Article Image: Camp Justice @Guantánamo Bay. Photo: Margot Williams Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat I was introduced to the brilli...

Article Image: Camp Justice @Guantánamo Bay. Photo: Margot Williams
Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat
I was introduced to the brilliant Australian JC Kay by IDC reader Ann Ra-Nae Meders. Thank you so much again, Ann. JC is AWESOME.
I can believe Aboriginal Elders have embraced her. She is the real deal and in a world of deception JC Kay is priceless.
JC Kay is a gifted “Remote Viewer.” Some might call her a psychic but Remote Viewing describes what she does best because she literally “sees” what is taking place. She is “viewing” it.
Her latest video is a thrilling description of what is taking place right now in Git-Mo with POTUS.
Global An_ons know that something other than Mainstream Media silliness is going on.
This is a brilliant case of “misdirection.” Watch my body double waving to peeps outside Walter Reed while I’m actually somewhere else. AF1? Git-Mo? A battleship? Other?
POTUS took a page out of President Kennedy’s playbook. JFK faked a cold to get back to the White House during the Cuban Missile Crisis:
Kinda’ like POTUS 45 getting… um… Co_vid 1/9? Yeah, right. He’s so brilliant.
BTW, according to Santa Surfing, many of his staff will soon “get Co_vid,” which means they’ll go into quarantine protection. BIG MOVES are happening right now.
You KNEW it was time to buckle-up when POTUS said, on 9-30-20 “I tell ya, we caught ‘em cold. It’s about time that something happens, OK?! It’s enough! We got plenty of information on these crooks. A bunch ‘a crooks. A thing like that has never happened in our country and it’s about time that something happens!!”
Oh yeah.
So—WHAT is happening behind-the-scenes?
This video by JC Kay provides a vision of what might be taking place right now in Cuba and elsewhere and it is utterly thrilling.
I’ve provided my decodes and hope they're right.
It’s important to keep in mind that when “cue” says “WE’VE GOT IT ALL” he isn’t kidding.
The NSA [National Security Agency] have been spying on the deep state at the same time and using the exact same equipment/tech the ca_bal was using to spy on American citizens.
The ca_bal “thought” The Patriot Act, stripping American Citizens of our Constitutional Rights, was our end but it turned out to be THEIR end. The Alliance reversed it. From dark to Light.
Just like the Alliance reversed the Co_vid lockdown. Instead of Humanity’s end, it is the deep state’s end. From dark to Light.
Remember, the deep state has been soundly checkmated by Multi-Dimensional Galactic Chess Masters which make up the mighty Alliance.
Gene Decode told us that this Plan has been 117 years in the making, since 1903, when Nikola Tesla and Van de Graaf first met to try and figure it out, and it has been executed flawlessly. Beyond genius.
The mighty Alliance have dismantled and destroyed a thousands-year-old evil dem_onic bloodthirsty Global empire and are now in the process of removing the minions.
The upper handlers were dealt with in March ‘20, even before the lockdown began, when POTUS took out the heads of the 13 dem_on Blood_line families in Venice. “The head of the snake,” he said.
I verify some of my JC Kay decodes from my transcriptions of podcasts or videos by Colleen and Charlie Freak and Mark Devlin.
Colleen and Charlie have been EXTRAORDINARY in their understanding of what has been taking place and their truths are being verified every single day. A_nons everywhere owe their thanks to these two amazing people for their histories.
If you enjoy JC Kay, I highly recommend her other vids. The first one I viewed was “What’s Happening Underground in Australia? August 2020.” I thought of transcribing it but felt it was too “out there” at the time and that it was enough to deal with the heart-crushing rescue of the ch_ildren from the tunnels.
However—evading laser weapons that can evaporate them, rescuing caged and tortured ch_ildren, as well as Trafficked men and women, finding massive stashes of gold, diamonds, cash and valuables, as well as huge adr–enoch_rome stores, are not all the Global Militaries have been dealing with in those tunnels.
The Alliance have not released this data and I don’t know if or when they will. But I’ve had two of my Galactically gifted Healer friends verify what JC remote viewed in those tunnels.
There is more to this “Awakening” than just the corporeal. This is a Spiritual, Angelic and Galactic as well as an Earthly Ascension.
William Shakespeare put it this way, “There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio / Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” Hamlet, Act 1, Scene 5, 167-8
Yes indeed.
Here’s JC’s vision of what is going on right this minute.
As with everything I post, take what you can use and leave the rest.
With blessings of Peace, Health, Happiness, Abundance and Truth for all — we are Goddess, Sovereign, Free,
xo, Kat
JC Kay - G-M0 Bay and the 45th - ENCODED MESSAGE - TOP SECRET 10-5-20
Transcribed and illustrated by Kat, using notes written by JC Kay that are posted on her YouTube link
JC Kay: Hello everybody. This is JC Kay and I have a YouTube channel called Quantum Truths JC Kay… before I start anything in this video… I’d like to ask you to share, subscribe… today I’ve got a very different message than I normally do… it might be a bit controversial... it’s something a lot of people want answers to…
0:45 But it’s information you can’t get any validation for… because it is a secret location... but there’s a lot of information there… that will give us answers to what’s really going on in the word…
1:12 In doing my journeying... seeking answers via “remote viewing” I was able to see things that maybe most people would only speculate at… and so the message has to come forward in a very encoded fashion…
1:32 When I finished my journeying and I went to write down all my notes… the information came out like a code… it’s not heavily encoded but it’s encoded enough for you to be able to use your own discernment… sleuth-skills… deciphering skills to work out what it means…
1:59 The title of this video…the title of this document is called G-MO Bay and the 45th… and I'm going to be reading that for you today…

