Windfall Profits for BLM Come at a Historic Expense for the US || RXKendrick

Windfall Profits for BLM Come at a Historic Expense for the US || RXKendrick

Operation Disclosure | By RXKendrick, Contributing Writer September 29, 2020 Windfall Profits for BLM Come at Historic Expense for US Arti...

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Operation Disclosure | By RXKendrick, Contributing Writer

September 29, 2020

Windfall Profits for BLM Come at Historic Expense for US

Article Image: Black-owned business looted and burned by BLM

Weren’t expecting to see this unfold, were we? All the BLM-Antifa thundering and plundering, destruction and violation in 2020. In the name of what? Love?

Where is the love? Where is the common sense?

There’s no L-O-V-E in this highly promoted, widely publicized and vastly funded violent charade parade of social disorder. A repeatedly reframed and restaged multi-event production for sure!

All good black people are way better than any of these BLM anarchists. The BLM-Antifa thugs are like the blind in the song Amazing Grace. Only they have chosen devilry instead and they’re okay with being blind servants of evil. The BLM-Antifa goons are nothing like the true good-people black men and women and children I know and love.

In sports, in music, in everyday life I’ve enjoyed great relationships with many people of color. I have a black daughter in the Caribbean, and many other black-friends and family in my life. People BLM-Antifa could NEVER represent with their vile public civility-incompetence.

BLM-Antifa are just an “extreme anti-thesis liberal agenda” disguised as legitimate bad-guys with a real cause. They are the face of “for-profit” money-making and profiteering organized top-level leadership behind the scenes. Causing unbelievable millions in damages and seriously harming and/or destroying innocent family lives and businesses. While they don’t lose money, they make money.

They’re getting donations hand-over-fist for all the havoc they cause breaking laws and being lawless and causeless. What is their real cause anyway? Being shameless reckless dangerous idiots? Who commit cold-blooded murders and kill innocent people for nothing more than wearing a MAGA hat or shirt… And that’s called a cause?

Who are the names of the far left powers behind it all that we never see? The ones directing where the millions of dollars go. It has even been questioned in the mainstream media now. “How much of these millions upon millions of dollars are going to Democrat Party members who’ve supported and defended BLM actions? Even calling violent riots peaceful protests.”

Any group seizing the day of a dynamic crisis like contrived-or-real police and racial conflict to fund widespread riots across our country, with pallets of bricks delivered before strategic preplanned riot-events happen city to city, and bussing rioters paid to arrive from elsewhere. All the while cashing in on their destruction of other peoples’ lives and livelihoods.

Any opportunistic force running a multi-platform scheme like this is a full-bore traitorous entity run by traitors who are acting directly against the people of the Republic of the United States of America. Round up some ropes vigilantes. Arrest some, tie some up, give the others as much rope as they need to... h-a-n-g around for their conviction and sentencing.

These undignified demonized maniacs – who live to violate others – do not comprise a legitimate cause or purpose worthy of receiving financial support or other backing. They should be classified as the terrorist threat and real danger to themselves and others that they really are.

They have chosen the transformational experience of inviting demonic empowerment into things by releasing “hate and lawless force” upon other people and their families, and property. Gratifying the anarchist heart and mind, with souls they sold by yielding their bodies to dark spirit powers that foment this kind of evil all over the world. Top music, film and entertainment stars have long professed this is very real and true. People who boldly say they did it knowingly and willfully to gain the powers by allowing the spirit entities to physically inhabit them.

I read one source explain the pact these people make is all the same deal with the devil. Where their personal dark-spirit entity agrees to serve them all of their natural lives until they die. Giving them supernatural “success” of all different kinds. Powers to the magicians of today, glory to the stars, wealth of untold riches to the greedy, and on it goes.

So many from different spectrums of faith and belief, talent and entertainment all agree on this as a true reality, it is hard to not believe them. Those who oppose these demon-human hybrids are represented in the art and tales of history as people of the light who are connected to an opposite polarity of light and good through the godhead of Truth, Love & Peace.

Prophets have described it and the consequences it brings:

“The Lord has a case against the people of the land. There is no truth or love in mind or heart. There is no knowledge of God in the land. Only lying, stealing, violation and deception are rampant. Bloodshed and more bloodshed follows cursing and more violations. Therefore, the land mourns and everyone in it wastes away.

Surely a people with no understanding will bring ruin upon themselves and their own world.”

Hosea 4:1-3,14

I think we will see more good people not tolerating BLM antagonistic threatening antics anymore. Like this guy acted to keep the peace without the police.

The link listed below these BLM highlights has plenty more factoids in the full expose from the online “JoshWho News.”

