Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat _____________________ Quantum: noun : quantum; plural noun : quanta (1.) Physics: the smallest quantity ...

Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat
Quantum: noun: quantum; plural noun: quanta
(1.) Physics: the smallest quantity of radiant energy, equal to Planck's constant times the frequency of the associated radiation.
(2.) a required or allowed amount, especially an amount of money legally payable in damages.
(3.) a share or portion.
Nobel Prize-winning Quantum physicists: Albert Einstein, Erwin Schrodinger, Niels Bohr, Max Planck…
Enclose a small piece from a Charlie Ward video recorded, I believe, on Friday, 10-23-20.
Somewhere in this video, and I didn’t note it, Charlie said that the first 10 days of November will be amazing. I don’t know if he means the lockdown/blackout will happen then? Arrests?
But I suggest we make sure we have enough groceries for a few weeks… pet food… cash… make sure your car is filled to the top with gas… etc. For me it’s coffee and tea. If I have those two items I can survive ANYTHING, if I don’t have those two items I will surely perish.
Santa Surfing’s Sammy is stocking up too :)

Since we don’t know what, when or if — it’s good to be prepared especially these days leading up to and right after the U.S. Election.
This brief transcription has some good bits about the 5D+ Quantum Financial System and where we’re at in the transition to the amazing new world of Quantum: QFS, QVS, QES… etc.

Finally, with my whole heart, I’m speechlessly grateful for incredibly supportive, gorgeous Emails from IDC readers:
Sara, thank you so much, girl. Joy and Love back at ya. Maxwell, you’re a Prince. Thank you for explaining the Scientific part of Gene Decode!! Dean, my Patriot friend, oh my goodness, what can I say to such a stupendous thumbs up!? I’m AMAZED at YOU. Kris in Arizona, THANK YOU for your blessings. Lisa & Family, so glad you can keep reminding yourself of all the miracles that are manifesting for all. It’s a privilege to help with that. And Shoshi, what an honor.
Doing these transcriptions has been a blessing for me. We sure have not wasted this lockdown. We’ve all been researching and seeking out those who are brave enough to tell the TRUTH and then posting that TRUTH.
We are part of Q's Digital Army.
I cannot imagine the last 8 months without Charlie Ward, Colleen and Charlie Freak, Sacha Stone, Gene Decode, Santa Surfing, X22 Report, Magenta Pixie and far too many more to list here.
But where would we all be without this forum and your extraordinary generosity, Patrick? We’d be groping in the dark instead of part of a wonderful, brilliant community of Currency Holders and New World Visionaries and Lightworkers. Thank you unendingly, Patrick, for IDC. You truly are in service with the light.
And Judy — Holy Smokes, you're such a trooper. I know how hard it is to do what you do daily and sometimes 2 or 3 times a day. Bless your generous heart. Thank you for your incredible service to so many around the world.
The best is yet to be! Wonders upon wonders upon wonders X ∞
With blessings of Peace, Health, Happiness, Abundance and Truth for all — We are Goddess, Sovereign, Free,
xo, Kat
Charlie Ward: BOMBS on the JOURNEY with CIRSTEN W, MEL K and GEORGE WEBB
55:49 Charlie Ward: …the Facial Recognition System does work with a mask but it doesn’t work with a mask AND glasses… so if you’re going to rob a bank you need to wear some glasses as well as a mask (laughter)… not that there’s any money left in the bank!