2:15 JC Kay cont.: First of all, today is Monday 5th October, 2020 and this is all a very very exciting video, I just hope that it makes sense… you don’t have to believe any of it… up to you…
2:36 This is for entertainment purposes only… in order for you to innerstand the following information you will need to think in terms of Symbology, metaphor and hidden ciphers… allow the information to sink in, then go back, read and listen again… and absorb on multiple layers… no questions will be answered by JC Kay in the chat or the comments below… it is being presented in this way for you to discern without her assistance…

3:15 JC Kay cont.: The vision during this journeying came through as both a series of scenes via a Looking Glass Technology, presented once again in the “white room” with VIPs present, and these scenes are experienced as though they are remote viewed.
3:31 But these also came through on a different level; How I arrived at this highly protected location was as an Eagle … I became the bird, and it was as if I was the bird… the Eagle, and beside the Eagle all at once, floating beside it as an observer.
4:00 We flew in and sat on some branches just outside of Camp Justice, watching a spectacle before us. I also received specific wording for encoded messages as I was trying to document what I saw …
4:11 The 45th stands before me in the white room, looking healthy, looking through papers, looking focused, powerful, and efficient. M nearby, healthy and radiant. They are safe and protected for the next phase …

4:33 JC Kay cont.: Scenes before me, first of several prominent US politician’s faces – noses growing like Pinocchio.
4:40 A Handsome Man from the Great White North should feel at home in Cuba – High Trea_son.
Kat Note: I’ve read that Tru_deau’s father is actually Fi_del Cas_tro, which is why he might “feel at home” in Cuba.

This is from my transcription of Colleen and Charlie Freak, and Mark Devlin, 7-30-20:
59:30 Charlie Freak: And then at the G7 Summit in Canada… he [Trump] had horrific pe_dop_hile and adren _ochromer Ju__stin Trud_eau hosting the meeting… he was there… Ang__ela Mer_kel was there as well and… she was one of the big ones Trump wanted to have be there as well… cuz she didn’t play a major role back in Brussels… so at this meeting he got everyone there but in particular, it was the capitulation of Jus__tin Trud__eau of Canada… and An_gela Me__rkel of Germany… both of them did the same thing… spent most of the G7 meeting with hands clasped like they were in handcuffs…
"Video: How Trump, the NSA, Q-JFK Jr., Against all Odds, Took Down the Cabal, Part 1" by Kat - 7.30.20
4:51 JC Kay cont.: Past Presidents ready to go to sleep.

