
A Text that Could Write History

Operation Disclosure | By Wolfgang Cejda, Guest Writer October 24, 2020 During these days BOOM BOOM BOOM DUMPS in the east of Austria and ...

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Operation Disclosure | By Wolfgang Cejda, Guest Writer

October 24, 2020

During these days BOOM BOOM BOOM DUMPS in the east of Austria and Vienna to be blown up, steps of experienced lawyers compiled a liability explanation on Friday the 24. 10. 2020 to the Austrian Federal President Dr. Alexander van der Bellen into force ?

Also new C_orona aggravations are prepared by a small political leadership of the country, one wants to force a lock down again. Not even during the war were such lockdowns decreed. All those who have been awakened realize that these representations are fraudulently decreed in order to make people financially and psychologically miserable. Austria is a well known winter sports paradise which at the moment has to endure hellish torments. A lot of people suffer, the smaller companies and medium sized businesses. Many have to close.

In this phase, patriots of the middle class submitted a legally binding declaration of liability to the president of the Republic of Austria last Friday, which was accepted.

~ Claire Edwards & Steven Whybrow [Age Of Truth TV]


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This declaration of liability could have unexpected consequences. If our Federal President were to declare a STOP and a process of reflection, it would have repercussions for the whole of Europe. Because everywhere the nerves lie bare. The signs are in RED.

Declaration of liability to the Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen - System Schach-Matt

Extract: It can only get better...

The masks bothered me - they are a lie? They were a symbol of fear, only anxious people wore them because they believed the fear was stronger than they are. I want to be free - freer than grandfather, grandmother, dad and mom were. "And how can you achieve this? "I already know, but the people from the system don't yet understand how we can all be that now.

They still believe that it can never happen, because it has never been like this before and therefore it will never be like this - that's what they think. "And do you think it's impossible to achieve freedom? "Everything is impossible - until it is done. If one does it, then others will quickly imitate it, because they then also recognize that it is that which we all really want. And then it is the new normal" -- a child of the new time Dear Mr. Federal President Alexander van der Bellen

I respect you as a person, but I can no longer accept what is happening in our country under the pretext of Corona. Our children are forced by unsuspecting teachers at school to wear masks. We know that the human brain is very sensitive to oxygen deprivation. And we know from the German neurologist Dr. Margarite Griesz-Brisson that wearing masks leads to oxygen deprivation and consequently causes permanent neurological damage. Above all, children are the worst affected. The older and younger generations, who are the least able to defend themselves, are the ones most affected by corona measures. To suggest to a child that it should not visit its grandparents because otherwise it could "kill the grandmother or the grandfather" in order to shift the blame of a virus spreading to our children is nothing but insane for me. If one person is suffering from delusion it is called insanity - if many suffer from delusion it is the new normal. The mental as well as physical health of the people in this country is affected by

2 destroys the Corona measures in reality. The measures have no legal or factual basis and are illegal because they violate the Federal Constitution, which is higher than the level of ordinances in the hierarchy of our legal system in Austria. If the constitution as the basis of our legal system is out of force, then we in Austria are officially in legal bankruptcy since the beginning of the Corona crisis.

Legal bankruptcy is the inability of a legal system to provide law to those subject to it. An institution, especially a legal institution, reveals R., for example, when it lets liars get to the top, makes scribblers into secretaries, fraudsters into cashiers, forgers into secretaries, impostors into assessors and blackmailers into legal supervision. Under such circumstances, the only promise of improvement is a complete return to generally accepted values (e.g. truth, freedom) and legal principles [...] Sovereign nation states with a functioning constitutional state have been a thing of the past since the beginning of the Corona crisis at the latest.

Over the last decades, the power and decision-making competencies in all areas of life have been transferred to supranational organizations such as the European Union and the United Nations. This ultimately leads to the dissolution of nation states and integration into an international world order, the so-called New World Order (NWO).

All that was needed was the perfect crisis for transformation to a NWO, which is also referred to by the World Economic Forum, one of the global players, as "The Great Reset". This is the implementation of technocracy and the installation of digital totalitarianism worldwide. It is the destruction of all human freedoms. Only the absolute truth as a basis can end the bondage and realize the freedom of man.

