Source: Beach Broadcast | By Santa Surfing October 21, 2020 Trump on AG Barr appointing Spec Prosecutor on [B]iden Retweeted by @Tafkag IC...

Source: Beach Broadcast | By Santa Surfing
October 21, 2020
Trump on AG Barr appointing Spec Prosecutor on [B]iden
Retweeted by @Tafkag
Reporters in front of [B]iden Residence! One person had a flashlight and another said his home was getting raided. This is a Karli clip so you go to love her laughter in it!
A Q posted on post on 10/20/2020:

Q4903 Click link for Video Clip
Then this Lude and Bannon video comes up (audio isn't that great): Lude Twitter

Posted by @tafkag
Mr. Bannon:
-26,000 emails not from hard drive they are from a laptop, during 2011-2012. Showing exposure and ties to Byden and CCP.
-CCP had access with [O]bama White House
-Trump wants AG Barr to appoint a special prosecutor now on [B]iden now
In sum:
Loser Barry allowed the CCP access to his White House.
Proof that the Loser Barry and the [B]iden's are low life scumbags and allowed torture. [B]arry and [B]iden would go through great lengths to sell out America and have innocent lives t[o]rtured and k[i]lled.
President Trump now is calling for AG Barr to get a special counsel on this.
Then Q dropped BOMBS!

After Bombs after bombs!
[OpDis Editor Note: Image link below as it contains disturbing content.]
It's so horrid that the article was scrubbed away!

And more horrid things will come! This needs to come out to show the world how crooked and corrupt this family and the Democrat party is now! Not one Democrat is calling out the Brainless family! NOT ONE!!!
Ghislane Maxwell files unredacted drops tomorrow 10/22/2020
All heck is breaking loose now! There is more than panic going on in DC! Those that support the left have got to be curious about all the crimes and will redpill themselves. There are those on the left that still remain and want to stay asleep. But do know, if this is your spouse or a loved one, you have a huge Army on social media to back you. As for those asleep, my guess, is the plan to wake them up will happen.
What happens when their favorite media person on Fake News is no longer around or is reporting this real news? How repulsed will they get? It will devastate most. And with our USA Army of 70M warriors and the world Army to add to that, we are here to help those that just woke up or be there for those that just need an ally! Our broken families or loved ones will soon wake up!
Here is a message from @SpookVet on Twitter. His dedication and sacrifices are so painful and you can sense it in this clip! My brother, you are not alone! We are all here to help each other in the fight for the Truth! God does not overlook your efforts from results! The Great Awakening is truly will awaken the masses!

With all the bombs that are dropping, this will get the world to truly unite! And with all the bombs dropping, we need to be prepared.
The outcome is that the evilness is getting exposed and now going public! Rudy, Bannon and Lude have now exposed their corruption and this photo just surfaced by TafKag. Where he got the photo, I have no idea but it is very telling!
This is the time where we need to truly get ready to celebrate! The Greatness is unveiling and the curtain wants to come up quickly. This public drop HAS TO HAPPEN. And then we can start dancing! Keeping our eye on the end goal is what will help us through this! Truly, we need to start dancing!
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