4:52 JC Kay cont.: HRC behind bars – what you see publicly are “stunt doubles.”
5:00 “She swings at noon.” Ding Dong the Witch is Dead. No Saturnalia this year.
Kat Note: I sought the advice of someone who chooses to be called ‘Anonymous Starseed Friend.’ This is what that person related about “Saturnalia,” which name I’d never heard of:
Saturnalia – “Festival to increase Saturn-Sa_tan influence with human sa_crifice, December 17 - 23. This was meant to diminish the light leading up to Christmas. December 25th is the celebration of “the unconquered sun,” or the remaining sun in this universe.
“Every universe has two suns. Our brightest sun, Lucifer, imploded, turning it into a black sun, reversing anything that entered it...resulting in a fallen or inverted lower dimensional system... in which we [currently] exist [but are Ascending out of.]
“Saturnalia Festivals celebrate this fallen sun Lucifer; the conquered sun. The planet Saturn is an outpost used as a mind control center to accelerate inverted behavior in humans through Sa_tanic ritual abuse and blood sa_crifice to siphon life force.” ~ Anonymous Starseed Friend
5:07 JC Kay cont.: The best is yet to come.
5:10 Blonde B received his marching orders – assassination attempt uncovered – on a flight home to Cuba.
Kat Note: Blonde B / Jo_hn Bren_nan?
5:21 JC Kay cont.: The Hyacinth breathes a sigh of relief – capitulated, but not out of the woods – direct descendent of a Madman in high position.
[Kat Note: Is “Hyacinth” Ang_ela Me_rkel, daughter of Ad_olf Hi__tler and Eva Br_aun?]
5:32 JC Kay cont.: “Take no prisoners.” Level up. “The Eagle has Landed”
5:40 Julian – I ask about him and his welfare, the answer I get from the 45th is “We have a med-bed for him” …
Kat Note: From my transcription of Colleen and Charlie Freak and Mark Devlin, 7-30-20
8:26 Charlie Freak: Julian A__ssange has been a big player… eventually when the truth comes out about Julian Assan__ge you’ll go, oh, I should have noticed that… I should have picked up on that… you’ll see…
[The physical resemblance to Dr. John Trump, POTUS’ uncle, John G. Trump]

John J. Trump, Julian Assange
John George Trump (August 21, 1907 – February 21, 1985) was an American electrical engineer, inventor, and physicist. A professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology from 1936 to 1973, he was a recipient of the National Medal of Science and a member of the National Academy of Engineering. John Trump was noted for developing rotational radiation therapy. Together with Robert J. Van de Graaff, he developed one of the first million-volt X-ray generators. He was the paternal uncle of President Donald Trump.
8:44 Mark Devlin: Was Assang_e really under arrest or was that some kind of ruse?
8:49 Charlie: All part of a ruse for the Mainstream Media to buy into it… to brand him a certain way… he’s played a very dangerous role… none of this has been safe and easy for Julian Assa_nge… he’s put himself at risk… but then that whole family has… [Trump family]…
9:15 And there’s much more to this family [Trump] that we’re talking about that is yet to come… you don’t know all of it yet… you don’t know who’s coming out next… there will be another person in this family that’s going to be able to shine in the coming months… because this is all about Technology at the end of the day so we’ll get to that later [Photo of Tesla onscreen with a baseball cap that reads ‘Make Electricity Free Again”]
"Video: How Trump, the NSA, Q-JFK Jr., Against all Odds, Took Down the Cabal, Part 1" by Kat - 7.30.20
5:54 JC Kay cont.: Oh the many famous faces that came before these VIP prisoners … there are no more heroes, no icons, no celebrities … good luck to the many who believe in false idols.
Kat Note: For a brief list of false idols, consult the Flight Logs to Ep_stein Island.

1:04 Charlie Freak: It’s just flat out horrific… and no, this isn’t the full list… so, just to be clear… these are people that have participated in ALL aspects of this… r*pe, tor*tu*re, all the way through the cannibalism and the spirit cooking [can_nibal_ism]…
"Charlie and Colleen Freak, Part 3: The Takedown of the Cabal’s Evil Plan (Part 1)" by Kat - 8.6.20
6:10 JC Kay cont.: MOZAMBIQUE … W.F. and Thanks …
6:20 The Next Level Prisoners are the Political Elite. The Next Level Prisoners ARE the “Second Wave”. This is “Operation Justice”. Dominoes Fall.
6:36 The most prominent are arrested, while the HIGHEST ranking are under house arrest.
6:33 #44 BRQ Lightning is shackled and being questioned, he is FRAZZLED.
Kat Note: This is a Tweet from Click, October 3, 2020, regarding #44 on CBS-TV. Not looking too good. Not sure if it’s even him.

