Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat Enclose 3 partial transcriptions from 3 Charlie Ward videos that were recorded in the last 2 days. The fi...

Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Kat
Enclose 3 partial transcriptions from 3 Charlie Ward videos that were recorded in the last 2 days.
The first is with Pimpey and Nicholas and among other things, they discuss the fact that the Chinese Elders are monetizing people with MASSIVE amounts of ZIM, Dong and Dinar.
There are two people who have hired Charlie to move gigantic amounts of currency to China safely (I’m assuming by private jet but I don’t know.)
I was so excited to hear that because my feeling about the RV / GCR has always been UNLIMITED.
I can’t remember which IDC reader first posted the number Googolplex but that is how I am thinking about the INFINITE ENDLESS amount of wealth there is on this planet at this very moment for each and every one of us.
We already know there are caves and caves and hundreds of miles of DUMBs and DUMBs crammed full of Gold and other precious metals and diamonds and valuables stolen from we the people. Incalculable amounts of wealth.
Gene Decode, 10-19-20: Did I mention they [the ca*bal] have meticulous records of every person, not just you, but your parents, your grandparents, your great grandparents… etc. etc. all the way back… for thousands of years… of how much they’ve looted from you and your family that you are owed… and not only that, it’s exactly to the penny… and that also goes to the cities, the states, the provinces, the countries… ALL of that is reappropriated… It is a world that there are very few people that I know who can visualize it completely… it’s going to be so different…”
The lifetimes of being browbeaten by the de*ep state into submission to the ungodly idea of “lack” are OVER. There is plenty for all X infinity, there is more than enough forever. There are Googolplexes of more than enough.
This is the definition of a Googolplex:

So when Charlie Ward reported that two different people had so much IQD, VND and ZIM they needed Charlie’s expertise to cart it all over the Chinese elders for monetizing I was thrilled to bits for them and for what it means for everyone.
The second video is with Kelli Rivers and they discuss the process of exchanging IQD and NDAs among other things.
The third video is with Spiritual Psychic, Utsava, and she shares some wonderful predictions and verifications of what has already taken place.
As usual, Charlie is full of marvelous information regarding the RV / GCR, as well as many other things. For the record, Charlie Ward is the only person I listen to and believe when it comes to information about the Global Currency Reset.
Charlie is directly connected to Trump Team. He knows more about the GCR than he’s letting on because he’s been under an NDA for 2 months, and he’s the only one who brought us information about the following:
(1.) That the lockdown was a smokescreen to bring in the GCR/RV.
(2.) That there was a Quantum Financial System and a Quantum Voting System
(3.) That they began beta testing the QFS on August 2nd ‘20.
(4.) That the RV / GCR are happening right now, which he knows for a fact.
I believe Charlie. He has made it his mission during this lockdown to be a truth-teller. He does not subscribe to conspiracy theories and will not commit to any idea unless he can prove it.
As of this writing, Charlie Ward’s website has 658,787 Followers and its only been up for 2 weeks. That speaks volumes about how highly the millions of people who have watched his videos think of him.
Highlights from these 3 videos include:
—Chinese Elders are monetizing ZIM, Dong and Dinar
—You must sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement BEFORE you exchange or learn the rates
—Your exchange money goes directly into your Quantum Financial Account. Everyone who has a bank account now has an account in the QFS.
—There is so much hard evidence about the Revaluation of Currencies and the GCR.
—The lockdown was a smokescreen to bring in the Global Currency Reset.
—We’re coming into a very very important part of the journey because things are going to happen in the next 2 weeks prior to the U.S. election that will blow everybody’s mind… there’s a lot of information coming out.
—What President Trump and the Alliance are doing is not easy, it’s one he*ll of a fight.
—JFK tried to do this and lost his life. GH*W*Bu*sh designed 9-11 to stop NESARA. POTUS is NOT going to make a mistake.
—10-20% are very much awake. 58% are still sleeping. The rest are clueless. We need to get that to 50% instead of 58% asleep that’ll be the tipping point of the landslide.
—People are cashing in their IQD now. It’s being done in Tiers.