The truth, which is the basis for freedom, is found in natural law. Natural law is the highest of all levels of jurisdiction. It is the root work of every man-made right, and serves as a corrective for every abuse of power, in which injustice is falsely handled as right. Natural law corrects all totalitarian systems.

In the philosophy of law, natural law is the totality of the timelessly valid legal principles inherent in nature, which are given to man and which stand above the legal principles set by man (positive law). Natural law, the derivation and validity of which are disputed.

serves as a barrier or corrective of the set right. Representatives of the idea of natural law are Greek philosophers, Christian churches and modern philosophers (law of reason).

Natural law is the best foundation for general human rights or basic rights.

In detail, it is very difficult to prove that a law is a natural law. Only the universal laws have an effect on the human being [natural law]. All other man-made legal systems have in reality only influence on the human being through the consensus of man. Basic rights and freedoms can only be taken away from the bearer of rights, namely the person registered in the system, but never from the living human being who is anchored in natural law [Natural Law]3 .

In times of legal bankruptcy, the consensus for the abolition of basic and freedom rights must only be withdrawn because the living human being is guaranteed freedom from the ground up under natural law. I hereby officially withdraw my consensus on my deprivation of freedom. I am free and sovereign by nature. This dignity of man is inviolable. Natural law intrinsically regulates the consequences of human behavior on the basis of morality. Man must only take responsibility for his actions. If he takes responsibility for his actions, man is in a state of sovereignty.

Sovereignty is quintessentially a natural law principle. Sovereignty is given from the own being to itself, since it can never be given by someone else. The mechanism by which politics evades responsibility for the damage caused by corona measures is that responsibility is always given to the people at the lowest level of the power pyramid. But what happens when the people in sovereignty empower themselves and no longer take responsibility for a policy that carries out criminal orders from criminals?

Then the executing politicians are in private liability.

There is no immunity under natural law for a crime against humanity. How many people does it take for the responsibility for the damage caused by C19 measures to move up to the level of politics? It needs exactly one person who acts in sovereignty. Considering the fact that the official government of Austria is planning a second lockdown in a short time, I order you to dissolve the government with immediate effect, so that we humans do not have to experience a second lockdown, which is not legitimate on any legal or factual basis.

Furthermore, I invite you, together with myself and other experts in your fields, to communicate the truth about the Corona crisis to the Austrians through all media. I hereby officially declare the corona crisis, as well as the crisis of 2020, to be over.

The corona crisis can only be ended by the people themselves. Now is exactly the right time to do so, with as little damage as possible.

This is the safety bridge for all politicians in this country, as well as for you, Mr. President. I give you my word for a successful peaceful resolution of the crisis at all levels. In case of a refusal to a peaceful resolution, you, as well as all responsible politicians, are privately liable for all resulting damages of the Corona measures as of today - Friday, October 23, 2020.