6:45 JC Kay cont.: You say: “But the news said they’re still around, living their life. Free as a bird, causing harm.
6:51 We say: “The light has not been shed on their atrocities – nor on the true state of where they have been.”
6:59 G Max has not gone quietly. Her data is sound and used to connect dots. BUT not the main source of information. She served as the “surface entertainment.”
Kat Note: This is from my transcription of Charlie and Colleen Freak’s Part 3 of their video presentation of President Trump and “Cue”-Team’s Takedown of the Cabal:
54:22 Charlie Freak: Why is the arrest of Max_well so HUGE? “Buffers.” The last line of defense between the 13-Phoenician families and all their minions…
See, they don’t want to deal directly with any of these people… they don’t like the Clin_tons, they probably can’t stand the Clin_tons and how absolutely vile and disgusting they are… but they’re a necessary evil that has to be controlled…
So they need agents in place that they do know, that they do respect, that they do trust, that will help them to control their minions… that’s the role of Ghis_laine Max_well… that put her more important than Jeff_rey Ep_stein…
55:08 Eps_tein was a one-trick-pony… he had that island, had help by Max_well putting that island together… taken out of the pages of the Bible just twisted… instead of good it now becomes evil… it’s the Temple upon the Mount where all of these sa_crifices to God took place…
But these are sa_crifices [of ch_ildren] are to the Venetian God which is Baal… Baal is Nimrod… the same false God… Nimrod who built the tower of babel who attempted to take Heaven by force… Baal/Nimrod are the same Deity… the FALSE God…
That’s what we’ve been living under for the last 150 years…
55:55 If you heard an audible collective GROAN when Ghisl_aine Maxw_ell was arrested that was the collective bowels of everyone in Hollywood giving out… everyone in Hollywood shat themselves because they KNOW that Ghisl__aine Maxwe__ll is ABOVE Epstein…
That’s why the arrest of Ghis__laine Maxw_ell is a MASSIVE deal. #9 on our 10 key points.
"Charlie and Colleen Freak, Part 3: The Takedown of the Cabal’s Evil Plan (Part 1)" by Kat - 8.6.20
7:15 JC Kay cont.: The real data, the goldmine is in the A.I…. THEY’VE GOT IT ALL… Take no prisoners…
[Kat Note: The Alliance has massive NSA folders, DVDs of horri_fic acts, CDs, phone messages, E’s, texts, documents… EVERYTHING. Also, once arrested, every cent of their ill-gotten wealth is recovered and redistributed to we the people from whom it was stolen.]

7:27 JC Kay cont.: Beware now of the Spiders who watch you – the few who remain. Be vigilant citizens and don’t get caught up in their silly games. As long as you see through their illusions, and as long as you remove the fear from your mind, then you will truly see the world clearly – without a second thought for ‘WHEN?’.”
Kat Note: Who/what are “the Spiders who watch you” you might ask?
I enclose, FYI, a description of what A.I. spiders are from my Starseed friend. I have complete confidence in the information.
“The spiders are A.I. They are like the clones in the Star War movies, or the A.I. man from The Matrix, Agent Jones, that kept replicating. They exist in a phantom system. Very disturbing creatures. It’s impossible to fight them one by one as they just continue to replicate. The entire phantom timeline must be collapsed.” ~ Anonymous Starseed Friend
Kat cont.: Keep in mind what JC Kay says in this remote viewing: “The few who remain.” So their phantom timeline is being collapsed as I write this. Nevertheless, keep your protective prayers going. Fortify your Immaculate Divine Light and your unbreakable connection to Father God and Divine Mother and they cannot mess with you. Grrrrrrrr :)
JC Kay cont.: It’s happening NOW.
7:58 NOW. 10 past the hour.