—The people Charlie knows who have already cashed in are based in Hong Kong.
—Somebody sent Charlie a message on 10-23-20, that in the last 48 hours, 7.2 MILLION Social Media accounts were shut down worldwide… youtube, Patreon, Fa*cebook, Tw*itter…
—Ustava said that [B]iden is going to be exposed before November 3rd and that other criminals are going to be arrested and charged. (This vibes with what Gene Decode said about [H]il*lary, [B]i*den and [B]ren*nan being charged with [T]rea*son for mur*dering SEAL Team Six.)
—That [B]id*en is a clone, so is Queen E 2, Ma*don*na and so many others.
—They’re using a lot of CGI to give the impression that people are still living.
—A cancer cure is coming in January ‘21, it will be sold over the counter.
—New Dentistry in ‘21, can regrow teeth and heal cavities.
—Tesla Units will be in your house in ’21 – Free Energy.
—Global debt Jubilee for all bank debt in ‘21 - A clean sweep.
Exciting things are happening right now and there are countless marvels to look forward to.
Thank you Charlie Ward for your positivity, excellence and TRUTH. (Jesus sure does love you.)
With blessings of Peace, Health, Happiness, Abundance and Truth for all — We are Goddess, Sovereign, Free,
xo, Kat

Charlie Ward and Pimpy Discuss RV, QFS, GCR, Silver & Gold and More with Nicholas Veniamin 10-21-20
5:49 Pimpey: Hey Charlie, I wanted to pick your brain a little bit… are you hearing anything about the Dinar [IQD] if you don’t mind me asking?...
5:58 Charlie Ward: Well just before you came on… I was actually talking to somebody about the Dinar [IQD]… the ZIM… and the Dong [VND]…
6:09 Because there are 2 particular clients that have OBSCENE AMOUNTS and they’ve come to me to transport them to China where they’re being monetized with the Chinese Elders…
6:28 I’ve only just been approached recently to ask if I could assist them and I said, “Yeah, I could do that no problem at all…”
6:37 So I am aware that the Chinese Elders are monetizing… where and when and by how much I don’t know… because very simply, when they are monetized, BEFORE they are monetized, you have to sign an NDA [Non-Disclosure Agreement]…
7:00 So you cannot talk about what rate you got… that’s something you can only imagine… no one’s actually got a clue… and also, when it’s monetized, it goes straight onto your Quantum Account [in the Quantum computer / QFS]…
7:21 And everybody in the world apparently already has a Quantum account if they currently have any form of banking… so it’ll [the exchange money] automatically go onto the Quantum system…
7:32 The process of that… all I would be is like a taxi driver… I’ll take it there… a BIG taxi, but a taxi driver…
41:39 Charlie Ward cont.: There’s so much evidence out there about the Reset / the Revaluation of Currency… there’s hard evidence… and this is the biggest thing I’ve tried to stick to rather than being drawn in all the Conspiracy theories… is to stick to the hard evidence… and just do tons and tons of research…
42:02 It didn’t take long to find out the Central Banks were closed 5 or 6 weeks ago… it didn’t take much to find out, just talking to people who work in the bank, what’s going on behind the scenes… there’s tens of thousands of people who work in banks…
42:13 And it’s very interesting, you just make a little chat and a phone call to somebody who you know who works in the bank and ask them what’s happening behind the scenes?...