56:16 Mel K: I know, I know… well that’s the confusing thing also… is people are hearing about the Great Reset… but at the same time they’re hearing about Trumpsara… and people are confused… they think oh, the IMF and the World Economic Forum and the U.N. they want to go to a Digital Currency… well that’s to keep the debt-flow “magic” money nonsense going…
56:39 The other is based on a sound currency that’s backed by Gold and Precious Metals… but they’re kind of at the same time promoting both…
56:51 So you hear from one side, you hear from New Media and people like us, who talk about the restructuring of money and the financial side based on Gold and on solid assets…
57:02 But on the other side… especially the World Economic Forum which has been totally in lockstep with the Ro*ckef*eller Plan… they’re talking about Digital Currency…
57:15 But that’s where that thing that you said earlier, Cirsten, about the Digital Currency… basically “they” [the de*ep st*ate] would own EVERYTHING… you have nothing…
So when they talk about Digital Currency they mean “We’ll give you what you need to survive and that’s all you’ll get…”
57:36 Cirsten W: And barely survive…
57:43 Mel K: So there are conflicting ideas being proposed about money and people who don't think to the next level think it’s Trump that’s going to Digital Currency, which isn’t what’s going on from his end… but that is what [the de*ep st*ate] want…
57:52 Charlie Ward: I can only say a bit about the Quantum Financial System because that’s what I’m working with and I’m under an NDA about it…
58:00 But the basics that I CAN talk about… is that that:
We’re virtually there now on the [Currency] Reset and the Quantum Financial System taking over completely…
58:12 But we’re in a transition RIGHT NOW… my gut feeling and I don’t know the dates cuz they haven’t told me… my gut feeling is that we’ll transition into the New Financial System in the next 14-days… that’s my gut feeling…
58:24 Because the number of things that have happened in the last few days have pointed to that…
First of all the Military worldwide were put on stand-by yesterday, Thursday 10-22-20… that tells you something..
58:36 #2… A number of banks in America have suddenly, randomly closed for 2-weeks… from this Thursday/Friday…
I’ve had quite a bit of INTEL from people who’ve gone to the banks that have said “We’re closed until” I think it’s pretty much the Election Day [Tuesday, November 3]… um, ‘due to co*vid-19’…
59:00 These are all sorts of alarm bells… I’m also hearing from people who work inside the banks and this is what they’re telling me…
59:10 All this… the virus, the vaccine, the 5G, the riots and all of this… is all part of the smokescreen to transition us from the old system to the new… this is all a distraction… nothing more than that…
59:25 Once we’ve transitioned onto the new Quantum Financial System… and it’s operative now… it’s just taking everything so it’s fully operative… from the old Fiat/SWIFT system…
59:40 Once that is done… this will all disappear into oblivion… and we’ll move forward…
59:46 One thing I’ll make clear to everybody…
If you currently have a Bank Account in the world… your details are already in the Quantum System and your funds are to be transferred onto the Quantum System…
Every single person that has a bank account anywhere in the world in any country is already on the Quantum System…
1:00:04 The Quantum System is a digital system… a blockchain system... but there will still be physical currency as in the U.S. Note and the U.S. Coin…
1:00:24 That’ll be the same… what I’m waiting for… we’re all talking about American…
What very few people know is that Deutsche Bank nearly went bankrupt a few years ago and the Chinese Elders pumped some money into it under the guidance of Donald Trump… so they kept it afloat…
1:00:40 But Donald Trump will tell them at the right time to pull the plug… cuz the minute they pull the plug on Deutsche Bank, which is the Central Bank of Germany, that will collapse the European Union or the Na*zi States of Europe… as Trump calls it…
1:00:52 Mel K: Exactly… which is what they are… Also that’s what I’m saying about that ____ report that came out and the Go*ldman Sa*chs’ fine… there was also a fine in the billions recently of J.P. Mo*rgan…
All the Central Banks/ the Fed banks they’ve all been in trouble… one after another after another… and they’ve all been laundering money for the Child Tra*ff*icking, the International Human Tr*aff*icking…
1:02:24 Then you go back to the Executive Order that seizes assets... all these banks that are Fed Central Banks… they’re all involved…
1:03 Yesterday, when I saw the thing for Go*ldman S*achs…
I remembered about 3 weeks ago I was actually out [in New York City]… in an area right near where the banks are… Gold*man Sac*hs offices, Blackstone, all them… and there was a big big bust… cuz in New York when you see that it’s the Big Black Vans with the flashing lights… and the Big Black Cars with the lights… and there’s like 30 in a row… and I was like, whoa…
1:03:25 They did bust a lot of bankers at Gol*dman S*achs… the actual people… they were trying to get money overseas before the SWIFT banking went down…
1:03:39 Charlie Ward: Correct…
1:03:41 Mel K: So when the SWIFT banking was going down… there was some kind of big bust… and then what I read is that it had something to do with G*old*man S*ac*hs… and other banks trying to beat the SWIFT system before it went down…
1:03:50 Charlie Ward: (nodding his head)…
1:03:57 Mel K: So I think they caught them in that transfer in real time… trying to beat the system… cuz I think it went down first in Japan?... the SWIFT system and I think they got a lot of them right there red-handed… trying to beat it…
End Kat partial transcription

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