JC Kay cont.: It’s Leave NO PRISONERS. Take no prisoners. Leave the cells empty ...
8:06 A grid forms a dome over the Bay. No one can get out. No one can get in – it keeps their freedom at bay. Justice served on their terms – no 4D interference. Dark cannot interfere ...

JC Kay cont.: With deaths and indictments against heavy hitters, the “Secret Seals” are BROKEN – vows of silence and secret societies crumble to dust.
8:40 The Light is coming for the Dark ...
8:46 On the ground – business as usual – that is Optics. It’s for the show.

JC Kay cont.: Shocking people suddenly out of their slumber is counter-productive to an “Awakening”.
8:57 Blessed be the Freedom Fighters.

JC Kay cont.: Blessed be the Men and Women who hold up their heads in a sea of Sleepwalkers, breathing freely, shining the light.
9:09 Endure no more suffering. Stand Tall.
9:15 The night of the 14th will shed some light on what has been done and won.
9:21 Harriet Tubman ... who is she?
Kat Note: I think most Americans know who Harriet Tubman is, but for Global readers:
Harriet Tubman (born Araminta Ross, c. March 1822 – March 10, 1913) was an American abolitionist and political activist. Born into slavery, Tubman escaped and subsequently made some 13 missions to rescue approximately 70 enslaved people, including family and friends, using the network of antislavery activists and safe houses known as the Underground Railroad. During the American Civil War, she served as an armed scout and spy for the Union Army. In her later years, Tubman was an activist in the movement for women's suffrage.
Kat cont.: This is a favorite quote from ANYONE and it happens to be from Ms. Tubman:
“If you hear the dogs, keep going.
If you see the torches in the woods, keep going.
If there's shouting after you, keep going.
Don't ever stop.
Keep going.
If you want a taste of freedom,
keep going.”
~ Harriet Tubman
JC Kay cont.: The sentences for those who are of a higher level of Evil is death by a method unknown to the common man. A type of vaporization, as there are multiple layers to their Evil.
Kat Note: JC is now talking about the “Galactic” “Off-world” element of this Ascension from darkness to Light. Here is an explanation verifying JC:
“There has been a demon of the most horrific order existing in the metagalactic core for thousands upon thousands of years. This demon was being fed by sa_tanic blood sa_crifices to keep it ‘contained.’
Repaired architecture and ascension frequencies have made it too uncomfortable to exist within the higher frequencies of the Ascending Earth, causing this A.I. beast to surface, now thrashing about perilously.
It has attacked Krystic place holders, but Holy Father is back and has come to the rescue at the 11th hour. THANK YOU GOD!” ~ Anonymous Starseed Friend
JC Kay cont.: Scan the globe. EVERY. SINGLE. REGION has operations to a lesser or greater extent.
9:49 If your country is heavily restricted it indicates one of two things; a POWER PLAY between two factions, and a clean-up job of massive proportions, above and below the ground ...
Kat Note: This 10-5-20 Tweet confirms JC’s point: Massive clean-up going on in Czech Republic, Ireland, Paris, under the smokescreen of another “Co–vi_d lockdown.”
JC Kay cont.: AGAIN – the question this entire operation, for this entire year is about WHAT IS ILLUSION OR DECEPTION AND WHAT IS REALITY?
10:15 The narrative you are told for public consumption is what has created this fake reality for so long, and we gather together and begin to see clearly with 20/20 vision, OPENLY, COLLECTIVELY, WITHOUT CENSORSHIP –
10:34 The illusion, the deception crumbles.
And when this happens,
and when we allow freedom ring,
when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet,
from every state and every city,
we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children,
black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles,
Protestants and Catholics,
will be able to join hands and sing
in the words of the old Negro spiritual:
Free at last! Free at last!
Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!
Martin Luther King, Jr. “I Have a Dream” speech, 8-28-63
Lincoln Memorial, Washington D.C.

11:27 JC Kay cont.: And that’s the end… I hope you liked that… I will be answering no questions, nowhere, not in the group, not in private Emails, not in private messages.
11:37 This message is for you to work out, and if you can’t work it out, ask other people.
Good luck.
End Kat decode
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