42:20 They’ll say, “I don’t know but SOMETHING’s going on!”… Now those are the things that are very very constructive without people knowing what’s going on…
42:30 You have to take all these little bits and do the research… to find out the truth… because no one’s going to come out and tell you…

Kelli Rivers from The Rivers Edge Talks to Charlie Ward, Part 4 10-22-20
2:14 Charlie Ward: Look, this journey has allowed me the privilege of talking to many Doctors, many Biologists, many Scientists and it’s a shame the Government and the Media don’t listen… having said that… this is all part of the smokescreen for the Global Financial Reset…
2:30 And that penny still hasn’t dropped with millions and billions of people… they’re all buying into how dangerous this Co*vid-1/9 is and it’s nothing more than the common cold… but they’ve created so much fear all around the world everyone believes the complete and utter bollocks being pumped out by the Mainstream Media… but I’ve had to accept that it’s the smokescreen for the Global Financial Reset…
2:45 And I’ve found it very difficult to get people to actually comprehend that… they sort of half believe it…
3:34 They’ve sold the world a complete and utter lie [Co/vid]… to close down the world’s economy… now I know that because I’m working behind the scenes on the new Financial System… and the way that it works… so I know what’s going on…
8:43 Charlie cont.: We’re coming now to a very very important part of the journey… because things are going to happen over the next 2 weeks, prior to the U.S. election… that will blow everybody’s mind… there’s a lot of information coming out…
9:23 I myself have started today publishing a 1500 page dossier from the South African Government that was put in front of a court… which shows the money that was stolen… TRILLIONS of dollars… by the [O]ba*mas, the [B]i*dens, the [C]lin*tons etc…. and the British Ro*yal Fa*mily and they’ve got hard evidence there… I’m publishing that on my own website… the whistleblower has asked us to remove all his info… (hello)… that in itself is HUGE news…
9:45 And today Gh*islaine Max*well’s papers have come out… it’s thousands of pages… I’ve only gone through 150 pages of my South African document and it’s UNBELIEVABLE…
10:34 We’re moving out of darkness into light…
12:10 People said to me the other day, “Well, Donald Trump closed the world’s economy down” and I said, “No!” This is typical left-wing mentality… No… the de*ep state shut down the world’s economy… THEY collapsed the world’s economy…
12:49 But what has happened is Donald Trump has taken the management over to bring us out of it but into a better world… instead of hijacking it to take us into a worse world… but [the shutdown] was actually done by the de*ep state and the ca*bal…
13:29 And it’s not an easy thing to do… it’s one he*ll of a fight!… one he*ll of a fight!... and Trump’s doing an AMAZING job… but to get rid of the ca*bal and the de*ep state is a BIGGER JOB than the Second World War… and that took 5.5 years… this has taken 6-8 months…
13:53 It’s all about moving from one place to another and he’s taken advantage of an ev*il plan… and these people who think it can be done very very quickly and easily haven’t got a clue how dirty that swamp was… this is our LAST CHANCE to get things right… JFK tried it and lost his life… it was tried again on 9-11 and hijacked with B*ush…
So Donald Trump is not going to make a mistake…
People say, “Oh, he’s going to put us all back to work”… they haven’t got a CLUE as to what’s actually going on in the world… they’re completely blind to what’s actually going on behind the scenes and how much sh*t there is in the swamp that needs to be got rid of…
15:02 Kelli Rivers: What percentage of people actually know that it’s Spiritual… from Dark to Light… people get so sucked into Democrat / Republican…
15:28 Charlie Ward: I think there are between 10% - 20% of people in the world who are very much awake… I don’t know what percentage exactly… 58% are fast asleep… and I think those in the middle just don’t know what the he*ll’s going on… they know something’s wrong but they don’t know exactly what it is… when we get to the 50% instead of the 58% asleep, that’ll be the tipping point of the landslide… and it’s going to happen in a couple of weeks…
16:00 Kelli Rivers: It does shock me that people would vote for B*i*den… even after all this [H]un*ter stuff came out… people think it’s a smear campaign… I just don’t get it…
16:24 Charlie Ward: It’s comes down to programming… they’re watching Mainstream Media… and the Mainstream Media have an agenda… they’re completely controlled and funded by Big Pharma and the de*ep state… I see snippets of it on youtube and it’s UNBELIEVABLE… you couldn’t make it up…
18:23 For me to get where I am now has taken me over 3,000 hours of research… that’s a lot of research…
20:00 Look, I’m 60 years old and I know a lot of people… some are friends that are worth keeping, some are not… some have information that is valuable and other are full of sh*t… and that comes down to sorting who’s who… I’m 60 years old and have met so many people and have done so many things… I have 4,000 numbers in my phone… I don’t know everything, by any sense of the imagination… but one thing I do know, I know somebody who does…
20:22 If you ask me to find out something I can find your answer in 24 hours from virtually everywhere in the world…
Charlie Ward: I’d rather have people with a load of Common Sense than a load of degrees… especially when you consider that degrees now have taught you a load of lies… especially if you’re a doctor…
23:00 Kelli Rivers: Do you think there’s a possibility that [J]oe would drop out of the race?