Herewith they are informed about it. With kind regards,

Steven Whybrow 23 October 2020


Your Patriot of the Middle / Austria
wolfgang cejda

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5G 159 9/11 46 Abortion 11 Ancient Civilizations 29 Animal Rights 1 Anna Von Reitz 297 Anonymous 4 Antarctica 12 Artificial Intelligence 24 Ascension 36 Australia 58 Aviation 7 B. Patrick Thomas 8 BAR Mafia 1 Benghazi 11 Benjamin Fulford 179 Big Pharma 69 Big Tech 50 Bilderberg 63 Bill Clinton 6 Bill Gates 68 Biowarfare 25 BlackOps 1 Brent Johnson 7 Brexit 154 Cabal 333 Canada 50 Cancer 22 Cannabis 5 Censorship 110 Central Banks 296 Chemtrails 38 Child Sacrifice 2 China 489 CIA 307 Citizen Rights 360 Climate Change 30 Cloning 17 Cobra 58 Corey Goode 22 Corruption 2450 Dave Janda 9 David Lifschultz 39 David Wilcock 43 Decode 149 Deep State 1203 Disclosure 50 Disease 1096 Disinformation 28 DOJ 202 Drake Bailey 2 Drugs 17 Earth Alliance 1182 Economics 1503 Education 4 Edward Snowden 19 Elon Musk 5 Energy 28 Environment 80 EU 343 Eugenics 15 Exopolitics 185 Extraterrestrial 190 Fake News 49 False Flag 60 FBI 268 FDA 31 Federal Reserve 294 FEMA 2 Field McConnell 2 Food 8 Fraud 373 Galactic Federation 12 General Flynn 36 Genocide 15 Geoengineering 21 Geopolitics 2904 George Soros 98 GESARA 1364 Ghislaine Maxwell 40 GITMO 89 Global Elite 29 GMO 38 Grant Ouellette 47 Great Reset 3 Guest Writer 7 Gun Control 23 Hawaii 11 Health 1002 Hillary Clinton 320 History 285 Hollywood 64 Human Rights 46 Human Trafficking 245 Humanitarian 6 Illuminati 44 Immigration 32 Inner Earth 5 Intel 2443 Intelligence Community 48 Iran 98 IRS 15 Israel 114 James Gilliland 55 James O'Brien 21 Japan 39 Jeffrey Epstein 224 Jesuit 14 JFK 76 JFK Jr 83 Joe Biden 478 John Podesta 7 Jon Rappoport 191 Jordan Sather 134 Judy Byington 1105 Julian Assange 89 Kamala Harris 8 KejRaj 1 Kent Dunn 2 Khazarian 108 Law 361 Law Enforcement 71 Lebanon 6 Libya 2 Mainstream Media 612 Mark Baughman 4 Medicine 82 Melinda Siebold 9 Military 119 Military Industrial Complex 8 Mind 96 Mind Control 21 MKUltra 19 NASA 32 Native Americans 6 NATO 54 Natural Remedies 87 Neil Keenan 1 Neocon 10 NESARA 103 New World Order 179 New Zealand 30 Nikola Tesla 18 North Korea 44 NSA 86 Obama 293 Open Letter 27 Palestine 3 Para Kas-Vetter 39 Parasites 1 Parisse Deza 11 Patrick J. McShay 29 Paul Craig Roberts 1 Pedophilia 181 Philippines 12 Politics 471 Predictions 525 Privacy 5 Propaganda 36 Protests 131 Psychological 1 Putin 53 QAnon 1270 Racism 77 Reader Posts 1053 Religion 111 Restored Republic 1092 RFK Jr. 1 Rinus Verhagen 139 Robert David Steele 21 Robert Mueller 117 Rockefeller 52 Ron Paul 2 Rothschild 104 RT 31 Russia 137 RV/GCR 1521 RXKendrick 16 Sacred Geometry 1 Satanic 156 Saudi Arabia 28 Scandal 44 Science 74 Secret Societies 84 Secret Space Program 52 SERCO 1 SES 1 Sexual Abuse 90 ShadowGate 3 ShadowSuper 54 Shootings 17 Shoshi Herscu 31 Sidney Powell 36 Sierra (NZ) 268 Social Media 92 Society 102 Sorcha Faal 81 South America 10 South Korea 9 Space 64 Speculation 2576 Spirituality 440 Spygate 48 Steve Beckow 10 Steve Pieczenik 6 Syria 27 Technology 208 Terrorism 53 The Office of POOFness 93 The Vatican 62 Thinker2 173 Thomas Anderson 26 Transhumanism 5 Treason 101 Trump 2259 Turkey 9 UFOs 100 UK 326 Ukraine 121 United Nations 47 US Democratic Party 195 US Government 2407 US Republican Party 23 USA 3959 Vaccinations 276 Venezuela 18 Whistleblower 132 White Hats 54 Wikileaks 8 William Mount 1 Wonder Woman 1 Xi Jinping 34 Yellow Vests 8 Zionist 106

