C19: The Reimbursement Makes all the Difference Inside the Real Statistics

Operation Disclosure | By Mark Baughman, Guest Writer October 23, 2020 C19: The Reimbursement Makes All the Difference Inside the Real Stat...

Operation Disclosure | By Mark Baughman, Guest Writer

October 23, 2020

C19: The Reimbursement Makes All the Difference Inside the Real Statistics.

Let us really look at worldwide data for C19 now that we really have a much better look at it from a larger time-frame since the first C19 patient was discovered on November 17, 2109 in China. I will show real data from three different countries on the view of reimbursement compared to deaths reported. Also, I will look at data with the total death rates in some countries compared to recent years. This is the only way we can really separate the fake news data to what is really going on.

Many journalists have quoted great medical physicians and research experts both for and against the measures of the lockdowns. One clear observation is that the Mainstream News Media is not giving people real statistical data from both sides, only to sensationalize the number of deaths, the overburdened hospitals, and how you have to be six feet apart and have a mask on. None of these measures really help by real statistical data. The Fake New Media is not real journalism. Please, I invite all to research articles and experts to counter the lockdowns, we rarely see on national news or local news. These are crimes against all people across the world and the new lawsuits against the WHO (World Health Organization) from the German Law Group processing the largest lawsuits in history were “recently launched by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich of the German Corona [C19] investigative committee. WHO and CDC prognostications on health policies have been wildly wrong and deeply damaging to the economies of many countries? From WHO data, the fraudulent claims about the alleged dangers of C19 was now known to be no more dangerous than the seasonal flu.” Once the lawsuit was filed, the WHO backed off and did re-classify C19 as not more than a flu. Once there was money involved, one sees the result. What am I trying to relate by real statistics? That most of the narrative is about; power, control, money and reimbursements.

Let us look at three countries that have low C19 deaths and infections. Another country that they did not lockdowns or wear masks. The three countries we will look at are Taiwan, Thailand, Ireland and Sweden.

Let us take Taiwan, they had only 548 cases reported and only 7 deaths to date. Very surprising, why is not on national news? Yes, they went into lockdown. This country would be expected to have a high infection and mortality rate given its proximity to China where the C19 pandemic began. During 2019, there were about 2.7 million visitors from mainland China that traveled to Taiwan. The country has 24 million citizens of which 850,000 reside in and 404,000 work in China.

In Thailand, they only had only 59 C19 deaths across that country. The population is a strong 69 million. They only had about 3,719 cases in the latest reported numbers. How could that happen in a country rich in tourism, and many open borders?

The key here is that Thailand like Taiwan is a country that does not pay the hospitals if the patient tests positive for C19. In America, “HHS (Human Health Services) said it doled out the first slice of funding based on Medicare revenue to get support to hospitals as quickly as possible. The State breakdown provided to the House Ways and Means Committee by HHS along with C19 cases tabulated by The New York Times for its analysis:

per C19 case

Alabama $158,000
Alaska $306,000
Arizona $23,000
Arkansas $285,000
California $145,000
Colorado $58,000
Connecticut $38,000
Delaware $127,000
District of Columbia $56,000
Florida $132,000
Georgia $73,000
Hawaii $301,000
Idaho $100,000
Illinois $73,000
Indiana $105,000
Iowa $235,000
Kansas $291,000
Kentucky $297,000
Louisiana $26,000
Maine $260,000
Maryland $120,000
Massachusetts $44,000
Michigan $44,000
Minnesota $380,000
Mississippi $166,000
Missouri $175,000
Montana $315,000
Nebraska $379,000
Nevada $98,000
New Hampshire $201,000
New Jersey $18,000
New Mexico $171,000
New York $12,000
North Carolina $252,000
North Dakota $339,000
Ohio $180,000
Oklahoma $291,000
Oregon $220,000
Pennsylvania $68,000
Rhode Island $52,000
South Carolina $186,000
South Dakota $241,000
Tennessee $166,000
Texas $184,000
Utah $94,000
Vermont $87,000
Virginia $201,000
Washington $58,000
West Virginia $471,000
Wisconsin $163,000
Wyoming $278,000.”

As we can see, financial incentives skew death rate or case rate. As the U.S. legislation in March of 2020, “provided American hospitals a boost by 20% to standard federal Medical reimbursement for each patient admitted for C19 [corona]virus. Financial incentive may be a reason for up-coding hospital insurance billings for pneumonia or tuberculosis to C19 that result in falsely high pandemic numbers.”

But finally, in September 2020, American hospitals opposed a new ruling that a positive C19 blood test be required for Medicare funding of care. US hospitals say the requirement unfairly deprives them of relief money established by Congress. This does not include Medicaid and Medicare reimbursements to individual physicians. Also, it has been reported by many physicians that C19 be added on to the cause of death, and even received letters from different organizations along those lines. Have we been reduced to a nefarious agenda?