23:40 Charlie Ward: Either that or if somebody nicks his batteries!… look, I said this 4 months ago… when I asked my people behind the walls of power… when I asked the question whether Trump was going to win it or if [B]i*den was going to win it… I was very simply told that this is going to be an election like you’ve never seen before…
I’m no wiser than anybody else out there… but you need to read into what the truth of that means… with what’s happening right now… me personally, I don’t see how [B]id*en can actually do anything against Trump…
I’ve been told this is all being played out… it’s all pantomime… I just don’t know… I'm very very confident that Trump has won this… very confident…
27:22 Kelli Rivers: I want to ask about the Iraqi Dinar [IQD]… when we talked about it in early September you said it [the RV] had already started and there would be tiers of people that would cash in…
27:30 Charlie Ward: There’s people already cashing in now… it’s being done in Tiers… and Lee Hemmington who handles my Social Media keeps an eye on where we are at… I got a very complex Email this morning about it telling me what was happening… I know people who have already cashed in…
28:00 Anybody that knows anything about the exchange knows that before they give you a rate you have to sign a an NDA… Non-Disclosure Agreement… so if you find out what the rate is the chances are that person will lose their money…
28:30 There’s a process… you have to apply… they’ll send you an Email… you take your Dinar, Dong or ZIM to a Redemption Center… at a specified time and they tell you what it’s worth… but before they tell you what it’s worth you sign an NDA… and cannot disclose to ANYBODY what you’ve been given…
22:45 Kelli Rivers: When will it be available for everyday people to go and cash in?
28:58 Charlie Ward: That I don’t know but it’s already started… it’s a question of when…
The people I know that have already done it are based in Hong Kong… and I’ve also been contacted to take over a serious amount from Mexico to go to China to be redeemed… from Spain to go to China to be redeemed… they’ve got HUGE VOLUMES…
So that’s different to the person like myself that has small quantities… these are people who have HUGE amounts…
29:45 Kelli Rivers: You wouldn’t just go to a regular bank?
30:00 Charlie Ward: It’s a Redemption Center as I understand it… I’m trying to find out… or Lee is…
51:27 Charlie cont.: My fa*cebo*k was taken down… and I hadn’t been on it for 2 months… and when I contacted them they said I couldn’t appeal until AFTER THE ELECTION!!... it makes absolutely perfect sense…
54:23 Remember… Donald Trump is going to take down the Mainstream Media…

Charlie Ward talks to Utsava Spiritual Psychic Medium 10-23-20
2:17 Utsava: I just found out they just shut me down on Patreon… they shut all the Patreons who talked about Q-Anon… just now… so we didn’t have a chance to save anything…
2:49 Charlie Ward: Somebody sent me a message today to say they’ve shut down, in the last 48 hours, 7.2 MILLION ACCOUNTS… worldwide… Social Media accounts whether they’re youtube, Patreon, Fa*cebook…
3:10 I made a conscious effort to put all my own videos on my own platform… cuz I could sense something was coming… when I was on youtube, my #1 channel, I had 176k subscribers… on my second channel I had 50k-60k… and the third one I had 40k…
3:34 Now we’ve got my own channel……
We’ve just passed 658k subscribers… and it’s only been going for 2 weeks… I’ve got my own platform… I’ll put you in contact with Lee and Jimmy who do all my stuff…
4:12 We’ve started another platform called “The GESARA Club:”
And we’ve got all the people who are telling the truth and who are constructive… I’d love to have you on there… we’re all of the same mindset… we’re all people who are trying to find out the truth… Sacha Stone, Michael Tellinger… I can’t even remember all the names… Prime Minister… I liked him, I thought he had a very positive energy…
It just froze again… we had this same problem last time… what have you gathered since the last time I spoke to you?