5G,159,9/11,46,Abortion,11,Ancient Civilizations,29,Animal Rights,1,Anna Von Reitz,297,Anonymous,4,Antarctica,12,Artificial Intelligence,24,Ascension,36,Australia,58,Aviation,7,B. Patrick Thomas,8,BAR Mafia,1,Benghazi,11,Benjamin Fulford,179,Big Pharma,69,Big Tech,50,Bilderberg,63,Bill Clinton,6,Bill Gates,68,Biowarfare,25,BlackOps,1,Brent Johnson,7,Brexit,154,Cabal,333,Canada,50,Cancer,22,Cannabis,5,Censorship,110,Central Banks,296,Chemtrails,38,Child Sacrifice,2,China,489,CIA,307,Citizen Rights,360,Climate Change,30,Cloning,17,Cobra,58,Corey Goode,22,Corruption,2450,Dave Janda,9,David Lifschultz,39,David Wilcock,43,Decode,149,Deep State,1203,Disclosure,50,Disease,1096,Disinformation,28,DOJ,202,Drake Bailey,2,Drugs,17,Earth Alliance,1182,Economics,1503,Education,4,Edward Snowden,19,Elon Musk,5,Energy,28,Environment,80,EU,343,Eugenics,15,Exopolitics,185,Extraterrestrial,190,Fake News,49,False Flag,60,FBI,268,FDA,31,Federal Reserve,294,FEMA,2,Field McConnell,2,Food,8,Fraud,373,Galactic Federation,12,General Flynn,36,Genocide,15,Geoengineering,21,Geopolitics,2904,George Soros,98,GESARA,1364,Ghislaine Maxwell,40,GITMO,89,Global Elite,29,GMO,38,Grant Ouellette,47,Great Reset,3,Guest Writer,7,Gun Control,23,Hawaii,11,Health,1002,Hillary Clinton,320,History,285,Hollywood,64,Human Rights,46,Human Trafficking,245,Humanitarian,6,Illuminati,44,Immigration,32,Inner Earth,5,Intel,2443,Intelligence Community,48,Iran,98,IRS,15,Israel,114,James Gilliland,55,James O'Brien,21,Japan,39,Jeffrey Epstein,224,Jesuit,14,JFK,76,JFK Jr,83,Joe Biden,478,John Podesta,7,Jon Rappoport,191,Jordan Sather,134,Judy Byington,1105,Julian Assange,89,Kamala Harris,8,KejRaj,1,Kent Dunn,2,Khazarian,108,Law,361,Law Enforcement,71,Lebanon,6,Libya,2,Mainstream Media,612,Mark Baughman,4,Medicine,82,Melinda Siebold,9,Military,119,Military Industrial Complex,8,Mind,96,Mind Control,21,MKUltra,19,NASA,32,Native Americans,6,NATO,54,Natural Remedies,87,Neil Keenan,1,Neocon,10,NESARA,103,New World Order,179,New Zealand,30,Nikola Tesla,18,North Korea,44,NSA,86,Obama,293,Open Letter,27,Palestine,3,Para Kas-Vetter,39,Parasites,1,Parisse Deza,11,Patrick J. McShay,29,Paul Craig Roberts,1,Pedophilia,181,Philippines,12,Politics,471,Predictions,525,Privacy,5,Propaganda,36,Protests,131,Psychological,1,Putin,53,QAnon,1270,Racism,77,Reader Posts,1053,Religion,111,Restored Republic,1092,RFK Jr.,1,Rinus Verhagen,139,Robert David Steele,21,Robert Mueller,117,Rockefeller,52,Ron Paul,2,Rothschild,104,RT,31,Russia,137,RV/GCR,1521,RXKendrick,16,Sacred Geometry,1,Satanic,156,Saudi Arabia,28,Scandal,44,Science,74,Secret Societies,84,Secret Space Program,52,SERCO,1,SES,1,Sexual Abuse,90,ShadowGate,3,ShadowSuper,54,Shootings,17,Shoshi Herscu,31,Sidney Powell,36,Sierra (NZ),268,Social Media,92,Society,102,Sorcha Faal,81,South America,10,South Korea,9,Space,64,Speculation,2576,Spirituality,440,Spygate,48,Steve Beckow,10,Steve Pieczenik,6,Syria,27,Technology,208,Terrorism,53,The Office of POOFness,93,The Vatican,62,Thinker2,173,Thomas Anderson,26,Transhumanism,5,Treason,101,Trump,2259,Turkey,9,UFOs,100,UK,326,Ukraine,121,United Nations,47,US Democratic Party,195,US Government,2407,US Republican Party,23,USA,3959,Vaccinations,276,Venezuela,18,Whistleblower,132,White Hats,54,Wikileaks,8,William Mount,1,Wonder Woman,1,Xi Jinping,34,Yellow Vests,8,Zionist,106,
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