by the left sponsored by the global elite who abhor freedom. Now it is the Elephant in the room people are tip toeing around because there are some extremely powerful people who have engaged in nothing less than treason.

Freedom is not free. It has taken a lot of lives in the past of every color and culture. What would happen if we all united under the banner of Freedom. What if we all agreed on Universal Law, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All. What if we taught this to our youth, in our schools? What if the money was taken out of politics, problems were solved by a council of Grandmothers. What if leaders were chosen by their spiritual adeptness and track record of service to humanity and the Earth? Better yet turn to the guidance of Spiritually and Technologically Advanced off worlders who have transcended war, disease, poverty, cleaned up their environments. They are waiting. Do you seriously be lie ve Earth is the only intelligent life, the best Creator has to offer? If you do you drank the cool-aid offered by a socially engineered society. A program that has kept you ignorant, dumbed down and controlled in a long term plan brought to you by the dark hearted tyranny of the global elite. Time to awaken, know your Earth history, the ancient colonization of Earth and your multidimensional divine heritage. Time to rise up and stand in your own divinity. There are unalienable rights given to all humans by the Creator and no one or institution has the right to take them from you. It is Universal Law the best representative of which on Earth is the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Know them, live by them, protect them they are divinely inspired to guard against tyranny. The same tyranny most fled from a long time ago. The same tyranny that has risen and come again for your freedom. It is like a bad Lord of the Rings movie. Tyranny will not win for it is not in alignment with or frequency specific to Creators plan and the evolution of Earth. Don’t be attached to it or under it when it falls.

Be well;

James Gilliland



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5G 159 9/11 46 Abortion 11 Ancient Civilizations 29 Animal Rights 1 Anna Von Reitz 297 Anonymous 4 Antarctica 12 Artificial Intelligence 24 Ascension 36 Australia 58 Aviation 7 B. Patrick Thomas 8 BAR Mafia 1 Benghazi 11 Benjamin Fulford 179 Big Pharma 69 Big Tech 50 Bilderberg 63 Bill Clinton 6 Bill Gates 68 Biowarfare 25 BlackOps 1 Brent Johnson 7 Brexit 154 Cabal 333 Canada 50 Cancer 22 Cannabis 5 Censorship 110 Central Banks 296 Chemtrails 38 Child Sacrifice 2 China 489 CIA 307 Citizen Rights 360 Climate Change 30 Cloning 17 Cobra 58 Corey Goode 22 Corruption 2450 Dave Janda 9 David Lifschultz 39 David Wilcock 43 Decode 149 Deep State 1203 Disclosure 50 Disease 1096 Disinformation 28 DOJ 202 Drake Bailey 2 Drugs 17 Earth Alliance 1182 Economics 1503 Education 4 Edward Snowden 19 Elon Musk 5 Energy 28 Environment 80 EU 343 Eugenics 15 Exopolitics 185 Extraterrestrial 190 Fake News 49 False Flag 60 FBI 268 FDA 31 Federal Reserve 294 FEMA 2 Field McConnell 2 Food 8 Fraud 373 Galactic Federation 12 General Flynn 36 Genocide 15 Geoengineering 21 Geopolitics 2904 George Soros 98 GESARA 1364 Ghislaine Maxwell 40 GITMO 89 Global Elite 29 GMO 38 Grant Ouellette 47 Great Reset 3 Guest Writer 7 Gun Control 23 Hawaii 11 Health 1002 Hillary Clinton 320 History 285 Hollywood 64 Human Rights 46 Human Trafficking 245 Humanitarian 6 Illuminati 44 Immigration 32 Inner Earth 5 Intel 2443 Intelligence Community 48 Iran 98 IRS 15 Israel 114 James Gilliland 55 James O'Brien 21 Japan 39 Jeffrey Epstein 224 Jesuit 14 JFK 76 JFK Jr 83 Joe Biden 478 John Podesta 7 Jon Rappoport 191 Jordan Sather 134 Judy Byington 1105 Julian Assange 89 Kamala Harris 8 KejRaj 1 Kent Dunn 2 Khazarian 108 Law 361 Law Enforcement 71 Lebanon 6 Libya 2 Mainstream Media 612 Mark Baughman 4 Medicine 82 Melinda Siebold 9 Military 119 Military Industrial Complex 8 Mind 96 Mind Control 21 MKUltra 19 NASA 32 Native Americans 6 NATO 54 Natural Remedies 87 Neil Keenan 1 Neocon 10 NESARA 103 New World Order 179 New Zealand 30 Nikola Tesla 18 North Korea 44 NSA 86 Obama 293 Open Letter 27 Palestine 3 Para Kas-Vetter 39 Parasites 1 Parisse Deza 11 Patrick J. McShay 29 Paul Craig Roberts 1 Pedophilia 181 Philippines 12 Politics 471 Predictions 525 Privacy 5 Propaganda 36 Protests 131 Psychological 1 Putin 53 QAnon 1270 Racism 77 Reader Posts 1053 Religion 111 Restored Republic 1092 RFK Jr. 1 Rinus Verhagen 139 Robert David Steele 21 Robert Mueller 117 Rockefeller 52 Ron Paul 2 Rothschild 104 RT 31 Russia 137 RV/GCR 1521 RXKendrick 16 Sacred Geometry 1 Satanic 156 Saudi Arabia 28 Scandal 44 Science 74 Secret Societies 84 Secret Space Program 52 SERCO 1 SES 1 Sexual Abuse 90 ShadowGate 3 ShadowSuper 54 Shootings 17 Shoshi Herscu 31 Sidney Powell 36 Sierra (NZ) 268 Social Media 92 Society 102 Sorcha Faal 81 South America 10 South Korea 9 Space 64 Speculation 2576 Spirituality 440 Spygate 48 Steve Beckow 10 Steve Pieczenik 6 Syria 27 Technology 208 Terrorism 53 The Office of POOFness 93 The Vatican 62 Thinker2 173 Thomas Anderson 26 Transhumanism 5 Treason 101 Trump 2259 Turkey 9 UFOs 100 UK 326 Ukraine 121 United Nations 47 US Democratic Party 195 US Government 2407 US Republican Party 23 USA 3959 Vaccinations 276 Venezuela 18 Whistleblower 132 White Hats 54 Wikileaks 8 William Mount 1 Wonder Woman 1 Xi Jinping 34 Yellow Vests 8 Zionist 106

