Source: Beach Broadcast | By Santa Surfing October 28, 2020 GESARA explained further - Paying your Soul is the greatest gift! YouTube - Pri...

Source: Beach Broadcast | By Santa Surfing
October 28, 2020
GESARA explained further - Paying your Soul is the greatest gift!
YouTube - Primary Channel
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Trump Cards
We posted an Article about GESARA updates and the information came from our Angel Anon. This Angel Anon also warned me about the reaction I would get. He was right.
To give more clarification, GESARA is all about humanity. The original law signed did mention prosperity payouts, however, President Trump will not make our nation a nation that is not motivated to work. If that were the case, we could be another Venezuela.
Our Angel Anon wanted to share information to get us up to date. Rather than hoping for an 800# or prosperity payout and it did not happen, wouldn't we rather know what to expect?
The beauty of NESARA is HUMANITY. This was not ever about cash payouts or money. While in the beginning, the prior law did state that, what is happening now is the Peace around the world, the taking down of the corruption that controlled us...we were slaves to the corrupt people and we have our freedom! That is such a huge undertaking.
The debt elimination alone is huge. Those without debt, think of the opportunities that lies ahead. The mortgages revalued to low prices so it allows many to get in the game (which I have some details and it is phenomenal). These are called opportunities. President Trump is all about making the world great again but making us productive throughout the way.
President Trump wants us to use our God given gifts to keep the world going. Please understand, if we all did nothing and counted on the old law that stated prosperity payouts, the world would become very stagnant. This is what happened to countries like Venezuela.
This world needs innovators, ideas, businesses, employers, and for the Seniors on Social Security, the plan is to help the seniors thrive instead of just surviving.
Think about all the children's lives that were saved. The bad evil people that hurt these children. Now those children that survived this horrid life, will have an opportunity to live of life of freedom and love in their souls! They will embrace they have not ever received before!
Maybe President Trump's teams made adjustments to NESARA and made it his own. His intent is for the Good and Greatness! He is working so hard to give the whole world a better life!
Countries that are wishing they had President Trump leading their countries, the good news is...he indirectly is. It just hasn't been made public and I do not know if it ever will. President Trump's greatest accomplishments seems to happen in silence.
He is nominated for a 5th Nobel Peace prize for a reason.
Let's just trust our Lord in Heaven and see what He has in store. He chose each one of us for a reason and he chose President Trump to help lead the way.
The Whole World is counting on America to vote on November 3, 2020!

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