BLM Funding:

As the Washington Times noted in 2016, Black Lives Matter (BLM) presents itself as a plucky street-level movement with shoestring resources, but in truth it receives millions of dollars from corporate and political sponsors. The movement’s funding gives a hint of how far its political agenda stretches beyond criticizing the excessive use of force by police officers.

Fortune also looked at BLM funding in 2016 and noticed its agenda… could “confirm the worst fears” of skeptics who saw BLM becoming another part of the vast and protean left-wing money machine.

The machinery of BLM funding has only grown more complex since 2016, exacerbating a problem skeptics have warned about from the start: It is very difficult to know what each dollar donated to the movement will actually be used for.

BLM’s major financial supporters include:
  • George Soros’ Open Society Foundation – $33 million
  • Democracy Alliance – Soros-linked group, added BLM to its $500 million donor list
  • Ford Foundation and Borealis Philanthropy – Left-wing groups a $100 million donor fund
  • Airbnb – $500,000 to BLM and the NAACP
  • Cisco, electronics giant – $5 million to groups including BLM and its own Fighting Racism and Discrimination fund
  • Pokemon Company – owners of the popular card game and its characters, $100,000
  • Bad Robot Productions – studio involved in Star Trek, Star Wars, and Mission Impossible, $10 million pledged to “anti-racist” groups. BLM among the first recipients
  • Anastasia Beverly Hills fashions – $1 million pledged
  • BTS, a Korean pop group – $1 million, matching donations from fans
  • DECIEM cosmetics – $100,000 to NAACP and BLM
  • Door Dash – food delivery company, $500,000
  • Glossier cosmetics – $500,000
  • Scopely – phone game developer, $1 million to BLM, NAACP, and Equal Justice Initiative
  • Spanx – undergarment manufacturer, $100,000 to groups including BLM
  • Square Enix computer games – $250,000 to BLM, also matching employee donations
  • Ubisoft computer games – $100,000 to NAACP and BLM
As several of the above sources pointed out, it’s not always easy to tell when donations are going to BLM itself or… its partners? (like DNC and Democrat party partners?)

NBC News’ article about “corporate donations for BLM” only mentioned a few direct donations to the Black Lives Matter organization; the rest went to groups like the NAACP, ACLU, Southern Poverty Law Center… (and their DNC / Democrat party partners?)

In the course of a very approving June 6 piece about the growth of bail funds, The Atlantic let slip a little hint about the difficulty of tracing these tens of millions of dollars in donations. (How much of this money is going to DNC and Democrat socialist sponsors?)

The value of nearly-ubiquitous corporate promotion of the Black Lives Matter name over the past week is incalculable – there is nothing that kind of full-spectrum, all but inescapable advertising across television, print media, and the Internet could be compared to.”

The Full BLM Agenda:

From the earliest days of the BLM movement, as the 2016 pieces cited above indicate, critics have noticed it has a very wide-ranging agenda that reaches far beyond police issues – and, sometimes, working against black lives.

At the time of this writing, the top agenda item on the BLM web page is “Defund the Police” – a position only a very small minority of Americans supports, including a very small share of black Americans.

Black Lives Matter has a lengthy “What We Believe” statement on its website… down the page, the official BLM agenda wanders into support for transgenderism, a vow to dismantle heterosexual privilege, and some very heavy-duty plans for destroying and rebuilding American society:

“We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure… We foster a queer‐affirming network. When we gather, we do so with the intention of freeing ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking, or rather, the belief that all in the world are heterosexual.

In Boston, Massachusetts, a BLM chapter is asking that $15 million in American taxpayer money be spent on providing summer jobs to — not Black Americans — but illegal aliens. Study after study has revealed that every ten percent increase in the immigrant share of an occupation reduces the income of black American men by roughly five percent.

By doing business with companies that support BLM, you might be inadvertently funding its destructive and coercive left-wing policy agenda. (like the DNC/Democrat socialist agenda?)

Sources include the above-mentioned Washington Times and Fortune pieces, Politico, Rolling Stone, Forbes, NBC News, The Wrap, and Elle, which has a long list of fashion and cosmetics firms making donations to BLM.


The BLM has caused too much damage to people and property. The US Government must reclassify the threat BLM is and “take them down” lest they continue raging and pillaging across the lives of better American citizens until our liberties are overthrown. Looking back from too late won’t do any good. May the good citizens start rising up in positive social order to deal with this madness. Pray and intercede for us all, good souls out there! Speak up and do something, anything you can to oppose these dark forces of evil in our times.

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Operation Disclosure: Windfall Profits for BLM Come at a Historic Expense for the US || RXKendrick
Windfall Profits for BLM Come at a Historic Expense for the US || RXKendrick
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