In Ireland, as of October 21, 2020 in a population of 4.9 million with 54,476 cases, there have been only 1,871 deaths, with over 90% of these deaths having comorbid conditions. The average C19 death rate worldwide was 70% to 80% with comorbidities. In Ireland, only 94 cases were admitted to ICU with a median age 84, which is two years beyond the average life expectancy. Basically, C19 kills people who are already on their deathbed; this is basically the same in America, where the normal flu increases the rate of deaths in older people in the winter time.

From August 14, 2020, the secret success of Sweden against C19. While the C19 epidemic continues to drag on in the United States, it’s largely over in Sweden where fatalities have dropped to no more than 2 deaths per day for the many weeks and some weeks zero deaths. You can see the bulk of the cases were done in August. It appears the no lockdown, no masks, and common-sense approach created “herd immunity” quickly, by statistics below. From that point on, they averaged only two deaths a day. We know that in a healthy immune system, herd immunity is easily achieved, just look at statistics of people under 25 years of age, with 99.997% surviving and most do not even show symptoms. They did quarantine the nursing homes and other older groups. “Sweden has been harshly criticized in the media for NOT imposing draconian lockdowns like the United States and the other European countries. Instead, Sweden implemented a policy that was both conventional and sensible. They recommended that people maintain a safe distance between each other and they banned gatherings of 50 people or more.” They also asked their elderly citizens to isolate themselves and to avoid interacting with other people as much as possible. Other than that, Swedes were encouraged to work, exercise and get on with their lives as they would normally even though the world was still in the throes of a global pandemic. As of October 21, 2020, Sweden had 108,969 cases with 5,930 deaths. Now, there are dozens of ICU (Intensive Care Unit) workers in Stockholm are being paid 220% of their salary during the [corona]virus pandemic. Therefore, the medical system did have financial incentive for C19 diagnosis.

Did Sweden “Fail Completely? Sweden is a country whose approach to protect the public from C19 was to concentrate preventive measures among the most vulnerable nursing home patients and rely on herd immunity to protect remaining Swedes. With the death rate high as 2679 per 10 million inhabitants compared to Taiwan of 6 deaths per 24 million inhabitants. From an article on LewRockwell.com called “The Science of a Lockdown” a quote; “In the absence of a vaccine people need to be exposed and infected to activate sufficient antibodies to produce long-term immunity. That is what is called herd immunity. But by socially distancing and wearing masks, any herd immunity would theoretically be slowed, or delayed indefinitely.” Clearly, we know by stepping back and looking at the C19 deaths in different countries; the big difference is the money incentives; like double health workers pay, government subsidies, reimbursement rates. One can clearly see the real difference in approach of using HCQ and Zinc together as a therapy by countries.

Next, we will look at the total deaths per year in comparison to the “so called very deathly C19 virus” as the fake mainstream media and many politicians want us to believe. One cannot fake total deaths in a country per year, these are “hard core” statistics. It is like looking at the C19 from 40,000 feet high in a jet aircraft. We can place the cause of death on a patient that has died in America as C19, as per instructed by the CDC as we researched to get an extra $ 29,000 dollars from Medicaid or Medicare, even though in a few cases, they died of a car accident and confirmed death in most cases even before they reach the hospital.

This is from the CDC themselves, total deaths per year, in America:

2,130,000 + (236,000/month x 3) [Oct, Nov, Dec] = 2,838,000 [assumption based on monthly avg]

2020: 2,838,000 [3-month assumption inserts]

2019: 2,855,000

2018: 2,839,000

2017: 2,814,000 CDC: Total Deaths United States.

Here are two countries with the C19 scam pandemic, one can see the total deaths is no different without the pandemic. We do know that and even from the lawsuit from the German [Corona]virus Task Force against the WHO (World Health Organization) that the PCR test has an 89 to 94% false-positive rate. Six months ago, I researched the PCR test has 80.33% false positive (not real) and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis states that there are 90% false positives!! The PCR test is a very subjective test and can be modified to "fit" a narrative!

If one does their research, one can find out the total death rate in any country has not increased from the past years, the cause of death has just been labeled different. Again, it is about power, money and control. One can see that when the financial incentives are not there, like in Taiwan or Thailand, the statistics are all different and much lower. It is a shame that in the world, our medical industry is not about helping or curing people, it is about making money in most cases. Some of these people are clearly just criminals, plain and simple. What we need is a medical industry that is not about money and genuine to help the patient get better! This is coming with new technology, the current reactive and not preventive medicine, with greed as a main narrative will be gone in the coming years, I promise. There is hope on the horizon!

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Operation Disclosure: C19: The Reimbursement Makes all the Difference Inside the Real Statistics
C19: The Reimbursement Makes all the Difference Inside the Real Statistics
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