6:22 Utsava: Our last interview… I got attacked by Goo*gle… your computer deleted it…
7:05 I got some really exciting information I put out a couple of days ago about JFK Jr. and Ju*lian As*sange… I got the information that Juli*an Assa*nge and JFK, Jr. will be working at the White House after November 3rd, after the election… Julian Ass*ange will be the Press Secretary and JFK, Jr. will be the Vice-President…
8:02 Maybe it won’t happen exactly like that… but you will know by January of next year that this prediction will come true at the latest… in November we’ll hear something in that regard…
8:37 Emergency Broadcast Announcement on November 3rd… Trump has been working with both of them for the past 4 years… secretly…
9:08 Regarding the Russian hoax story… Julian Assan* ge has been a free man since 2017… the [J]oe & [H]unter Bi*den story was introduced by Julian As*sange… all these Emails were actually from Julian…
10:27 [H]il*lary [C]lin*ton actually tried to poison Julian A. at the embassy… but they’ll both be working at the White House in November… [Julian and JFK, Jr.]
10:41 Charlie Ward: Amazing… I want to ask you a question… something came to me today… it’s just a Charlie thought… but somebody like you might be able to throw some light on it… I did my research into Q and I traced it back to John F. Kennedy 1962… when he created Q… so we know that JFK created Q…
11:10 This is just a Charlie thought… I wonder if Donald Trump created “Anon”… to make it Q-Anon…
11:26 Utsava: Whenever Q’s posting it’s JFK, Jr…. and when it says Q+ that’s Donald Trump… Q-Anon is just others working with Q and Trump… whenever it’s posted as “Q-Anon”… Trump is Q+… I think other people post as Q as well… but mostly JFK., Jr is Q…
12:38 People asked me years ago who is Q? And I said they’re friends of Trump… the Marines… the Military that joining together 20 years ago to make this Plan with JFK, Jr.…
13:07 What’s going to happen after the election... and I expect, honestly, there will be some sort of announcement about JFK, Jr…. I also saw something but didn’t get it confirmed yet…
13:33 That there are people who died who DIDN’T die like Elvis… I got that 100% sure… Michael Jackson, Princess Diana… they could be, there’s a 95% chance that it’s announced in November that they are alive…
13:54 They have to play this according to current events… depending on the chaos coming out around the election… a bit of chaos is coming up…
14:49 Then October 25th some sort of DECLAS… November 9 and 10 some sort of shock…
15:15 Charlie Ward: Someone said to me the other day about the election whether [J]oe [B]i*den would step down at the last minute… and the election being put off until the 8th of November… because this was working out on numerology… do you see anything in this? Will [B]iden step down before the election…
15:45 I was told, just so you know, 4 months ago… I asked the question of my contact in the White House with whom I work alongside, whether Trump would be up against [B]i*den and whether Trump would win it?
16:0 And he just looked at me and said, “Charlie election is going to be like nothing you’ve ever seen before.” He never told me anymore… “He just said it’ll be nothing like you imagine it’ll ever be…”
16:53 Utsava: I’ve been saying for the last 6 months that Trump is not running against nothing, nobody… there’s nothing going on in the election… I keep getting… nobody… he’s going to be exposed before November 3 and the other criminals are going to be arrested and charged… you can’t even vote for a criminal… this month we got it confirmed that he’s running against nobody… this is not even a real election…
17:50 I said it’s going to be J*oe B*iden the clone because he was ex_ecuted last year… and Trump said many times recently “Jo*e is sho*t… Jo*e is gone”
Kat note: 9-12-20 @POTUS' Reno Rally, President Trump said, "Sleepy J*oe [B]iden surrendered... Jo*e is shot. Let's face it. He is shot."
9-19-20 @POTUS' Fayetteville, North Carolina rally, President Trump said, "Jo*e is dead."