5G,159,9/11,46,Abortion,11,Ancient Civilizations,29,Animal Rights,1,Anna Von Reitz,297,Anonymous,4,Antarctica,12,Artificial Intelligence,24,Ascension,36,Australia,58,Aviation,7,B. Patrick Thomas,8,BAR Mafia,1,Benghazi,11,Benjamin Fulford,179,Big Pharma,69,Big Tech,50,Bilderberg,63,Bill Clinton,6,Bill Gates,68,Biowarfare,25,BlackOps,1,Brent Johnson,7,Brexit,154,Cabal,333,Canada,50,Cancer,22,Cannabis,5,Censorship,110,Central Banks,296,Chemtrails,38,Child Sacrifice,2,China,489,CIA,307,Citizen Rights,360,Climate Change,30,Cloning,17,Cobra,58,Corey Goode,22,Corruption,2450,Dave Janda,9,David Lifschultz,39,David Wilcock,43,Decode,149,Deep State,1203,Disclosure,50,Disease,1096,Disinformation,28,DOJ,202,Drake Bailey,2,Drugs,17,Earth Alliance,1182,Economics,1503,Education,4,Edward Snowden,19,Elon Musk,5,Energy,28,Environment,80,EU,343,Eugenics,15,Exopolitics,185,Extraterrestrial,190,Fake News,49,False Flag,60,FBI,268,FDA,31,Federal Reserve,294,FEMA,2,Field McConnell,2,Food,8,Fraud,373,Galactic Federation,12,General Flynn,36,Genocide,15,Geoengineering,21,Geopolitics,2904,George Soros,98,GESARA,1364,Ghislaine Maxwell,40,GITMO,89,Global Elite,29,GMO,38,Grant Ouellette,47,Great Reset,3,Guest Writer,7,Gun Control,23,Hawaii,11,Health,1002,Hillary Clinton,320,History,285,Hollywood,64,Human Rights,46,Human Trafficking,245,Humanitarian,6,Illuminati,44,Immigration,32,Inner Earth,5,Intel,2443,Intelligence Community,48,Iran,98,IRS,15,Israel,114,James Gilliland,55,James O'Brien,21,Japan,39,Jeffrey Epstein,224,Jesuit,14,JFK,76,JFK Jr,83,Joe Biden,478,John Podesta,7,Jon Rappoport,191,Jordan Sather,134,Judy Byington,1105,Julian Assange,89,Kamala Harris,8,KejRaj,1,Kent Dunn,2,Khazarian,108,Law,361,Law Enforcement,71,Lebanon,6,Libya,2,Mainstream Media,612,Mark Baughman,4,Medicine,82,Melinda Siebold,9,Military,119,Military Industrial Complex,8,Mind,96,Mind Control,21,MKUltra,19,NASA,32,Native Americans,6,NATO,54,Natural Remedies,87,Neil Keenan,1,Neocon,10,NESARA,103,New World Order,179,New Zealand,30,Nikola Tesla,18,North Korea,44,NSA,86,Obama,293,Open Letter,27,Palestine,3,Para Kas-Vetter,39,Parasites,1,Parisse Deza,11,Patrick J. McShay,29,Paul Craig Roberts,1,Pedophilia,181,Philippines,12,Politics,471,Predictions,525,Privacy,5,Propaganda,36,Protests,131,Psychological,1,Putin,53,QAnon,1270,Racism,77,Reader Posts,1053,Religion,111,Restored Republic,1092,RFK Jr.,1,Rinus Verhagen,139,Robert David Steele,21,Robert Mueller,117,Rockefeller,52,Ron Paul,2,Rothschild,104,RT,31,Russia,137,RV/GCR,1521,RXKendrick,16,Sacred Geometry,1,Satanic,156,Saudi Arabia,28,Scandal,44,Science,74,Secret Societies,84,Secret Space Program,52,SERCO,1,SES,1,Sexual Abuse,90,ShadowGate,3,ShadowSuper,54,Shootings,17,Shoshi Herscu,31,Sidney Powell,36,Sierra (NZ),268,Social Media,92,Society,102,Sorcha Faal,81,South America,10,South Korea,9,Space,64,Speculation,2576,Spirituality,440,Spygate,48,Steve Beckow,10,Steve Pieczenik,6,Syria,27,Technology,208,Terrorism,53,The Office of POOFness,93,The Vatican,62,Thinker2,173,Thomas Anderson,26,Transhumanism,5,Treason,101,Trump,2259,Turkey,9,UFOs,100,UK,326,Ukraine,121,United Nations,47,US Democratic Party,195,US Government,2407,US Republican Party,23,USA,3959,Vaccinations,276,Venezuela,18,Whistleblower,132,White Hats,54,Wikileaks,8,William Mount,1,Wonder Woman,1,Xi Jinping,34,Yellow Vests,8,Zionist,106,
Operation Disclosure: James Gilliland ECETI News: Is Anyone Paying Attention?
James Gilliland ECETI News: Is Anyone Paying Attention?
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