"The Biden's Law and Order!" by Kat - 9.24.20
18:18 Utsava cont.: Now the clone is in the basement again, hiding… they’re really desperate right now… shutting down all these accounts… trying to win this election that they cannot win…
18:37 And what’s also so funny with this shutting down of these Social Media accounts… also they’re talking about purging Twitter in a week… youtube will be non-existent anymore and Social Media because of the censorship… there are going to be so many law suits that they’ll be non-existent anymore…
19:44 Charlie Ward: I can see that happening right now because I had a conversation with them about their closing my account… all the videos they had trouble with was with doctors with information that was backed by the CDC and WHO websites…
But I spoke with one of Trump’s Team and they said… because of the fact that they’re now publishers… you’re absolutely right… they’ll be sued… they’ll be sued for an absolute fortune… because they come under a completely different set of laws… they’ve become political… if you mention Q you’re off, if you talk about Trump, you’re off…
21:04 Utsava: Exactly… every year they shut me down…
21:59 Charlie Ward: I’ve had a problem this week loading up on BitChute… we’re in contact with them on a daily basis… there’s something going on with BitChute where the de*ep state is trying to block videos… they’re desperate to stop the TRUTH from coming out… we use BitChute and my channel to get the TRUTH out…
(Technical discussion on how to upload videos on Bitchute and youtube)
25:26 Utsava: I’ve been making all kinds of predictions with Bitcoin… it’s going to break out… it hasn’t broken out… we’ll still have real money... we’ll have gold-backed currency next year… it’ll be gold-backed dollars… not just Blockchain technology in the Quantum Financial System but we still have real money…
26:26 Charlie Ward: I know that for a fact, you’re spot on right about that…
26:48 Utsava: And then I got in January last year I said there is a Cancer Cure coming out and it’s going to be sold over the counter in a pill form… you’re going to see signs of that this January 2021… that’s the Hydroxychloroquine… not just a cure for the coronavirus, rheumatism, cancer… it’s amazing… a miracle cure… it’s going to be sold in a kit…
You will be able to get it in a kit…
27:57 By June next year you’ll see it over the counter worldwide and you can buy it without a doctor’s prescription…
28:19 Charlie Ward: That fits very much with an interview I had 2 nights ago with a Dr. Robert Young… who’s been telling the government this for YEARS… and they’ve chosen to ignore him… polio, cancer, covid… can all be cured very easily… but Big Pharma has put a block on everything… Trump knows far more than he’s letting on about that right now…
28:53 You’re spot on right… you’ve just named it… Hydroxychloroquine… Bicarbonate of Soda… Lemon juice… water.. putting your body into an Alkaline State… this whole cancer has been created by the Big Pharma companies… so you’re ban on right and Trump’s putting a stop to it…
29:17 Utsava: I’ve been saying this also in my personal sessions… body alkaline… drink a lot of lemon juice… Spring water… cancer cannot survive in an alkaline environment…
29:27 Charlie Ward: Impossible!... My favorite piece of information on that journey was the fact that if you put a lemon into the freezer at night… and you grate the rind off of it and you put it into a salad… it’s 400 times more powerful than chemotherapy for curing cancer…
So the peel… if it’s frozen it has an instant effect apparently… place it in the freezer and zero side effects…
30:40 Utsava: If you’re in America, you can search “Frontline Doctors” website and you can get a consultation for $90.00 and they’ll ship Hydroxychloroquine to you in 2 days… if you’re in America…
31:17 I also got information that was also confirmed… the curriculum in school is going to change…
31:47 Charlie Ward: If I understand that part of it correctly he’ll have the Quantum Education System… the Quantum Financial System… and the Quantum Voting System… if you look at the website Quantum . gov which he launched 10 days ago… it’s all coded, you’ll understand it… it’s all there in plain sight…
"New quantum(dot)gov Website" by Kat - 10.8.20
32:11 Utsava: Awesome… We’ll have NEW DENTISTRY NEXT YEAR… it will be coming out next year ways to regrow a tooth… and how to heal cavities… like in Japan they’re already doing it…
32:48 Hydroxychloroquine in pharmacies in June ‘21… this movement is worldwide… America has to succeed first and then it spreads worldwide…
33:13 A lot of these fake news channels are going to get dismantled… and NBC News is going to go first next year and then you’re going to see ABC and CNN following… and then the other day we got a little confirmation because NBC News was caught in a Tr*eas*onous Act… they published false information… they’re doing it all across the board and NBC News was caught trying to discredit people with “anonymous” sources…
34:27 YouTube dismantled… then you’re going to see Tesla Units in your house… seeing that slowly next year… you should be able to purchase them next year… so units in your house where you get your energy source from…
34:50 And then there will be a Debt Jubilee next year… I see a clean sweep… car loans, house loans, there’s a process.. a form of debt forgiveness next year…
35:33 Charlie Ward: It’s already happening now… student loans, mortgages credit card loans… we’re already seeing them cleared already by tens of thousands… mortgages just disappearing completely and nobody can explain where they’ve gone…
I must have 20 or 30 people who’ve contacted me to say they went to pay their mortgage and the bank said, you don’t have a mortgage anymore… (!!) it’s completely disappeared and nobody can explain where it’s gone… in the U.S., the U.K., Europe… there’s no rhyme or reasons why…
36:05 The other big one we noticed the other day in the U.K. there was a loan company that went into receivership and the receivers decided not to chase any of the loans… so every single loan that company had was forgiven… it’s happening…
36:59 Utsava: Also checks in the mail… people getting $10k and $50k in America next year… and another big check before the end of the year in America too…
37:17 I see the Stock Market going up a lot next year… you should be seeing those people who allegedly died who didn’t… Elvis, Michael, Diana… you should be seeing them as early as November…
37:54 Charlie Ward: Amazing… a lot of information but a lot of it for me was very accurate because I know things that are going on behind the scenes… where I stand and where I’m working… when I hear it from you… it puts pieces in the puzzle… and you see a picture…
38:36 Utsava: Last year I said [H]il*lary [C]lin*ton will be ex_ecuted on February 28th but there was nothing in the news and then Trump tweeted on March 1st “Good-bye [H]illary…” People said, oh but she’s alive… but then people don’t see that it’s a double… it’s on a video…
39:12 Charlie Ward: They’re also using CGI for different things as well… which is Computer Generated Images… they’re using those quite a bit right now… I'm a 60 year old guy that’s not very tech savvy… but I can make it look… I had one of my interviewees say “I need to go to the toilet”… he just left in the middle of the interview… but afterwards I cut it together so you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference… so if I can do that… these people do it for a living…
39:55 Utsava: Exactly… for instance Mad*onna… she was ex_ecuted this year… the person out there is definitely an actress… they have video editing programs that make it look similar but everyone can see it’s not her…
40:09 Charlie Ward: There’s certain ones you look at and you go… yeah, they are considerably different… what yo have to do is put all the pieces of the puzzle together… the classic case right now is the Queen…
The Queen of England… if you put all the evidence together… first of all, the Queen never wears the same outfit twice… yet for the last 3 pictures she was wearing the same outfit… that should raise questions but it didn’t… she’s moved out of Buckingham P… she looks 10 years younger than she did… the other day they put out another picture “No, she’s fine” but the clever boys found out that picture was taken years ago… the minute you realize they’re publishing a picture from years ago you know they’re in on the story…
41:10 Utsava: Exactly… that was another prediction I made last year… in April or so, I said the Queen is under House Arrest… and she’s going to be ex*ecuted and face judgement… and Pr*ince An*drew too… when Ep*stein was arrested… then with the coron*avirus she was re-arrested and ex-ecuted in May/June… and the Pope too…
41:46 Charlie Ward: With the Pope I haven’t heard… right back in March I knew he was arrested… because one of the guys I work with was guarding him in his Summer House… but I don’t know after that… He was tagged… he was taken from the Vatican to his Summer House but away from the Vatican… whilst they emptied that…
42:40 Utsava: I saw the Queen ex*ecuted this year… and the Pope as well…
43:51 Charlie Ward: What I love about this journey is talking to people like you on the Spiritual side… all of this information brings clarity… that you get from different places…
End partial transcriptions by Kat

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